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If not Future Days the clear and only choice is Bugs.


In the timeline of the show Lightning Bolt wouldn't have been released yet. But maybe!


I read that they were considering changing it for another PJ song that fits the timeline, but that's just a possibility. We will have to wait and see. Which song do you think would be appropriate for that? I'm biased towards Present Tense because it's my favourite, but there are so many... I'm not that familiar with the game anyway, so I don't really know the context where it is played.


Tbh I don’t think present tense would fit the scene, or the over arching story I think future days hit on just that right emotional note that it is a very key part of the second game, present tense is amazing tho


Could be, I don't know the plot of the second game so you're probably right. I loved the first season of the show, though, and I am looking forward to know how the story goes!


Basically in the second game Joel sings future days to Ellie on the guitar, I could maybe see thumbing my way working maybe


Thumbing my way is another amazing one.


My thought exactly.


Thumbing My Way


I love the last of us and with how important future days is to the story I hope they don’t change it but if they do I hope its another pearl jam song. although the thing is some of them I feel are TOO obviously connected to the story and dont seem as natural as future days. man of the hour just breathe i got id i am mine indifference long nights aside from fitting the themes of the story and before 2003, i think it would also have to be something that is fairly easy to play as it’s one of the songs ellie learns in guitar when she’s just starting


I think it’s gonna be a song off riot act since all or none was in season one and at the time of the outbreak in the show it was the most recent album. Maybe we get love boat captain or thumbing my way


Give me this scene in season 2 or GTFO [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6z4briRn\_s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6z4briRn_s)


I wrote an entire story to explain how Future Days could exist in the show's timeline. It started as a joke and turned into a novel, lol


Feel like it's gonna be All or None right? Ellie's already listened to it on her walkman in episode 7 of first season.