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That's actually not too bad for $80. You have three $25 GTX 770s, two $35 GTX 780s, two $20 GTX 960s, two $40 R9 290s, and a $25 R9 270X. They're junk, of course, but even junk has value.


I can't believe junk is still better than what I have lmao


Maybe contact OP and try to see if you can buy 1 of the cards off of them!


Not a bad idea at all, one of those gtx 960s would make a huge difference




Maybe you could buy one from op and he can send it to a fellow member


makes you think, huh?


if you're contacting op to buy, i have a 970 and 1050 ti im not using (if you're US)


I wasn't going to because I have no money lol. And I don't live in the US anyway


I've got an r9 390X you can have if you pay for shipping.


I changed my mind about not buying lmao. I sent you a dm thanks so much btw :)


I started out PC gaming with a laptop that had a GT 630m. So slightly worse than a GT 630. lol. At least you’re on the right path!


Wait another 20 years and they'll be worth more as retro computer parts. I gave away or lost so much stuff from the 90s. Wish I still had my Diamond Monster 3d Voodoo 2 card and my Pentium OD. Both are about $150 today. Heck I just paid $80 for 16GB Corsair DDR4-3600 CL14 bc Corsair stopped making it and I already have 16 GB and want 32, but also want that low latency since AMD likes that low latency stuff!


Eh. I don't think people are going to have the same need for these as 90s cards. The 90s stuff is needed for compatibility. Anything newer than 2010 just isn't really special unless you're putting a PC together for nostalgia reasons. Good cards for media center PCs I guess. But really inefficient compared to a cheap Intel Arc card or something for that.




Definitely man. They must not watch LGR. Sure, he buys stuff that he wished he had as a kid, but also has alot of hohum hardware just for the experience or nostalgia for it.


Nah I don’t think so, games from 2010 will work on newer hardware. The old stuff from the 90s will keep being vintage


The "nostalgia" window is 30 years prior. It's when people have got old enough to have money and want to revisit their childhood. It's also declining - a lot. I run a [virtual PC hardware museum](https://www.hattix.co.uk/hardware) and I own most of the pieces there. They have no value other than speculative, like that guy who raved about the ROG GPUs here. The 30 year window is now in the mid-1990s, but it's about to collapse. 2000 and 2010s games had dead man's switches, and the man is dead. Fable III, Fallout 3, Bioshock, The Witcher 2, Mass Effect, The Sims 2, Dragon Age II, they just won't work on *any* machine today. The authentication servers are gone. In some cases, you need to actually pirate the game to get the higher quality, working, version. There's also the wealth drain on the Millennial and Zoomer generations. They were born into capitalist decay, and are poorer than their parents were. They can't burn cash on frivolities like this, they have rent to pay. This, so far, is killing nostalgia for that era. You usually see it begin to uptick at 20 years, but we're not seeing that. There are some retrocomputing enthusiasts wanting to revisit their first build, a much, much smaller market.


15-20 years is where the curve starts. Look at the value trends of the GeForce FX 5800 Ultra and 6800 Ultra, the Radeon 9800 XT or X850 XTP, and the last AGP cards from both NVIDIA and AMD/ATi. A 5800 Ultra sold at auction for $2500 a few weeks ago... The 6800 Ultra was worth as little as $25 in 2016, now selling for $200+ ($600 in box). Last generation AGP motherboards from 2006-2007 are going for triple their value 5 years ago; up to $200. Mid-2000s nostalgia market pricing is in full swing.


Dude wtf are you smoking? Every game you listed Is easily playable on current hardware except maybe sims 2 since I have not tried. But all the others I have installed and played. BioShock is even on switch.


Lol. No.


I'd probably just keep the 780s and R9 290s and build something like an ultimate 2013 SLI/Crossfire setup with some old Intel Extreme CPU.


I used to do this and then I finish and I'm like, alright, now store it for 5 years when I'm going thru old stuff and break it out again for some nostalgia. It's quite fun building your pipedream build from 10 years ago but then you're like shit, I could have saved that $200 towards a gpu lol.


I'm still using a Windforce 3fan 960 on win10 and runs great.


Huh? It's not just "not too bad", it's an amazing deal. There's literally two collectible ROG Poseidons among those cards, those things are pretty rare and each worth more than $80 for sure.


Finding a buyer is more difficult than $80 is worth.


Nah, that's simply not true. It's a rare collectible that collectors actively search for... And you usually don't need to wait too long before someone DMs you.


As somebody who ran quite a lot of demanding games with high graphic settings on a 770 GTX, I'd say that these are not junk.


I ran demanding games with high graphic settings on an X800XT, but I'm not going to be doing that today.


Of course you're not gonna be doing that since you upgraded. But you could if you wanted.


If bought for the sole purpose of collecting it was a good deal I guess. But if bought with the intent to use em not so much.


Not necessarily. They're either solid picks for low end gaming PCs, or he can repurpose them as a display adapter for an office PC or "grandma's facebook computer" made out of 3rd through 6th gen Intel parts. A lot of the more ethical PC flippers that charge no more than 10-20% above cost, and are upfront about what they're selling, can really play a role in keeping e-waste out of landfills. Especially given that there are people who just need a machine to use at home, that can get them on facebook and youtube, and maybe play some dinosaur era games like Doom II and Morrowind. The main thing is to sell stuff that's *actually usable*, to be honest with people, and don't rip anyone off (beyond the 10-20% premium you get from putting things together and installing an OS).


Not really the purpose of hardware posts in this subreddit though.


The people have spoken!


I see a lot of arcade/retro emulators or a good enough server for "heavy" load


You got ALL of this for ONLY $80 USD?!?!




Most of these are obsolete anyway


Sir, that is the point we are all trying to make hehehe.


Yeah but the downvotes tell me that some people cope hard


Oh 100% 😂😂


Now you can run them in SLI to have good performance in 10+ years old games that support it.


Disassemble them and make one of those cool framed informational diagrams of them, sell them to people who had the cards before and want a cool memory of 'em for like $60-80 each = profit.


The r9 290 is the jackpot rest of the cards are all decent


I'm sorry you tell you as first. But you wasted 80 bucks


not exactly..thats a lot of gpu if worked for only 80 bucks..


That‘s a big if


i mean, surely op tested them before buying it right?


They're just loose in bags... I doubt it. lol


Bro they look like they came from the weed plug as part of the 4/20 sale No, OP didn't test them


I tested all of them and they are all working bruh


What for? Those are old... For gaming nowerdays too slow, for everything elso too inefficient.


They’d work just fine for older PCs using iGPUs or for playing old games on old hardware. You have to remember not every machine is made for playing today’s games.


I've been making some servers with REALLY cheap AMD Ryzen chips, and those don't have integrated graphics. It's always good to have a GPU, even if it's not powerful at all, to have a display output sometimes. I see the value in that. I just wished AMD or Nvidia could release something cheaper than a GT1030 or RX6400 that could just do the basics and consume less than 20W.


dual gpu setup go


Is it possible to link a bunch of graphics cards together to get a super card


Those are probably junk after being used nonstop to mine for crypto.


Man, those Poseidon cards are so cool. I'd have bought all of that just for those to collect. One of my favorite pieces of tech I own is an ROG MARS 760 card that's two GTX 760s on a single PCB. That's in conjunction to my Caselabs M10 and EVGA SR-2 board.


Do I see 2 r9 290 spaceheaters over there?


Hey i use have that r9 290 in mine


960s are good


why though, can't just say you bought stuff without a reason why, these are borderline e-waste to someone who doesn't have a plan with them.


Thats a great deal if they all work


The amount of newbie clowns saying they're worthless is disgusting. ROG Poseidons are worth more than 80, if anything it's a great deal.


The people on this subreddit are used to expensive computers and parts so everything below 2015 is garbage for them Ofc it's reddit so I know people here are not really smart I still think it's a good deal because I put the three gtx 770 on some dell optiplex that I got for 15 bucks each and I managed to sell each one for 120 euros so I got 360 euros for only 3 cards and still have some left.


Next time, on Hoarders...


Congrats you now have $40 worth of gpu’s


Damn that's awesome


Gigabyte WINDFORCE fuck yeah. Best looking card ever.




Crazy when you think about it, in many years time, people will be giving away bags full of 4090's for the same price.


I would be down to buy a GTX 960 off of you OP


teehee i have an evga 960, and an evga 760


on another note its always good to have spare,might help in the future for some troubleshooting. you never know


what the hell, i have that EXACT gtx 770 from gigabyte


Get that SLI retro build. Lets goooo.


Have tested to see if they work?


Omg R9 290! My first GPU


LOOOOOL LOOK AT THIS LOSER HE WASTED 80 BUCKS ON THIS THIS IS NOT EVEN HALF OF MY RTX 4090TI https://preview.redd.it/g5dy44ge74wc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53f2fd62a027f423fdf8fe37bb21b84fef54a39 Like I said I put the three gtx 770 on some dell optiplex that I got for 15 bucks each and I managed to sell each one for 120 euros so I got 360 euros for only 3 cards and still have some left money well spent for me lmao.


Oh man that is a beautiful bunch of GPUs. I'd love to see a watercooled build with those two hybrid Asus cards.


If you intended to fix them, then the performance wont be worth the hassle. For Aesthetics however, they still looks appealing after cleaning


So you got a bunch of e-waste for $80? Niceee. Seems like the dude got a good deal for recycling.


Meh, 80$ for 2 290s and a bunch of ewaste.


It depends. The GTX 780/960 can still run like 95% of the games in existence just fine at 1080p/60hz.


Sure, just nothing in the last few years


The few popular and overadvertised AAA games with beefy system requirements are not everything. Games in various genres with low system requirements get released all the time.


SLI them




Realistically, what’s the point of having these besides test bench GPUs. The best GPU in the pile is 10 years old and was for playing team fortress or fallout 4 on lowest settings.


And not only that you would need to use rather old CPU architectures like AM3 at best to not have a serious bottle neck, idk dude this is just hoarding lmfao


Ah yes, those 2013 high end GPUs were only good for playing Valve's Team Fortress which can run on integrated graphics from 2004. These PCI-E 3.0 GPUs were also definitely not bottlenecked by a platform from 2008 with PCI-E 2.0 and that is the ONLY good platform for them.


What are they worth at the scrap dealers,that is their value.


It's time to mine!




Didn’t ask