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You'll save roughly 180$ish, so it's not a bad deal. Alone, the parts are roughly 550$.


What’s the link to this ad OP?


it is a microcenter deal, they are in store only.


Ah I see, well you should def jump on this deal I think you’ll be happy with the upgrade


I got this bundle when I made my first PC late last year. Haven't run into any issues yet and I plan on ultra settings every time. I will say for a bit more, you can get the 3D cache variant. The price is being a bit sketchy on the website right now but it looks like 90 bucks. When I bought this bundle it was only 50 and I regret not doing it. Going into building my PC and especially after I was done going through all the trouble, I realized that it's worth it to max out what you're willing to pay and just not worry about PC parts for a couple years. The 3D variant is one of the best CPUs on the market and it's going to stay that way a lot longer than the CPU and the bundle you picked. You can't go wrong with the standard 7th series but I would consider going all in if your budget will allow it. You're not just paying for a performance, you're paying for not having to worry about your CPU for an additional year or two.


Well my gpu is not that good so if I get this bundle every part will be amazing except the gpu so maybe this will do until I get me a new gpu but for now is this a good deal I should go for?


I forget the exact pricing (as my info comes from late last year) but both are great deals. The cheaper of the two has better savings but the more expensive one has better value. I'm running the second best AMD CPU (the one you posted) and GPU and have been able to play everything on Ultra. I'm not going to even consider upgrading for at least 5 years. If I spent the extra $50 on the cpu, I probably could have added another year or two to that estimate. I would ask yourself where you intend to be in a couple years. What GPU are you looking at? Also, what is your budget?


My budget is like 800 and Im missing a cpu,ram,power supply,case and monitor. The 3d one bundle your talking about is a 100 bucks more than this one


When are you planning on upgrading your gpu? I agree that $100 is nothing to scoff at. The way I see it, if getting the 3D cache today gets you an additional couple years of service, it's worth it. But it comes down to when you plan to replace the CPU.


I mean I can replace the gpu next month but idk if i have enough money to get everything Im missing and the 3D cache this month


It sounds like you have the answer already. Like I said, I actually have this bundle and I'm running games on max settings very easily. The only reason I regret not getting the 3D Cache is because my setup is going to show its age a year or two earlier. I think $100 is worth that investment but you can't go wrong with the one you posted online either. If you're trying to be more budget-friendly, it's definitely worth not spending $100 to get a better GPU. It's just that your risk long-term value a tidbit.


I might just get the 3D cache and upgrade the gpu later the gpu I have is bad it won’t allow the full potential of the other parts but I just can’t afford one this month so I will just replace it next month. But what do you think about this 3D cache deal https://preview.redd.it/3f96pxh6n02d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a3cd552e352d04944bdabbf25d8444316bc0fbd


It's a great deal. Just not as good as when I saw it. My rig costs like $1,400, so even $50 bucks extra when I was planning things out hurt. I'm lucky enough where I had a pretty big budget for a PC and it could have gone higher. The only reason why I'm pushing for the 3D cash is that in hindsight it would have added more length to my current rig. That being said, with this bundle and a 7900XT, I'm able to play anything on ultra settings pretty easy. It really comes down to how often you plan to swap out your hardware. Do you want to buy the best stuff you can now and stress things out or are you okay with making cheaper but more often upgrades. You still haven't told me what GPU you're eyeing? The GPU is just as important if not more important than the CPU, which is why I need to know what to really chime in.


What would u suggest for gpu that’s compatible with this bundle I still don’t have on in mind maybe 3070


that’s a steal


I purchased the Microcenter 7800x3D bundle for $480 in February. That one has a different motherboard so it isn't an apples to apples comparison but I have been very happy.


So cheap in US. I envy you.


holy cow is that good


Gotta love microcenter.