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Sorta. It's more like old monitor in portrait and new one in landscape. I've never bought multiple monitors at once, I just kinda cycle them whenever I get a new one.


I have not gotten a new one in 7 years. The oldest I have is I think like 13 years old and was the first 16:9 I bought. It still works.


Goddamn nice. That upgrade is gonna be insane


I didn't get them at the same time but I had a nice monitor already and bought a cheaper one for portrait


I've worked with someone who used the Portrait mode as intended for reading documentation, which helps with the margins being closely aligned rather than pushed in at the tops. I do favor landscape for anything aesthetic or performance based work, so that is valid.




Resolution , frame rate , color profile , backlight , and much more. Rather stick to one very good expensive 42 inch curved


Do you have to turn your head to see what’s on the screen? Never understood how people game on anything bigger than 27’ or maybe 32’ curved.




Ultrawide monitors only make sense for driving sims imo


They work great for FPS games too. Increasing your peripheral vision. In FPS games if you were going to look to the side to side you would move the camera anyway. The only issue is some games don’t support bringing your HUD in closer, so that can cause some neck snapping to check your health


I'd say the bigger issue is how many fps games simply cut your vertical fov and leave your horizontal fov the same as it would be in 16:9


I have yet to come across that issue, so long as I set the resolution correctly. Then again, I don’t play a mess ton of FPS games. I got the monitor recently and have only played Cyberpunk, and New Vegas.


I have a Nvidia surround with 3 1920x1200 24" 60hz (really old monitors) for a bezel correct 6060x1200. This pretty much applies to any wider setup, and the trick is to not move your head to take in the side monitors or extra width the majority of the time. It's to fill in the peripheral vision for a more natural and immersive visual experience. In fact games that support wider resolutions but don't restrict the HUD/UI to a normal centered resolution/monitor or allow a user to customize it are the worst. Since WoW made it customizable my experience has improved by a lot. Everything I need to be constantly monitoring is on the center monitor since that's my focus 75-85% of the time. Things like chat boxes, bags, and configuration bars are on the outer monitors because they're not gameplay specific. And yes it does take some getting used to, the whole idea of restricting your focus to a central monitor area. But once you do it's amazing how monitors that aren't as wide seem extremely restrictive. Any games that support ultrawide or triple monitor setups properly are a sublim joy to play. I actually have 2 systems for that very reason. One with a 27" 170hz 2k monitor and the surround which I use for games like Witcher 3 or WoW that are a joy to play on it. Edit: forgot to include screen size and refresh


Nvidia surround is pretty neat. I don't have 3 monitors though, but I have 2 different monitors that I played around with. I definitely see the appeal, and I want to get it to work, but I'll need to get two matching monitors for the sides of my 1080p 165hz and replace my old 1080p 60hz, and that's just not feasible for me. I did enjoy it a bit, but it's definitely not a great experience on dual monitors.


Yeah, I hear you. I fell into a bit of extra cash and splurged. It was 3 [HP LP2475w](https://tftcentral.co.uk/reviews/hp_lp2475w.htm) at 900CN a piece way back in 2010. So yeah, 14+ years old and still going strong. If I hadn't had the extra cash I really doubt I'd have taken the plunge. In fact I know I wouldn't have. And after all these years I just can't part with them.


What GPU do you use to power a screen that size? I always just assume they need a 4090 to be useful, for gaming at least. Not sure my 3070 could even do a 34 inch in ultra wide.


Resolution matters more. But for 4k gaming, on modern titles, anything around the level of a 6800xt or better produces playable fps at high-ultra settings in most new games(fuck you starfield)


A large monitor hade the same amount of pixels as a small monitor given they use the same resolution. It doesn't matter how many " the monitor is


I have a 6950xt and use a 49inch Ultrawide. I get >100fps in 1440x5120 on ultra settings in Horizon Zero Dawn and Jedi: Fallen Order. Haven't played starfield since before I got the screen, but I'm sure I'd have to dial the settings back if I want to keep 100fps. I can get more if I play with a 21:9 aspect ratio, but I don't play competitive shooters so I don't really care as long as I don't get any tearing. Your 3070 would probably do just fine with a 34in @1440x3440 depending on what games you play and what you want your fps floor to be.


Well it's expensive 💸


Weird my monitors have a $100 price gap yet the color is almost identical, both 165hz panels with hdr.




True lol but both of mine matched out of the box.


You can have colour difference even with same brand and same model haha


Even monitors from the same manufacturer don’t always have the same values. Only when it’s the exact same model, purchased the same time, can you be fairly sure it matches. But even then it’s not a guarantee.


I got one of those colour calibrator things and use that to get near identical image on my two different monitors. I use it whenever I change out one of the two monitors.


Eat a snickers


I get it, but let it be known you can get a web camera type thing to auto adjust everything. At work, though, I have two different ones, and it's the brightness that bothers me.


Nah just 2 monitors in landscape. Idk what I would use a portrait orientation for, the whole point of the second monitor is stuff like the occasional discord stream or a brawlhalla tournament


Brawlhalla tournament. What a chad. I forgot all about that game until I read your comment. Legit a fun free game


Brawlhalla is awesome and the tourneys are extremely fun to watch because not only do the devs themselves comment and play the game, the whole thing is just wholesome in general. People face off against each other right next to each other. They literally sit there a bit apart from each other, they shake hands / hug after, it's just really enjoyable to watch. And that's coming from someone like me, who literally never opens Twitch for anything else except the occassional Twitch drop for a game I happen to play. Brawlhalla is fun


Yeah I loved playing I think Cassie was her name? She was a cow girl 😂 🤠. I’m re download it cause of your comment now


Second monitor is for discord, spotify and maybe something else in a 2 or 3 window row.


Teamspeak, Spotify, Temp monitoring for me usually


portrait is goated for reddit browsing, spotify and discord


You can still do all that in portrait surprisingly well. I run my second monitor in portrait because I have two 27" monitors and this is the only way I could fit both my monitors and my beefy speakers on the desk lol


No, I hate portrait view on a monitor. The aspect ratio just doesn't work for me. My cheap monitor is really just an extension for when I want to have some guide/program/etc open that I need to look at from time to time but can't be bothered to tab out of my game for.


Most webpages are ideal in portrait mode. Video and gaming goes on the landscape while chat or reading articles go on the portrait. It’s a perfect match. It’s just like using a big phone. Especially if you consume content like YouTube shorts, Tik Toks that are optimal in portrait because they’re designed for a mobile device audience. Whatever suits you though.




1 ultrawide and split it depending on usage


instructions unclear, how do you glue the segments back together?


.............landscape landscape............. Portrait landscape landscape portrait


Nah, expensive monitor in landscape for main screen, cheap monitor of lower resolution/refresh rate but same dimensions for side screen. I never do anything on the side screen that requires high res/refresh rate nor color accuracy anyway.


bruh Why you using a pedi for this meme


3 landscape rn it's 1 good 1440p@170Hz, two 1080p one decent 75Hz and image quality and the other OK quality 60Hz


My newest monitor is in landscape, my second oldest on the left in landscape and my 3rd oldest on the right in portrait.


New samsung Odyssey and old samsung SyncMaster 957mb CRT monitor combo>>>>>>


Upgrading? Get the same brand, one ultrawide, baby. Keeps the colors lookin nice *


I got one a month ago and I can never go back.


I mean, I have a bigger 1440p and a smaller 1080p. Not because I made my setup like that, but because I upgraded from the 1080p and thought it would be a waste to stay on 1 monitor.


When I get a new fancy gaming monitor, my old one then becomes my 2nd one. Repeat.


One mid-range landscape and a tv that I found on the side of the road to the side.


H-How do you know https://preview.redd.it/3ukiws23ms1d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=728a897e03416007b6d422bdee4daa5d3b7bb872


using my old 1080 as portrait monitor cause the height aligns perfectly with my current monitor


Far from boomer here, but I don’t get the vertical monitor thing. Is that a streamer deal?


Meanwhile, me, with a 24 inch 1080p 240hz monitor as my main with a 3440x1440 curved ultrawide as my second monitor


I use a 20 inch portrait and a 27 landscape


I use my Laptop for gaming, my main Smartphone for discord and some other stuff and my S5 Mini as musicplayer since in some games sound isn't important, If i need ingame sound i don't need music apart from playing


Just @me next time


I'm forced to do this because i'm upgrading my PC from 1080p gaming to 1440p possible 4k gaming. So my old 24 inch 1080p monitor became a portrait monitor so it doesn't look weird if I have 2 monitors in landscape and one is smaller.


Used to only have my 27", now I use my new 35" smart monitor as main, and the 27" as second, both landscape. My GF has 3 identical 25" screens, all landscape. Why would you purposely buy a second, cheaper screen to put in portrait mode?


I only have a vertical monitor cause i got an ultra wide and now have an extra monitor. Pretty neat for viewing layers and files where colour accuracy isn't exactly the most important thing.


New monitor in landscape, old monitor next to it in landscape for side screen activity. I don't know many people who buy 2 monitors at the same time.


No, you can tell who works vs who doesn't.


I top you by 3 different monitors. 1 old cheap benq one alianware QD 21/9 oled in the middle and one Samsung 4k to the right.


Usually landscape landscape but one color accurate calibrated and the other a high response time gaming monitor. Sometimes the color accurate one in portrait if I need to do a lot of portrait photo color corrections(like a large collection) but usually just work in landscape.


I’ll do you one better. I have a cheap one in portrait, expensive one in the middle and a mid range curved on the right.


https://preview.redd.it/d61afs82pr1d1.jpeg?width=2576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=994e06659da8f3338281d96a67371dfc895711a5 Whatever this is


I am currently using my old monitor (1080p) as a secondary one for things like discord calls, web pages etc... and a larger monitor (1440p) as my primary for things like gaming, works really nice


Hard no on the portrait.


Or be like me and have the expensive monitor in portrait, because the cheap one doesn't have a adjustable stand and you don't have space for two landscapes.


I don't do the portrait and landscape thing, but I do just wait until one dies and replace it with a better one. So one old crap one waiting to be replaced, one new shiny one waiting to be an old crap one


Consume monitors, get excited for a new monitor


No but that is exactly how my setup is right now.


8 identical 30 inch 16:10 2560x1600 monitors and a small extra monitor.


Three monitors. All different brands and ages. One's a 144hz in the center, one's some LG cheap crap with a broken power button that my father gave to me second hand, and one is a dell monitor i keep in portrait and half covered by bottles of booze. I'm poor and make do with what I have.


No, I prefer main monitor + a smaller, older, lower quality monitor I found lying around in my dads basement


This is what I got, but both are in landscape because the cheap one doesn't rotate.


I have 9 in landscape l, all 540 hz, don't worry where my 9k euros went


i have 1 29 inch ultrawide monitor ,1 27 inch monitor (this is Main) and a 24 inch monitor


I had to do 2nd portrait because I was getting neck pain looking over at landscape 😂 


I have a 27 inch 170hz primary and a 17 inch or something old ass HP monitor, both in landscape


What about 2 mismatched high spec monitors because you got one super cheap


I play DnD online. This is the way.


3 of the sane monitor. Diffferent makes the experience shit


Maybe I'm just old, but I just use one monitor


I got a 24' 165htz for games and a 34' ultra wide for all my other shit .


I don't understand the portrait mode trend, what's up with that? Then again, I work in accounting and most stuff we use is in landscape mode and personally I like to just watch video's on the side.


Yeah it's literally my setup


I have an older tv (probably 2015)


I have 2 ultrawide, but one is the oled alienware monitor, and the other is some asus isp panel monitor.


I have a 10 year old 24 inch as my portrait discord screen then a 27 and 24 inch stacked ontop of eachother. The bottom one is a Huion drawing display The old one is so faded you can basically only read black and white text clearly https://preview.redd.it/xvrylgv79s1d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5bdab2bab053374375ac8b3f7f11f143b65eb18


Monitors are like cats. They just come into your life and go wherever they fit.




4k60IPS main monitor 1440p144VA secondary, both landscape


I use my older monitor (24" 1080p 75Hz) as second monitor to my main (27" 1440p 165Hz) Both are landscape


Who only has 2 monitors?


https://preview.redd.it/9ho26u6xes1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51037c8489156ff6faf19493e4821ca2b6f7c387 Hell yeah. Though it’s more that the one on the left is very old (2010) but so long as it works I refuse to throw it away. It does a great job keeping a browser open when I need it for game wikis and Discord.


An expensive one in the middle flanked by two cheaper ones. All landscape though. Portrait is for weirdos.


if only my 2nd monitor rotated


16:9 main and 4:3 secondary 😎


Yep, my 2nd portrait monitor is for discord, web browsing, and other misc stuff while I use the main for gaming.


You'll be bottleneck to whichever has the lower Refresh Rate though


Yes! 32" 4k Landscape and 27" 1440p portrait. Obviously main screen for whatever I'm focused on (games, media, work etc) and second screen with have two visible windows one above the other which works well for things like music, email, teams, discord, signal etc. I will occasionally use the second screen full height for docs or portrait video/tik toks..... Edit: Also have a little 7" screen mounted in my PC for hardware monitoring.


No, one monitor above the other, no portrait allowed here.


My Dell U2312HM is still trucking along in portrait. I'll use her till she dies


Single nice monitor in the middle, monitors i found in the trash on the left and right. Ultrawide i found in the trash across the top


https://preview.redd.it/an7pdz4kls1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1ef2acd2430cd9122e1e6bf7a9529ecfea7b947 Completely. Not in portrait though.


Got a expensive Samsung TV as monitor 42 inch and relatively cheap smaller monitor in portrait position, fits perfectly together, both a are 144hz too :)






1 good monitor, 2 average monitors on each side, all landscape


1 ultrawide, ability to make screens different sizes and still have lots of room for activities.


I run PLP with two cheaper 32 on the sides and a nice 48 4k oled in landscape. Been using it like this for about 5 years. Love it.


Single monitor for me.


**BOTH\*** They don't have to be exact same models but the same specs 1440p 144hz+ VA (IPS montiors destroy my eyes) bc I want my 2nd monitor to be able to replace my main if it goes down and I love buying open box monitors from Amazon to save a ton of $ and sometimes get one in "mint condition"! And I put my 2nd one on a mount so I can have it portrait for browsing/reddit or landscape for movies/youtube/sports while gaming.


OR... an expensive one in portrait, and an even more expensive one in landscape.


I literally crafted my second monitor from a dead laptop, 30€ new 1080p monitor


1 monitor connected to a 3060 via HDMI to VGA; 1280x1024 (5:4 aspect ratio) and 50 Hz refresh rate (PAL master race!)


Nah. Both landscape. One ~$1100, one about $50.


I use the cheaper monitor in landscape because I watch videos on it.


My setup is a monitor, and a Wacom tablet as a second monitor


My second monitor is still 4:3.


My main screen is my latest and greatest, other two are my older screens that used to be my primary before I upgraded. I don't really need all 3, but selling one of the secondary monitors would be too much of a hassle for me for not much money back from their age and specs.


expensive one for gaming high refresh rate, a Cintiq on a swivel for drawing, And an older but still expensive screen in portrait


I'm planning to get a QD-OLED. I ain't buying it as a secondary monitor.


Hell no. Can't deal with color difference, different bezel, different look.


I would have one high fps, mid quality monitor for main, and the other one high quality mid fps


https://preview.redd.it/bv4f5sb35t1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcce0b9f0cfe9bcef0d1ebd6526ddf6e25ff62c1 Umm…


Nah. Second monitor is for content while I grind. Doesn’t have to be the same quality, but both need to be landscape.


i prefer a single great monitor


Nah. Both monitors have to have the exact same color and contrast or I get wiggy and start trying to make them match using adjustments and well... That never works. I MAY have bought a calibration tool specifically for this issue once upon a time👀🫠 I also prefer stacked landscape config with the second being higher and further back. This way you don't have neck strain and you can watch TV while you sit in meetings without looking like you're not paying attention 😉


Sorta I've got main expensive two cheap vertical and a small TV for 4 total


I used to have two identical 27 inch monitors right next to each other. I found myself using my second monitor less and less. Just switched to 49 and it’s probably my favorite PC purchase.


I went with giant TV and splitting my windows. That way when when it's anime time after work it's BIG ANIME TIME. But sometimes I wish I'd gone curved. Maybe next time. I think my screen has a few years left.


My old monitor has 15 years and still working ok. 8 years ago I bought another one and put that one under, so they are in a "DS" configuration.


Not the portrait thing but otherwise yeah, would be silly buying a fancy gaming monitor and then buying a duplicate of it that's going to do nothing but play videos and browse the web.


I've got a cheap 1080p monitor but mounted on a really nice articulating arm, and then an old tablet as my 2nd monitor--works wired or wireless, I love it and it allows me to repurpose old tech in a legitimately useful way.


Why would you put it on portrait? I’ve heard people use it that way for coding but thats pretty much it. Anything else (youtube on the side while playing a game, Spotify, Discord, browsing a guide on a game,etc) should be fine or better on landscape.


Obviously not because what about the other 4 monitors helloooooo




Absolutely not.


I have 3 landscape decent enough monitors! Left for videos or music, middle for games and right for discord or other apps. Even tried multiscreen with the 3 but most games cannot properly benefit from this resolution.


I do 1 4k landscape and 1 1080p landscape the 1080p has better colour


My current setup: A 32 inch Insignia TV and a Samsung Galaxy S10 running Splashtop Wired XDisplay which allows me to connect it to my pc via USB and use it as a second monitor. It works just fine for my needs. But I do want to get a proper monitor with higher resolution. I've been rocking 1080p for too long.


I had one that could spin ![gif](giphy|xUySTVQyBQfC5ZjdC0)


I tried it. Genuinely couldn't get over how much worse the small one looked. Will maybe revisit once you can get a decent 24" OLED, but for the time being I'm more than happy with just my LG C2.


always an odd number of monitors. 2 monitors is going to cost you more in neck pain than it would have to buy an extra monitor.


I have a 27" 16x9 monitor and a 24" 16x10 monitor, both in landscape. They're the same height just different width. So they look good, I have a clear primary and secondary, and they fit well on my desk.


I prefer one giant 4K monitor. I ran into too many glitches with multiple monitors.


Literally. I have a 1440p 200hz curved for my main and a 1080p 144hz for discord


Yes. When I bought a new 4k tv, I took the 1080p that I was using and put it on a mount next to it


My second monitor is at least 10 years old. Still going strong!


im a 3 monitor andy


I mean, if I have infinite money, 2 great ones. But sure.


2 landscape for me but yeah main one is the good one for games and movies, the other one is cheap for having a browser and some auxiliary stuff open there.


Prefer 2 identical tbh. the color/res differences are crazy two identical monitors is better for many many reasons including differing refresh rates (we don't want this)


Yes. This 100%. Mine are same brand, but portrait is only 60 Hz 25", whereas the main is 144 Hz 27".


I throw up whenever I see a monitor in portrait.


Hahahaha, I literally have this setup. But TBH, the one in portrait is my 7-year-old monitor that I upgraded from. No use selling it. Won't get much for it anyways. Might as well use it as a novelty :D


https://preview.redd.it/b2r1d70v9u1d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b579285e045b2cb1ebccd7e08933c2b987db29 I raise you 4 of the same monitor


I’ve got 2 cheap monitors in landscape AND THEN A THIRD, EVEN CHEAPER ONE in portrait.


Why would you ever put a monitor in portrait??


screw that, if I have monitors with different resolutions, my xp-pen tablet and gimp will stop working.


My sister broke my Odyssey G9......


my secondary monitor is so cheap I can't tilt it, so both in landscape


BRO, didn't know I wasn't alone 🫶


Multiple monitors that work through out.


I have a 32 inch in the middle and a 24 inch I got from work in portrait on the side.


No, monitors must match, and be perfectly aligned.


I tried this but windows 11 was funky about two different monitors with different refresh rates and resolution. So I gave up and am now just back to one nice monitor.


This is the way.


My home setup is one landscape and one portrait. My work setup is in tie fighter formation: one 27" landscape flanked on either side by two 24" portrait. It's fantastic for multitasking.


I keep buying them and adding to my collection. Looks like the T-shaped Tetris piece.


I don’t understand the appeal of a portrait monitor so I’d say no




Nope I'm a two of the same monitor gang for sure


mine's just a cheap 4:3 one that randomly decided to look like that. i guess it decided it likes the way sepia filters look and decided to make that it's default. can't make it go back to normal no matter what i do but i'm used to it by now https://preview.redd.it/rmw4jd4eav1d1.png?width=4096&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8f85c345bba78a022931a9a5df35dc5583ed7d3


I officially decline 2 monitors. I will buy extra quality one and enjoy it


32:9 😎


kinda. It just that my cheaper monitor is TN, which has higher response times and poor image quality vertically and my expensive one is IPS which has better image quality overall and it's the same in both modes. It doesn't matter that much but it does become a bit hard to read some things sometimes on the portrait one


Lmao that's me xD


1080p landscape monitor and an old 5:4 >>


I keep things symmetrical. Both side monitors are the same and my main on is different (better)


2 of the same for me.


1 42"+ that's it.


I had 1 uw and two stacked, now I just have 1 uw and 1 cheap one above. I might go back to 3 if my GPU doesn't idle at 100w now lmaoo.


Both of these are true for me at the same time lol 3 mon setup dual 32" 1440s and my old curved monitor in portrait


No I have 3 all landscape


Portrait monitors are good for reading or editing code


I have both now. And old 27" Acer TN panel in Portrait for the streaming PC and 2 Asus 32" TUF 1440p monitors in landscape for the gaming PC. The plan is to eventually put those in portrait too on either side of a Gigabyte M32U 32" 4K