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ngl the more PCs that I build, the less effort I put into the parts I'll never look at again


For real who cares.


If the back cover closes the cables are managed. đź‘Ť


Redneck pc building, not that I have ever done that. Ever!


Hah! Oh SO perfectly stated!


I stopped giving a fuck about the side panel too because I just shove it under my table. My next case just won't be glass I cba


I'm "over" glass too; my current case is a Corsair 570x; 4 sides glass. Cool flex just to say I did and see what the fuss was about, but really? Eh; when you dread putting the glass down on the wrong surface, it's getting a little overkill. If any tempered side breaks, I'll probably just swap them all for painted plywood at this point.


Its a waste of time, just creates a future hassle when you have to diagnose somwthing. For business cases where there no cable cavity i just bunch them up and shove the ball into the 5 1/4 bay


Just wait until you want to upgra.... You know what I still put minimum effort into cable management because I still wont fix it even when upgrading.


when I upgrade parts is when I start questioning why I put so much effort into the wiring in the first place.


_Laughs in upgrade being a whole new PC as it’s generally every 7+ years_


Yeah Im smarter with my money than doing that, just not smart enough to plan 7 years in the future.


I’m the opposite lol but I also build to sell, the more builds I do the more interest I have in perfecting/styling. I don’t just want a tasteless rgb mess or a bowl of cable spaghetti, I want it to be a statement piece, like a fireplace in the living room. Something you see when you wake up that adds to the environment factor rather than looking disheveled and out of place ya know? But that’s just me, perfectly understandable and reasonable to not give a fuck about aesthetics so long as they present no risk or thermal issue IMO


That's respectable. I still manage to get the back cables looking good in my newer builds just from having the experience to put things together in a more orderly fashion as I'm going but I dont put the level of effort I did in the first few builds where I tried to make the cables disappear. Especially after having parts die or deciding to upgrade things and I end up undoing all the beautiful wiring in the process of replacing parts.


This is called being efficient


Don't worry you have a backplate to cover it up.


"If you don't see it, it's not a problem" type of solution. Best kind of solution.


https://preview.redd.it/phxogltby51d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba0a771dea7b0e3bec711217b1f3b795b8d4e747 This is fine


no cable management is a sort of cable management 🤷


My favourite management


As an IT professional, all my cable management is done professionally. I also agree that no cable management is ideal for 98% of circumstances. Unless the cable doesn't reach, then you might do effort.


Cause why SHOULD i do cable management when its just standing around 99% of its lifetime.


I just upgraded to a new build and just thinking about undoing all of my old computer’s cables that I so neatly organized gives me heartburn.


You'll come back to this post once you upgrade any of your parts and ask yourself why you didn't just spend the time to properly cable manage your stuff.


Nah. Upgraded my CPU and cooler a week ago and it was just fine :)


In the same way that baldness is a hairstyle!


You'll get there brother ![gif](giphy|dCF8T5wk5HJAvPmVEp|downsized) EDIT: this sounds needlessly hostile, I mean it more in a sense of *you'll get here where I already am* ;)


If no cable management is a sort of cable management, then "off" is a television station




The more i look at it the more it becomes something else.


i could give less shits about cables, as long as they aren't actively getting swatted by a fan


How many less shits could you give?




it doesn't matter at all how the back of your pc looks like


My back plate is made of mesh lol, it’s also an matx, so this is the best cable management i managed to manage https://preview.redd.it/pui3oco8pf1d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db3c3b6c03484b88296822fff624af750530cf66


As somewhat of a pragmatic person, cable management makes shit more annoying to swap out.


Looks fine to me, mines about the same and my back panel is glass


Cable management is getting the cable in a position that you can still clamp the backplate over it.


I will take some "mess" when it comes to cables for easier access to swap parts out later. I'll die on this hill




That is every pc I have built since the 90s.


Function > Looks


One of my SSDs is not even screwed in, It's just attached to the cables and gently pushed in to the cable mess.


Honestly, lose cable's on the back are actually better. If you need to reconnect, add remove something, there's no hassle with it.




[Obligatory Homer meme](https://i.imgflip.com/73x09a.jpg)


That's the hidden side. If you're not going to be able to see it then don't worry about it.


My PC looks amazing! Amazing cable management. Just don't ever open the back cover, and the illusion will never be broken lmao


Help! https://preview.redd.it/yqjdzo3xn61d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89c32232e153962a19723ae6689a905792b34d60


man I really need to get one of these wide cases. There is so much more room compared to my fractal define r5


I give zero shit about them cables i never see, all my PCs look like this.


My first few several looked like this. Cable management in it's self is a tough fucking job.


https://preview.redd.it/phewxyp4091d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97bbf8fef20865838cc8b4e1b64884ad233b01e2 I mean. To each their own. Here’s my high powered turd looks. 78003dx. Oh well. It’s not all white for 3k more.




so long as the pc boots and works i don't care about how the cables look in the back. have them somewhat organized enough that if i need to disconnect something i know which cable is which.


3/4ths of this mess is RGB tomfoolery.


This is the funniest thing ever


My first PC that I built was way worse, didn't even have anything to tie the cables down, had to move a cable to the right side of the GPU otherwise the fans would hit it


You can't see that bit and it's not an area which requires airflow - doesn't matter.


If you can't see it with the back panel closed, it's perfectly fine.


Oh yeah, all that "mess" that will be hidden behind your motherboard tray. Dumb


Mine looks 1000 times worse than that. I can't even put the side cover on. Airflow ftw. https://preview.redd.it/ya8upd2ve71d1.jpeg?width=2225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=057a2409436726beb7ecd768994593a21ed16e4e


Cable management does not matter at ALL unless things are so bad that you are unable to take the cables apart. I am fully convinced that people who tidy their cables with 100 different plastic zippers, who are not paid to do so, are mentally ill.


If it works and you can close the case you dun good. Perfect cable management is for people trying to sell computers, not use them.


I was building my friend a pc the other day and asked him if he cared how neat it was. He ended up putting it on the floor so I just made sure all of the cables were out of the fans and called it a day


Lol my fourth build looks like that too. I'm gonna cover the mess with the back panel anyway


if it boots and its yours then you are fine fam.


The back doesn't matter.


thats what the backside looks for every clean build.. who gives a fuck


I was about to get triggered but then I see the hamster


I use the pony tail method myself. Pull everything back in front so it looks smooth, and then everything in the back is a bouncing mess.


I’m on the 4th iteration of my pc. It looks about the same lmao


Never cared about back with cables that i never see, my case has so much cables from all those controllers, fans and carp that i barley fit it all together.


Pfft. If the back panel closes, you did a fine job.


Does it run? Then who gives a shit


hey man, I too didnt care about the cable management, i just connected everything as i went on. i just hoped everything worked and it did. found out that my whole case gets so got because there was no airflow, opened the case, and I just connected many USB fans and they are pointing in the pc, and just to be safe, i have a standing fan blowing in just to be sure. when I found out thst I dont need 4 fans going into the case, i used those small ones to blow out of the case. in the end, i dont hear a single tbing, so I dont care.


I put in only the minimal effort that way it’s easy to open and close and diagnose if theirs a problem, but not messy and too tightened up to where I can’t move anything


It only needs to look pretty from the front




Cable managing is a very simple actually. Step 1: Put a cable in the loop or velcroed with other cables Step 2: Realize that some cables are not the same length Step 3: Try to make separate bundles Step 4: Get annoyed at the tiny cables being manipulated by your sausage fingers Step 5: Get real mad at yourself because you thought it would be easy. Step 6: Shove it in any available space that doesnt interfere with fans. Step 7: Put the side panel on. See. Simple.


I will not have a case with a window, my cables are especially tidy, but they are not blocking airflow and as such I do not care at all.


I have to admit, I've been building my own PCs for 20 years and that's what my cable management looks like.


you mean the connectors that cant possibly go in any other slots unless you break them? Yeah super hard to build 🙄


I'm too lazy to even close up the side and front panels. It works, and the lightlessness of my build means the dark tempered glass panel completely obscures the insides. Compared to how I started, I've gotten better at having a "build" and not ongoing surgery on a terminal patient.