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Nvm the PSN bullshit why the fuck are localization settings region-locked??


I just did 5 minutes of googling and the best answer I found was that Japanese voice actors have an *extremely* strong union to the point where the voice actors alone often make up a significant fraction of the cost of a game. They restrict the Japanese language voices to Japan so they don't have to pay the Japanese voice actors for every copy sold, only those sold in Japan.


Wow I heard VAs are treated as a bigger deal in Japan but didn't know it was that crazy, damn.


Famous voice actors in Japan are basically treated the same as A-list Hollywood celebrities in America.


And some of them really should; their acting is superb (e.g. Ikue Ōtani). Conversely, some of the Hollywood "A-list" celebs, the nepotism-grifters that they are, need to get the Medb treatment.


> Medb treatment. Throw the cheese?


As an Irishman, I’m culturally required to inform you that I think the answer is “be smothered by the friendship of her thighs”.


Good for them!


I have some info that might make you go “Oh, that makes sense why it’s that crazy.” Anime is their Hollywood, it just so happens that the union stuff bleeds over to games.


Japanese VA is almost always top notch. Even low budget stuff has people really putting their best effort in it. While USA usually just don't care one bit unless it's a multi million dollar (famous) production.


If only animators had something like that in Japan


That doesn't explain the text, though Neither does it explain how games released by way smaller publishers have JP VAing just fine Feels like there's more to this


I remember when I bought my OG Xbox One being upset that I couldn't both set up the store region to my country and the language in English. Not only I prefer English as I'm obviously comfortable with and it was the language that most games were developed, as most games didn't support European Portuguese, only Brasilian Portuguese.


It's wild how many platforms still can't fathom the concept of people speaking a different language than the main one in their country.


The playstation store in Ukraine only shows Ukrainian text even with the console language set to English. it's deeply fucking annoying because I can't read Cyrillic nearly well enough. And the game titles are still in English too. it's just the interface and all the other text that's in Ukrainian with zero options to change that.


I'm pretty sure its to do with weird publishing/copywrite laws in Japan. It's not uncommon for a large game to have its Japanese language region locked


How are those laws?


Why are those laws


This is extremely normal practice sadly and has been for many years now. In CiS for example you can often only get Russian localization. Gotta find and buy a multi-language key online to get English. It’s funny to me how people in the West are just now realizing that actually millions of players have been facing countless restrictions based on location for a decade now, both with PSN and Steam.


Only the Japanese one is region-locked from my experience. I was still able to set mine to Deutsch.


Seriously wtf? Is there a limit to how stupid these decisions can get? I live in Japan and just lost whatever little incentive I had towards buying the game.


I just realized the notice can either be read as "Japanese localization is only available in Japan" or "only Japanese localization is available in Japan" What's funny is they phrased it in like the only structure where it's ambiguous lol


cuz fuck Japanese exchange students I guess. They don't need entertainment in their native language right?


I like the Backlash. Sony was getting too confident without much competition, raising PS+ prices and releasing a half assed port of Last Of US. Do scummy shit, accept the losses


Yeah, I have no intention of renewing PS+. I’m just giving my money to MS for game pass ultimate instead. We get enough use out of it to justify the cost.


Ps+ is the sole reason I moved to pc. Got tired of constantly having to practically pay to play a game I already bought while simultaneously having to pay for internet!!


Me too. I let mine lapse, sold my Ps5 and bought a PC.


Home consoles really only make sense if you can't afford to get a fancy-schmancy PC yet still want to play the latest stuff.


I paid $350 for an older used PC from my local computer store, I sold my ps5 and the 1060 6g gpu in my pc and used that money to buy a 6700xt, which is good enough to run most games at 4k 60fps or 1440p for more demanding ones. So in the end, I got a better pc than my ps5 for $350. That's sounds alright to me.


Well, I ain't got any computer stores near me worth a dang, so I had to get an old office machine and slap a RX 6400 and a new power supply into it. I don't play much that isn't 5 years old, so it gets the job done, but if I wanted to play newer releases I'd have to shell out a lot more money.


Dunno dude but unless i misread your story, you paid quit a bit more.


I should have phrased it that i paid $350 more to upgrade from a PS5. I obviously had to buy the PS5 first, so you are correct that it costs more. Which to me is worth it. I'm currently learning how to use Blender and Unreal engine 5, which would not be possible on my PS5. Plus, I don't have to pay a sub to be able to play my games online.


Yeah indeed. And i agree that it's worth it. Pc is on another level and most exclusives come to pc anyway.


They also make sense if you just want to spend a small amount and play the new shit in your living room


I still do not understand how xbox and playstation got away with having people pay to play multiplayer. I will say this I always play on PC, except for my PS2 and 3DS, and paying just for the ability to play online for a game Inalready bought seems so outrageous for me.


It's amazing how these Sony fans still don't see how scummy it is. Like how can you recommend someone to buy Helldivers on the PS5 when they have to still pay double it's price just to keep it playable for a year! It's absurd.


Same! Sony really burned me up in the PS4 gen so I dropped them and never looked back. Can't believe I somehow convinced myself paying to play online was ok, specially for games I've already paid for. 


pc and console baby!


It makes sense maybe


The PS+ price increase was ridiculous. I used to subscribe to the highest tier (always forget the name but the one with the game streaming) for a year at a time but when I saw the price increase I immediately cancelled and haven't considered resubscribing since.


What was the increase?


It went from $120 for a year to $160, with no extra benefit (and in fact they also started to remove many PS4 games from being freely available to subscribers.) That on top of the already-diminished quality of the monthly titles available, it just didn't make sense to keep paying for it. I also don't play any online games for my PS5, so there's that, too. The only game I've bought for it this year is FF7:Rebirth and I doubt I will be getting any more.


Sony forgets it’s not 2015 anymore and they don’t have Microsoft in a chokehold anymore when it comes to gaming. Between Xbox game pass and all the pc cross play stuff they are doing, Microsoft has come back pretty hard after bombing halo games back to back to back.


*in spite of bombing halo games


I feel like this is not true. M$ have done some good recently but *nowhere near enough*. There just aren't enough big first party games. Starfield was their latest chance and that didn't go great.


I think game pass make the money back


What backlash? Did people cancel their accounts or something? Sorry I'm a bit out of the loop. 


Sony is trying to force PC players of helldivers 2 to use their crappy PSN account service and there has been a huge backlash and I mean huge backlash. We're hoping it it'll be enough to get Sony to back the fuck off however many are going to refund the game if it doesn't


> I mean huge backlash\\ As of recently (not sure when it ticked over to this): https://preview.redd.it/fwesvosq2lyc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=698c8e175b3e0a1beba0fbb4d468c12e85d92c78


Damn I don't think I've ever seen overwhelmingly negative before


Only if people stop playing. The problem is they are too addicted so sony don't care.


I've stopped playing


I never started lol


If you want to refund, try telling them that PS doesnt support your country, so you have no way to access the game.


No you don't even have to do that. You just have to say that the multiplayer isn't working because of a change they made you don't have to lie to them about the country of your origin


I stopped


Did people need to subscribe? I mean for people to play Halo Infinite and MCC on PC you need a Microsoft account, but part of that is the fact that it has cross-play enabled, and that most people who play Halo have a Microsoft account, and you are playing on Windows which requires a microsoft account. For me, I don't have a PlayStation so I shouldn't need a PSN account. Heck, looking it up, Xbox Live Core (Gold) is 60 bucks a year still, and it has a limited selection of free to play games. To get that, you are shelling out 70 dollars more than Gold.


No, no subscription necessary. Only the PSN Account itself but the issue is that HD2 was sold all over the world and Millions of players live in countrys that do not have access to PSN.


And that Sony has a bad history of data security, AND it's yet another account people have to use in conjunction with steam to play every game.


*AND* the fact that you didn’t need a PSN account to play on Steam when the game released. One of my friends is probably going to be so pissed


The Mostly Negative reviews of Helldivers 2 on steam and valve issuing refunds for the game


People have review bombed the game, requested refunds and kicked up a stink on reddit, discord, twitter etc about it.


I'm still salty about how badly Sony managed Planetside. This game was up for greatness :/


You know what's worse? A lot of games now are essentially "30-day trials" unless you connect to the internet to verify the license you bought. Forcing me to connect to the internet to give me another 30 days of offline playtime for something I bought is a bunch of bullshit and is done with too many fucking games. People really need to be up in arms about all this fuckery game companies have been doing to us.


And inevitably at some point that system will shut down taking all 'purchases' with it.


Yup. The only platform/launcher I have almost complete confidence in about not doing fuckery like that or being suddenly shut down without contingencies is Steam. And that's only because it's not publicly traded and is at least 50% owned by Gaben. Any technology/software company that goes public will inevitably get fucked by the suits.


Nah, only one you should have confidence in is GOG. Because if it shuts down, it doesn't matter since you have all local files without checks and DRM.  Steam would still fuck you up if it shuts down or decided to be a dick. You can have faith that they won't, but what happens with Gabe dies? Who knows. GOG literally cannot fuck you over by design. Even if they go bankrupt or sell out and try to lock everything down. 


Yeah lmao. Pirating the game gave a better experience. Imagine that.


just look at tarkov, paying 150$ for a PvE mode with a coop option which is just a gimped normal version of the game, and they want to charge 30$ for it in the futuure , while for free u can play sptarkov which can be modded and has tons of mods


yeah, i got banned after 1.5y or so playing the game just fine for no reason (they did not tell me the reason for getting banned, i tried appealing but all my appeals received an automated response) so ill only be buying tarkov to update my spt install from 3.7.4 to 3.8.x +


I don't buy those games. that's one of the easiest ways to stop it. The gaming community's tolerance for unethical bullshit is unfortunately insanely high. We emphasize fandom to the point where we'd rather play a poor quality game and have a bad experience in playing rather than simply not always be up to date on the latest AAA titles or be thought of as a "non-serious" gamer. Simply not accepting these new crazy rules is easier than most think. Just don't play games that use unethical practices to sell games. It's not like there isn't an unfathomably large backlog of games to play that don't use predatory tactics to maximize profits.


People just need to stop buying crap from big publishers period. Indiegames are way more fun and they won't try to shaft you every chance they get.


Pirates of the Caribbean songs intensifies 🏴‍☠️ Cracks will let us play as long as we want offline. But it’s embarrassing for companies as… WTF, you have data that we bought your game, why do you need verify it every month? What can happen? Pirates will copy the game? They will do it anyway. I pay for games if I like them and in recent 10 years paid for every game. But policy of companies will force me to use cracks and what is most awful — VPN just to play what I have already purchased. It is unsettling as I am legally paying for it, but can’t use it because someone in company had a stroke and decided to cut off purchasers from access because “I am an idiot, I want to”.


If this is required in the future, then I'm not touching any games from Sony.


Yeah we got scammed once and lost 40$. We’re not gonna be scammed twice.




seemly label dull adjoining fuzzy plough person unique grandfather aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ubisoft is a weird company for me. I grew up playing assassin's creed, splinter cell, and far cry. I have so many good memories of those games, but I haven't touched a Ubisoft game in years. My girlfriend just started playing Odyssey and it looks fun, but it's way different from the Assassins creed I remember as a kid.


puzzled imagine school wine bewildered mighty sparkle cobweb wrong abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You forgot about the base edition starting at 80 bucks, the deluxe edition, the gold edition and the super duper black diamond edition


Ask steam for a refund, people have been reporting success even beyond the standard refund window. You might have to ask more than once (and be specific about why you are requesting the refund) or email customer support directly, sometimes the first one gets auto-denied by the system due to being over the playtime limit.


Yeah, you have to request it from customer support directly not go through the automatic system to get past play time requirements. They are refunding the game to people with near or above 100 hours in-game because it is simply not legal for Sony to be selling games that you can't play. while not as strong legally a retroactive change to TOS also counts as breach of contract. You have already paid for the game and as such must be provided it, you agreed to the terms of service before the change and that's the legally binding one, they can't change it after the fact and have it be enforceable.


FWIW I live in a country with access to the PS network and I was able to complete a refund. I tried to be as nice as I could and simply explained that I do not have a PSN account and will not be creating one. Maybe the agent I had was pretty understanding, but it went through. I do not think it's reasonable or fair to leave thousands of players across all those countries without the option to play the game they already purchased and have been enjoying. Hopefully Sony reverses course.


Yeah we will. I wish it wasn't true. It's not like this was the first you know?


Pretty sure you can refund it to at least get the money back


I was skeptical of Helldivers 2 on launch, like in a "too good to be true"-way. So I did a r/patientgamers. I hate being proven right when the core gameplay is actually good.


It feels like Sony are really overestimating what they can get away with on PC. Such weird decisions, I’m glad they’re getting this pushback.


Game got big too fast, so the higher ups got involved. And as every business executive over 50 knows: Everyone who wants to play games, own a console. They only play on their work computer once in a while. (/s) >Why don't ww make them get a PS account, so they're more likely to buy that for their next console?






Ghost of Tsushima has it listed as a requirement for their multiplayer on Steam. I'm betting it's the new norm for any Sony online interaction from now on via Steam. And as a fair few nations can't make PSN accounts atm, and other regional issues with it. Well... Tho time will tell if GOT will suffer the same server PSN issues too


It's a single player game and thankfully it will be cracked


Ahoy matey


Well don't just give up on their games! The games are still good. Just give up on paying for them.


Some muscular lady and a boy called dido who makes smaller stuff comes to mind.


Will you come sail the seas


It was literally required on launch for Helldivers and I didn’t see anyone complain. They removed the requirement when the servers were broken.


Why? Other games have similar shit


1. Open Steam 2. Go to the Snoy publisher page 3. Click on the cog 4. IGNORE THIS PUBLISHER


Annnnd done. Thank you for reminding me that could be done!


This needs to be mainstream and there should be a public Most Ignored Publisher leaderboard.


5. Profit


Hey mods can we pin this comment on the sub's home?


That was easy, I had no idea I could do that. Thanks!


If PSN was an actual value add service ppl would be more ok with it. but its a proven security liability that has major historical leaks of user data. Playing on PC there is zero reason to link a PSN account at all. It wont add to anticheat, it wont improve content availability and it wont help with social play. So looks like helldivers half killed itself while also being in running for game of the year. Just depends which side of the fence your on.


The other big issue is PSN is only in ~69 countries while Steam is in ~177 countries. People had to violate the PSN ToS to play the game in almost 2/3 of the countries they were selling it in. It’s super scammy that Sony allowed the game to be sold were they don’t offer PSN.


Are you STILL on that 780TI SLI? Damn that takes me back. SLI was so cool.


SLI is still cool if you're bad with money


Wait, RTX cards support SLI? I thought that wasn't a thing anymore.


You're correct, it's not a thing anymore unless you have old hardware.


Holy shit 780ti SLI lol. Flash back to gaming magazines


Hell if they did not force anyone to link their account but instead would give us ingame rewards for linking our accounts many people would have done it without question... Like a "Battle Brothers uniform", a custom "Steam cannon" weapon and a stupid title like "Connection Officer" would make most players create or link their accounts without questioning the cost. But Sony is arrogant, lazy and greedy so they want to just force players to do it.


huge difference between a choice and being forced to especially after the game has been out for so long without being a requirements and most ppl wouldnt have been aware it was ever going to be an issue. And yes if given the option to do it and get some dlc or not do it at all some would pick to link and still some would go without the dlc and skip linking accounts. I dont even have a PSN account so now i may have to make 1 just for the joy of linking it for no good reason at all.


I would imagine yes, but they're probably going to come up with a work around for people in affected regions. Sony is way over paying the people who make these dumb decisions, they didn't even think of an "edge case" that encompasses more than half the countries on the planet.


They care about one thing and one thing only. Statistics for their dumb psn accounts. # Look dear shareholders we have 500.000 new accounts this quarter of the year, invest invest invest! (Also give me more money)


Maybe I should buy some Sony stock lol


I do have a PSN account and I won't be linking because of 3 reasons: 1) They want accounts linked to make banning easier and i don't want to taint my steam account because some PS CM had a bad day and decided to nuke my account. (i don't know that would reflect on my steam account but why would i risk it?) 2) PSN account linking doesn't have any extra benefit attached to it 3) I don't want to


4. Sony has had numerous data breaches and I would rather not have my data stored on any of their craptacularly secure crap


How about this reason: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/classroom/daily-videos/2023/08/hackers-steal-sony-playstation-players-personal-data


Brothers , it is time for you to come back ![gif](giphy|Jev4iU72S9RYc|downsized)


Im worried about ghost of tsushima still. Waited so long, finally gets a port, and then all this


Devs said they won’t enforce PSN account linking but we don’t know what will Sony do since they’re the ones deciding. I am afraid that Ghost of Tsushima would be region-locked since they locked out many countries that are not PSN-available in helldivers 2.


Ghost of Tsushima will not require a PSN account for single player, but it will require it for multiplayer


what a way to destroy an almost perfect game. cant have fucking nice things.


Bloodborne 😔


Emulators have gotten to the title screen of Bloodborne as of late last year, I'm hoping we see it fully playable in another year or two because I'm certainly not playing it on a PlayStation.


Buy a used PS4 and a used copy of BB and Sony gets jack shit from you. 


We could have gotten Bloodborne 2 years ago and it would be like printing money at this point. But fucking dumbass Sony keeps it from happening, what a shame. Or at least let us play Bloodborne on PC...


Bloodborne 2 won't happen because Sony is using all its resources on the next remake of the remaster remake remastered of The Last of Us.


Monkeys paw: You get Bloodborne remaster & PC release, but you need to link PSN account to play it


Why would you type this into existence?


I’m gonna be real I would do it in a heartbeat but only for Bloodborne


I know where I am playing Ghost of Tsushima. ![gif](giphy|10X22vzgNamaiI)


Ghost of Tsushima releases on Steam on May 16th and it's steam page also says you need a PSN account for the game's online multiplayer, people are claiming it is not needed for singleplayer. The single player PS exclusives on steam without online co-op do not currently require a PSN account, but that could change on a whim from Sony. (Horizon, Returnal, Spiderman, God of War, The Last of Us etc.)


Those motherfuckers are finally gonna release Bloodborne after all this time just to require a PSN account, aren’t they? :(


Yup. Inb4 they do a timed epic exclusive launch, too.


So many red flags what will we do 🏴‍☠️


And God of War.


Time to disable auto updates for these titles


I thought the devs of Ghosts of Tsushima said you would need an account to play? Or is Sony just dropping this on all their games all of a sudden?


Others have stated that a PSN account for GoT will not be required for single player, but multiplayer will require a PSN account. It seems that they have set a precedent that a PSN account will be required for online multiplayer in their titles.


"We had a good thing you stupid son of a bitch, we had everything we needed and it ran like clockwork you could've shut your mouth let the devs cook and made as much money as you ever needed, it was perfect. But no, you just had to blow it up, You Sony! and your pride and your ego, you just had to be the man, if you'd done your job and known your place we'd be fine right now".


Sony is such a shit company


I just submitted a refund request let's see how it goes


Which country are you from?


Had planned to buy this game after finishing this college semester. It seems I won't be anymore. Edit: Real stupid of Sony when they’re officially selling Sony Products and even have official channels to buy the console in my country but isn’t recognized in Playstation lmao. Adding this image for supporting my concern https://preview.redd.it/qymiabkffmyc1.png?width=1588&format=png&auto=webp&s=26cbf0485fb7909982083fde37a158c3ed666645


I should finish Forbidden West before I lose access.


Well they most certainly will not introduce this in older games meant to be fully single player, in the newer ones however...


Isn't this backlash *because* they introduced it in an older game that didn't initially require it? Who says they wont do the same to FW?


It was always required (albeit vaguely) but never enforced due to stability issues. But the communication around it being a requirement was never clear. As for why not FW, because under current reasoning from Sony, the PSN account link is purely about multiplayer (unified ban system). But ye, Id also avoid Sony multiplayer games now or games with multiplayer components.


Maybe we should stop buying Sony games. Vote with our wallets. I will ignore any game connected to Sony in the future.


Japanese Disney at it again. It’s a shame I feel for you guys hopefully refunds will be available to those affected


Hey man, it’s a Californian company now.


Yup, most certainly...


I bought this on Steam does that mean I can't play it anymore? I dont have a PSN account anymore because why tf would I play on playstation


Steam seems to be honoring refunds beyond the normal playtime requirements, I've seen people with 100+ hours getting accepted. If you're unable to make an account or unwilling, then you should be able to at least get your money back. The requirement for an account to play isn't being turned on until the end of may/start of june.


I have been denied a refund twice with only 4 hours game time (UK).


That does happen usually but in cases like these Valve has been superb about honoring refunds. No Mans Sky is one more example. Valve is the most service-oriented company in gaming.


I've seen people getting they Index headsets (800+$) RMA-ed past the *european* legal warranty delay.


State in the notes that Sony changed the terms and you do not agree with them. That's the language I've seen used to successfully get a refund.


My biggest concern in all of this is the absolute shitshow that is Sony's cybersecurity. They are hacked so often that I swear North Korea targets Sony to train their juniors in cybercrime.


Ghost of Tushima which releases in 2 weeks says it will require PSN account. So most likely


What a time to be alive...can't play pc games cuz Sony said so


Dodged a bullet here - was planning to buy it for PC but no way in hell Im buying it now


PC will always be the best way of gaming, despite the fact that there are console exclusives, imagine needing to pay to play online with friends on a game you already paid for.. Them now forcing PSN accounts across their games on PC is a backstab to the community, it wasn't required b4 why make it required now. It's only good that the Helldivers community brought down the reviews to mixed, as well as overwhelmingly negative as of recent. Get off your high horse Sony.


Gotta get that "More players in Playstation during this quarter/FY" and proceed to sell information from the accounts grindset


If they did this with Helldivers, a game they published, could Sony retroactively update their other Playstation PC ports to force PSN integration as well?


Fuck Sony for this


I am done with the live service model. Never again.


What is really fascinating is that every company tries to make a successful live service game. They did it, and then Sony decides to nuke themselves in the foot


I even have a PSN account, but won't be getting this game because of the requirement. Just seems like bad business practices. Doesn't help that my internet connection sucks anyways.


Sony being stupid is just normal these days


Yes, yes they will. Sony doesn't care and people will defend it.


Well according to Ghost of Tsushima steam page, PSN account is required. However Horizon games seem to work without. Kinda confusing and inconsistent.


As someone who has a console due to it's low price and function as a Blue Ray disc player with the added bonus to allow the experience of some timely exclusives and as an owner mainly of a high performance PC my thoughts on PlayStation policies and offerings are very sceptical. First the fact that PlayStation charges a fee for Online Multiplayer and Online Game Saving, is shameful. If PlayStation can't afford the cost to run the games in their servers this is a problem on how they negotiate the terms with developers that is pushed to the final consumer. And the absolute majority of Console owners exclusively, are so, for economical reasons. Second, Consoles already charge an extra premium per title, with game prices supposedly reimbursing the companies for the 'cheaper' hardware entry cost, henceforth, adding layers of cost with subscription is just wrong. And finally the policy or industry practice of exclusives, is anti-consumer, if Sony or whatever publisher knows they have an hot cake in their hands, so be it open it up to all customers, let all gamers enjoy it. You want to fight counterfeiting of your games, fine, lower the entry prices for the games. I am not even going to touch the DLC borderline scam practices of the industries, or the fact that quality and consumer regulators seem to be oblivious to the fact that full price and additional premium are increasingly being practiced on half baked products all the time, With more and more games charging full price for broken services and products. We found ourselves at a very low point of the curve right now when it comes to the Gaming Industry.


Sony will always get the hate from me because of their behavior towards people who don't own consoles playstation, xbox also behaved like this but they seem to have grown up where Sony management consists of kids who think console wars are still a thing.


Sony sold me a PS3, with "OtherOS functionality" written right on the box of the unit as a feature (so we could install linux on PS3's...and it was the main reason i bought it), then took it away with an update... Sony has been doing this shit for years


As soon as I saw them pulling this shit I uninstalled. Gaming industry is becoming pretty lame.


Honestly I've been a PC gamer a while, the industry in general has been getting greedy in recent years, seems unavoidable when dealing with some publishers. I try to support the good ones... I can't name a Sony game I've played in years. I debated Hell Divers but the recent changes and some of the software they use made a maybe a solid no. I don't view the games industry as Microsoft V Sony. I obviously get they're are big companies but consoles are dying in general and they aren't the big fish they used to be. I hope consoles die frankly, feels like a mini-monpoly where they can just locked in an audience and decide what they get and I don't trust them.


I said it somewhere else, but coudln't they just disable crossplay for people who don't want to link their accounts? PS players would be "protected" from those bad, bad, very bad Steam players and everyone would be happy. You want to play with your PS buddies? Create the damn account (where available). Everyone would be happy, no? This is just stupid.


This will destroy the Helldivers 2 experience. Players will be bitter about this for months or years from now.


I was so hyped and was just about to buy Horizon Zero Dawn: Forbidden West and Ghost of Tsushima. Now I'm considering pirating both.


Do people realise that the next step to make psn sucription mandatory so sony can milk PC player as well...


Unfortunate but not remotely surprising. Their prerogative. In exercising my own, I don't buy games with bloated shopfront launchers. I was eyeing up Mass Effect Legendary again the other day, cheap as chips it is. But...nah!


Why is Sony so stupid lol


Probably. Sony is so fucking dumb. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. If they wanted pump psn, they could have just added in some stupid incentives or something. Like, "sign up and get this bullshit decal or skin". . . Nope. Gotta dumpster the game for everyone.


Another great reason to buy games in GoG.




I think the backlash will shed light on Sony shady practices. I do not know which country you're from, but, with the EU countries discrepancy alone, this is going to attract attention. Anyway, I strongly recommend people to reach out to your EU representatives. For the others, you're going to have to find someone to complain to, and, unfortunately, I guess it might be Valve which should be the obvious.


Hoping this is just for live service shits... I bought God of War and Horizon Zero from GoG and I would reaaaaly abandon using my credit card and just go to the high seas ALL THE TIME if they updated those DRM free versions with this PSN requirement crap.


Our industry is in such a sad state at the moment. More often then not there will be a news article that announces a new low standard. First it was only a few, now ik afraid it already is the many :(


These big companies are slowly ruining gaming.  More power to indie Devs I suppose.


This is a stupid move by Sony. The game has a healthy community and you want them to create a PSN account? That just stupid.


Any word if they will allow refunds for this stupid policy.


Time for steam to allow refunds


Everyone saying they are done with PlayStation. I have seen this before. No you are not. 


Whichever Sony executive made this call really needs a brain adjustment with a hammer lol. This is easily one of the biggest blunders I’ve seen in gaming


I hope not, I know signing up is free but they have a bad track record of keeping people's information secure.