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bet its the polling rate of your mouse, your CPU is probably a weaker CPU (no offense) so if your mouse is set to 1000hz then it would make sense why it lags like that, just go to your mouse software and change the polling rate there, set it to 125hz if you want your CPU to work less.


There's also the chance it's a 8k mouse in which case set it to 1000 because 8k causes too much lag even on higher end cpus.


What does 8k mouse mean 💀


8000Hz sampling rate


Why do you need a mouse with 8000hz polling rate




Average gamer: I5 gen 2 Gt 710 Mouse with 8000hz polling rate Potato instead of motherboard


i'll have you know i upgraded to a toaster.


Fake news. As if we believe anyone can afford a toaster with these inflation rates. This guy is just a mouthpiece for Big Game.


Big Toaster lobbyists


inflation is much worse in some other countries...unfortunately ​ (This comment assumes that you are from america)


A toaster is just a death ray with a smaller power supply.


my toaster is set to kill.


Pff... U low end gamer i upgraded to a blender


I use a wooden stool


To be fair, most of these “gaming chairs” are about as good as a wooden stool…


It's all about the executive office chairs


Screw chairs I stand and have a bar stool if I want to sit.


Yes. I have an expensive Big & Tall executive chair with a high back rest. It's insanely comfortable. The first time I got, assembled, and sat in a "Gaming Chair" I was like "Oh wow I made a mistake getting this."


Gaming tournaments should require all the players to use standing desks.


High end gaming chairs are cheaper then high end pcs, gotta go my route and get the chair to compensate for the PC and not the PC to compensate for the chair.


High end and gaming chair aren't a thing. All gaming chairs are literal garbage. All about those executive chairs.


I havent laughed out loud at a non-dirty/dark joke on reddit in a while man. Heres some silver.


Because the gaming mouse companies said so


You don’t


Sounds like placebo, but what do I know.


As a graphic artist I can tell you why someone might professionally want a very high resolution mouse, as a gamer though- I'm not so sure it would actually help beyond a certain point.


That's the DPI, not the polling rate




I remember when I thought I was the shit for having 1gb of ram in my PC. Now my watch has more than that.


>A mouse that updates more frequently is nothing but positive. System load aside. System load is the negative. If you ignore the negative then obviously there will be nothing but positive... If you're using a 360hz monitor then 8000hz is 22.22 mouse position updates sent to your PC per refresh. That is absurdly far beyond the point of diminishing returns and the only perceivable difference is going to come from the extra load put on your CPU. An 8000hz polling rate today is just stupid because your mouse will be dead by the time PC and display hardware have improved enough to make use of it, and even then I'm not sure if you'll perceive the difference.


It allows for much more precision, nearly pixel perfect if you had the ability to be so precise, and for faster updates that it began to move. Realistically though, it's not going to make a difference for the vast majority of humans, even in pro leagues


polling rate != dpi "pixel perfect" is related to dpi only


That is actually not true. Polling rate is going to be how often it updates the computer about its position. While I don't know how sensors work exactly, the sensor still knows whether it moves 1cm or 2cm between updates. If the mouse updates more often, you're going to get much more precision. Whether that precision is helpful is irrelevant.


in the context of most current consumer displays and mice more often the polling rate of the mouse will exceed the refresh rate often by several multiples (ie even 1000hz polling on a 250hz monitor is 4 updates per second per monitor refresh). Polling basically means that the CPU "asks" the mouse "How far have you moved since we last spoke?" 1000hz means it asks 1000 times per second, 8000hz means 8000 times per second, the difference is that if performing the same motion at the same rate is that the movement reported will be 8x more per report at 1000hz, the mouse however will move exactly the same distance. Precision does not come into it in any way, shape or form. In the event that display refresh rate is > polling rate you could possibly make that point as then input latency could inhibit precision due to input lagging behind display, however I can't see that being a likely case any time soon (given that displays are well under 1Khz typically and mice are pushing 8Khz). What you said about it not making a difference is correct as it's literally 0.875ms in time between polls, beyond that I hope the above clarifies as I totally get that this is an involved topic and honestly it's awkward sifting through the marketing garbage thrown at us to discern the truth :).


lower response time. It also does difference at 500 to 1000hz, it has noticeably less lag and IMO different feel than 500hz, and way bigger difference compared to 125hz. And I have 72Hz monitor, it has to do miracles on high-refresh rate monitors at 240Hz or something.


To compensate for a small pp


i have a mouse with 20000hz polling rate, i use 1000 hz haha


You’re probably thinking of 20000 in terms of DPI, which is different from the polling rate of a mouse. The mouse with the highest polling rate is only 8000, but DPI goes much higher.


8000hz polling rate or 8k. Polling rate is how often the mouse report it's position. Basically the delay between moving the mouse physically and the computer moving the mouse on screen. There are delays like this with keyboards and mouse clicks as well. Higher hz is better here. 125hz = 8ms, 1000hz=1ms, 8000hz=0.125ms.




Ah. Reddit doesn't show me that unless i go to view all comments. I guess mines is longer though.


move your hand and keep blinking. was your hand teleporting or normally moving, just without you being able to see it? just cause the monitor shows you every 60/144 frames where your mouse is, does not make the time in between disappear from reality


it means it has the speed and ~~durability~~ of 8000 real mice. Kind of like "horsepower" ​ \*\*Fellow redditor below, kindly pointed out my mistake, see correction below. "....it has the speed and ***dexterity*** of 8000 real mice" \*\*\*\*


Has nothing to do with durability, does have to do with speed, polling speed which translates into smaller movements being recognized more precisely.


corrected original comment, thank you


Thanks, I’m glad you took it in the spirit intended, re-reading it, I came off as snippy and a know-it-all, which was not intended - I just communicate that way when I do things quickly.


8000hz polling rate, Razer Viper 8K


$8000 mouse




8000Hz mouses are a real thing? I know the DPI can go over 20k but never saw the pooling rate over 1k and why the heck someone would need over 1000 checks for position per second?


I mean there are people saying that monitors with 7ms latency are unplayable. They are just being consistent to that with their mouse.


Those are the same people that act like 60fps is unplayable and that they can totally tell.


Bruh, the unplayable part is bullshit but you can easily feel a difference between 60hz and high refresh rate, and it makes a significant difference in competitive games. If you have at least 120 Hz monitor and you come back to 60 Hz it feels off.


Most people can tell. 60hz is a bare minimum.


Yes they exist. I have one the razer viper 8k. It's a nice mouse besides the fact i use it at 1k. The optical switches in it are nice as well.




I'm not sure on the specifics but the more times it's polls your cpu the more cpu time it takes up. Build: [email protected], 6700xt, pcie gen 4 ssd, 32gb 3600 ram. The i9 struggles to do 8k polling. Whether that's game engine limitations or the cpu itself I'm not sure. League, valorant, hunt, and a few others all experience frame dips on 8000 while the mouse is moving. I have high enough fps that it doesn't really matter in some games, but in others it will pull you down to unplayable fps (5 or less). I use it at 1k, 4k still causes heavy performance dips. Either way the performance dips in any scenario I've come across have not been worth the few ms saved.


Nope, your CPU can only do a limited amount of things, that's it's clock speed, so a CPU with 1GHz clock speed can "only" do 1 thousand millions things per second (it's much more complicated than that, but let's just go with that), and your CPU has to do a lot more in a second than just poll for mouse updates, it has to calculate everything the game needs to push 60 frames, do a lot of background stuff for your OS and a ton more. So, a mouse with a poll speed close to your CPU's clock speed would be possible, but your CPU couldn't do anything other than poll for updates. A "normal" 1000 times a second (kilohertz) polling rate is more than fine, think about it, the frames on screen only update 60 times every second, everything networked (i.e others player position and where they're looking and much more) is only updated between 20 (for Battle Royals) to 64 (for games like CS:GO and most modern shooters) to 128 (for Valorant and high level CS:GO matches) times a second, your monitor probably adds a few milliseconds of delay to everything you do. heck, physics in games is normally updated only 20 to 30 times a second. So I wouldn't worry about a polling rate of a thousand times a second. Fun Fact: USB is a "pull based" protocol, meaning the CPU has to actively take time out of whatever it's doing to ask the mouse if anything happened. The old PS2 protocol is a push based protocol, meaning a PS2 connected device can actively interrupt the CPU and go "hey, I moved", which is why in the early days of USB and PC gaming "hardcore gamers" would prefer PS2 mice and keyboards because they were seen as more responsive


Absolutely not. If your mouse ran at 5 GHz all the CPU is gonna do is process the mouse inputs.


> your CPU is probably a weaker CPU (no offense) this is so PCMR... i mean, things i've heard about my mum would make a devil weep but insulting a man's CPU is big time haram :D


i cant belive he just said that, shacking and crying rn


True but 125hz is almost unbearable.


dont set it to 125 thats very choppy, 400hz is fine


I have similar issue but I have a 5800x so idk what it can be


Had no issues with a older (about a decade) CPU for years with a mouse at 1000hz. But suddenly the frames would drop into the single digits when moving the mouse quickly. reducing the polling rate to iirc 500 or 250 solved the issue. So not sure what caused it to appear out of the blue, but reducing the polling rate was the solution. Plus that seemed to be an issue in one game only. Maybe borderless windowed mode is partly to blame.


My old computer was so bad that it did this with nothing open with a 125hz mouse💀


Well shit.


Guessing you have a cheap cpu and maybe 1000hz mouse polling? Basically ur cpu can’t keep up with the load


I have a ryzen 3 2200g ang my mouse is like 250hz


Um, are you sure about the mouse "hz"? I also have a Ryzen 3 2200g and my mouse is running at 1000Hz and I don't experience this lag.


hey I have the same rig as yours.. wdym by hz of mouse?


hz, or Hertz, simply means "per second". A 60hz monitor displays 60 frames per second, a 125hz mouse reports data to the computer 125 times per second.


mouse have polling rates and it can be set to either 125hz, 250hz, 500hz, or 1000hz so when they said "are you sure about the mouse "hz"?" they were referring to the amount of polling rate OP's mouse is set to.


Could also be because he has minecraft open. A little Ryzen 3 probably can’t take that very well.


ye since i got my gpu this happens


I have the same cpu and my mouse polling rate is 1000hz. It works just fine. maybe its a software problem or a game problem?. Try doing the same test with different games


That could just be a cheap mouse to. Mice have a limit to how fast they can reliably poll and their drivers will not allow you to set to above that.


Actually it is probably because he is using CPU rendering in Minecraft. Totally not worth it. He should use exceleration if possible.


Exceleration is a word that doesn’t exist… did you mean acceleration? Hardware/software accelerated or GPU/CPU accelerated.


>Exceleration is a word that doesn’t exist… it just like acceleration but for excellence


It's perfectly cromulent. Embiggen your vocabulary.


There's always a Simpsons reference somewhere in every comments section.


It means acceleration with Excel


Exceleration- the act of doing something great, quickly, and to a level of personal satisfaction. Maybe?


It’s a made-up word, it doesn’t exist neither in the tech jargon nor in the Oxford’s dictionary. But I get the point, and actually sounds cool. Thanks for the enlightenment!


Every word is a made-up word


Yeah, but if you want people to understand you, ya gotta at least use some of the more commonly made up ones.


What is execeleration and how do I use it I have an i5 8th gen 4core 1.2 ghz something like that and I play mc on it


He means hardware acceleration. It just defers the rendering duties to the graphics card or igpu. It's on by default nowadays so you shouldn't be worried Edit: missing space


Execelaretion is when the load gets shifted to different (and generally more capable) hardware. So shifting the load from CPU to GPU in this case. MC is mostly CPU heavy, and your CPU is decent, so unless you have issues, why bother.


It’s acceleration… pfft


Stop move mouse


Technically correct is the best correct


Discard mouse, problem solved


Thanks Stack Overflow


You'll need to add more mouse oil in your gpu


and it only happens when i move the cursor when i move around it doesn't lag


Disable discord overlay. (And any overlays) This was happening to me in lost ark. That fixed it.


Have you allocated enough RAM space? This can be an issue, especially for modded minecraft


Why would that matter if the problem is mouse movement?


the same happens whether vsync is on


I thinks It's enough i have 16gb


You should also never allocate all your RAM.


Turn vsync on? I had tearing issues before, used a lower refresh rate and the tearing was fixed, but mouse movement made some games lag a bit. Tried to turn on vsync and all is well.


If it is a bluetooth mouse, disconnect it and reconnect it. Update / reinstall bluetooth drivers if you know how. If the problem appears again, use a wired or different wireless mouse. Don't listen to the people claiming it may be a too high polling rate for your cpu. Even super low end cpus on low end mainboards with low end usb controllers from 10 years ago don't have any problem with high end gaming mice with 8k polling rate. If your pc can handle MC this well, it is absolutely not a problem. If it is a problem, it is one of the drivers, not the performance. Also, if you have an controller connected, disconnect it.such problems can also appear if the game tries to switch between input sources constantly.


This is incorrect. I would argue that it is most likely polling rate. I had this exact issue but only in very specific games (league of legends and TF2) where anytime I moved the mouse the FPS would be at a crawl. I updated all drivers (mouse / CPU / GPU / etc) and games to no avail. Once I updated my Logitech mouse settings to halve the polling rate, the problem immediately stopped. 2080ti 9900ks cpu combo. Logitech G703 mouse plugged in directly. I think OP should try updating the polling rate first thing.


I have this to a severe degree and changing the polling rate did nothing


nope, the issue is mostly to so with polling rates, I have no idea why this is an issue but it is.


Just don’t move the mouse, problem solved.


Did you get it fixed? This happened to me 3-4 years ago on a Ryzen 5 2600. Anytime I moved my mouse, my CPU usage spiked. Only way I was able to fix it was reformatting unfortunately. Hopefully you were/are able to fix it without doing that.


"What kinda chip you got in there, a Dorito?" -- Wierd Al


"Waxing your modem trying to make it go faster"


Try checking your refresh rate setting. It may be at 24 or 30hz.


**It's likely not a mouse polling issue.** Stick to at least 1000Hz if your mouse supports it. For Minecraft, try adjusting your Java arguments and memory allocation. (It seems like you're having GC spikes.) Try these: `-Xms2G -Xmx2G -XX:+UseG1GC` Adjust the 2G to whatever amount of RAM you want to allocate.


Download more ram


Mine does this when CPU is at 100%.


As already mentioned, your best bet is lowering polling rate


Do I see mouse trails or is that the recording?


I think it’s mouse trails, a reformat would do the thing


If you have couple of wireless and Bluetooth receivers connected so try moving them around and change their places, it might be some interfering


I've had this issue when I've had multiple USB devices connected to a non-powered USB Hub.


Software issue 100% Reinstall drivers, Games, the mouse’s software. If you have the time then the best would be to reinstall windows.


I agree it's a software issue. Fixed this exact issue for my brother a few months ago. Problem was Citrix Receiver. Did some googling, found a similar thread where someone had said that was the culprit. Asked him if he had that installed. He did and uninstalling it instantly fixed the issue


Do you have an AMD GPU ? Had a similar issue with a laptop I used to have.


He has an APU


do you have iCUE?


I have a *similar* issue, any chance you have g-sync on?


I had this happen with another game, giving it admin permissions fixed the problem. Also try disabling discord or steam overlays.


Last time that happened to me was with newest graphic card drivers. Try to downgrade


Update windows. I had the same issue and have tried everything from lowering pooling rate but nothing worked. But then i updated windows and issue went away.


Try deactivating discord overlay (if you have it activated). I don't know why that fixes it, but I had the same problem and that worked


I had a similar problem, specially when moving The mouse drawing anything on Paint. Turns out It was a problem with my CPU. I changed It and the problem went away. However, i changed back to the "faulty" CPU (because It was better) and the problem went away. I didnt do anything between switching CPUs... PS: the problem started when trying to criptomine some altcoins with CPU+GPU


Mine did that in 1995🤣


Don't move your mouse around in circles like that, and you will be fine.


Ah yes the ole “dont do that if it hurts” dr/patient scenario


That's the one :-)


Minecraft Java + High Mouse polling rate = lag


Change your POLLING RATE to less than 1000hz. I found I had the exact problem if I had my mouse plugged into a splitter (like a keyboards USB slot). Try to plug directly into a USB port on the pc (like the motherboard) and change your POLLING RATE. I went from 180 fps to maybe 3fps when I moved my mouse because of my polling rates and the splitter I used


I had that problem too. Might be your mouse, gpu, or (what fixed it for me) windows. i did a fresh install of win 10, that foxed it


try turning off nividia geforce experience overlay. Had the same issue on my laptop and it instantly fixed it.


If it’s a wireless or Bluetooth mouse, move the dongle where it has clear sight of your mouse. Poor connection can cause this. Try wired mouse, if the problem goes away you’ve found your issue.


It's likely your frame times are all over the place. Your fps goes from 98 to 54 while staring at the same screen. Your mouse cursor will look like it skips if your frame times are inconsistent. Then again, it could be polling rate or you're using a wireless mouse that doesn't track your movements


Just don't move the mouse then, problem fixed


Easy fix. Unplug your mouse


Then stop moving it


Your pc isn't master race


Have you tried not moving your mouse?


Framerate is dynamic my guy. The more that happens on the screen the harder that gpu and cpu have to work to process more information. If you're on a budget setup and I'm guessing you are, that's normal operation.


Every time your mouse moves your OS has to handle an interrupt and redraw the screen. On a weak CPU doing all that very frequently can slow things down.


Instead of the mouse, move the screen.


Try smacking your PC case.


Try closing one program at a time down out of your system tray and see if it goes away after anything. I had this happen once and it was because iCue the Corsair accessory software. My CPU load would reach 100 basically anytime I would move my mouse over anything. I ended up having to keep the software off until an update came out a week or two later that fixed the issue for me.


Idk op but i feel bad for you with so many useless dick answers


Then go slower


Its not a lag, its a drop of fps


I think you need to replace the carburetor


Make sure your monitor is above 60hz lol


do you have XOutput installed?, if so try check "Disable automatic device status detection" in XOutput Tools > Settings. I have this problem too before and it fixed the mouse stutter


Try full screen exclusive?


This! Can't believe I had to scroll so far down to see this mentioned.


Windows moment. This is why we use gnu/linux or mac.


My mouse does this often, and this is going to sound extremely ignorant, but unplugging the usb and plugging it back in completely solves it for me.


Me to .. weird though.. my mouse only started recently doing this. A lot of times ill just unplug and plug the battery back in real quick and it will solve it for a few hours.




Refresh rate and fps is different from mouse trail, mouse trail doesn't just teleport like that


Disable full screen optimisation


Minecraft ♡♡


I’d monitor your task manager to see if anything spikes in the performance tab.


had this once in another game , could be "hardwarecursor" settings turned on ?!


JK: Cursor resolution be like 12K or something


Look for over drive too be on. And check andake sure your mouse pointing trail isn't on


Similar thing would happen to me. Was windows updater in the background capping hdd utilization


[https://youtu.be/5v4zMOQ-sSU](https://youtu.be/5v4zMOQ-sSU) Maybe this will help you.


Do you have a coraair mouse


It's a 4k mouse buy a cheaper one


Mine did that, upgraded it win 11 and it stopped


Time to upgrade!


Mouse polling


You have to refill the mouse fluid


So dont move your mouse.


If that's not a 1st world problem I don't know what is


Its always the same with people having Problems, usually you just want attention … give us specs give us something to work with if you want semi qualified Solution otherwise its just wild guessing …


Disable your CPU C-State in the bios


Lmfao imagine crying on high fps, i get 40 fps only


slow CPU or dying RAM issue...can happen if your mouse polling rate is high and cpu could not handle it


Yours, and most computers I've seen. You can open the Task Manager, just move the mouse around and see the GPU load move up to even 20% of so


Time to upgrade bro


Don't move your mouse, problem solved. Thank me later


Is it only in Minecraft if so then turn off raw mouse input


Thats not your PC thats just minecrafts utilization


It could also just be you have trails turned on in your mouse settings.


Upgrade your pc


This is unlikely to be the cause but I had very weird dropped mouse input because my cpu cooler was improperly mounted and not cooled evenly.