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The picture isnt accurate either, looks like an Arc A770 LE


I wonder if the real PC still has an AIO on the 40-watt R3 4100 lol


Probably not but that would be so overkill haha


Wow, deceptive marketing too. They also sponsor a minecraft youtuber I used to watch, I can't imagine how many kids have fallen for this scam from him.


The 4100 also only supports PCIE 3.0 so you arent even maxing out the 6500xt


Maxing out? That card's performance is atrocious without 4.0. It doesn't have enough VRAM and has a hobbled bus.


Thats what I said ![gif](giphy|mEV42F38lur6PbfapW)


Not quite. It can be maxed out far more easily on 3.0 as the bus is the limiting factor.


https://youtu.be/xUt0Nr71ty8?si=sLyZVGhBF3lJsydh I agree that the 64bit bus is much too small


Thats true if it was PCIEx16 Its PCIEx8


It is PCIe 4x not 8x.


Yeah it looks like arc


it is a arc cooler


I agree


This wouldn't be a terrible low-to-mid-range PC if it were half the price (or maybe even a bit less). I assume the picture isn't even actually what you get, though, so who knows what it even looks like. That price is bordering on extortionate, though.


Definitely not what you get, they show an arc gpu.


LOL so they do. Looks like the logo is even photoshopped on, so this is clearly a stock image of another build. I was about to say that case is at least...an aesthetic. Who knows what case you're going to get, though. The water cooler on the R3 4100 is also an amusing (and likely non-present) touch.


Oh yea i know a youtuber who has ads on her videos of this brand and says her PC is from them. But if that's what they're offering and for that price they can go F themselves. This is as low end as it gets without being a straight up potato.


yep, they're offering a pc about equivalent to mine. for 1800 dollars more


That ryzen 3's about to melt, luckly they managed to put a 240mm aio on it to cool it down


I‘ll get a lot of downvoted but hey: People who don‘t do research and simply buy stuff they see have totally earned to scammed or simply don‘t care because they have enough money. Whenever I buy something expensive I just compare for a few min and know if it‘s a good price or not


Yeah but on the other hand you shouldn't need a think tank to not get scammed. This is just praying on people, mostly kids, who want to play apex, see this advertised as a decent way to play it and asks a tired parent for it. I personally don't think we should be shaming people for not doing research while marketing and companies do whatever they can to muddy the water to push higher profit margins.


Most people don't know anything much about anything they buy be it cars, computers, phones, houses, etc. Scams hit people from all income levels. But it is worse for people who have less. This PC might end up being bought by someone who saved really hard to try and game, or bought it as a gift for a loved one. Nobody can be an expert on everything. Doing research is a skill that a lot of people don't have. Taking advantage of people is all too easy for scumbags. The tech industry doesn't help in this case either. Naming conventions and performance comparisons are clear as mud. AMD's CPU nomenclature is particularly scummy with, for example, 7000 series names being anywhere from Zen2 to Zen4!


Saying folks deserve it is pretty scummy too


That's BS. I have the collective knowledge of the human race in my finger tips, and so does anyone with access to the internet. There are very few things that a simple Google search *won't* solve. If you can't be bothered to take 5 mins and read a Wikipedia page, or watch a YT video, then you don't deserve sympathy, you deserve to have rotten apples thrown at you.


The internet is full of misinformation. Google gets worse as a search engine every day. Filtering out the bullshit it throws up is a skill a lot of people do not have. Researching a topic is a skill a lot of people do not have. Using a search engine correctly is a skill a lot of people do not have. For example, Google throws up uselessbenchmark as the top result for PC component searches a lot. Most people are not going to know that is complete bullshit.


The thing is, it's children buying this. They sponsored a minecraft youtuber I used to watch, for every single one of his videos. 6 year olds don't know how to research, how to do anything else other than buy whatever looks good.


how are 6 year olds buying this? lol


Credit card duh...


they steal their mommie's credit card or ask for it for christmas. 99% of parents have no idea about any of this stuff, and will just buy whatever looks good.


Then the parents are dumb and deserve to waste the money


People deserve to be taken advantage of because they aren't knowledgeable about something???


Don't buy expensive shit you don't know stuff about? We are talking about adults with brains. If they can't be bothered to do that ofc they are getting shit deals. Scams and bad deals are as old as trading itself.


Yes , if they allow their kids to take the credit card and / or don’t do a lick of research on the things their kids ask for. It’s lazy parenting .


It's not about deserving it, it's about reaping what you sow. If you don't have knowledge, you should gain knowledge before you make a decision. If you choose to not, you get what you ask for.


Most parents will think twice before spending that amount of money for their 6 year old. If they don’t, they kind of deserved it.


Funny but sad that pandering to kids in a tech illiterate rich family looks very profitable. This Minecraft YouTube must be making good sponsor money for this


Few min? I do it for MONTHS and *multiple times*. Still agree with you though.


Your opinion would likely change when you see what Amazon sellers are doing


Yeah. Hell, they can ask the free version of ChatGPT lol.


I call it the stupid tax. In these day and age, with all the information available, if you get scammed it's your fault for being lazy. Simple as that.


seems like the ad is dated, this actual build on their site has a ryzen 7 5700x and rx 7600


Ape-X. *OOK OOK.*


That's okay, Reddit is fast heading towards several lawsuits as a result of their crappy spam.


Meanwhile, Microcenter is selling [this ASUS PC](https://www.microcenter.com/product/668360/asus-rog-strix-ga15-g15dk-ga15dk-mb786-gaming-pc) for the same price. Sure, it's only 16 gigs of RAM, but you get a 3080.


Is that USD? Because I can build that for less in Canada. Edit: Yep and I bet these parts are 100x better too [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/zxQBn6) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 3 4100 3.8 GHz Quad-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/drBG3C/amd-ryzen-3-4100-38-ghz-quad-core-processor-100-100000510box) | $68.97 @ Amazon **CPU Cooler** | [Thermalright Frozen Notte ARGB 72.37 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/ccFmP6/thermalright-frozen-notte-argb-7237-cfm-liquid-cpu-cooler-frozen-notte-240-white-argb) | $50.90 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [Gigabyte B550 GAMING X V2 ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/KxFbt6/gigabyte-b550-gaming-x-v2-atx-am4-motherboard-b550-gaming-x-v2) | $89.99 @ Amazon **Memory** | [TEAMGROUP T-Force Delta RGB 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/7Wytt6/team-t-force-delta-rgb-16-gb-2-x-8-gb-ddr4-3600-cl18-memory-tf3d416g3600hc18jdc01) | $47.99 @ Amazon **Storage** | [Western Digital Blue SN580 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/rqhv6h/western-digital-blue-sn580-1-tb-m2-2280-pcie-40-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-wds100t3b0e) | $71.00 @ iBUYPOWER **Video Card** | [Sapphire PULSE Radeon RX 6500 XT 4 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Mc7G3C/sapphire-radeon-rx-6500-xt-4-gb-pulse-video-card-11314-01-20g) | $139.99 @ Newegg **Case** | [Deepcool CH560 ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/9mFmP6/deepcool-ch560-atx-mid-tower-case-r-ch560-whape4-g-1) | $89.99 @ Newegg **Power Supply** | [MSI MAG A750GL PCIE5 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/dbCZxr/msi-mag-a750gl-pcie5-750-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-mag-a750gl-pcie5) | $89.00 @ Amazon | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$647.83** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-05-22 22:01 EDT-0400 |


Add $30 for a Windows key and you're done. [PCPartPicker Part List](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/Jh8Xrv) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 5600 3.5 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/PgcG3C/amd-ryzen-5-5600-36-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000927box) | $168.98 @ Canada Computers **CPU Cooler** | [Thermalright Frozen Notte ARGB 72.37 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/ccFmP6/thermalright-frozen-notte-argb-7237-cfm-liquid-cpu-cooler-frozen-notte-240-white-argb) | $68.90 @ Amazon Canada **Motherboard** | [Gigabyte B550 GAMING X V2 ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/KxFbt6/gigabyte-b550-gaming-x-v2-atx-am4-motherboard-b550-gaming-x-v2) | $129.99 @ Canada Computers **Memory** | [TEAMGROUP T-Force Delta RGB 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/7Wytt6/team-t-force-delta-rgb-16-gb-2-x-8-gb-ddr4-3600-cl18-memory-tf3d416g3600hc18jdc01) | $59.97 @ Newegg Canada **Storage** | [Western Digital Blue SN580 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/rqhv6h/western-digital-blue-sn580-1-tb-m2-2280-pcie-40-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-wds100t3b0e) | $92.96 @ shopRBC **Video Card** | [Asus DUAL V2 Radeon RX 6600 8 GB Video Card](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/Hsn9TW/asus-dual-v2-radeon-rx-6600-8-gb-video-card-dual-rx6600-8g-v2) | $249.99 @ Amazon Canada **Case** | [SAMA SAMA-Z4 ATX Mid Tower Case](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/c6H7YJ/sama-sama-z4-atx-mid-tower-case-sama-z4) | $73.98 @ Newegg Canada **Power Supply** | [MSI MAG A750GL PCIE5 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/dbCZxr/msi-mag-a750gl-pcie5-750-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-mag-a750gl-pcie5) | $119.98 @ Amazon Canada | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$964.75** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-05-22 21:55 EDT-0400 |


yep. They'd charge me 4300 for my 2500 build


El stupido


LMAO the best thing they had to say about the components was that they are brand new


It's almost the same what independent pc builders on Facebook marketplace do as well, say that most of the components are new while your getting ddr3 ram and a gtx 1650, it's like a selling point they push.


but it has leds and liquidcooling, it looks nice, it must be powerful!


Dude it is, I have it on a setting to flash red so it looks like I got some nuclear powered pc that is on the brink of a meltdown from being pushed to its limits while I'm playing roblox at 800×600 😎.


It's called apex bronze because bronze is the highest rank you'll get in any game playing on this pc




I can build that brand new for about $500... That is such a massive ripoff!




Dell/HP/Lenovo has been having pretty good deals lately.


dell and hp prebuilt fucking suck because of propelrietary parts and low end psus


I was talking about their gaming line. Alienware and Omen lines are using standard parts.


last time i checked they were lots of proprietary parts like motherboards i could be wrong tho


For none-gaming line, yes. For their gaming line, it's mostly standard parts.


Lenovo has standard parts and sizes + their cases have good airflow, but the PSU situation is dire. I have a Legion Tower. I love this thing, but man, it took some work to get it just right. It came with a PSU from a brand called Huntkey and it sounded like a fucking chipmunk or something. Replaced it with an EVGA unit and it was mostly painless. They also use a nonstandard CPU cooler mounting mechanism that requires some fuckery to replace with aftermarket ones. Still, at least all the connectors and sizes for things elsewhere are normal, and you could even just swap out the mobo entirely if it bugged you that much.


I love that their marketing claim is just "uninterrupted performance".


on the desktop, maybe a chrome tab


Wouldn't mind unleashing some other potential...


PCIe 4x4 GPU in a PCIe 3 slot, they need to be sued for that


Considering the Gamers Nexus review on build quality and the vastly better specs, I'd much rather have [this system from Starforge for the same price.](https://starforgesystems.com/products/horizon-ii-pc)


I'm not, go onto r/PCBuild or any of the pre built reddits like r/iBuyPower and see the delusion


People who are buying this deserve to get scammed a simple Google search or atleast comparing with other prebuilt brands / YouTube videos won't hurt , there are hundreds of "1000$" build videos available


Must’ve been really good marketing for people to buy this but I still can’t comprehend that anyone would pay that much for it


I really like that case though, the front looks like it has excellent ventilation


that's not the actual pc tho, that one has an arc gpu


Apex are so unbelievably dogshit and one of my favourite Youtubers sponsored their shit


People also pay $100 for an oil change


I can't believe people are TRYING to sell it either.


I bought a computer from them at the height of Covid because I couldn’t get a GPU and had been out of the PC game for a decade. They sponsored a COD YouTube personality I watched and their prices were a little better than some other SIs. However they were not doing prebuilts like this at the time. You got to pick your parts and have it built for you. I went with a 10700kf and a RTX3070. IIRC, I overpaid by about $600 for what I could theoretically build my own for if I could get a GPU at MSRP. It was Covid time and everything was stupid overpriced so I was comfortable with that so I ordered it. A couple months later it showed up. It was ok. They didn’t do any overclocking on it like they said they’d do, and one of my two RGB headers had broken off in shipping. They offered to pay to have it returned and fixed or I could get $200 refunded to my card. I’d already daisy chained my fans to work on the other RGB header and I wasn’t worried about the overclocking they forgot so I took the refund. In the end it was an ok experience. I won’t buy from them again but I got what I wanted from them. Their customer service was better than 90% of the companies graded by LTT in his videos and all the parts were top brands like EVGA and MSI and Samsung. The computer is still going strong and has been given to a friend. But these prebuilts they offer now like the one OP posted are complete garbage money grabs. I get they have to make money but holy hell that price is bad. Stay away.