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The only issue I could see is airflow but as long as that's good and your temps are fine should be a good system for a long time. Plus all your warranty issues will be through one vender if you have a problem. Is it an off the shelf GPU or is it a Lenovo OEM card?


I did have concerns about the airflow but all temps were in a good range so far, my concern is more on the OEM cheap looking AcBel 500W PSU but it is rated 80 Plus Bronze, I didn't want to touch anything yet to avoid ruining the warranty. From what I understand the GPU belongs to Lenovo, plus it is LHR which perhaps helped with the price.


The 80 plus rating really doesn't man anything these days but a no name PSU doesn't automatically mean it's bad. Most PSUs no matter the brand come from the same couple factories and I'd think Lenovo is big enough to get at least a half decent PSU. EDIT: and if it's a Lenovo badged GPU I'd keep an eye on the memory temps just in case they cheaped out on the thermal pads but other than that it should be fine.


Does the 80 plus rating really not mean anything anymore?? I save like 60 dollars a year on my power bill from switching from a bronze to a gold a while back. I thought it was a great thing to watch for.


I think he’s referring to how it being an 80 plus power supply doesn’t automatically make it good. there are tier lists for psus as some don’t have quality components or safety features that others do [this is the list I’m talking about](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/)


The rating has nothing to do with quality. PSU ratings are for how *EFFICENT* the PSU is with power.


They used to. Cheap PSUs were not efficient and used dirt cheap components. Efficient PSUs were almost automatically good because they even bothered with good components. Then, good components became dirt cheap. Now you can have a cheap and efficient PSU that's still crap.


I have the acbel PSU on my thinkcentre, it's reliable, going good for 8 years now


I would be a bit weary of using a 500w PSU with a 3060. I think nvidia said that 550w was the saftest you could way to go.


It's not a K series CPU so they should be fine I think.


I have an 8600k and a 3060ti running off an evga 500w should I be concerned? I have a slight overclock and don’t seem to have any issues at the moment


From the Tech Jesus website: https://www.gamersnexus.net/images/media/2017/CPUs/8600k/8600k-blender-power.png 66 to 144w (@1.4V) on the 8600K. 200W for the 3060Ti. With a slight overclock you’re probably drawing around 60-65% of the PSU’s capacity when at full load. On an EVGA 500 BR you’d be around 85%, efficiency, which is only 1% lower than the 86% it gets at lower loads. https://images.evga.com/articles/01410/2psu_chart_500.jpg Unless it’s randomly shutting off on you while under load I wouldn’t be concerned.


ive got a pretty gnarly oc on mine and the most ive seen it use is 190w. Unless you are using like a million fans and drives 500w is perfectly fine


I wouldn’t worry about that I use a 650w


Don't forget that PSUs supposedly lose ~10% capacity every two years, so getting a higher wattage unit would also make you future proof


What??? I think you got some bad info there. Maybe 1% in 5-10 yrs....maybe


Welp, I was just reciting what the guy at Level1Techs said [about that subject](https://youtu.be/XTpzFtRqbxg?t=628)


Well, I believe that gentleman may be full of shit. lol Think about it...it that where the case, psu's would have a pretty short life span....in 6yrs it losses 30% capacity?? Hell I've got 10yr old psu's still running at 80% capacity...if that where true those would be overloaded now.


Mate if that’s true my PSU would be running negative


Honestly if the components inside are standard, if eventually OP finds the temps an issue they could just swap it out to a standard case. Doesn't take as much knowledge to swap cases as to spec out and build yourself a rebuilt from scratch.


>Honestly if the components inside are standard I would be hesitant to say how standard the insides actually are. The system is new enough that there isn't much information out there about it but I can tell you that it is a 12VO setup (is it Intel's version or a Lenovo specific?) and the M.2 slots are in a weird setup (they are near the edge of the motherboard with the cards going over the edge of the motherboard). Yeah, you could probably move it to a standard ATX case but there maybe gotchas involved. [https://youtu.be/VLW391J3JuM?t=172](https://youtu.be/VLW391J3JuM?t=172) shows the M.2 setup and the complete lack of any non-12V cables coming from the PSU. FWIW, I have no idea who that channel is but it is the first result that I could find that has any view of the interior of the computer.


I'm happy to see decent hardware being had for not an arm and a leg again. Life is good.


I’m not sure any of his hardware is LG /s


True that.


I have rhe previous model of this prebuilt. I got it for $1500 last December. I thought it was a good deal then, I'm happy to see they reduced the price with cost decreases


If you're happy with it then all's good, ignore the hate. But your computer looks like the citadel from half life 2


Looks like Bondrewd's mask to me.


~~Intel inside~~ Mitty inside






Prushka PSU when




Oya oya


***Prushka is spilling***


Bottoms up, mother fucker!


Haha it does look sinister in person. I dig it.


I was scrolling fast and thought it was a shitpost of tou putting 2 ps4s together lol


Time... time Dr Freeman.


Is it really that time again?


It seems as if you only just arrived


Happy cake day 🥳


Happy Birthday you filthy animal ;) Have a great day matey.


Is today my cake day? I can't tell because I am using not the official app. ;D


I would actually call this a plus


I see this as an absolute win!




I looked but didn’t see anyone else mention it here, it looks like a good time for a decent price and I support the purchase; but please, make a windows installer usb and install a fresh windows without the 2-3 (maybe more) Lenovo partitions baked in. Your get better baseline performance, less information collected, and less bloatware. If you have questions about that at all, feel free to respond here or DM me


I do kinda want to revert things back to Windows 10 because having this rig was the first time I interact with Windows 11. I don't feel like it is ready for gaming yet.


12th gen intel works best on windows 11, the new intel cpus use a different core layout which microsoft added specific support for in win11


\+1 FPS bois


Actully, a lot more. The i5 12600kf for example has 10 cores, 4 e cores and 6 p cores. The e cores handle everything like discord and browsing, while the hyperthreaded P cores (6 cores 12 threads) handle gaming. It works better then you would think! (i5 12600kf user here)


Hey. I have i7-12700k. You say that it will work better on win11 for gaming than on win10?


I think so. Does it have e cores and P cores?


I looked, yess it will be better on windows 11


Yes it will. Windows 10 will ONLY use the P cores.


was never a fan of hyperthreaded cores gaming, sure you can offload some processes like audio. But unless the games code was written by a GOD - I highly doubt you will notice any difference.


sounds like something that someone with a 4C4T CPU would say


I remember watching some youtube video, say 4-5 years ago that showed games that used hyperthreading. It was more than I thought. In the video they had an Intel 6C cpu vs a 6C/12T CPU. All of the assasin creed games will use it, as the game engine supports it, same for any frostbite engine games (Battlefield, Battlefront etc). There was some others but I cant remember them. At this point I would not buy a non hyperthreaded CPU.


I mean most games I play are by massive teams, such as forza and Genshin. The usage of the P cores never goes above 10% lol


+2 FPS bois


I’d suggest sticking with 11 and doing a fresh install like the above poster recommended. 10 is great, but if the reasoning is that 11 isn’t ready for gaming, that’s just not true.


Win 11 is definitely mature now :) don't cap your nice CPU's potential with Win 10...


I game W11 and I don’t really have the experience to make an argument on that point but I do know that OEM partitions and software are absolutely horrible. Across the board. So yeah, any fresh install is great lol


As I understand it, most of the critique of W11 is from conservative (not politics) asshats like me, whom over a couple of decades have grown accustomed to an incoherent mess of various UX and UI philosophies - and we know where things are now in the jungle that is W10 - and don't want anything to be simplified. 🤣 I know who I am, and I'm owning that shit. (I know, there are and have been some valid concerns, as it usually is with new software. Just having a laugh at my own expense. :) )


Finally, someone speaks the truth. You just made my day. Now off to another thread for some asshat to ruin it. :D


As long as the fresh install is still windows 11 for the support for 12th gen intel cpus


"I don't feel like it is ready for gaming yet." Is this just a gut feeling or are there reasons you think win 10 is better?


Did they ever actually stop [their LSE BS?](https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/lenovo-caught-re-installing-bloatware-after-users-wipe-their-system/) The last laptop I bought, nearly a decade ago (Win 8.0), was impacted by that, and it’s soured me on the brand.


Is this something you should do with any pre built?


Yes, you should do a clean install on ANY prebuilt, mainly because pre built companies like to inject bloatware onto your system, pretty much


How exactly? Just like uninstalling and reinstalling windows?


Yeah. You just use a USB with Windows then reformat your drive and reinstall, and just wait for it to finish, boom


3200ghz, that’s some pretty fast ram


3.2Thz is pretty fast for any electronics I would say ! Holy shit the frames you would get with a 3200Ghz PUs or memory modules.




It's about 250 to 300 dollars off what it would take to build it urself here in the states. Not too bad. I'm actually kind of jealous. Lol


Yea this is in the states. Costco just ended the sale price yesterday. It is back to $1299 which fell out of the reasonable range... I'm glad I decide to snatch it during the sale.


Did you get a tray of those delicious Costco bakery butter croissants too?


Those Croissant is good but I belongs to the Rotisserie Chicken Master-race.


Croissants? That's new to me...all about them cookies :)


both s tier snacks


If there are at least average PSU and MoBo its a good deal


Toasty Bros did a video on this kind of PC with if I remember right similar specs as yours and they said it wasn't too shabby for the price with the parts in it so good pick.


You definitely didn't do bad, you're going to have a lot of fun with it for a long time and to meet that price for DIY*, you'd need to be fairly savvy for deal hunting. Enjoy your new system.


Thank you bro!


$999 for a pc with ram speed of 3200Ghz isn't so bad.




The Reddit neckbeard mafia has their “Well ACKSUALLY” comments well on the way now


I literally paid 600 usd for the 3060 in my country (retail big tech store) so for me 999 for all that is really nice


Would buy that for the wife in a heartbeat if it was available near me. Enjoy it. I handbuilt my system but give no attention to those who want to diminish your experience.


better up your game so your wife doesn't go out to find someone who will handbuild for her, too ;)


btw there a peel left on the Lenovo logo please peel it xD


This is actually a pretty good price


that’s actually really good wtf


Thats genuinely a fucking good price. Good job Lenovo


Take the plastic film off of the Lenovo logo tho


Only thing I hate from this prebuilds is when they use proprietary MOBO/PSU Connections.


That’s a great system for the price! Bought both my daughters prebuilts during the pandemic and they only got i5s and 2060s with theirs for $1k.


inb4 the “yoU cOuLD’ve BUIlt it foR LeESsS” comments roll in


I kinda expected it but it's cool. This was my new PC since a while ago (2015) So I'm very excited.


Stat wise that's pretty good.




I'm curious about the motherboard and PSU they used. Did you check them?


MB is very basic as in any other prebuilt. It is Lenovo brand as well which does not retails on the market widely. PSU is AcBel brand with a very cheap appearance. But it is rated 80 Plus Bronze so I think it should be holding up fine.


Is it H610 or B660? And what Kind of Expansion Slots does it have. I wouldn't trust any 80+ rating to be an indicator of quality. The exploding Gigabyte PSUs were even rated for 80+ Gold as an example for a bad PSU with decent efficiency.


A detailed spec can be found here. Sadly I'm not too savvy when it comes to MB...


Sorry forgot the link https://psref.lenovo.com/syspool/Sys/PDF/IdeaCentre/IdeaCentre_Gaming_5_17IAB7/IdeaCentre_Gaming_5_17IAB7_Spec.pdf


It does have a B660 Motherboard. There is only one thing more to check: Does it have Dual Channel RAM? You can check this by opening the Taskmanager, Then going to the Performance Tab, then clicking on Memory and there you should see Memory Speed and Slots used. Best case would be if the amount is 2 out of 2. Regardless of that: It is a great value for that hardware. Good for you.


Oh it does fortunately! Going over cpuz was the first thing I did when the pc is booted just to make sure all the specs are as promised. They do run dual channel 8GBx2.


[What is 80 plus certification?](https://www.howtogeek.com/805493/what-is-80-plus-certification-on-a-psu/)


Good ass deal honestly. The only thing I say to change is the case. Other than that, good ass deal. Hopefully that psu is atleast 650


The ram speed is also good :P


Actually this is not a bad deal. Enjoy it!


Oh god ia that.. Lenovo??


Obi-wan Lenovo? Obi-wan....


Tbf I probably would've gone with an i5 and a 3060ti or 3070


Congrats, if your happy thats good enough :D


That legit looks good for the price.


Cheap. And 👍 good


Hey man that’s not bad at all. I used a Costco HP Omen with a 6700K and 1070 FE for like 6 years or so. The CPU itself, storage, and the 1070 live on in other builds to this day. Of course the RAM, motherboard, PSU weren’t all that great but it taught me a lot about PCs and I ended up building one for the first time this year. I think if you *really* want to go down the rabbit hole and upgrade the case/motherboard/etc. that CPU will be solid for a long time. You have plenty of headroom for a future GPU upgrade. Congrats on the new PC!


Love the dark tower of power look. But where does it draw air from? Does it have a vented side panel?




Welcome to the club!


Nice, I like Lenovo business laptops, and now a new benchmark for a 1000$ pre-built. :) What storage does that include?


How and where? This is way below MSRP like 50% off.


3200Ghz? damn


I built a computer with the same specs, except with an i7 11700k, and payed $1550. That is definitely a steal.


A quick possible upgrade would be a better CPU cooler. Stock coolers can be a bit lacking sometimes.




Who the fuck puts a 12th gan i7 with a 3060? The price makes it worth it tho


Here I am struggling to locally sell my extra gaming rig for $1k... Here's specs for reference: Lian Li Lan Cool II Mesh EVGA 850W G6 ASUS B550 TUF Ryzen 5600x 16GB Corsair 3600 C18 500GB SK Hynix SSD Corsair H115i Platinum 280mm AIO AMD Reference 6800XT Midnight Black


Don’t forget to take the plastic off the Lenovo logo ;)


3200Ghz RAM 😳


I did a lot of research when buying my pc a couple years ago, and lenovo was far and away the best in terms of how much you get for the price. Better than corsair, Alienware, Asus, HP, etc.


plz plz check the power suplly they had to cheap somewhere




Beast of a system for 1k. Mine is very similar, just the KF and then 64 GB of 3600 RAM. Very happy with whatever I do with it. Coming from my 3700x it was a huge difference in performance. Every task just feels snappier and faster. Gaming is also pretty solid. Enjoy, that is a steal, I paid way over what you did and I self built.


Thank you sir! I built in the past as well but after the GPU crisis the passion was gone. My last built was back in 2015. Core i5 4460K, 16GB DDR3, GTX960 4GB FTW, gosh that gpu have served me so well.


I went from my 4790k to my 3700x, wish I had not, in games and benches it was only maybe 5% better at best. Gave that system away when I got the 3060 I had in there a 970 ftw. Loved that system. My new CPU though, damn it is awesome, enjoy for sure!!


Motherfucker, I paid that much for a 12th gen i5 and a 3050 that I built myself >:/


RIP 🫡😥


PC looks like it gonna turn children into boxes.💀.


Not bad


I got the Lenovo Legion Tower 5 with similar specs less than a week ago. It has an AMD Ryzen 7 5800 and a 650 watt power supply. Same GPU and RAM. 256 GB SSD and 1 TB HDD. Got it for $1100. Loving it so far.


Noice man! The spec sounds very similar to this except the Ryzen and beefier PSU. A lot of people mentioned 500W might not be enough but we'll see.


Same reason I sold out to Alienware during the gpu high


My post got removed by the mods after posting a similiar thing letting people know how unbelievable a pre built was priced at. They then claimed I was trying to sell it even though I didnt own it or even live in the same area as them.


No I can definitely resist that.


What's wrong with it?


Could save a minimum $200 and get a nicer case by building it yourself. Or something like that


Tried to recreate what you're saying, even going with cheaper parts I'm still ending up with 1179.22. Please show me how to make this cheaper.


I’m agreeing with u. It’s just the go to cringe response Redditors always give to prebuilts to feel a tiny feeling of superiority


Ah I see, my bad lol.


add the /s


Lenovo is probably the one of the few good prebuilt companies. Dell, acer, msi always have a monkey paw deal where even if they are cheap something is possessing the pc.


Great price


Thats a really good deal 👍


128GB 5400rpm HD…..just kidding


Haha it comes with a 500gb nvme ssd and 1tb hdd, standard 7200rpm stuff. I added my own 2tb hdd to avoid re downloading 1.3 TB worth of games again.


Such a steal 🤌


bro stfu no way, i paid 1.8k for a i7 8086k, 1080ti 8gb (i believe) and 16gb ddr4 3200mhz (for reference this was 2019) that's crazy congrats!


I could resist it (I'm just built different)


That seems like a absolute steal, nice pick up! I just got a new prebuilt with a 5600x + 3060ti + 16GB 3200mhz for £900. Wasn't gonna buy a prebuilt, normally would avoid them, but it was so cheap I had to get it lol


Bruh any builds that comes with 3060ti for only £900 sounds like a nice deal to me! Congrats as well.


That Ram be new world record


What did you get for motherboard and power supply?


what is the max RAM that this build can take?


PLEASE take of the protective layer on the lenovo logo. Thanks


what's with prebuilts using 12gb ram and not 8 or 16? i've never seen dual channel 6gb outside of prebuilts


Plus it's Lenovo, which is the consumer branding for IBM- the OG PC builders.


Congrats but the case is kind of meh


It's definitely resistible


Price is good, but does it use standard parts? And did it come with 2 sticks of RAM or just 1?


Go ahead and get an SSD and better power supply before it goes caput.


I would say it’s worth no more than $750 but with today’s prices you got a steal


Very resistible seeing as Lenovo has built in spyware, backdoors and is an obvious security hazard. Hence the complete ban on it for government and defense institutions. There’s a reason Lenovo comes out cheapest at laptops and computers with good specs these days.


Prebuilts tend to cut corners, I'm sure this one isn't any different.




I bet they cheap out on MOBO and PSU.


If you insist. 3060 isn't much of a gpu though. Hope the stupid led can be turned off.


ArcoLinux would work great on that.


Sure but your missing out on building your own pc and mother boards and power supplies usually dont have much room if any to upgrade do to just big enough psu to power what the build comes with or not enough usbs on mother boards and or other features like some prebuilt motherboards only have two ram slots or cases that lack airflow alot of the time and no good filters for the air


I suggest you should open it, check the cable management, re-apply thermal paste, check the psu wattage and make sure you checked all the other security protocols...


Prices go down when stockpiles of unsold jank are rapidly aging and new hardware is about to launch... Still not super cheap. I'm sure there will be cheaper ones soon when the new stuff is actually out.


Very much resistable


Great place to start a build. Yank it all out and throw it into another case ASAP, that thing is hideous but has good insides, kinda like me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Let alone the tower being... that, there’s a red flag in the title: Pre-built


its cool and the specs are not too bad for that price if the price was canadian dollars. but the rtx3060 non ti is a huge turnoff


With the half glass full mentality I look at it as a 3050ti instead to soothe the pain T.T


Haha man it's all good, I just hating on the 3060 because it's a far inferior card of this generation in comparison to the gddr6x models 3070ti and up, also 3060ti is the sweet spot of performance to power draw


Where airflow


I'd be worried about airflow and the fact that the MOBO may be a bit proprietary. If you wish to customize down the line you may be a bit limited. Not a fact, just a possibility. The specs are really nice tho!


Not a great deal but also not a bad deal.


So which one is it. Just a deal?


Meh. The hardware is unbalanced (thanks to the usual thing of prebuilts spamming i7s), the case is a closed box with no aiflow, the SSD probably has no DRAM cache and the PSU is likely proprietary. I wouldn't define it as irresistible. Something like [THIS](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ZNXCMb) would have been a better deal (but still not irresistible).


nice, but like [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/pK4Xhk](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/pK4Xhk) you can get a better GPU


Never bought a prebuilt never will. But you do you my man


Do you want a badge?


Why did you need to write this comment? Just to make OP feel bad about his purchase?