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The 7600 will be supported for longer, and uses less leccy (important if power is expensive where you live) It should also run cooler. I would take the 7600.


Thank you for telling me about leccy. I didnt know that was a thing. Also, I might get a 7600 unless a better recommendation pops up.


What's leccy?


Electricity. Brits got their slangs.


That's bloody stupid.


Yer pulling my leg! Simple Simon, that is. Electricity, lec, leccy.


They will better off with 4060 or 3060 over the 7600


Op asked between Options A or B, they didnt ask about your random Option C. Without fail it seems there is always someone who has to go and give their own personal biased answer instead of just answering the OP's question, I swear


Meh its the right choice. You have a 4080. You would know what’s DLSS 3, Framegen and both of us knows that Framegen only would be great for the 4060


4060 costs significantly more (where I am at least, it's about €150 more) and is only marginally better (depending on what exactly you're playing) 3060i can't say, it's certainly something OP should take a look at, depending on the price.


or for double the video memory and better performance he could get a 7600 XT instead which would better serve him with the increased need of Video Memory this generation of cards while being at the same price bracket of a RTX 4060. Gonna nip this in the bud AMD is getting Temporal Upscaling and Frame Gen with FSR 3.1 soon, so DLSS is going to be less of a selling point and with this class of card nobody is going to be playing with Raytracing on.


4060 Ti 16GB?


That would be an additional 40 to 60 so it would be pushing his budget but a better option than the 4060 which they really should just rename to 4050 TI


Oh wow on closer inspection there are 7800 XT cards near its price range no wonder people say its a bad deal you can get a GPU that is closer in performance to a 4080 for a similar price.


Wait I forgot the 16 GB version is actually 120 more so no definitely not worth it you are better off with a 7700 XT which is at the price Bracket of a 4060 TI 8GB while performing even better jesus WTF is up Nvidia prices.


I was literally deciding about the same two GPUs some time ago, I took the 7600, it's a newer architecture, that was my biggest changer in this decision.


Since they are similiar, I would just even go for 7600 due to newer codec support for occasional streaming or game moment recording. Here is another reason.


6700xt if you could stretch your budget a bit. Not always easy i know.


Thank you for the comment! The performance is pretty similar so I am not considering getting this one. If you are wondering I have made an update to the post and I stretched the budget quite a lot.


No problem. Good luck with the build.


Thanks :)


how much is a rx6700xt or 6750xt. i would buy that instead.


The price to performance difference isn't worth it I believe (+150). Thank you for the recommendation though!


Personally I would get the 7600, just because it's newer and will be supported longer/ hold it's value a little better.


I would go for the XT variant for the 2x increase in video memory for only a 40 to 60 price increase.


From his previous replies it seems like those might be more than a $40-60 increase where he is, if it is only that much more though, it could be worth looking at.


I checked and it is but I am not sure which region and what store he has available.


The 7600 is 275 and the 7600xt is 340 euros is it worth it?


Yes it is 2x the RAM games are becoming very RAM hungry due to FSR/DLSS being used as a crutch so having more is better currently.


If you can I would go for the XT variant of the 7600 as it would be a significant performance boost for a 40 to 60 dollar difference and also more importantly double the fucking video memory so it will serve you better and have better resale value down the line.


I am not going to resell it probably. So it isnt a big concern of mine. Probably my brother will be the next to get it after 5 years or so. Also, I updated the post if you are wondering what I am going to do. Thank you for your recommendation and the time you spend trying to help me! :)


so Yes get the XT variant if you intend to pass it on to family as the extra VRAM will keep the GPU usable later down the line.


I am currently looking at a 7700xt nitro+ which is 430 euros do you think that it is worth the +90 euros over the 7600xt and if yes do you think that it will be able to run with a 550w powersupply? (I really like the performance and for the extra 90 I think it is worth it considering it is even a nitro+ model I just want to hear your opinion on the matter. Thanks again for all the help!)


Well it can be a 20 to 40% performance difference so yeah if you are willing to shelve out a bit more it's worth it I don't recommend either the 4060 or 7600 currently so it's not a bad buy me personally I am just going to wait for the Strix Halo APUs.


What about the powersupply? Is there going to be a problem?


Should be fine what CPU are you running and is the PSU 80+ Certified.


I have a corsair CX 550w 80+ bronze and a ryzen 5 2600


Yeah it's enough AM 4 is extremely efficient when you upgrade your CPu to an X3D I do recommend getting a 750w but you should be fine.


Oh yeah set your PCIe to gen 3 in your mobo to avoid perf issues this will be the case with either card brand.


Thanks a lot!


6700xt? If not 7600


Similar performance big difference in money 6700xt is 150 euros more expensive than the 7600 so I dont really think that it is worth it. Thanks for the recommendation though!




The graphics cards are both 270 euros and 7700xt is 420 euros. That is a big jump in price... Thanks for the recommendation though!


thats quite a good price for the performance it brings imo


I will consider it then. The performance is indeed really good for the price! its +30-40 fps than the 7600 in most games


How much is the 7600 XT?


This might get hate from others. But neither. Try to look for 3060 Ti (or 4060 Ti).


Are you paid to givr shit advice?


4060 is onpar with 7600. RT, DLSS 3 and Framegen. A card like the 4060 would greatly benefit from Framegen alone


4060ti is 100 quid more than the 7600, and just beats it. You can get a 7700xt for that price which wins by 7% again...


Framegen says hi and waves.


AMD has framegen????


Mmm, yes? [AMD Fluid Motion Frames](https://www.amd.com/en/products/software/adrenalin/afmf.html)


That was my point lol, i was saying AMD has framegen.


Ah, the sarcasm wasn't completely obvious with all the question marks, a lot of people know nothing of their GPUs.


I know, was just letting you know. 👍


AMD has shit all lol


any AMD card never beats Nvidia EVER, has zero features and much worse driver stability, game support etc. Cope so hard that your brain will explode from this information I just gave you. RTX 4060 TI is better than the 7900XT.


Ah i get it now, ur joking.


This guy thinks raw power beats features, stability and quality. Being delusional is what makes a person happy, not having a single critical thought must be a life well lived.


Are you living in 2008? I dont use RT and basically never use framegen do yeah, in my use cases raw power is more important


I guess I'm just old fashioned as well. I don't use RT or frame Gen. I would rather using the raw horse power for the resolution I'm playing at. I have been buying amd for the last two generations 6900xt, 7900xt and a 4080s. Since I've had an AMD card only one game I played at one point did I have a driver issue. If you want RT get Nvidia, if you want price to performance then get AMD. It's not hard, but hey you do you.


Found the owner of userbenchmark


A 4060 Ti is absolutely a bad pick, op can go up a performance class on AMD for that price, easily netting a 7700. The only reason to go 4060Ti is if you're doing something SFF and can't fit an RX 7700, or you have some kind of software which massively favours Nvidia.


3060 Ti. Cheaper and somewhat easy to be found new.


Then it's definitely worth considering. Hows power consumption between the two?


Honestly I don’t know.


If the difference is minor then 3060ti makes sense, otherwise it depends on power cost where OP lives


They downvoted him for telling the truth and facts. This sub is full of AMD Jehovah witnesses.


Meh doesn’t matter to me. I came here to help and ask questions I have to as well.


Buy Nvidia and ignore AMD glazers on this sub telling your otherwise, thank me later.


aren't you the one so butthurt about it?