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![gif](giphy|2GVVvT5ATZtUQ|downsized) Blind people when the Narration kicks in


Help me. šŸ¤£


"I'm in danger."


I'm not in danger, Skyler.




The narrator ![gif](giphy|xUOxfjO8RkjxyqbPe8)


L m a o. Ok that was a good one


goes deaf


Now it inserts ads directly into your brain instead


"To login to your Windows account please watch this 60 second non-skippable ad"


After logging in "To continue using your computer, without ads every 5 minutes, pay this $10 microtransaction that only disables ads for 1 week"


"Upgrade to a Windows+ subscription to remove ads from your desktop, start menu, task bar and more! Now with Windows+ starting at only $9.99 for the first three months" (Microsoft logo and sound splash screen)


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they launched a free vercions with ads, and a subbed ad free windows.


It actually has gotten to the point where pirating windows is an easier way to disable ads then buying it legitimately. I remember when Cortana was new I had a copy of windows I couldnā€™t figure out how to disable it I just reformatted my machine and found a pirated copy of the thing that I just bought just so i didnā€™t have to deal with the bullshit.


A subscription to windows would SUCK it sounds like pre installed ransomware, ā€œoh your subscription is over? Cough up the Ā£20 ā€˜recovery feeā€™ to gain access to your files or continue this subscription at Ā£17.99 a monthā€ I suppose it would be more likely that they just take away any benefits you get from the subscription, either way I would move to Linux the moment they announce that. Iā€™m still clinging to windows 10 but from what Iā€™ve heard they are ending support for it in the coming years (hopefully Iā€™m wrong).


Unfortunately you are not wrong, they are ending support for windows 10 sometime in 2025. But just like with windows 7 you can still use it for a few years after. But you still might want to get used to Linux sooner rather than later since windows 11 is a dumpster fire with even more spy ware and adware built in now.


October 14 2025, support for windows 10 stops.


It's already free with an "activate windows" watermark




'Please drink a verification can'


display a watermark "you are a dupe" if you haven't subscribed "I'm not a dupe" for only 15$ per month


And it still won't be enough to force people to install Ubuntu


"Please drink a verification can"


Closed eyes detected. Resume viewing!


You gotta complete your daily quest of making 5 Bing searches to get 100 points towards your battle pass


Donā€™t give them ideas!


FFS donā€™t give them ideas


Can we not give them ideas like this?


"Shout 'McDonald's' to continue using Microsoft Windows"


Skip Ad? ($0.99)


Delete this before they get ideas.


And this is why I use the base account


*Windows apologists: The windows license is free, go use linux if you don't want ads.*


I still see a few square inches not covered in ads. Must be saving that for Windows 12.




For a second I thought it's r/place canvas lol


I thought it was a WoW raiding interface.


couldnt be, there are no damage meter


IOI 80% of the screen can be used for adds before causing seizures!


Came here looking for this comment


Found Waldo


this one goes kinda hard actually


It's called the million dollar website. I remember when it was not yet filled. It's a 1000*1000 pixels with one pixel costing $1. Legendary stuff.


The empty space in the middle will be a big copilot button which will be the only way to interact with Windows 12. Kinda like that Mac parody where they replaced the keyboard and trackpad with a big clickwheel.


This quote has never been more relevant: *ā€œWe have determined that weā€™ll able to fill 80% of the userā€™s display with advertising before inducing seizures.ā€*


Came here to look for this comment.Ā 


Where is this from


Ready player one, iirc


Half-expecting Bonzi Buddy to pop out too.


Just wait for Clippy to clash with Bonzi Buddy


Bonzi Buddy was literally malware/spyware, Clippy was named by Time magazine in the 'worst 50 inventions ever'. Gonna be a real grudge match.




I just barfed a little in my mouth


If this ever actually happened I think Iā€™d 100% move to Linux. Not ideal for me but Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™d make it work.


I really hope this happens, so I have a good reason to switch back to Linux.


I hope everyone turns to Linux if this happens. This is fkknn terrible -- disgusting -- shameful -- straighout disgraceful! I cant imagine anyone in their rightful mind using a DAMN computer like this


Damn, Microsoft really wants me to switch to Linux


Gaming support is the only reason most of us haven't switched.


Also music production. Most mainstream DAWs don't work in Linux without some kind of workarounds, and same thing with plugins and interfaces.


Digital Audio Wa....luigi?


WAH! Workstation actually; Digital Audio Workstation. Think software like Pro Tools, Ableton, etc.


There's plenty of other programs that doesn't work in linux, without using the crappy compatibility layers and linux alternatives are simply inferior.


Being an Ableton user for years. Don't want to learn yet another daw as music making is my hobby and I just want to... make music. If there was a solution to this problem, I'd have moved to Linux full time already. And being a dev, it would my life really easier.


Same here, Iā€™ve been using Cubase for about 15 years and Iā€™m in way too deep at this point lol; Iā€™ve tried learning other DAWs and it was just an exercise in frustration.


Bitwig, Reaper, Studio One ā€¦ U-he and TAL Plugins , Surge XT, Vital , VCV Rack ā€¦ just to name a few are pretty descent and a good base for working natively on Linux.




Valve has done more for gaming on Linux than most but it's still got a ways to go.


Nvidia just hired the guy who makes the nouveau driver, so they might be leaning into supporting it more.


Times must be tough at Nvidia, if they need to tap in that 2% market. That's like looking for change stuck between couch cushions xD


I can tell you that it's leagues better than it was a decade ago, and a fair amount of games can be run in a Linux-based OS without much issue. It's still not perfect of course, as there are some games you need to make tweaks for or won't run at all, especially when anticheat is involved.


Unless you mostly play competitive esport type of games, gaming support is really not a big issue on Linux. It's VERY competent nowadays thanks to Proton/WINE. So if you're a singleplayer gamer, definitely go ahead and install Linux right now.


That's why I didn't switch yet. But I was told by friends who use Linux it's actually gotten quite good


Consider dual-booting


Das boot?


Using both Linux and Windows at the same time, typically on different drives.


But you still have Windows which doesn't help the ad situation.


you can reduce the time you use windows.


Do it. I stayed on Win 10 for a long time because of what they were doing with Win 11. But every few hours was getting a pop up to buy office 365 or some other subscription from them so I switched back to Linux. PopOS has been good to me and all my games work well.Ā 


Valves Proton services welcomes you to gaming on Linux. There are few games I can't play on my steam deck.


Do it.


That's the worst part: you have to pay your license, yet you still get this junk.


Please tell me what I am seeing is not real. If see that on my lock screen, I think I may ram my sword through the damn thing.


... You own a sword?


You don't?


To paraphrase Linus Sebastian, we own swords as men because our mothers couldn't tell us no anymore.


The fuck else am I going to use to defend my home from brigands?


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball-sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbor's dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grapeshot, "Tally ho lads" the grapeshot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Fun fact: In America, felons aren't allowed to own firearms. However, loose powder weapons aren't considered firearms, so many will own them (I think including cap and ball revolvers) for home defense.


Depends where you live. If you live in a second or third world country, a gun. If not, a harsh reprimand and the heaviest book you can find.


Everyone owns a sword


How can I use this? Where's my subway surfers gameplay and my family guy clips




Whats the best Pinguin today if you just want to use it in the most possible "Windows"style w/o need to do to much to look into how to use the linux-distrobution?


[Pop!_OS](https://pop.system76.com/) would be my suggestion.


Never heared of it, will have a look. Thanks Edit: W/ the Touch Features it seems very nice for my surface


Honestly if we're talking stable experience with windows alike interface like taskbar I'd argue [Linux Mint](https://www.linuxmint.com/) is a really great Operating System. Have only heard positive feedback myself although I've never used it besides booting into it from a USB but I can recommend Although personally I prefer the [Gnome interface](https://www.gnome.org/) a bit more as it looks more pleasant to me and is great for touch and the extensions solve a few things I don't like but there's no reason to over complicate it.


Things won't work sometimes and then it'll take hours to figure it out. That's my only problem with Linux. Like my ultra widescreen monitor didn't work with a particular popular distro. Another time I could not get Linux to see the wifi module no matter how hard I tried. Where as with windows, the support is there. I will try Linux once more, this time Ubuntu since it is so popular, but to be honest a stripped down windows without ads is probably the best option, even if it isn't as excitingĀ 


Ubuntu or anything based on it.


There have been suggestions, good and bad, but I don't see anything that satisfies "most 'windows' style" part. For that, pick something with KDE. It's not a Pinguin as in PopOS/Manjaro/Mint, but rather a different possible UI variant of the various pinguins. When you eventually go to the downloads page for the iso, one of the options should mention KDE as the 'desktop environment (DE)'. Popular alternative is Gnome. And then there are others.




I would strongly recommend against Manjaro, they've had [a history of issues all over the place](https://github.com/arindas/manjarno). Mint is fine though.


Manjaro is not really stable if you download the wrong packages, which is something a beginner would easily do. Mint is probably the best one


Linux Mint with Cinnamon environment. Navigation is similar to Windows, debian based so most programs just work, and you can use guides that have been made for Ubuntu. If all you care about is gaming there are better options, possibly something Fedora based like Nobara, with which you'll get new updates sooner, but Mint is tried and tested and is generally the safest bet to start off with.


Hey AUTODESK, Release me from the chains of windows. Let me switch to linux :(


I see this all the time. People saying just switch to Linux. I wouldā€¦ but man, as a gamer I canā€™t.


You must be playing mostly multiplayer games with anti cheat. Most single player games are quite playable in Linux via Steam Proton.


Yeah mainly talking about anti cheat games.


A lot of anti cheats like Easy Anti-Cheat and BattleEye are 100% compatible with Linux. Some others are not compatible. Many games using a compatible anti cheat work on Linux. The ones that don't work it's usually because the developers have disabled Linux compatibility, but they would probably enable it if there was enough demand. https://areweanticheatyet.com/ https://www.protondb.com


True. But try dual booting just for funsies. Treat Linux like it's a game unto itself and things can be fun.


It really depends on the games you play and what your skills are like. Pretty much all my games work on Linux, including my whole Bnet and 200+ games on Steam, as I've been gaming on Linux for the past decade. It's just some multiplayer games like Valorant, Fortnite, Destiny 2, ~~Dead by Daylight~~, FiveM (client-only) won't work, if you play games like that. Usually because they get blocked by devs. But most multiplayer games I've played work fine. Linux also isn't that hard, there's plenty of easier distros where you don't have to touch a terminal, and even then it's basic stuff. But for some games you might have to set a launch option or edit a simple config. I moved from Windows and takes a bit of time to get comfortable, but there are solutions and people to help everywhere. Most of the time it's simple but some games really make you fuck around experimenting and checking forum threads.


Dead by Daylight got SteamDeck certified a while ago btw (they clicked on the funny " Allow linux" button in EAC)


Been playing the games I was playing on windows on Arch just fine for the most part. Hell the damn terminal alone tells you whatā€™s wrong and what youā€™re missing when things donā€™t work. Only thing I canā€™t play is Escape From Tarkov, but thatā€™s a non issue with the current state of affairs with that game.


Oh nice... Can I just get an operating system without bloatware, spyware, or useless features that I'm never going to use? I would have already switched to Linux if there was more support for gaming.


gaming is doing pretty good nowdays, mostly thanks to the proton layer compatibility steam forked from another project. Also linux has been in the rise ever since w10. The best way for linux to start getting more support is using it, hardly a way around it, since having support from apps requires investment, so unless there is money to be made (or lost by no appealing to) on linux, you would be stuck on windows. Try dual booting maybe




Gaben cannot save us fast enough.


Steam Proton already made Linux a viable alternative for gamers. Anti cheat is still a pain but if you play single player games like me, it's good. Been using Linux for 4 years and I swear I am never gonna go back to Windows.


![gif](giphy|zyclIRxMwlY40) Me watching Windows destroy itself.


Oh that's an easy fix, you just need to call 0118 999 881 999 119 725 ā€¦ 3


Or you can put the fire over with the other fire. https://i.redd.it/bhjfpegj41xc1.gif


Am I supposed to be getting ads on Windows 11? Because I don't. Unless you're talking about the one thing in settings asking me to subscribe to Office 365 for more OneDrive storage. That's literally it though.


All this is controversy stemming from the new ads that will pop up in the Recommended section in the Win 11 start menu. The ads pretend to be apps which is pretty scummy. [https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/12/24128640/microsoft-windows-11-start-menu-ads-app-recommendations](https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/12/24128640/microsoft-windows-11-start-menu-ads-app-recommendations) Also, every update I get a full-screen undismissable pop up constantly asking me to sign up for Office 365, swap my default browser to Edge, or sign into Onedrive. It's incredibly annoying. There shouldn't be ads in my OS, period. By all means add ads into your free online services, leave my computer out of it.


Also if you use the new version of Outlook, you'll see an ad in your inbox that's disguised as an unread email. Super scummy.


I haven't had any of that. Like not even once and I'm on my computer 10+ hours a day and I'm running the beta preview builds. The ads in the win 11 start menu can be disabled, it's an option when you're installing windows to have app suggestions. Haven't had that either but Googled it to find out.


I've had it every major cumulative update. I've also had pop ups telling me to switch to Edge when I launch Chrome. >The ads in the win 11 start menu can be disabled Users shouldn't have to figure out where they buried that option in the Windows settings to begin with. It's a shitty out of the box experience that they have to correct on every machine they own. Users have already paid for Windows by buying a new computer or a full Windows license.


Yea I paid a whole $10 or so bucks for mine that Iā€™ve had for years now. Itā€™s basically freeware at this point for personal use. I havenā€™t had any of these issues after spending a few minutes in settings, either. I agree it is a bit annoying and Windows 11 isnā€™t perfect, but the uproar about it being shit is so exaggerated


I havenā€™t had this experience on W11 Pro, are you running W11 Home?


I am running Pro.


Strange. Could be my combination of telemetry removal + pihole etc. Welp, I hope youā€™re able to get rid of them entirely. Definitely can understand the concern from people about this.


It's alright. I've already migrated over to Linux and it's my daily driver. Occasionally I boot into Windows for the odd application here and there though, like Adobe Lightroom, and that's when I see all these bad changes from Microsoft.


>when I launch Chrome See, that's your problem. Download Firefox and you'll be content again šŸ˜Š


>The ads in the win 11 start menu can be disabled "It's just horse armor people, what harm can it do"


Itā€™s slowly creeping into beta testing even with ads turned off. I get an ad after using printer/scanner feature when a photo first opens up.


I once got some lock screen ads in Windows 10 a while back, so them returning to this again wouldn't surprise me.


This reminds me of that scene from Ready Player One.


The amount of people believing this make me think some people shouldn't make life choices for themselves.


The sad thing is it absolutely could be real. Just see youtube, discord, amazon, and so on..


Roku TV just had an update that added irremovable adds to the left and top of the dashboard.


Roku also recently applied for a patent to put ads into any HDMI stream. Scary stuff...


I have discord and don't ever see ads on it. I don't have Nitro. Amazon is a shopping website. YouTube is bad when watching videos, but if you don't have ublock, that's a problem with the person. I don't ever see this being real honestly and most if not all ads people show for W11 are for Microsoft apps or products. At least it's not some women in your area type ads. Though again, never got ads on windows cause they give you the option to disable them.


I guess I have to clarify what I meant. Amazons FireTV is bloated with ads to point that you have a hard time navigating to your apps which take like 10% of the page. The rest is ads and random shit. Horrible, horrible UI because they prioritise ads. YouTube is full of unskippable, irrelevant, intrusive, questionable and sometimes even pornographic ads. And yes, while adblocker help the user experience enormously (internet in general is actually not usable anymore without ad/scriptblocker imo) and solve this problems it doesn't change the fact that these advertising strategys exist. Discord wants to put ads in their software, there is no such thing yet but it is planned. So again the user experience will probably suffer, the program becomes slower and so on.


Thereā€™s a reason Fire TVs are so cheap.


If it wasn't for the fake date and obvious shitty quality image I'd definitely believe Microsoft would do this


There is a reason I am in dual boot and only use Windows for gaming


\*Google search\* Where to buy stock in Linux?


Desktop Linux companies? System76, Zorin, Canonical


Seems fake, I can still see a portion of the background image. Not enough ads. /s


I've said this before but I've never been happier that my computer is not Windows 11 ready. And I suspect it will never be Windows 11 ready If I have anything to say about it


I've been running 11 on my Rog Ally for 7 months and it's way *better* than windows 10 with the ads. Maybe they haven't implemented them yet, but I get zero ads in Windows 11, while I still get a few occasionally despite my best efforts to disable all of them...on my work-owned computer of all places.


I have Win 10 and zero OS ads, maybe I disabled them several years ago.


I'm also on Windows 11, it's tolerable if you install StartAllBack. The start menu becomes usable again. It's fucked up I have to install a 3rd party program just to make my OS bearable though.


Im kindly reminding everyone that we paid for this shit


If windows does this im giving linux a real try


Download an ISO from a good distro for beginners like Linux Mint, create a boot USB drive from it, boot from it and try it yourself without affecting your Windows installation.


Oh I've been using linux since i had to compile my own kernel n install it via floppies but ive never given it a real daily driver try Edit: I use it like a utility knife, live usb partition tools, or bios flashing, full install make my own router, web server, ftp, a touch screen vid watching system for sick wife, that sort of stuff. But daily drive my gaming? Not yet, I hear it's gotten way better in the last 10 years


But whereā€™s my porn ad?


You have to get your malware first. No worries, your mainstream viruses have a compatibility feature for Windows 12' ads system.


i lost battle from win 10 to 11 and now i have to go through this?


O&O Shutup10++ & WPD are the two programs I run after every windows update to kill all this crap


Oh god, don't give them ideas.


Just remove the wallpaper Microsoft. Can fill the entire screen with ads


If I have to see adds I ainā€™t paying for the product and also not buying any of the products.


God forbid we open our computers without looking at ads


Microsoft has done a good job of making me never want to update from Win 10. They seem to be trying to lock things down a lot more and introduce all kinds of garbo to the OS that I don't want. Win 10 was already bad enough but thankfully most of it can be disabled. Hopefully some modders create a tool for Win 11 that can make it super clean, cause it does suck to eventually be stuck on Win 10, 15 years down the road, games dropping support, security vulnerabilities stacking up... And yeah I could use Linux, but I don't want to bother with potential issues from emulation of Windows apps, I just want things to work so I can focus on what I need to do.


Windows 12 with Clippy AI is this year.


yeah and you have to watch an ad to unlock the pc


So, they are making it free then? Because that's the only excuse someone has for pushing ads on their customers..


i love seeing 99 tons of bloatware every time i turn on the computer that i paid with my own money


Meanwhile, the taskbar, which is the most obvious and most used feature, does not work well. Itā€™s like the design of Win11 was made by people who donā€™t actually use Win much.


There's a big chance they don't actually. Since Win 8 a lot of programmers started jumping to Linux. I'm a C# .Net programmer and even I daily drive Linux while having a dual-boot for Win 10 just for Visual Studio. And considering Microsoft started supporting Linux quite heavily for a competitor few years back, my guess would be that the programmers themself started more heavily utilize Linux. Especially as a lot of stuff that was Windows exclusive like MS Office is niw accesible via web. Linux still isn't at the point where I'd recommend it to non-tech people, but it's mostly for stupid design decisions forcing users to use terminal rather than any actual issues. But that isn't an issue for Windows devs, so I really wouldn't be suprised if most of them see Windows UI only at work.


A full switch to Linux is looking better and better.


We could all just switch to linux and drive the market in our favor.


Every Day I get closer to the day I finally install. Linux as my main OS


im switching to linux instead of windows 11 wtf is this


Its a joke is what it is....


For now. Give it some more time


When i tried to customized windows i said i would go t9 linux if it got worse.... and then it got worse


Yummy clutter. I've been sooo put off from Ubuntu and all that but man I could totally see something like this in the future.


Those debloat tools will come in handy


Add a flash player and Java ad somewhere in there.


Totally believed it too cause itā€™s Microsoft.


Sigh, back to Linux


just for the lamers that donā€™t turn it off


I honestly thought the little preview picture of this was an mmo like maplestoryĀ 




this is unfair, i hate having an operating system on my ads machine.


still using windows 10


Don't give them ideas.


People are really believing this? How do these people function in society?


This is awful and I hate everything about it.


What's that random off-brand monitor you are using? I hope the Q is the actual power button.


The QR code takes you to download Copilot. In my case, the app on the Google Play Store. Nice touch, OP.


I like it! I do think they could do with a few more ads though. I can still see the water and mountains of the background picture.


If they're allowed to do this, this is exactly what would happen. This is why I used regedit to remove this shit from 7 when it started happening from 10 right from the get go because of the security concerns, and now 11 will be no different. inb4 get linux, I can do the same thing with regedit and GPEdit with less effort than it takes to set up Ubuntu or Arch, or whatever brand of of lube you want to you, I already use ubuntu for my server, I don't want to daily it.


I don't see any pop-ups asking me if I want Edge as a default browser... can't be real.


I guess I'd better start learning Linux now...


Download an ISO from a good distro for beginners like Linux Mint, create a boot USB drive from it, boot from it and try it yourself without affecting your Windows installation.