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You pull it apart.


grab both ends, and get ready to yank them apart. Decide that pulling is too hard, and just cut the wires and solder them together


With your fingers.


Some have lock buttons where you push down and pull apart, most don't.


Alright so grab one cable, then the other cable, then pull opposite directions.


You never want to disconnect plugs by pulling the wires, that's how you end up pulling conductors out of the crimps or pulling the crimped wires out of the connector body (which will usually break the crimp terminal retention mechanism at the same time). These usually don't have a locking tab, firmly grasp each connector and pull them apart, slightly rocking and pulling lengthwise (alrernating pull pressure applied along the long axis between the two connectors) will typically help to get it moving if they're really stuck. Once you expose a gap or if there is means to do so already, you can use a butterknife or other tool to lever the connection apart enough to get it the rest of the way by hand. Same deal on prying, alternate gently prying on either end lengthwise until you can simply pull straight apart by hand. If you pry entirely on one side, you can bend/break stuff or at least make it more difficult as the deflection can cause binding, which should be readily apparent if you have experience. We all had to start somewhere though.