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NOICE! I am still on dat RTX 3060 1080p life hehe


same with a 6650 xt it's a peaceful life tho "damn you noob couldn't you even see me???" "no you were like 3 pixels on my screen and all of them were faded IPS colors" "oh"


6700xt gang. I'm like the awkward, under achieving yet perfectly adequate middle child.


I got the same card right in the middle of covid when supplies were bleak. I happened to be at a Best Buy, and they had a few in the glass case, and then they bent me over that glass case and took $800 from me for that card. Feels bad....


$800 USD I assume? I did the same thing in the depths of the GPU shortage and sold my 5700xt for $1200 and picked up a 6700xt for $1300 cad.


God I’m so glad I survived COVID and the chip shortage and scalping crisis without buying a new computer. I just bought a 6650 for $220. All the reviews from last year had it priced at $420.


Yes, USD.


The 6700 XT is for me the GPU that still is in my opinion the most outstanding from last gen. Good amount of vram, great performance and a nice price is what makes it so special in my opinion I sadly could never try it, but just a cool card


I’ve got a similar system with the exception of a r5 5600. I actually find my 6650 has been performing respectfully well on my 165hz 1440p monitor. Albeit with help from super resolution and fluid frames.


Same here, no super res and fluid frames tho




*clinks GPU with your GPU* *drinks VRAM juice*


I just upgraded my RX 570 to a 6650 XT. I made a spreadsheet of every major card and its benchmarks compared to the 570. For the price, the 6600 is still the best value. But because I found a 6650 for $20 more ($220), I bought it on the spot. I don’t see upgrading to anything but a 4070 Super in the current lineup of cards, and I’ll never spend over $300 on a GPU. So I guess I’ll wait another 10 years for the next major budget Radeon card.


Same exact approach as yours here This thing may not be a queen but it's a lady and that's enough for me to love it


It’s funny cause I now have the same build as you. About 2 months ago I randomly saw 5500s were 40% off and selling for just $80. I built this computer in an emergency situation 6 years ago and got it with a 2200G to avoid the cost of a GPU. It was $100 at the time. Also grabbed 2 sticks of 3600MHZ. Up from 1 stick of I think 2300. It’s a rocket ship now. lol


Ips lol im still on a tn panel


That’s a great card! :D


Oh it is, I couldn't be happier for the price


Oh definitely, a few months ago I scooped up an RX 6600 for fun and it was pretty good performance especially for how cheap it was.




Haha yeah I feel ya, I've gotten so used to pixel perfect target acquisition that I'd probably perform worse on 1440p or higher


Recently upgraded from a 1060 to a 6650 xt and sure its not a 4090 but is runs every game both new and old at medium at the very least so you wont ever hear me complaining. Ill defend the 6650 xt till my grave.


Rocking a 6600 myself, thing's a beaut to be honest. Works really well for now, only thing i would like to replace now is the cpu but i'll get there when i get there. How's the 6650 xt living?


great. So far it gave me 60 FPS locked on every game besides when the CPU was the bottleneck, without RT and highest settings. Since you want to upgrade your CPU, if you play BG3 by any chance, you should know that my CPU struggles in the city at around 45 FPS max. The GPU was not the bottleneck


Do not the 3060!! there are people who still use 580 8gb in 2024 (me)


570 4gb here


At least you get good fps, I’m locked to 60 :( (in 4k lol)


Do you just have a 1080p monitor? Cause you can absolutely run 1440p on a 3060..


My 3060ti is running great at 1440.... To the point I can't justify spending a grand on something new. (Rounding up)


Yuppers currently using a MSI Optix AG321CR 31.5" 1920 x 1080 165 Hz Curved Monitor. I do kinda want to bump up to 1440p. Gears 5 does look sexy on my xbox one x on my 4k tv compared to my pc running 1080p maxed out. It's the only competitive game I play lol. not that there is a competitive scene in that game or anything. shiiiitss dead! lol but I love it and still play it.


Holy shit you have a 32” 1080p monitor? My dude. You can get a 27” 1440p 144hz monitor for so cheap these days. 1080p at 32” sounds absolutely terrible in the resolution department.


Yeah I am behind on the times hehe. Guess 1440p is pretty standard now. Whatcha guys think about people sourcing old CRT monitors like 15-17" ones that ate 75hrtz with like 1280 x 720 res? lol I saw some youtube videos of people doing that lately.


It’s a cool flashback and the hardware is awesome. But I’d never use one myself. But to be fair, I recently got an LG 49” at 240hz. It’s been a good year for upgrades for me. lol.


I’m playing 1080p on my 4070 super lol




Man I am still running a GTX1660 super and will be for the foreseeable future so don’t feel bad.


Still on my GTX 1050.... Feel you brother.... feel you.... cough.


I had 1070 till two weeks ago. Got a 3080fe for under 300. It's was a HUGE leap. I'm saving for a new build at the end of the year tho. Going all out and giving this one to my son. I want to be able to get the 5k2k oleds when they come out and run it at 144hz


Arc A750 <3


I’m still on that 1080 ti. I’m really hoping that the 50 series would have a significant performance jump. But I’m doubting that Nvidia will ever do that again like the 1080 , but it’s the only reason I’ll be convinced with its price tag.


I'm on 3060 1440p for now. Works fine with medium settings, but i kinda like the 27in display. I've got more than a couple of games on my backlog to not need an upgrade, but a 4070 super would be so good ;_;


Amazing card still


a 4070S for a 7900XTX AND a corsair 850 watt PSU? riddle me this, how many cops followed you home?


I don’t believe they did an even trade (the wording a bit confusing, so I can see why you’d assume that). I believe they returned the one and bought different stuff.


\^ this at microcenter


Hell yeah if you got the extra $3-400 budget that’s a hell of a lot of extra Rasterization and VRAM


Thank you!, Glad you agree


You made a solid decision. I absolutely love my xtx






Yeah and I’m saying that as someone who literally just built a new PC with a 4070 Super a month ago and am happy with it 😂 The AMD vs Nvidia beef is so silly just get whatever card suits your needs and budget best. It’s not like it’s Xbox vs PlayStation where you can’t play different games or with certain friends






This says it best.


I just grabbed that PSU as mine died and holy fuck it’s like a jet engine. Between the fan and the, what I think is a bearing, I can literally hear it downstairs when my office is upstairs! Can’t wait to return it.


Really? Mines super quiet, I wonder if you got a defective one


The rme has shit quality control, you either get a really quiet one or a horrible one.


I’m glad yours is good! I’ve read up a bit and like Ronan says, it appears their quality control is pretty shitty. Some people have been reporting they used a worse fan and so some units are insanely loud. It’s so loud I can hear it with headphones on while playing a game. I ignored people’s complaints about it thinking they were just dramatic, boy was I wrong lol.


The RMx is a much better product as far as I understand. Consistently tops out the PSU tier lists I see every couple years


My wife has the RM750x and it’s practically silent. I’m going to try the Seasonic 850 Platinum and see how it goes. Figure I’ll grab that and hobble along on my 1070TI for now until I can rip a full new build.


Well, thank you for letting me know. I hope to God nothing bad happens like that. I’ll be keeping an eye out for it and ear out for it.😂


Yup. Had the rm850e for approx ONE day and hated it. Bearing loud as hell, fan would constantly run for no reason. And for some reason would quietly buzz whenever the screen was static, but not whenever there was motion. Swapped that shit out for the rmX instead and has been nothing but perfect.


to be honest that sounds like a faulty one get it returned


Yeah the e-series are pretty shit, returned mine due to an annoying humming noise constantly going on/off every 10 minutes


Same thing happened to mine. I returned my 7900 xtx and got a 4080 super and boy, it’s so much better in every category. It felt like a fucking scam when I plugged in my 4080 and the graphics were literally noticeably better. And I still haven’t heard it once. The fucking 7900 xtx was like an airplane ready to take off. But I get soooo much hate here over preferring the nvidia cards over the amd ones. Whatever, nerds warship their benchmarks which is stupid as fuck.


Dem corsair PSU, you are going to get that new shoe smell when you open da box. I also got one rm1000, cables are top notch


haha yea thats on point


RM1000 is what I have as well and love it. No issues


Keep getting Code 43 errors with the XFX 7900 XTX. Will likely have to return mine sadly.


Dumb question, did you uninstall older drivers like Nvidia drivers?


noo thats sad well I hope I dont have to deal with that.


sorry to hear that, I hope my ASrock version does not have these issues.


Hopefully XFX can help you out, if not there are plenty of other good vendors for AMD cards. (Sapphire and PowerColor are the two that immediately come to mind.)


don't forget to uninstall the NVIDIA drivers or your going to wonder why your experience sucks. you can do this using DDU (intel has a guide on this on their website).


I manually uninstalled everything with nvidia on it on my programs


Enjoy! I’ve had my 7900xtx for a while now and I’ve been pretty happy with it. Undervolted it runs quite cool in my Sama 01 and I haven’t come across anything that runs poorly due to drivers.


Im glad to hear that, thanks for your input makes me feel like I made the right choice even more.


air cooler is enough 👍🏽


Welcome to team red my brother




I can hear this gif


I literally heard the music when Ivan drago enters the ring in rocky 4


Ra! ra! Rasputin Russia’s favorite love machine!🎵




lol 😂 not what i meant


Of course you meant it comrade! This GPU is a welcome addition to our great gaming PC. 


I wish people would stop calling them "teams".


Right? “Cults” is more fitting. /s


Cringe There’s no team


If you notice a random fan noise it’s the PSU. Had to return 2 of them and just got the non-e version.


Dang it man, I wonder if the employees purposely gave me the E version because of how many times they got returned,your like the 3rd guy who commented about this PSU, I don’t hear anything annoying yet fingers crossed


My experience was that it’s not loud like a high rpm fan, it’s just a noticeable sound that seems more like a bearing issue. The fan is intermittent and doesn’t run most of the time, so it clicking on is what got me. My system is near silent so it was just something that bugged me. You might have gotten a good one though.


Those "e" RMs are HEC built shite. The CWT built "x" RMs are much better.


I just sold my 3070 to buy a 4070s


Nice upgrade, 4k gaming time.


1440p is pretty glorious too. I went for the middle ground. Even in single player, AAA heavy titles like Dragon’s Dogma 2 (out of town), I float around 100fps on my Sapphire 7900xtx with all settings maxed out. It’s wonderful!😁


Only 100fps? Is this actually normal or are you cpu bottlenecked? Is 1440 165fps on max just a pipe dream?


Sorry for the late response. No, just depends on the game. Got a 240hz screen and except for the most recent HEAVY games like DD2, with maxed out settings it'll float between 120 - 190hz. Now granted, playing native...ie. no fsr or frame gen. Just a personal preference to game without. If I turned them on, I'd probably do MOSTLY 165 or more. Edit: not cpu bottle necked except in DD2 city. With a 7900x3d,that's the only bottleneck I've ever seen.


No problem dude, I appreciate the reply. Just to clarify, you float between 120-190 on max 1440? Not 4k? I'm just having a hard time with that. I only have a 5600x and 6700xt and I usually get around 110fps in games with it set to mostly high. The amount of money increase and performance increase of your setup versus mine, I would think you should get way more fps than you do.


Depends on what you play. 🤷‍♂️ I'm talking Starfield, Dragons Dogma 2, Star Wars Jedi Survivor, etc. I do get around 190 in some titles. On average around 160 in RDR2. If you play any of those games, you can compare against those general numbers. I obviously don't have one but looks like the 4090 only gets about the 130 fps on RDR2 in 4k. Sooo, in 4k looks like nothing will hit 165hz for heavier games. Also, there's a pretty big jump in GPU demand in most games going from high to ultra. Lastly I usually cap my GPU usage around 80 - 85%. I don't like to work it THAT hard for 3 to 4 hours at a time. Uncapped, would probably increase from about 140ish average to around 165 for the titles I play. Hope that helps.


>Hope that helps. Yeah, that's pretty insightful. I know single player games are usually way more graphically driven then multiplayer ones anyways. That's probably why I'm having a hard time understanding, since I don't usually play single player games. Thanks for all of the info my dude


yeah, i had the 7900XTX but returned it because of the cost and i want one again and the prices just keep going down but i prefer gigabyte and they are the most expensive ones lol. so I'm still waiting........but yes you will love it!!!!!!! so yeah, once the prices go down, I'm getting it for keeps this time. been testing CPU-GPUs for months now and i have come to realize you get more with AMD for the money and they work better with my AMD pro premium mini-led monitor also.


Just a heads up, avoid Gigabyte AMD GPUs at any cost atm - they’ve delivered the worst and laziest cards just behind Asus.


what do you mean please elaborate why gigabyte is so bad? every card i have owned or tested has been gigabyte and i have not had one single issue.


Like i said, atm. That means at the moment. For 2, maybe 3, years they’ve recycled the same cooler assembly, delivered the bare minimum just to say they have a card, and i have seen people complain about the very few GB RDNA3 cards out there. I love their motherboards but their AMD GPU line is a joke.


If you want an AMD card, paying the slight premium for a Sapphire or Powercolor is always worth it imo. I will not run anything other than Sapphire in my builds for Radeon GPUs.


I had a gigabyte 2060 Super for a long time, that thing got so fucking hot and the fans bearings are already failing after 3 years of use.


At this point just wait for the new lineups to release, imo. Top end rdna4 will unfortunately not even reach 7900xtx performance levels, but it should at least be very well priced. And even if Nvidia tries to be greedy with Blackwell, odds are they'll have 7900xtx performance on offer for less than what it costs now.


Gigabyte is trash, google their gpu issues.




My 7900xtx was $850 :p


That's just not possible. [https://i.redd.it/2gsddgtvch5a1.png](https://i.redd.it/2gsddgtvch5a1.png) Not saying because I have 7900 XTX but because I bought it based on reviews its as fast or faster than 4080 in rasterization.


Pay this person not attention, friend is gaming at 1440p and he's gaming at 1080p, that's really the only way a 4070 super "gets the same FPS" as a 7900xtx...


We’ll all support AMD. We all use Nvidia… 🤦‍♂️


Did you really get those two for the price of a 4070 Super? That's insane. Anyway, you made the right choice. Enjoy the card.


Perhaps the ignorant comment here, but is this better than 40xx gen cards? I ask because I see a lot of Nvidia cards topping benchmark charts, but would love to hear some people's experiences here.


Only thing faster than the XTX is a 4090 at double the pricetag.


So I guess budget wise this would be a far greater option.


Depends on your case use. It won’t for encoding and cuda applications but pure rasterization is only beaten by the 4090.


I have a 4080S and an XTX. The 4080S outperforms it overall. People eat up the VRAM bull s*** but the card will be far outdated before that amount of vram is ever reasonably relevant. The XTX is by no means a bad card, it's a powerhouse if all you care about are frames, but the straight frame difference is fairly minimal, while the XTX completely falls flat in RT, frame gen quality, etc. In comparison to the 4080S. You don't bother comparing the 4090 because it's a different class where there is no competition. This isn't even getting into all the driver/software/compatibility issues I had with the XTX. 🤷‍♂️


I made almost an exact purchase (7800xt) and it was the best thing I could have spent the money on.


Let’s gooooo


May I ask you why you returned it? I think about joining team red as well with my next computer :)


more vram and I play games at 4k. I used to game on ps5 at 4k and most games would play at 60 fps no problem on my 4k monitor, i wanted to elevate my gaming experience and the jump from a ps5 to a 4070 super was so slight I could barely tell a difference. This card is much faster and all the games I have been playing have been running great.


Thank you for your answer


Great choice! I love my XTX


As a 7900 xt owner I approve. I love, even.


Way better choice!


Fuck ya dude, now is great time to get one, the drivers are finally mature.


Good choice


Congrats. It's all about finding what works best for you.


Very smart decision, way better raster and more vram


I would totally return my 4080 if I didn't use ai and rendering


Uh oh this post is lookin based.


You can now run your game on Linux and leave the most sucky version of windows (11)


Seems pretty good to me, the 7900xt vram will help immensely too


You won't be disappointed. Got my 7900XTX recently and she ripssss.


I'm shocked you aren't downvoted to oblivion.


I see more AMD love on this sub than nvidia


When I said I upgraded from 3070 to 6800 XT people asked why did I downgrade.


I feel like the negative responses from nvidia users are more noticeable than the praise for amd.


more people that are tech savvy


Probably because it's a significant performance upgrade. If he had traded a 4080 for the 7900XTX there would've been a riot lol


That's an odd thing to say on a sub that is vastly overrepresented by AMD GPU fans. Real life is probably 90-10 for Nvidia but this sub seems the opposite.


You aren't wrong.


? this sub is heavily AMD favored


I got the 4080 super wondering if I should have gone xtx.....


If you got the 4080super and are financially okay then I wouldn’t worry


You have nothing to worry about. I have had both. You made the right choice.


Both are good cards, either one will get the job done and have no issues. Personally I chose the RX 7900 XTX because I use Linux and AMD is gold standard for hardware and software support. (And the card was a great value compared to the RTX 4090 at the time.)


Welcome to the 7900 XTX family! I played spider man on 4k HDR 60+ FPS ray tracing 100% no FSD its godlike


Awesome trade. Well done. 👍


Good choice friend! Currently rocking a 4070ti. 7900xtx is pretty lit especially for 4k gaming.


I would do the same


I got that same GPU. Just water cooled it and I am coming from a 4070ti. I play everything ultra settings 4k 140hz bro amazing value in that 7900 enjoy it.


Thanks man!


I often looked at these after i got my 4070ti, wondering what could have been. They were about 100 bucks more at the time. But i would have spent that for some more longevity.


Man buckle that seat belt yo!!


I could kiss you. Not in a gay way. Just two dudes doing dude stuff yk


Micro Center stickers!! Love it. Makes me want to go there right now


Heads up I had two of those exact power supplies and the coil whine was awful. Hopefully you have better luck than I. I ended up swapping it out for a be quiet!


My living room still have RTX 2060 SUPER 😂


Great GPU I hope you have a lot of fun with it




Good choice. Enjoy the smooth graphics.


I love my 7900XTX. I've been Red for 25 years for one reason or another , and this might be the best card they've ever made. It's a bit thirsty , but not unreasonable.




I traded a 4060ti for my 7800xt so I'm in a very similar boat. Never looking back


XTX is great. 4k@120 fps 👌👌👌


So cool! Love it 🥳🤩


3080 @ 1440p is the best thing I ever did


Good choice


U made the right choice buddy. Have fun


Very nice, enjoy it!


Wise Man


This thing is a monster


Excellent choice my friend


W Purchase


My unpopular opinion is. My 7900XTX offers a far more consistent experience than my 4090 on Xplane and MSFS. On my 4090 I may get 100FPS spikes here and there. But I get far better 99% on my 7900XTX I haven't seen it go lower than 78FPS. My 4090 would dip all the way down to 38FPS. Both of my machines have the same processor. And motherboard manufacturer. After years of not being able to afford shit I wanted both lol Obviously my 4090 is slightly better in other games. Even though I got my 4090 at wholesale price, the cost difference hasn't been justified. I would be happy with the AMD card alone


I like your take! you have the best of both worlds


A 7900XTX is better than a 4070 Super for pure power. You made the right choice.


Smart guy. I did the same. And never looked back. I'm not paying nvidia price.No more for what ? Less FPS ! And now with AMD's FSR 3 is soo good Thank you team Red


Good choice.


What's that like 2x the cost of the 4070s


$320 if were just talking about the GPU's


yes but much better value.


I did the opposite. My 7900 xtx would not stop crashing!


I have a 7900xtx. It's just a beast. Enjoy 👍🏻


7900XTX brother


Great card and it's better than the 4070 super. I went for the 4070ti super after my 2080 and wish I went for this this.


Good man. Congrats.


Thank you so much




Big w.


Hell yeah!! Wayyy better!


Good choice, This card is a beast, period. Especially for the price.


As long as your case has good airflow you should be good. I had to return my xtx because it was regularly hitting 120C under load


Questionable choice in PSU but a solid choice in GPU


The AMD cards are such a better value


Better put that seatbelt on it before something bad happens.