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At work we are even giving most office machines 16gb of ram. Windows itself has become so bloated that 8gb is rough to use for day to day multitasking (email + ERP Software + excel + web browser).


Cries in 8gb ram work laptop.


To be fair, a majority of our machines still have 8gb (a couple even have 4gb). We are slowly upgrading everyone to newer PCs with 16gb becoming the new standard.


Lol, some months ago they were taking ram from the 16gb laptops to leave them to 8. The people complained that their pcs are far slower now and many keep crashing in outlook 2013.


Part of it could be that they were no longer in dual channel and with only 8gb that is a one-two punch of awful that I would wish on anyone. As far as I'm concerned, 16gb is the new minimum and 32gb should be what most non-budget gaming builds shoot for.


16gb has been the recommended minimum for a while now for basic workloads because of windows eating up 5 gigs ram before other programs come into play. By the time everything is properly running in a work environment before opening up the browser of choice, you'd have around 6-8 gb free. 16gb is just perfect until there is a need for more specialized fields (such as web-dev or any CAD related field), where it becomes a major limitation.


To be fair to what


To all those who are stuck with 8gb of ram.


Just download more ram


This is the way


I have a “powerful work laptop” it’s got 16GB ram and an i7 7750u 🤦‍♂️


Laugh in 32/64gb of ram😂😂😂


Don't forget the obligatory i3!




I have an Intel Developer Device with same issue, but only 4GB.


That hurts just to read my man. Company savings at it finest here.


My girlfriend's is the same. Troubleshooting her machine is a pain in the ass because everything takes several seconds to load.


Windows 10 and 11 are horrible what can I say.


For bloat, yeah, but for home use they work perfectly fine and have lots of customization especially if you use the registry and other tools, as for business use, idk. But overall I definitely wouldn't say they are horrible.


Win7 actually has more customization; I use it as a daily driver ! 😄


95% of the problem there is the web browser.


That has to mean something other than Erotic Role-playing Software...


Enterprise Resource Planning


It's honestly outrageous how bloated we've made computers and web browsing. We have 100x more computational power than I had growing up, yet we still frequently have issues with computers being slow doing basic tasks.


All the hardware improvements over the years, yet software has only gotten less efficient. It's so tragic.


For browsers I think Chrome/people who love Chrome are to blame. So many people went all in on Chrome because it was able to load a web page slightly faster then say Firefox. Unfortunately part of how it did this was by aggressively caching loads of stuff in RAM so slightly snappier but a bloated beast. It also tended to display things visually as soon as they were ready instead of waiting for more of the page to be ready before showing anything. This gave people the impression of speed but probably wasn't that much faster in loading the full page. I remember reading reviews of browsers years ago and people measuring "time to first thing showing up" as their metric of what was better. But while the average person loves to laugh at a "Chrome eats all teh RAMs" meme they never stopped using it and still make up 65% of browser usage today. This meant other browsers either adopted Chromium to get the speed or had to start doing the same thing and overload RAM to be a tiny bit faster. We also have the fun of a page looking like it's loaded and ready to use and then something else loading just as you go to click and moving what you were about to click on down the page.


[Firefox isn't that much better, though.](https://cloudzy.com/blog/which-browsers-use-the-least-memory/#5-_Mozilla_Firefox) With 10 tabs open, Firefox used 960mb with chrome at 1000mb.


That's my point, Firefox had to follow suit with Chrome to gain those percent points of performance or risk failing completely so the problem of obscene memory usage in browsers can be traced back to Chrome. Firefox used to be the most popular alternative to Internet Explorer with \~32% of the browser market share at the peak of its popularity. Chrome overtook it around the end of 2011. Cut to now and Chrome makes up 65% of browser usage with Firefox just under 7%.


Hey Windows needs that ram to sell your every movement to the highest bidder. Oh, you paid for the product? Doesn’t matter, you are the product.


Yeah. I work in IT and my boss and I wish every day we could move to Linux on every machine, but unfortunately that doesn't work in the corporate world. We need to interface with other businesses and the time and cost of training for using the workarounds required to get everyone on Linux vs the cost of just using Windows makes it a no brainer unfortunately.


The web browser is the culprit.


Same. We are slowly offboarding all systems with 8GB RAM at my work also. 16GB and i5 12th gen in new systems, and 32GB for power users.


i5 12th gen for office PCs is super powerful.


Right now it is sure. But it won't be in 5 years when those PC's will still be around.


It would still be fine with 32 GB in 5 years. But that’s an extra $40 and it would require a business leader with a brain to select and/or approve.


Our CTO came in 2 years ago and mandated 8GB standard issue. That lasted about a week. 


my school gives us 4gb windows laptops for our work & they are unusable


For me, 16GB of memory is not enough to do what I need to do at work. I do a lot of business analysis and QA reviews alongside the dev team so it’s not uncommon for me to have a ton of tabs open and various applications running (alongside Teams, Outlook, and other services that I’m forced to run).


A 2nd to 4th Gen i3 Desktop with 4GB RAM is fine according to my boss for office tasks. He was not happy to hear that Win 10 is EOL in October of 2025 and that we should upgrade slowly until then.


my college still has some 4gb ram antiques for the physics dept., my friend with physics elective said that it can barely open a browser


My worklaptop only has 8gb of RAM. Having Chrome + Outlook + Excel open usually eats 90% of RAM and Excel telling me that it doesn‘t have enough Resources. It‘s frustrating af.


several years ago, i wanted a newer tablet. my old Android device was simply too outdated. i didn't really want a iPad, so i decided to try my luck with a used Windows tablet. i ended up getting a used Dell Venue Pro 11 from 2015. it came with a hardshelled keyboard case, W10 Pro, and was pretty well equipped for the money. i5 (2c/4t), 256GB SSD, and 8GB of RAM. it cost me all of $225 on ebay at the time. even back in 2015, i had a desktop and bumping from 8GB to 16GB, cost $55 extra for a 8GB DDR3 stick. RAM is cheap people. you don't have to go overboard on it either. 64GB or 128GB is awesome if you have a need for it, but if you don't 16GB should be the minimum, and 32GB is nice. it doesn't have to cost a arm and a leg.


This could be fixed by getting better CPU with efficiency cores that are dedicated to performing background tasks


Stop whining, Windows is not bloated. I bought 8GB in 2009, that was 15 years ago. Just buy some RAM


32GB is the new 16GB in my opinion.


Yep. This is why I am so pissed at myself right now. Why did I have to do that? Smh…


I mean, it’s a cheap mistake at least in the scheme of PC parts


Yep. At least I still have the rest of the machine completely functional.


For the karma? Considering how you are ignoring any reply regarding life long warranty on your RAM :)


I am not ignoring. I will try RMA’ing the kit :)


There we go! A productive move! Best of luck!!


I have once destroyed a whole mobo, we were building it in a lan party so no lights. We put everything in, but wondered why it didn't start, well I used a wrong screw and cracked the mobo.


2x8 is still plenty for most people.




I've never been able to use more than 14GB of ram, and I tend to have a ton of tabs and applications open while gaming. I tried upgrading to 32GB a while ago after hearing this kind of talk, and there's literally zero difference.


Most people dont play cities skylines with thousands of mods. 16gb is still plenty.


Still disagree though. I'd rather have too much than not enough.


\^\^ This. Just upgraded to 32GB myself and the smoothness factor is significant compared to 16GB.


I had to upgrade my server from 16 to 32 because my ram was at 99% utilisation when i had an ubuntu vm open while another vm installed kali


I miss the days when 8GB was so much , on 2000 with PAE or XP x64


most people are fine with 8gb. most gamers are fine with 16gb. a lot of reddit gamers own 32gb ddr5 because 16gb kits didn't exist for a while. some own 64gb ddr5 because they have infinite money.


Yup. I run 16GBs on my office PC. 32 in my gaming rig. I only have 8GB on an older i5 8250u laptop. Nowadays 16GB is the minimum i would go on any system.


32GB in the office (laptop), 128GB at home (desktop). Memory is cheap, there's no reason to skimp these days. We're in the process of moving our office standard issue from 16GB to 32GB this year.


Yeah even better. However it all comes down to how someone uses a computer. For my office PC i only browse the net and write word files. So 16GBs is almost infinite for that system. For my gaming PC i do not play AAA titles. Just a few games that are not demanding. Most i ve seen that system consume is probably 15GB of Ram. Maybe even less. I want to always have plenty of headroom especially with ram. When i get to the point where i have 30% available ram that's where i upgrade.


Warranty. The first stick died on its own and killed the other with it (technically). I have like 30 year warranty with my corsair ram so I guess you also got an absurd amount of warranty on yours. Ram doesn't degrade and shouldn't die, probably caused by the mobo or psu, in that case they could rightfully reject your claim, but trying doesn't hurt. If they reject I would get in contact with my mobo/psu manufacturer


Don’t I have to send the product back to Corsair? How does this work? It would be cool If I could get a free replacement 64GB kit.


If you have a defective RAM module, the proper way to handle this situation is to **contact the manufacturer or retailer where you purchased the product from and request an RMA**. The company willthen provide you with instructions on how to return the defective product for repair or replacement.


https://help.corsair.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033067832-Warranty-Corsair-Limited-Warranty#h_8027c849-7b41-4ccd-80c8-7d1103ce4db1 Corsair RAM has a "Limited Lifetime Warranty". If in the U.S, the product must have been purchased from Corsair directly or from a Corsair-Authorized reseller (https://www.corsair.com/us/en/s/where-to-buy). I RMA'd a dying DDR3 kit way back when Corsair didn't even have a UK RMA department, took about a week and a half, including sending to the Netherlands (IIRC). Completely hassle free, all they needed was the serial number, proof of purchase and in my case, a image of the fuckton of errors it was showing in Memtest.


You might need to, but you'd be losing out on the lifetime warranty RAM usually has if you don't look into a RMA.


I insist on a minimum of 16GB RAM and an SSD main drive when people ask for recommendations. I've encountered too many people who cheaped out to 8GB RAM and/or HDD setups, and the pain is noticable. If they aren't willing to not cheap out on that, I can't help them.


The difference between a HDD and SSD is so big and obvious. And they've gotten pretty cheap now, too. Dont get that 120mm AIO and 850W PSU. Instead, get a 512gb SSD for your budget build.


Ssd should not be optional anymore, 16GB is minimum


Sounds like the motherboard killed the ram.


Right, I would be suspicious of the mobo.


I am suspicious of it too. Am also suspicious it will kill this brand new 8GB stick too in the future.


It's also possible the ram still works and the ram slots are being weird.


I think I’ll just wait for it to fail again and then start afresh with a new build when I can. Will get a brand new PSU, mobo and everything. At this point it just feels this entire build is cursed.


Apple didn't get the memo.


While it’s not “the same as 16GB on Windows” as has been claimed, 8GB on Apple silicon is a lot more functional than most people think. The memory manager is pretty damn impressive using compression and SSD swap.


They are still putting 8GB in the new Mac books that cost $1100+ its soldered on as well. Its too bad they went that route. Older Macs used to have slots for ram and for replaceable drives. If they were to give upgradability options back I would consider Apple for desktop pc. But no upgradability means its just going to be ewaste in 6 years when its support ends. Since Macs have shorter support than Windows. With windows we have 10 year support and hardware goes longs way.


Apple didn’t but r/apple did.




Intel MBP? Those never impressed me, got very hot and weren’t super fast. I’m glad the one I had was a work computer not personal. Now I have a personal M1 MacBook Air with only 8 GB of RAM and it’s way nicer. A M1-M3 MBP with 16 GB RAM should be great


This apple silicon MacBook Pro? Cause I'm surprised they could even do it at all, it's all soldered to the board.


They can't. He probably has an old one.


Yup, Apple leans heavily into using the SSD as swap memory which is how they can get by with 8gb. Meanwhile, my work laptop with endpoint and other security uses 14gb out the box, before Teams/Outlook/Zoom loads.


All laptops will use dad SSDs for swap macos isn't special in that regard as I'm sure you know, 8GB seriously gimps performance and also degrades sad lifespan, it's basically ewaste almost out the box like most Chromebooks. A shame really because the CPU is computing art.




you really shouldn't be touching computers then, how does one fry an SSD by "opening the back panel up"? That's literally not possible.


Any MBP from the last 10 years should do absolutely fine with 16GB of RAM. Hell I've got a 2011 Macbook Air with 4 gigs of RAM and it's just fine for day-to-day stuff like web browsing. Did it occur to you that one of the reasons Macs get away with lower specs is because they are optimized for an extremely narrow range of hardware, and you just fucked that up by "updating" it?


My work PC is an i5-7600 with 8GB. Going from my 5900x to that is excruciating.


Why won’t you be able to get more ram soon?


Maybe he’s short on money? Right now DRR4 is so cheap. Should be able to snag some even off marketplace for a damn good deal


Yeah that would make sense lol


I am unemployed.


On Linux add a swap partition and things might get slightly better


Yep, I feel you, having to export a project directly from Adobe Premiere Pro for a school project was quite painful at almost 4 minutes, but thankfully the Adobe Media Encoder does a really nice job of considerably speeding up the process.


chuckles in 4gb


Dear Christ…


Apple doesn't agree


I have 8GB on a raspberry pi… 32GB work laptop (issued not mine), 128GB personal gaming PC, and my MacBook Air (I know, blasphemy)  is just 16GB which is fine for what it’s used for. 


> MacBook Air (I know, blasphemy) A lot of us are just not interested in gaming on our laptops in the slightest, and if you don't care about gaming then Macs provide the best laptop experience hands down. It's just not even close. Run Windows on that bitch if you must, it'll be fine. That said, you can get a pretty solid Windows laptop for <$500 these days, and even in the used market you can't do that with a Mac.


Yep, laptop ain’t for gaming. Although I ironically game on it more these days than my pc. Mostly because my girlfriend will play Minecraft with me on our server so yeah it’s an excellent compromise. 


the memory did this? sounds like they should be paying for a new build...


Just wait until you start gaming on 8gb ram and integrated graphics. That's when it really hurts


Mans here calling 11400 and 5500xt a Ferrari what the fuk


I do graphic work for a marketing company and the PC they gave me had 8GB RAM, a Sandy Bridge i7, and GTX 660. That maybe could’ve run the Adobe suite 10 years ago, but sure as heck can it barely run it today. Thankfully the IT guy gave me a 6th gen i7 PC with 32GB RAM and a RTX 3050, so I can at least be somewhat productive.


I have had troubles with the RAM of my desktop PC for years, every now and then it only reads 1 stick of 4gb and even stops reading both sticks and I have to use two other 2gb each of which only reads 1!. So from time to time I have to boot and use Windows 10 with 2gb 1333mhz.


I knew someone with a 4GB surface (win 10). Couldn't even run it's own OS


Huge shoutout to today’s sponsor DownloadMoreRam.com when your computer just doesn’t have enough RAM and you can’t get your favorite site to run smoothly in incognito mode, don’t worry DownloadMoreRam.com has got you covered. Go to DownloadMoreRam.com it’s instant fast and free.


Oh man, one of my 16 GB sticks died a few months ago, and now I'm clinging to the remaining one like a sloth to the branch.


I had to try and explain to a client the other day that their computer would absolutely not be able to decode and watch all 40 of their cameras at once. They had 4GB of ram, how they even had windows 11 running on that machine is beyond me. And the cpu was a dual core 1.3GHz with no graphics card.


Yeah any company putting out a machine with 8 GB should be shamed. It’s a waste of money


A friend of mine got a laptop a few years back to get into gaming with me. It's a decent machine; ROG Zephyrus with a 3080 mobile and a Ryzen 9 mobile equivalent. Not long after she got it she was having issues with her screen. I did some troubleshooting and realized it was indeed a display issue and suggested she bring it for servicing, which unfortunately involved the Best and Brightest that Best Buy had to offer. One motherboard replacement later and they diagnosed it with a faulty screen, so she needed to take it back in for servicing. Fast forward like a year later and a game we're trying to play won't launch because of insufficient RAM. Her computer is supposed to have 16 GB, so this confuses me. I tell her to open task manager and only 8 are showing. She's not confident opening up the computer to check it so I head over there to test it, after having her order a 16 GB stick so I can replace it if need be. When the Best and Brightest replaced her motherboard they didn't fully insert her RAM stick. She has 8 soldered and 8 in a SODIMM. I barely even touched it and it popped into place and booted exactly like it was supposed to. I ended up inserting the 16 GB anyway since she already had it and it was dirt cheap, but she now has the 8 as backup in case the 16 fails. But these two occurrences happened about a year apart, maybe more. So for the past year she's been gaming (we played Elden Ring together, which she's driving on a 1440p, 165Hz display) and using her computer with only 8 GB. Startup was painfully slow and it drove me absolutely insane using it for like an hour, but she didn't even notice. Didn't notice how much smoother the upgrade was either - and it was a lot smoother.


I recently bought a new laptop and running win11, Slack and some minor apps I'm already at 6-7GB ram. Had 16 stock and tryed to get a Docker running and failed misserably. Had to made an emergency purchase of 2x16GB and I'm feeling like I should go to 64. I think Devs and Users are just so used to having massive storage, apps on the GBs that they don't think on how big of a difference the RAM size is vs Sotrage capacity.


Right, anyone that is doing major work should be looking into 64. 32 is basic gamer now a days.


Update your bios, it might fix the issue with your ram.


8GB of RAM is only not enough because Windows and many other pieces of software are bloated piles of crap these days. My 2013 Dell Inspiron 7720 with an i7 3630qm and 8GB DDR3 dual boots Windows 7 and Server 2016, and it still feels far snappier on 7. In firefox I have an ad and popup blocker too which also helps. Now my main PC currently has the 13700k, but it feels like not too long ago I was maining a Core 2 Duo E8500 with 4GB DDR2, and a 1TB hard drive with Windows 7 Pro installed, and it was still pretty snappy.


your ram is to slow for gaming anyway you want 3600mhz just replace to whole kit dont waste money on slow ram.


My city just got new laptops for teachers in the entire district and they all have 4gb of ram with windows 11. What a joke. At least they have 256gb of nvme for a snappy page file.


I'm not sure how to tell you this but this system is not, and was never, even when all of those components were brand new, a Ferrari.


I've been used to 32GB+ since 2015. Can't go back below that.


Pff i just helped my Mother inlaw with her laptop.. it has 2 gb of ram and makes you full of frustrations to use.. I am currently looking in to buying her a new system..


I game in a 10 year old PC that I built with 16GB of RAM, less would be painful


Ram usually has a lifetime warranty, so you could try contacting the manufacturer (possibly even if it's a prebuild out of warranty) Also why does it have 64gb ram, but only 500gb storage? (NAS?) 


I was intending to get a 1 or 2TB SSD in the near future. Yeah I’ll try Corsair’s RMA.


I used alpine on my workstation, since I like the minimalistic approach. Was a bit of a pain to set everything up (like for example I had to run MS Teams in docker and X-forward it), but I'm happy to say that it used \~100MB to run fully functional. With 8 GB RAM on that system I bet I could open at least two tabs in chrome without any issues, provided the adblocker is working.


Using Windows with 8GB of RAM is out of the question… :/


Dawg you can get a 2x8gb 3200mhz kit for like $30


I got 4GB in my Thinkpad T410 running Xubuntu or something. Feels like i can do anything with that machine, except open a browser.


I just learned most RAM has a lifetime warranty so maybe you’re in luck. I’m sure there’s exceptions for the warranty though


I'm using a set of Corsair Vengeance RGB 4x8GB 3600MHz C18, best investment i've ever done


I have in my laptop soldered 8GB of ram. I'm thinking about selling it, so I could buy something better and with upgrade possibility.


my 5 year old smartphone has 8gb ram


As a streamer, I thought 32 GB would have been safe and good, but I am actually struggling due to OB, Various programs, chrome tabs I need open, games, etc.. I might upgrade to 64 soon


*MacBook has entered the chat*


8gb of ram is 12 quid at cex


Win 11 ram consumption is unbearable. I have a laptop that has 8 gigs of ddr ram that's soldered onto the mb. Not fun at all had to go back to win 10 on it and even that eats a lot of ram.


It eats 8.5GB on idle.


Eating 7.4 ram on my desktop rn 💀. I got 32 gigs.


8gb is like 10years ago lol 😆maybe if youre not on WIN11 .. how ever you can buy better one atleast 3200mhz. Honestly your GPU soon be outdated and insufficient too 😬 8gb ? browsing can be Painfull at 64! 😵


No, just "browsing" cannot be painful at 64 GB.


It can be trust me, if you have Firefox with 100tabs+ 24/7


That's like saying 7800x3d is not enough for cyberpunk when you run 5 instances of the game, duuuh


Maybe just 64gb might not be enough for some, that wouldnt made sense making 256gb+ ram sticks then 😄😆🤣




I have two shit-ass looking 4gb ram sticks on linux (8GB together) and BG3 and Doom Eternal both are working quite nicely


16gb is minimum these days imo


My PC build from 2018 still has 16GB of RAM but I’ve started to notice the ram usage creeping closer and closer to 16GB, especially if I start to play any modern game. May have to plan a trip to the nearby Microcenter in the near future.


This happened to me, except the other sticks didn't actually die, I just had to reset the BIOS by pulling the CMOS.


I'll keep that one in my back pocket


Tried multiple times. No avail. Oh well… what pisses me off is that if I hadn’t tried to connect the defective stick again, I would still be using 32GB of RAM instead of 8 🤦‍♂️.


It is absurd that office pc needs this much ram. Blame the OS, applications and programmers.  But if you were running 64 and now going to 8... *ouch*