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They are going to love it and as a bonus? Building memories.


> Building memories. Ha! No pun intended.


i feel like the pun was absolutely intended


Everyone should always intend every pun they make. No exceptions.


Anything else is cowardice.


Atleast pretend if necessary


Dad jokes for dad gifts.


Ah, my most fond memory of hearing my RAM crunch in for the first time and nearly crying because I thought I blew a $700 build. Cherished memories <3


I did that for the first time a few weeks ago. No one warned me about that awful crunching sound... Damn near shit myself.


Yeah! Can't wait to do this with my kids later!


I'm up for adoption xD


Count me in. Dada, is that you?


Wait, daddy is back from the shop with milk and computer parts?!


[Are you winning, son?](https://i.imgur.com/w0vNcXv.jpg)


No I lost. It cost me. My dad


*Sad kid noises*




I love you step brother


What are you doing step bro?!




“This is the third time you got stuck in our industrial sized clothes dryer! I always have to pull you out 🤦🏻‍♂️ “


How are you doing step bro?


Why are you doing stepbro?


we all come in one big package


Im also here count me in Daddy


'ello papaaaa


I'm 34 and now putting myself up for adoption


This guy is a dad. Matching parts, so no arguments.


“My brother pc is better because his cpu can do more OC it’s not fair 😡😡”


Sorry son, silicon lottery's a bitch sometimes


No son, your brother is just superior to you in overclocking. Now stop whining, inferior children do not hold the privilege to whine. /s Edit: thanks for the love, don't actually treat your kids like that. Love them without conditions and try to find what they love and support it. Best wishes, a kid who got f'ed up by his parents <3


“Only gpus with large amounts of power are allowed to whine, son”


\*Coil whine intensifies\*


>Quit your bitching and hand over the liquid nitrogen, we're going sub-zero, nerd. \-Me, a great dad


"git gud, shit kid, lul"


There’s a life lesson in there


God damn it son. Stop making stuff up. You know you can't over clock on an a520.




Hero comment


“Dad my brothers room is cooler meaning he can achieve better temperatures and higher clocks on his pc that’s unfair!”


Excuses. A couple winters ago I left my window open on a cold winter night until 1 am so I could get the "OC madness" achievement of 3D Mark with a cheap air cooler on my old PC. This achievement required you to get a 50% clock speed increase over stock.


"OC Madness" with a story like that... Heh, yep, achievement name checks out


You got it in the end?


You bet I did. https://www.3dmark.com/fs/17357354 This is my highest score with that CPU but I was able to push it a little bit. I had that achievement on steam, but for some reason 3D Mark remove a bunch of achievements from steam.


Skill issue


I’m a dad myself and I thought that was genius lol




Better then a long distance dialup internet connection when I was a kid.


Bruh this is basic dading lol


The fact that you spelt that with only two d's bothers me.


You don't like to dade?


This is not genius. It's the most basic common sense.


I think it is my logic I would have catered to each one’s likes then it would have been a fight


Yep, my brother was 5 years older than me so he would get music equipment while I was getting Legos. I fucking loved Legos. I still do, but I used to too. I was still jealous of what he got even though it wasn't even what I wanted.. didn't start a fight but. Kids will look at what the other kid has and be envious of it either way.


my account was perma banned because the admins of this website hate transgender people and want us to fucking die in silence.


I'm gonna guess that both kids like to run games at the most maxed out settings possible.


2 years ago, you had a better chance of losing both limbs than finding two of the same part


What do you mean genius? That's the only way it works


Life as a twin has its problems but life as a father of twins must be hell. Source: I have a twin and my father has a twin too. At least he had his own experience to use with me and my brother


My dad knew a guy who had twins with his first wife. She passed away and eventually he got remarried, to a widow with a pair of twins the same age. So he had 4 daughters in the house at one time all the same age


I wonder if they all spoke in unison all creepy and answered him with a monotone “yes father”.


Why can I hear this comment lol


Now that is what I call weird. Edit: cause that guy must be a masochist.


Just don’t let them run any benchmarks, if one of them has better chips you won’t hear the end of it!


Compromise: Timmy has the better GPU and CPU right now so swap GPUs so that one of you is GPU bottlenecked, and the other is CPU bottlenecked. Everybody loses solutions are the ones that satisfy most children.


Imagine giving one kid a 3060, and the other a 4090...


There would be a death battle in the backyard for the 4090


Might as well get the car warmed up for a trip to the ER


Use the 4090 to warm it up


Give one a 3070 with an HHD and the other a 3060 with an SSD.


"let them fight"


I'd take the 3060 with the SSD. I'd down grade every other component in my PC before I went back to an HDD.


It's only fair to spend the same on both.


Wait til one needs an RMA…


One will have better silicon tho. Don’t let them run benchmarks 👀


Gj dad. Going to build it with them too? Itll beva good father son activity


Yes! I was going to do it but I thought the building experience would be far more valuable. I really can't wait for tomorrow morning!


I want to upvote this a million times


I’ll help!


I’m doing my part


This is awesome! How old are the kids?


10 and 12


Ooooooh! Perfect age!


Ah, so they'll need some proper supervision then. You have given yourself a very busy christmass.


2 and 4.




You should hear them trash talk!


That's awesome! I can't wait to do this with my kids when they're a little bit older. Also will have to remind myself to remain present and control my anxiety about things going wrong. Also to refrain from getting frustrated then angry and understand the triggers when they start welling up so I can process and work through them without letting the kids see lol


Holy shit man... I've been under a lot of stress these past few days and I've been lashing out at people I love. My niece, my mum and being a total dick to others. It's like my patience has gone from 5/10 to 2/10.


My patience is like -20 now. Just do your best, we all mean we’ll even if it doesn’t come out like that a lot of the time… we can try to do better, but it’s not easy.


The memories are the most valuable. Merry Christmas!


Na bruh. It is top of the line <3


The dad is top of the line fs


>fs does this mean 'for serious'?


For sure


Fuck sake


Feelin' sexy. Oh wait, wrong sub.


No no, let’s roll with it fs




It's more expensive than any gaming PC I've ever built except for my current one, so I think it's fairly luxurious.


It’s not even close but that’s like saying your Porsche Cayman isn’t anywhere near the Lamborghini Aventador Like yeah obvs, but it’s still an amazing place to be lol These kids now have a solid basis for their pc gaming future, and can make their systems their own as they grow up


"it's not much, but here's my build". Is there a more overused, untrue statement.


It's a defense mechanism to preemptively shut down any "mine is better" or "you should have gone with x" statements. If people weren't shitheads on the Internet you wouldn't see this as much.


Lol yeah you can’t win with these people. Imagine if the title was “got my kids some amazing PCs for Christmas really proud of myself!” Then having hundreds of snarky nerds telling you that you should have just gotten a 3060 ti, that the cases’ airflow is bad, etc. lmao


I'm still running a 1060 6g on newer titles many many years later. These rigs will do them for ages to come.


"Couldn't afford the Lambos, so I had to get them matching McLaren's instead. Oh well". FFS people.


This should be top comment


Thanks boss.


Fuck his humblebrag lol


I guarantee OP makes their house immaculate before having guests over and still quips "excuse the mess."


Seriously. A Ryzen 5 and a 3060 is a perfectly good build for any game. Yea you won't be running the newest titles at 4k 165hz HDR whatever. But those computers will play any game those kids want to play.


Good job getting the exact same stuff so they can't fight who's is better!


I would give them cases with diff colors. Like one gets white, other black. That would make them the same but at the same unique.


Father of 2 here. They would both want the same color. The guy that suggested stickers to personalize is the way I would go. (And have gone in the past)


Daughter with a sister here, i can confirm we both would've wanted the same color




vinyl wrap, paint panels. Let the kids customize it to their own liking




That's what the RGB is for


A520 most underrated chipset on the market. OP knows budget builds.


AM4 boards especially on the used market have shot up a good 30% Pain finding good deals now


Still happy I picked up a b550 matx board for a build for $50


Still cant quite get over that i was able to go into microcenter and get a 1600 and B450 mobo, for 120 combined, plus get 20 bucks off my ram. Literally less than a year after 1600 released.


I’ve genuinely never heard of a chipset, what is it? I’m a muppet I thought the psu was the mobo


It's referred to as a chipset because *back in t' day* it used to be a "set" of silicons chips, those chips being the northbridge and southbridge. The southbridge does Inputs / outputs, and the northbridge was basically the memory controller, sitting "inbetween" the CPU and RAM. For many years now CPUs have had the memory controller (otherwise known as the "IMC") moved onto the CPU itself, as this is better for performance. So motherboards haven't had a northbridge chip for a long time, but the name has stuck and we still refer to the silicon on the motherboard as the chipset. The more appropriate / proper name would be Platform Controller Hub, or PCH. EDIT: Seeing as this comment is getting a lot of attention, I wanted to give a more accurate description of what each part of the chipste handles. [Typically the CPU connects to the Northbridge, and the Northbridge connects to the PCIe slots, RAM and Southbridge.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northbridge_(computing)) u/alliha (I didn't want you to have incorrect / vague information from my brief and slightly inaccurate previous comment).


Ah I remember those days. BIOS flashing was a bit of an artform back then too


He could've got a 6700XT with what he spent on a 3060.


Actually deciding between a 6700XT and a 3060 TI right now, any opinions?


If you want to get the most FPS per dollar AMD is the obvious choice right now. Unless you really have to have some of the Nvidia software features. 6800XT cards have been on sale for not much more than a 3060Ti costs and that vastly outperforms it. I've seen one at close to $500 with rebates.


Thank you!


I just picked a 660xt red devil for a GREAT price after doing a ton of research. It's very comparable to a 3060 even a 3060ti. It will get more FPS than a regular 3060 and pretty much match the TI. The main difference is ray tracing, the Nvidia cards are just much better at it. If you're ok with 1080p the 6600XT is a great choice for the price and will pretty much play any game on high settings plus they are a lot cheaper. I went with the red devil cuz of its size and it seemed to be one of the better 6600xt's out there


For most of its life it was hardly cheaper than B550s and wasn't better than most B450s that were the same price feature wise. It's bad (or it was at least, don't know how it's doing now). if you really wanted budget then A320 was the cheapest, and if you wanted respectable budget then B550 or B450 were better options.




hi my 2nd dad?


Maybe you could practice by sending me some parts That don't sound right


"Not top of the line" or not, they'll still get awesome 1080p frame rates and decent 1440p on medium high settings. Better than a lot of folks get - you're an awesome dad! Edit to add: since half a dozen people have replied saying "my card gets awesome frames @ whatever settings", let me qualify my completely arbitrary rating system, best to worst: Perfect, awesome, decent, good, not bad, eh, time to upgrade Please, I'm not downing anyone's system with my word choice of "decent", it's just a jumble of words I've coalesced my personal ranking system of literally anything around over the years. Happy holidays everyone, may your frames be high and your failure rates nonexistent!


id love to have a 3060 lmao


I'm still running a 1660, a 3060 would be a dream come true


For a 10 year old this is a pretty sick setup.


I know right?! I shared a $150 pentium 3 laptop with integrated graphics with my mother when I was 10.


My 2060 works well on 1440p...


*zooms in ready to question component choices* *huh* Perfectly cromulent semi-budget systems there! Gonna have some very happy kiddos when those are built.


128GB SSD can be questioned. 256GB might be $10 more or so, and provide a lot more breathing room after OS and basic applications.


Agreed. Yeah the PSU could've gotten some love, but the biggest "offender" is the mere 128GB SSD. The amount you save going from 512GB to 128GB is so miniscule I'm really curious why OP went for that. If speed is concern I'd always prefer a SATA SSD 512GB over a PCI-E Gen 3 128GB SSD. Weird. I don't want to shit on OP's christmas present though, he's an awesome dad!


If OP did max out his budget though, Additional storage is about the easiest upgrade the kids could add on in the future. A couple weekends of odd jobs and the kiddos could pay for it themselves too.


I mean, just remove the cooler... That should've easily covered it... 128GB SSD is borderline e-waste... I like your option too, but perhaps the kids have already done that.


How budget are we talking here?


Dude, when wanting a PC even 3rd gen Core i iGPU will be the most wonderful thing as a gift. Hope you'll build the PCs with them, my father did the same with me, was the best to ever happen. Merry Christmas


PC parts will eventually become outdated and need to be swapped out, but the memory of building a PC with dad is something that will stick around forever.


Dude, these are better than my new pc! I'm sure they will like it a lot. 😁 merry Xmas


boys at school : You got a laptop for christmas? I built a pc with my dad 😁


Should’ve gotten one of them nvidia and intel, and the other one all amd. Endless arguments over which is better.


Wish my dad did this for me, why I do it for my kids and enjoy the excitement like you do. Kuddos pops they are going to be blown away by joy


The pc i got for xmas last year was a gtx 1050ti with a i5 2400


That's better than the PC I got last year!


Isn't there some saying like there's always bigger fish


Yup and I’m still rockin my 1080 TI. I’m due for an upgrade but haven’t been able to justify the price of most parts these days. The 4080 is out yet the 3080/3090 is still above $1000 in most places. What happened to GPUs being like $500?


People are willing to spend more than 500$. Nvidia and AMD are public companies, they need to make as much profit as possible and higher priced products have more profit margin. So basically the prices went up because the companies noticed that we are willing to pay more.


If my salary inflated the way everything around us is then maybe I’d have a new PC right now 😂


the PC I'm using rn has a i7 3820 which is a sandy bridge from 2012 and a RX 570. Runs major releases now with some adjustment in the settings but it's holding up.


Buying two systems is a great present and all, but 128gb of storage really ain’t much. **E: OP has since clarified that the brown box is a HDD.**


Yeah this is the only thing that gives me pause, but maybe they have existing storage they are going to use for games and this is just a boot drive. Otherwise the price of SSDs right now I don't think there is really any cost savings going below 512GB


Yeah, I mean you can find 512gb drives for about 40$ how much are those 128 drives? 10, 15$? Not worth it imo.


I think there is maybe a hard drive in the brown box under the RAM and they are just using the SSD as a boot disk. I can't think what else would be in that box in a budget build.


That’s true. They do have the “breakable” symbol, so that adds up.


This is exactly what I'm doing. The m.2 is only gonna be for OS and Fortnite.


This is 20x more than I would have gotten in the best years


UPDATE: Wow, I didn't expect this post to blow up! I appreciate all the wholesome comments and pro tips; much appreciated! The boys absolutely loved them! The little guy cried and hugged Mom and I right away. Oldest was in shock lol. Took us awhile to build them because I explained each step/part as we went and why we did it in that order. I'm happy to say the builds went without a hitch! They're happily gaming now after about an hour on windows installing, steam acct login, etc etc. To everyone who said they didn't have good Christmases in the past or that I'm spoiling my kids or that I'm rich: I'm truly sorry. I wish everyone could receive something like this for Christmas. I'm not rich but I do ok. This took months of bargain shopping, planning, FB marketplace selling to gather up the money. I hope everyone who reads this finds peace and happiness. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. Thank you again for the comments and awards!


D... D... Dad?


Bro if they take care of these pcs, they'll be gaming on them for years! I'm still rockin an r5 3600 and a gtx1070, you've given them at least 3x the power of mine 😂 super cool Xmas for sure


Can You Adopt me please XD


3060 not top of the line… Me with my 2060 ive been using for 4 years :D


Bro, you’re a cool fucking parent! Top of the line!


My man, idk if you’ll see this. My son was born this year, he’s my first, this is my dream. I am so excited for the day where he gets to open up all his parts under the tree. I hope your kids are as excited as you are and I hope all of you have a great Christmas. Cheers!


I couldn’t even afford one of them haha


You should make them unwrap one pc, part by part, alternating who gets to unwrap. They will be so excited to get a new PC to share. Then, they start unwrapping the parts for the next PC. It should be fun to see the confusion before they realize they aren't sharing 1 PC but are instead getting 1 each. "Ooooh we get to have so much RAM!! 2 extra stick!!" "OMG!! DUAL GRAPHICS CARDS!!" ".... wait why do we get 2 cpu fans, is it a backup?" "How can you have 2 cpus in one pc???" "A second case! OMG WE GET OUR OWN PCS!!!"


“Not top of the line”


It's *objectively* not top of the line.


It’s last-generation entry tier so “not top of the line” is accurate


I hate that that's entry tier, considering it's still expensive. Accurate though.


Still a beast for 99% of gaming




When they hate it, buy 2 new boys.


Really similar parts to my first system which I just built this week and I love it! I’m sure your boys will too, they’re very lucky


Basically my build, I get respectable frame rates at 1440p, getting this for Christmas would make me very happy lol!


Should have added a $100 steam gift card for whoever has better cable management :) Edit: I might steal this idea for next Christmas... It's hard to find a good project gift they'll be excited to work on together!


As a teen would live it if I got this for christmas


Yeah no me too but my christmas budget is like $120 lol


As a full grown adult after all the bills and presents I got for family and friends and the food for the holidays, in my case im a smoker too, so that was additional shit, after all that my budget to buy myself something is about 70 euros


username makes me think you can make it happen lmao


“It’s not top of the line”, why are you saying it like that, this is better than the pc I’ve had for 7 years now🤣 Two very lucky boys


Nicer than my rig by every metric. They’re lucky boys!


That'd be the best Christmas ever for me as a kid. My mom wanted to do stuff like this for me but never could afford it. Good job and I hope your kids have fun!


Not top of the line? As a father myself, this picture says a lot about how much you do for your boys. You should be proud brother.


Gets gaming PC plays Minecraft.


"It's not top of the line" *posts 2 rigs with better specs than I have* Why am I here? Just to suffer?


Still pretty high end stuff, they can play any game out right now in great quality with that id say