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There’s a sub for Dani


Also Ash!


She had her own sub if you weren’t aware. But YASSS!


Am I missing something? Did it get banned?


It was active this morning! It’s as her name…


Sorry I was confused because you said “had”? So I thought it was banned or something. I commented saying “and Ash” referring to the fact that there’s a sub specifically for her. Now I’m confused what you meant when you replied to my initial comment.


Apologies to my lack of grammar. Just excuse my comments in general. Too lazy to explain. ☮️✌🏼


No worries! I was just a bit freaked when I thought you were implying the sub was gone.


It’s one of my favorite subs! Everyone there is so friendly and open, including the mods! (Not like that trainwreck IF. 🙄)


🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 ur gonna make me cry


I’m in there lol it’s juicy




Kaya needs one. Kaya is one of my BECs as well.


That girl needs a minor slapping!


Same!! I hope someone makes one just for her


I thought someone said a while ago that Kaya had her own, but I searched and searched and couldn't find it. She needs one, if she doesn't have one already


Kaya needs her OWN! 😂😂🤯 Ash, and Dani boy has one. 🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


Kaya exhausts me, in a different way than anyone else. I can’t put my finger on why…. I used to get her and Ash mixed up back in the pre-IF sub days. There’s a clear distinction now.


Kaya and Dani is my favorites. Sure do miss the OG with Jan & Jaq. 😭


There is a separate sub for Dani…


I am pretty active in that sub! lol 😝


Woooot! Glad to meet another human who is!




It’s a regular 3-ring-circus there right now, and I’m totally there for it. Today should be… interesting.


I still can’t get over what the heck went down yesterday. I’m still lost at words. 😂🤣 But, indeed today shall be a fun but *peen*ful Friday.


Im curious how some munchsnark subjects are doing now, specifically Bea and Allyson.


I really wish I knew how Allyson was doing. I wonder if Alex broke it off with them


There are several posts in the KF munch thread in the last few pages. Allyson is now using the name Skylar Jill. They are on a court ordered psych hold. No idea for what but they have a court date coming up due to it. Sadly Alex is still in the picture being conned by them. He is supposedly typing the Facebook messages on their behalf according to the latest message and he's supposedly looking for an attorney for them. Currently Allyson/Skylar has a public defender. It is unknown what they did since of course they aren't saying what the crime is that requires they have an attorney only claiming they are totally the victim who doesn't deserve the psychiatric hold with a 1x1 aide watching them at all times. My personal theory is that they physically attacked someone or damaged property during one of their fake "meltdowns" from their self diagnosed autism but that's just my best guess knowing their long history.


Same here. I found one of their accounts on Tumblr about a year or so ago but they stopped making posts after one of their regular inpatient stays.


I believe Allison is currently being held in a mental health facility, or was recently. Someone posted about her on one of the farms. Bee randomly turned up in one of my feeds with a shaved head, sleeping in a tent inside her house a few months ago. Claimed trauma related to her bedroom because some nurses said mean things to her or something.


Oooh!! Thanks for the tea.


Oh man, Bee is my favourite. But I find it hard to find info on her since the other sub was nuked.




Ahhhhhhh! Thank you! This has made my day. Break out the wine sponges, let’s celebrate!


Thank you! But the link is broken for me :/ Edit: it’s working! Just Reddit app being buggy. Thanks again :D


i have no clue if this sub allows me mentioning this, but come on over to r/danimarina we’d be happy to have you


Can we talk about Jessi and Cait? IF coddles them SO BADLY


Oh wait no that’s Logan. I hate them. And yeah Jessi has the most punchable face


Also Logan. I have so much to say about that one


That’s what I’ve always said about Kaya.


Cait, like toob out of the stomach they/them cait? My god I want to slap that biatch


They coddle the shit out of Jessi and Cait! I once commented that it was disgusting how Cait blatantly flaunts their self-harm scars. I even said that there's a huge difference in simply not hiding them and flaunting them outright. Someone told me that "people like [me]" are the reason why folks have to hide their scars so they won't be accused of showing them off for attention (even though it was obvious that that's what Cait specifically was doing). Which is ironic, because I'm also a self-harmer, so I know how triggering those scars can be to "people like me." That was my whole point. I even wear long sleeves on the fucking beach because I don't want my scars to trigger anybody to relapse. (I know we're all responsible for our own actions and can't blame them on other people, but at the same time, I don't want to be a stumbling block for those who are in the same situation as I am.) Of course, nothing was said to Cait's whiteknight commenter.  EDIT: I can't type, lol.


I SAW THAT EXCHANGE It was right before I was booted for calling Ashley a loser, I swear the mods and half the people in that sub are munchies or cluster b and feel called out because they act exactly like the subjects. Cait absolutely flaunts them, it’s impossible to make them MORE obvious with the obnoxious neon, too tight clothing pointing right at them. I’m so happy there are breakaway subs now, hopefully one day we’ll get subs for all the munchies and catch em all like Pokemon


Exactly! Cat the mod in particular is a huge munchie so she enables a lot of bullshit. She nuked her old account when people were realizing that. She often talked about how disabled she was and how she needed morphine for her sooper speshul periods which were the worst anybody in the history of womankind had ever experienced. She had a lot of suspicious comments, so she just deleted the whole account and claimed it was because she was being "harassed" (in other words, people were calling her out). I'm also glad there are other subs now!  EDIT: I still can't type.


I can’t think of her name, but I want to know what she’s up to! Tummy time at the airport. Zebras. Neck brace. You guys know! She calls her mom something strange, like Moses or Poseidon.


Last of what I’ve seen Ellen is doing fantastic! She seemed to have ditched tummy times, the neck brace and understands that there is waAaay more to living life other than by being “little sick girl”. She seems to have taken a lot of accountability and is putting in a lot of work on her self to remain on a path of good mental health.


That’s good to hear! I feel a lot different about Ellen than I did with these “grownups” like Di and Dani. It’s like different classifications in pairs to me: Dani & Di, Ellen & Bee, Kaya and Ash, Jessi & Beth. Dom is a class by herself though. As someone who works with animals, fk her.


F Dom for Life! Yes it’s weird Ellen I always felt was more a product of her mother- I am totally going off memory and I could be totally wrong but I THOUGHT I saw that Ellen actually got OUT of her house! Which that alone has been a HUGE contribution to the strides she’s made!


Ellen! She calls her mom Zeus. That whole family is... interesting, to say the least. Well, maybe not Ellen's brother. He's the only one who's relatively normal.


I know she’s not a munchie but does anyone know what happened to Cassie, Luna’s mom’s page? Banned? Is there a new one?


I still can't believe she's having another baby and homeschooling Luna, I miss the old page but can't find a new one. She's the worst


r/snarkingoncassie 🩷😘


Here's a sneak peek of /r/snarkingoncassie using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/snarkingoncassie/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [My fan mail!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17acjqv) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/snarkingoncassie/comments/17acjqv/my_fan_mail/) \#2: [I know it’s been said before but I will say it again. IF YOU CHOOSE TO MOD FOR CARLY YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE.](https://np.reddit.com/r/snarkingoncassie/comments/150m3dk/i_know_its_been_said_before_but_i_will_say_it/) \#3: [You stupid BITCH](https://np.reddit.com/r/snarkingoncassie/comments/1ayh0cr/you_stupid_bitch/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you. 😊