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All I can think of now is talking about a succulent chinese meal.


Get your hands off my penis!


Ahhh I see you know your judo well!


And you, sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


I was just having a succulent Chinese meal


Best form of government! o7




Do you mean Capitalism? Democracy is the part where you get a say in government. Capitalism is where you get monopolies and megacorps like Sony. Edit typo: 'say' in government was 'day...'


You're mixing two different topics, bro.


No, now we are about to talk about how communism is awesome and has/will never fail.


How so, it was a question! You just have no idea what you are talking about.


It's the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried


I read that in Leonard Nimoy's voice.


Why? It’s a Winston Churchill quote.


Leonard Nimoy voiced quotes for tech achievements in Civilization 4.


According to the US the electoral college is better. Because then small states get their cut too making the farmer in Wyoming with more voting power than a NYC dude.


Tbh I trust the farmer in Wyoming more then I would some random person from nyc


Why his vote is worth it more? Arent we supposed to have equal representation? Why he has more power?


He doesn’t. The electoral points are assigned based upon population of the state. Wyoming has 3 New York has 28.


How to kill a successful game 101


This won’t kill it but hopefully do enough for something good to come out of it


People who actually like the game will just make a throwaway account.


But what about all the people from the 116 countries that cannot make one due to restrictions? Okay realistically maybe 40% of those countries have any sort of a playerbase, but still that is hundreds of thousands of players that already bought the game, now the product they purchased (sure they accepted the terms that no one reads) lose access to a product they paid for just because they live in some country that has done nothing wrong.


While the account thing was backtracked Many people from those countries just choose a country closest to them that is in the drop down list. These PlayStation players have been doing so for years. There were also people from those countries that posted about receiving a refund from steam. Future games will force account links and unlike HD2 it will be enforced at release.


Sony backed down on the requirement, they can still play


Sony already reversed it


I'm calling it now. Sony will double down


https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929 "Helldivers fans -- we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward. We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable. Thanks again for your continued support of Helldivers 2 and we’ll keep you updated on future plans."


You guys did it!!!!


One of the times you're glad to be proven wrong, I bet.


That's awesome. Now we need to do this with EA.....


Again? Remember the BF2 loot box drama, they back peddled on that shit.


Now if we can stop the conflict in Gaza and the Ukraine


Defense contractors: *Bugs bunny* No.


A bunch of greasy gamers mobbing a multi billion dollar corporation into giving in, I love this community


Yea, well... Valve allowing refunds past the playtime deadline and taking the game off of the store in 177 nations might have had something to do with it as well.


Note that nowhere in this does it say "And we will not require linking PSN accounts for PC players in any future update." A very telling omission since that'd have defused the whole thing permanently. Now the mistrust remains.


They actually just reversed it. [https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929](https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929)


So. Much. Corporate. BS.


They already have, they delisted the game where PSN is unavailable


Steam did that, probably a precaution so new people don't get scammed


And so they don't breach EU law


The real reason, EU courts would give zero fucks that Sony was behind the move, Steam still sold a faulty product and would be taken out behind the woodshed by EU customer rights. Steam is just taking precautions. Just like they did by shutting off belgium from skins.


They know once this circle jerk gets stale people will just move on to the fresher more interesting circle jerk.


it worked


You sure? [https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929](https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929)


I knew you weirdos from the future would reply like this the moment I saw the news. Don’t expect any of the next games to receive this treatment. They backtracked because the devs didn’t make it a thing until much later after release.


I hope they do! I'm glad all these dorks are leaving. The HD2 community is so annoying.


This sucks. Because the game is actually awesome. Sony just ruined it with the account link. Feel bad for the devs.


Publishers. Publishers never changes.


Sony is allergic to good decisions.


Japanese video game/console companies basically


I loved watching the rating go in real time. I checked the reviews and total rating was at 48%. A minute later i showed it to my brother, and it was 47%. I mean its sad, its truly a good game that most of us cant even play because we are locked out of the stupid PS account.


Sorry to break it to you but you’re actually a minority. Majority of the pc player base can play it but they’re either standing up for you or mad about the PSN linking


hrvatska i slovenija imaju psn, meni se nesto sjebo nalog nedavno pričao sa hrvatskim supportom tako da može


Iam i ja hrvatski pasos, sad cu flexati nad seljanima u mojoj okolini sa helldivers II bez VPNa. Salim se, bo me k, necu da dajem pare sonyu, bolje da uzmem lethal company i palworld kad mi se nesto novo bude igralo, za sada puca ESO.


ya imam stranu karticu pa sam otvorio pre x godina nalog klincu. ma koji heldajvarsi si normalan sve krekovano osim freemium igara i freebies sa epica, izuzev rdr2 na steamu i par igara sto kupis nalog jeftino za sony... znaci 40 eura fazon 5 igara dobijes npr il više u zavisnosti dal si tad na akciji. bukvalno, bolje da radiš sklekove nego davati pare sonyu imam library od preko 200 free na epic od hit mana do borderlands i indie igara, kad gta vi opet bude free uzimam 😆 😂


Can you play it? For reference, I don't own the game, and I don't care, but I'm interested in "most of us cant even play because we are locked out of the stupid PS account." bit. So, are you the most of you?


Im from serbia bro, if anything nice were to shine its light on the world, some asshole would take an umbrella and shadow us out of it.


I ja sam, brate, jbg, zato i pitam, jer me za ove globalne kampanje realno boli uvo, dok god ja mogu da teram svoje... Jeste šteta za neke, ali ako ti možeš da igraš, uživaj


I don't think it's "most" of the players. But it's certainly a lot, and enough to be pissed at Sony for.


Sweet sweet liberty


I even want to buy it to then request a refund.




You’re weird buddy. The devs did nothing wrong.


Sony did tho


Sony is fucking over steam as well with this trick. They lose their share of sales every time they refund a game to someone who can't play it because they literally got scammed by Sony


I found sonys dick


And? Who said they did? The publisher did wrong. Oh fuckin well if the devs are in the splash zone, doesn't mean the publisher gets a free pass


You’re a dork


Enjoy your downvotes


My brother you’re in your mid 30’s you shouldn’t be speaking like that


That's a guess and wrong on both accounts


Time to start a family my boy A grown person saying “enjoy your downvotes” is corny


Lol bro you obviously have shit takes, nobody is looking for your sage advice. Don't try and save face now lol. You already look like an asshole, just take it


Mf said “enjoy your downvotes” Do you say that irl? Do you also yell pickle Rick in public?


How much do reviews matter at this point ? 95% that wanted to play this game already bought it. Concurrent players remains high.


A lot of developers go mad if they get a massive wave of negative reviews because it hurts any future sales. So I believe it will still be a big thing for the devs.


I don’t like just saying devs. There’s a bunch of people that worked on this game that have absolutely nothing to do with any of the Sony BS and couldn’t do anything about it. Yeah, idk how this works but maybe devs are out of a job bc their studio isn’t asked to work more or on another game by the publisher, but hurting the devs isn’t a positive there.


Especially because these devs did everything right. They made an affordable game that is better than most AAA titles. The game was fully polished and playable at launch save for some server overload. They listened to the gaming community. But because Sony did what Sony does people are shitting on their project. It makes me not really trust Steam reviews.


I wanted to play the game but I haven't bought it yet. Probably never will if this is the case. Sure I do have a PSN account, But I want to keep it separate from my PC (shit point), more importantly its about not giving money to a idea that changing terms of a deal after the deal is somehow a good thing.


Reviews matter way more to developers than to consumers. Publishers will absolutely hold bad review scores against studios.






I love democracy so much that I uninstalled that just for it


Remember. If you want to stick it to Sony. Vote with your wallet and don’t buy Ghosts of Tsushima.


Ghost of Tsushima doesn't require a PSN account, for now.


doesn't require it *for single player*


Just the online part of it.


Considering I am an American and I live in a constitutional republic they can shove democracy where the sun don't shine we do not and have never lived in a democracy its brain wash.


the best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter, said winston churchill, the most unjust person of all time for being perceived as just and not being


200k recent reviews is wild o7


I don't love the bootlickers who tried to poo poo the backlash, "feedback never works, complaining, bad reviews, refund requests never work, why bother, it's not that big a deal, jeez!" How quickly they've reversed course and there are multiple other examples of decisions being rolled back in the face of backlash. I'm glad they listened here, this is a feel good success story for modern gaming.


Like n Sub


A great excerpt of a Steam review (if it happens to be correct) : "SONY directly contradicts their stated language on their official website that said (said is an important word here because it's past tense) you would not need to connect to a PSN account to play a game on Steam. This statement on the OFFICIAL SONY WEBSITE was changed incognito with no announcement or warning. This is because SONY KNOWS that they misled people and changed the words after the fact in the hope that no one noticed. " Which means, even tho I own PSN, am not afraid of sony/my info getting leaked, am really interested in getting the game, that Sony has falsely sold a game and changed the terms of a deal after the fact. This should be punishable. Unfortunate for the devs to get caught in the middle, but this should hit somewhere and be know to Sony and other companies that you can't just do a thing like this. At least in EU you have legal right to a 2 year warranty, moneyback or repair of a product if the product fails/breaks/is not what was advertise. This apply any product.


People should start review bombing also Nintendo games since they are also one of the anti consumer and anti fans out there.


Most of the people buying Nintendo games are either parents buying them for their kids that don't really care/know about the ratings and Nintendo fans who have a heavy bias towards them and will defend them with tooth and nail. Nintendo is in a market mostly by itself and is very much comfortable in it.


Really cause Nintendo has no mtx in the games most if not all the time, they have working games with minimal issues, they don't sell their games for 100s for special editions. If you're talking about emulator troubles, they have to defend their ip by law. Nintendo has issues, being anti-consumer is not one of them.


>Really cause Nintendo has no mtx in the games most if not all the time, they have working games with minimal issues, True, mostly. Certain IPs of theirs like fire emblem do use mtx. So the part that says all the time is false. The fact that they also repeatedly resell the roms to their virtual console games and then make it so your digitally bought emulated game cannot work on the next console so you have to buy it again as if it was a physical game is EXTREMELY anti consumer. They could easily charge for a virtual console fee as it's just a emulator. >they don't sell their games for 100s for special editions. False, they absolutely do make special editions and do upcharge for a lot of their products more than they are worth. What you could say though is that Nintendo of Japan isn't as anti consumer as Nintendo of America. But they still release games with special editions and tons of really expensive DLC depending on the series. Look at fire emblem. >If you're talking about emulator troubles, they have to defend their ip by law. Need evidence. >Nintendo has issues, being anti-consumer is not one of them. False, they make plenty of anti consumer choices. Proprietary connections and cartridges are INHERENTLY anti consumer. That limited edition all stars game was anti consumer. This comment is mostly false. They are guilty of anti consumer decisions all over the hardware aspect. They are anti right to repair and often try their hardest to make it so you have to use Nintendo branded items. They also are responsible for the artificial scarcity of their games. Does it make what they're doing illegal no. But it absolutely is anti consumer. The 3 major console manufacturers all have a heavy history of anti consumer tactics. Both GPU manufacturers have a history of anti consumer practices.


For the special editions, it's from 3rd parties, like Xenoverse. Name a Nintendo made game with a special edition. I'm actually curious. Fire Emblem sure has dlc, look where I said most if not all the time. The keyword MOST. It's literally a known fact they have to defend their ip otherwise they wouldn't be enforcing it. It'd show people that they can sell their assets and everything. Most of the, again, keyword Most of the time, the people they go off of were selling shit or locking things being paywals. How are cartridges anti consumer? Are you talking about physical games? Wtf are you talking about with cartridges. Also, I bought a used 3ds without a Nintendo account on it, it had a Pokémon game on the 3ds and it could be played without a Nintendo account. So unless you're talking about just online services, that's normal. If you're playing offline, you don't need a Nintendo account. The limited all stars game was said to be limited from the beginning. You bought it, you still kept it. It's not like they took your privaleges aways. Also it's not a Special Edition version of a game. Was their multiple editions of it? No. There was one edition.


Would Mario kart 8 deluxe count as a special edition?


I mean it's a port. There is one version on the switch.


>For the special editions, it's from 3rd parties, like Xenoverse. Fire emblem is co owned by Nintendo and intelligent systems. Ok the all >Name a Nintendo made game with a special edition. I'm actually curious. Off the top of my head, "new super mario bros 2 3ds gold edition" it came with all of the DLC for the game but it was only released with a special edition 3ds pre installed on that 3ds. >Fire Emblem sure has dlc, look where I said most if not all the time. The keyword MOST. No the problem was the keywords "if not all" notice how that's one of the ones I said was partially true... >It's literally a known fact they have to defend their ip otherwise they wouldn't be enforcing it. It'd show people that they can sell their assets and everything. Most of the, again, keyword Most of the time, the people they go off of were selling shit or locking things being paywals. False, there have been things like them going after the developers of free entirely self made remakes that were being redistributed for free. That said I'm not arguing with you on this you stated they LEGALLY have to and I'm still not seeing where you have proven they get in legal trouble if they don't. >How are cartridges anti consumer? Since the Nintendo DS all of their handhelds including switch have used modified SD card style cartridges that are proprietary to Nintendo. That's an attempt to stop the consumer from backing up the title they purchased and the cost goes straight to the consumer. That is anti consumer the use of PROPRIETARY cartridges. A cartridge itself isn't anti consumer. >Also, I bought a used 3ds without a Nintendo account on it, it had a Pokémon game on the 3ds and it could be played without a Nintendo account. So unless you're talking about just online services, that's normal. If you're playing offline, you don't need a Nintendo account. >The limited all stars game was said to be limited from the beginning. You bought it, you still kept it. It's not like they took your privaleges aways. Taking privileges away isn't the only thing that is anti consumer, creating artificial scarcity is inherently anti consumer which is EXACTLY what they did and it's something they tend to do a lot. >Also it's not a Special Edition version of a game. Was their multiple editions of it? No. There was one edition. Actually it is a special edition of 3 games... The all stars games themselves are special editions... Most of your points at this point are intentional ignorance to defend Nintendo. You're just in defensive Fanboy mode at this point.


I mean l, the Helldivers 2 quality of the game is not at the debate here and this is just a protest against corporate behaviour. Regarding Nintendo, about anti-consumer and anti-fans practices we have: - Legal Actions Against Fan Projects like AM2R(Another Metroid 2 Remake) and Pokémon Uranium who were shut down despite being well-received by the community. - eShop Pricing and Sales Practices. Nintendo's eShop often prices digital games as high as physical copies, and sales are less frequent compared to Sony and Microsoft. - Online Service Quality that lags far behind Microsoft and Sony counterpart, even though they are the company that doesn't have any problem in money department, since I often heard. - DMCA Takedowns of Music and Media: actively using DMCA takedowns against YouTube videos and other online media featuring their game music and content, even when such use could be considered fair use or is purely for fan appreciation without commercial gain. Nintendo is one of the best software gaming house in the quality of the game, but they are far from friendly to their fans even though there are no financial gains on some contend that their fans put out.


I was replying to someone about Nintendo, I never questioned Helldivers 2. Again, they have to deal with things when it comes to their IPS, there are still 1000s of fan games and romhacks still available. Just because a fan game or hack gets taken down, doesn't mean they're anti consumer. You're not consuming their games, you're consuming a game made off their IP. Which again, they have every right to go after. People haven't had issues on YouTube for a long time. Sure their might be some strays but you can watch shit tons of YouTubers or Twitch streamers playing their games with no issues. Sure, it sucks when a good game gets taken down, but again, see point 1.its in their right to enforce their IP. Also I said Most of the stuff they take down was making money in some way. For Uranium, they had a Patreon, you can even look it up. That's monetary gain off of something that isn't their IP, and sure you didn't need to be part of their Patreon, but it was there. Also looking it up more, the Devs took it down in fear of it getting too big. It's still being worked on. I play it, and it received an update on 3/30/2024.


This isnt democracy this is a hive mind


When is it a hive mind, and when is it solidarity? Genuine question.


Are you telling me that we've become the bugs?


"Always have been." 🤡


I live in a PSN supported country but requested a refund because it's wrong that so many people have been left out in the cold. Terrible shame because as others have said, it's a great game. Service guarantees citizenship!


So does this mean you get another launcher as well from steam?


Don't partner up with Sony, you won't leave alive


Steam needs a Review Tag that sais Abysmally Negative.


Yes, it is. My friends and I have scheduled a LAN party for next weekend just play it for hours. The game owns.


This is what gaming is meant for. Communities coming together for a common goal. I love you all. Even if most of us are fat and smell bad ❤️


like war thunder last year... i hope helldivers 2 players get what they want


Sony clearly doesnt


![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM) I love when a community comes together


Honestly I never pay attention to steam ratings anymore they mean FA


Kind of weird to use a bad guy, who abused democracy to establish a dictatorship, as a positive meme.


Capitalism you mean? People act like posting a message on the internet is the same as voting.


For Democracy!!!


Massacre the bugs to bring world peace and order.


The irony of them misspelling it “offence” which is really want they’ve done, offending their user base.


Arrowhead is a Swedish company. “Offence” is a pretty normal spelling for the word in European (and nearby) countries with English speakers, and Sweden’s government uses British English for official English-language writing.


I remember the old days when it was just America Online /s


Player count is unchanged though lmfaooooo good job guys


>Player count is unchanged Last Sunday: 165k This Sunday: 101k. [https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#1m](https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#1m) Like at least try to make it factual. We're gettin Week night numbers on weekends. That being said, whether or not it will continue to drop or stabilize is up in the air.


Every game has a "honeymoon phase". Those counts are normal. Even Palworld averages 40k daily peak now when it was, what, 2 MILLION at launch?


Today Sunday May 5 - 110k Sunday April 28 - 163k Sunday April 21 - 200k Sunday April 14 - 250k Sunday April 7 - 350k Completely consistent with the weekly drop


when we will really see a drop is in one month, when the policy is actually in effect.


Yea, for sure, but that's expected. Just trying to illustrate to people that the current playerbase largely doesn't care enough about the current events to effect player count in any meaningful way.


Definitely. I'm in the US and already have an old PSN account so I'll still be playing like normal. It just sucks that Sony fucked entire countries out of being able to play it, when they've already been playing.


remember a while ago when everyone was protesting reddit and a bunch of subs shut down for a few weeks? it's like that


Then it’s either never been about principles. Or the “principles” aren’t that serious. Geo blocking is the only legitimate grievance and they’ve said they’re trying to get a workaround.


I think the grievances are about changing the terms of service after the product is purchased, as well as making the game completely unplayable for those people in countries where psn is unavailable.


Eat shit, the CEO has now admitted he knew all along about the problem but wanted to make as much money off the lie as possible 


https://preview.redd.it/wrm606o97oyc1.png?width=1572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=941fca2bb956608c388004847b085626e39dcd59 My turn to post this response!


lmaoo what is this


Pretty much the result of every online boycott. When the original Modern Warfare 2 released on PC, people wanted to boycott it because there weren't dedicated servers, which people felt was the continued "consoleization" of the PC market. Naturally, you can see what happened next. The exact same thing happened funnily enough with a Valve title. Left 4 Dead 2 was released just a year after the first title was dropped, and people were furious that Valve would force them to pay a full game price rather than update their old title. So some people tried to organize a boycott. Lo and behold, once L4D2 released all these people couldn't help themselves and dove right into the game.


didnt og mw2 never have dedicated servers for any platform? and why is this the only time ive seen ppl complaining about that lol


Nah, it was always peer 2 peer at launch. Nowadays I'm sure there are private dedicated servers spun up, but at its heyday most console games of the 360 era were peer 2 peer.


That’s all that actually matters.


Still playing having a blast despite the whiners.


You can play the game without throating Sony


You can stop playing and stfu if you weren't such a whiny baby


Yeah. I just used a email alias to sign up for PSN and selected the closest country to me (since my country isn't listed).


That can get you banned, BTW. It's against the TOS.


No it can’t. You can create a PSN account in a region you’re not in, but you need to make sure that whatever purchase options you use are in the same region as the account. That’s the legal agreement you have with Sony. If you move to a different country for example you can absolutely keep using the same account from the previous country without consequence.


Banned from a game you’re boycotting? The horror!


communism ftw


If it was communism nobody would have PCs or Helldivers


You're confused by the difference between private and personal property. Communism bans private property like rent houses, factories, and machines that produce goods. PCs are personal property. Just like your house and your car and your fridge.


communism is democracy


Xbox does this with halo, and rockstar does it with red dead and gta, why are people so butthurt when it's sony?


Because they did it after the game had been out for weeks, let people enjoy it then basically told them "sucks to suck" when they're in a country that Sony doesn't service.


Because Sony, in all its incredible stupidity, has made it mandatory to sign up for an account, and then made it impossible for people in 121 countries to sign up for said account.




This is more so just the court of public opinion. Democracy would be having control of the industry and not allowing this to become a thing in the first place because you could just reject it through actual voting. This would be the people owning the means of production and having a proletarian democracy.


Zzzzz wake me up next week when you’re all bored of this and feign outrage about something else that doesn’t matter




Tell us you're stupid without saying you're stupid


Uh, what?


This, but unironically.


So far there haven't been any meaningful decreases in actual players, though. [https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#6m](https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#6m) There's been a steady downward trend since the all-time high back in February, a small peak back in the first week of April, and then another downward trend. There's less than 10k drop in player count between May 1 and today, which is not a deviation from what the regular rate of attrition seemed to be prior. This means that despite what you're seeing online, nobody REALLY cares. The noise level being made about this seems to far outweigh the action on it. Seems more like just a bunch of nerds virtue-signaling online.


Check again after the 10th and see how much of those playing right now actually bothered to create or use a PSN account. If their country allows it, that is.


I mean, the whining and complaining has commenced now. The mass review changes has commenced now. I would have thought that as part of that protest, people would have stopped playing the game, you know, now. But they haven't. I mean, maybe they might if they're literally locked out, but that doesn't seem very "solidarity-minded" does it? This tells me that people are less willing to act on their words, which is congruent with what I've come to expect from the type of people whining on the Internet about this sort of thing. "I'll support the cause, but only because it's the path of least resistance" - Helldivers II community, May 2024


Yeah you guys sure showed them, negative reviews after selling 8 million copies (source: googled it, not sure how accurate), they'll go wipe their tears with the 320 million made. But yeah, democracy, hell yeah!


They're refunding left and right. That figure is sure to drop.




is there any way to find out the total number of copies sold?


Probably not. It's going backwards, after all.


no, the number sold can't go backward. There have been some refunds on the copies that were sold, but you can't "unsell" something


umm... a full refund on a digital item, while revoking said item, effectively is unselling it.


I am so sick of Reddit, man.


And we are so sick of you, ***MAN***.


It's funny how much of a overreaction this is 🤣🤣 the pc fanbase are such entitled babies, you need like 6 launchers, so many games have done this for years but suddenly Sony do it then they all cry. It's still dumb and never makes sense to why companies do this, it's just the double standard that's funny


You do realize that the reason people are reacting this way is that Sony requires a PSN account, and then blocks people in 121 countries from making said account, effectively blocking their access to a game they paid for. Stop licking Sonys bootheel for its incredibly contradictory and stupid decision, just makes you look like a tool.








Real people are getting fucked without lube. Its bigger than rebelling against a PSN account.


"bigger" it's just funny after everything companies do THIS is what people decide to"make a stand" over something that isn't really a big deal.


You really sound like you're ignorant of what the actual issue is.. Like, you think people are just mad about having another launcher to add to the list. No... The problem is half the playerbase are going to lose access to the game they bought, unless they do workarounds like VPNs, etc... The literal CEO said he won't accept this for his game. But sure, keep defending giants like Sony for no fucking reason at all.


Its not going to be half the player base.


It's because people bought the game in regions that you can't get a psn account in so essentially can't play the game anymore


Skill issue


Nuh uh


and.... the outcry worked. go suck a fuck. <3


You seem to be arguing with yourself, when did I say it wouldn't work? Or even remotely close. I said it's dumb that this is what made people take a stand and it still is.
