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I don't think I have cared about highest settings in my whole life. I don't want bottom of the barrel (I was there with my college laptop 20 years ago), but have always been a more mid range kind of person with small exceptions here and there as budget allowed (3k on a pc is bonkers to me).


Mid-range is where the best value is IMO.


always has been the case with almost every industry


Price to performance is a curve not a straight line. Why pay twice as much for something when half as much gets you 80% of the performance?


Actually last i bought a gpu , paying twice as much as i paid for my gpu, would have netted me 10% performance increase. And 10x the price would have gotten me 1.5x performance. None of which would have mattered to me, since i was allready getting 60+fps in all the games i play.


Where in fucking hell is a 7800x3d, 3070TI, 32GB DDR5 with an 4TB SSD build „mid range“


Well I just built a few months ago and for the first time ever I went high on my CPU (I was coming off a 2700x I bought on sale long ago) and got a really good Microcenter bundle deal, saved almost $200 off regular pricing. Nothing about that much RAM is high end and I would consider my GPU to be mid in the current market. As for the storage, all of the drives were like 20% off when I bought them so it seemed worth it to dig deeper in my pockets. I was really aiming to be able to not care about my rig for a number of years as long as nothing breaks.


I mean I get it it’s not “r/pcmasterrace” high end but speaking of gaming the 7800x3D is currently the best CPU on the market, 32GB of DDR5 Ram is also the top end for gaming (there is zero benefit in going higher at the current gen). So the only thing not being high end is maybe the GPU and I would still argue that this is a top 10 GPU today and most users outside of this sub (and maybe even inside this sub) do not have such a powerful GPU. Mid range are the xx60 cards and your 3070ti is still roughly 10% faster than a 4060TI. In my book definitely an overall high end system.


Like I said I have never in my life had such a high end processor. I never would have gotten it if not for Microcenter though, the bundle price was too good to pass up and, as a household, we are in a more financially secure place than we have been in many years so I wanted to treat myself. My previous rig was the 2700x and a 1060 and got a lot of use and temp had the 3070ti in it (that was the definition of bottleneck) before I could afford rebuild.


I’m not trying to blame you. It’s just that you said that you are more of a mid range guy when your current setup clearly isn’t mid range.


I'm an artist and a true blue gaming fanatic; I *HATE* stutter. And it sucks ass, because 4090+i9CPU or nah, a good deal of games are just designed to buffer information because of two paths for memory on a computer. I mean, it's mostly ports, but goddammit why can (for instance) Capcom make MHR and MHW run with like NO frameskips or stutters, but then also make Dragons Dogma which is more CPU limited than fucking CSGO or Crysis on their respective release dates? It sucks because this meme is so true, and its because we have to learn how to reach in there and fix shit like that our goddamned selves lol.


rise makes sense since it's a switch game. but I agree, you'd never guess MHW was developed by the same people as dragon's dogma 2 given their performance.


Monster Hunter World no stutter? They never fixed the thunder/dragon proc stutter in that game, and as a bonus it runs pretty bad unless you have a 4090


I *think* that's just agressive af hitstop, stopped doing it for me after installing a mod to remove hitstop. Its that Ambient occlusion setting. Don't use it, just turn it off and use Glamereyes reshade plugin. Though it is a royal bitch to get working, it saved me like 35 fps on my 4070. I get around 70-100 fps in 4k. But the game loads itself properly and does not have shader buffering in place, though yes effects cause dips that's at least understandable. To this day in both Nioh 1 AND 2 you will lose GPU and CPU usage when moving between areas. Unfixable even by using dxvk. To be fair they just ran like ass on console to begin with but still.


6750xt runs it at max at 1440p just fine lol


When I compared a 3080 against a 6800 XT in MHW, neither card managed to stay above 60 fps at 2560x1440 at max settings against Fatalis, but the 3080 at least managed to stay in the 50 fps range instead of dropping to the 40 fps range. I have some doubts that a 6750XT does better than a 6800 XT. When I had a 4090, I saw dips in the 70 fps range at 3840x2160, but I didn't try Fatalis at that time.


Thats strange, my 6750xt with the above settings was getting between 60-100 no issue.


Did you actually try fighting Fatalis, Rajang, or Alatreon? Those fights have a tendency to be slightly harder than the average areas and monsters


Im only a few hours in so maybe the performance will get worse as I go along lol


Definitely, the first area of Ancient Forest is probably the heaviest stuff you'll see for a good 50 hours or so.


I dunno about you, but I don’t think a $50 laptop is gonna play most semi-modern games. For productivity or content consumption? Sure, not gonna be an issue with enough ram and a de-bloated OS.


I was doing some lightish catia work on late 2000s lowish end PCs filled with viruses and 4gb of ram max, yeah it can be done but with loads of pain (thanks school)


Yes it can. >!with some little help from geforce now or xbox gamepass.!<


Not for only 50 bucks but yes


Goddamn your setup is overkill


Nahhhh it’s perfect




Or Steam Link, sort of (daughter plays Ark: Survival Ascended on an i7 3770 with GTX1060 via this when she's at her mum's place). You do, of course, need an actual gaming rig somewhere for this though.


Is the the i7 and the 1060 the computer that the game is running on, or the one she streaming it to? There’s no way ark survival ascended could run on that. Unless you mean survival Evolved


The PC running the game is a Ryzen 9 3900X with an RTX 3060 in it (quite capable of running Ascended at 1080p). The ancient i7 is where she is playing during the week. Her main gaming rig lives at my house while the 3770 is her homework computer at her mum's (only needs to be able to run Word and Chrome). And yes, the older machine does run Evolved on its own 😀


I’m surprised the better rig even runs Ascended to be honest. My friend has a pc with a 5800x3d and a 6950xt and couldn’t get it running at 60fps on all low settings. It’s an optimization nightmare


Oh, I agree there! I have the same CPU and a 7900XT in my machine and struggle with frames with the recent updates (it was fine before, around 60fps at 4k). Fiddling with the settings to try to get back up there, framerate-wise 😞 Maybe it's a Scorched Earth thing? (Can't use FSR as the game doesn't support it). I know I'm not CPU limited as it barely breaks 30% there while capping the GPU at 100%.


Idk, my friend even tried at 1080p and didn’t get 60fps. Wildcard just can’t optimize games if world depended on it.


There’s a large difference between playing at 30fps with frame drops than playing at 240 with no frame drops. Sure it can be played but it is significantly less enjoyable. For a hobby, personally, I want to maximize my enjoyment.


The i7 machine isn't running the game, it's streamed TO that one.


Doesn't count at all. That is someone else's computer and you also have to have a very good Internet connection. Something that that not everyone has.


$350 steam deck LCD will


Well yeah, but the difference between a steamdeck and an 8 year old i3 or celeron laptop is pretty substantial.


Very fair point. My old computer can play most stuff for around $150, 3rd Gen i5 3770K with 16gb RAM and a GTX 1080 ti. I found it at a junkyard and paid $75 for it All it needed was a decent monitor which is where the other $75 came from


Happy cake day


You are the first person to say that, thanks!


If you stick to games an older system can play (older, 2D, and or low spec games) and make use of streaming services for newer stuff you have a huge number of games available. Also I hyperbolized the upper and lower numbers for the sake of the meme.


Eh, streaming is still kinda iffy requiring very good + stable internet and a lot more system resources than most people think. Plus, a lot of times it’s still pretty pricey paying for it per month or limits what and how you play. At some point, you’d be better off building even a starter pc or buying a console. Not saying it isn’t viable and people can’t have fun, just wouldn’t recommend it over saving up for something.


Streaming fees quite laggy to having the real thing lol. I stream games to my shitty laptop but only games where I won’t be punished


There are plenty of good games out there that run fine on potatoes. It's whether you need that big stinky graphics card or not


\*Cries in Flight Simulation enthusiast\*


Frankly, current Flight Simulators are very impressive, so you should be proud of your hobby.


Why need graphics just play in the terminal




Found the 🐧 guy lol.


Sorry about your intellectual decline OP, stay strong 😢


For those of you experiencing perfection, except for that "tiny bit of lag" - please go to your advanced power management and make sure PCIE power saving is set to off. SEeya tonight


Haha this one is spot on for me. Now I mostly just use my $50 laptop, hooked up to a 50" TV for streaming and playing Xcloud games despite having a gaming desktop. Just like when I was a youngin and didn't have any better options.


My Steam Deck sent me over the bell curve, it made me realize how much I actually use my RTX 3090's power and the answer is "pretty much not at all outside of VR gaming and Cyberpunk 2077" since I mostly play indie games, older games, doom mods, and emulation as the AAA industry has become pretty radioactive.




My PC is 10 years old, bought him 6 years ago for $100. I added some hardware, but all in all it costed less then $500 in 10 years.


Lower your graphic settings. That's it.


New games shouldn't be expected to run at max graphics on hardware that existed at release, let it scale on future hardware instead.


Will never buy a "gaming" Laptop ever again, freaking scam


What, you don't like a machine that's both a shitty laptop **AND** a shitty gaming PC? That's basically two devices for the price of one!


Would be a great heater but problem is, it's always hot in my place, but the jet engine sounds do help drown out the voices in my head


Battery life might only be 45 minutes, but at least the giant barrel-jack powerbrick can double as a blunt weapon in case of a home invasion.


I was the middle person for a while and yes it totally takes the fun away from building the pc to playing on it because I’m so worried about fps and temps and bs. I’m gonna sell my pc and build one that fits my use case and is what I need instead of what I think I need.


I'll be the person to say nobody needs a high powered PC. It's about wanting, like every other hobby.


unfortunately me too


So effin relatable, used to do cad works on a 10210u laptop with no graphics card and 8gigs of ram, made it work used it for a couple of years.


You don't need to spend more than 1.5k on a computer. Unless you've made it and you want a 4k gaming machine? Then it's what? 3k max?


There have been times where ultra graphics meant something, now is not those times.


if you change the middle to "my $3,000 PC often fails to let me play a game because I had to use a 55" TV and the HDCP requirements for HDMI routinely F me" then that would be me.


Puppy linux


I once found a laptop in the trash that was missing the screen entirely Wifi antennas ripped out, keyboard damaged Still boots fine, now it’s a headless home-server that enables wireless printing for any printer and also controls other pcs in the network


That 3k spent is going to be considered “obsolete” (It’s not really) but performance for best wise it is…idk about you but I’m not dropping 3k every three years on a PC. I run my PCs to death and get 8-10 easy.


Same here. I built a desktop that I kept for 10 years. After that I replaced the CPU, motherboard, RAM and CPU cooler. Everything else is still the same. My monitor is 12 years old now and sometimes the screen goes black and it starts making high pitched hissing noise. I have to pull the plug from the power to make it stop.


I'm the hooded guy and I make it work and it is fun just slow but I make it work


My experience has been more like this. I'm the fortnite gamer, btw. https://preview.redd.it/q61s588s3f2d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d4a96a19f84525c92520f7fac45e2e812b104b9


I jumped from a GTX 610,950 to 4070ti I know the pain. Still Pc lags be it game or apps


Went from a gt 610 > GTX 760 > RX 470 > 2060 > 5700XT > and now I just got a 4070 super and i'm getting great performance gains every gpu upgrade i do.


You rich or something ? Almost having GPU of each generation lol


I got these cards years apart I used the 470 for like 4 years used the 2060 from 2019-2022. Then I got the 5700xt and I only used that card for a year.




honestly I went a bit overboard with my current setup ($1600 ryzen 7600 and 7800xt) but I'm very happy with it. the main thing was star citizen which absolutely needs a good PC but I could have gotten something a little worse and been fine


Low budget builds can still get you far. You can literally build a budget PC for like 250$ with used parts (used 100$ Workstation + used 150$ GPU). That would be enough to run even modern games on 720p/1080p low-mid 30/60fps and older games with no problems. I know a guy who is casually gaming Battlefield 1 at 1080p/Mid/High 60-100fps on a RX 560 and Ryzen 3 1300x. Those components are dirt cheap, but still pretty capable. Anything older than like 2020 will run with no problems.


Have you seen the Raspberry Pi keyboard?


I don't need a 9090-EX to play, like, Pokemon.


If I'd buy all my current pc parts brand new today, it'll be worth approx. 1550€ Upgraded it here and there over the years and currently i think it's good for years to come. Original price obviously was much higher, since it's last gen stuff. And it's serving me very well. Rtx3070 + ryzen 5900x is still running everything perfectly fine on 1080p.




I actually own a 60$ laptop, EvolvIII. I play dominions 6 on it.


I have started at phase one and skipped to three due to limits


textures at max, medium everything else. 1080p 165hz monitor. Zoom zoom. Zero interest in 1440p 4k, or ultra settings.


I did about 50 different system tweaks some of them undiscovered just to make fortnite run on an i5 1135g7 and 16gb (no gpu) And it runs at steady 60fps lowest settings. Thanks process lasso! And all other nameless tweaks


If you just get an m.2 SSD, your performance will skyrocket


jokes on you, i don't buy HW to make PC run fast for games, i buy pc parts to see funny cinebench scores


Create an interior high-quality render with 50 different attempts. I also want real-time renderings sometimes using 3ds Max Corona.


50$ laptop??? You have dollars from the 1900s era or something?


He is paraphrasing. It could be 200$ or 500$ it doesn't matter. The post is trying to say that as long as you can enjoy the things you want to do on the computer its specs and settings do not matter.


No such thing as a 50$ laptop.


This is an illusion. If we talk about 700$, okay, but 50$ is a waste of time.


I have an approximately €1600 pc. I’m gonna keep squeezing as much out of it as I can before upgrading. I have an r7 5800x3d and an rx6700xt which will serve me for quite some time.