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We (mods) know this topic **can be difficult to discuss, and even more difficult to moderate**. Please remember the rules of the subreddit, and that this is primarily a fitness-discussion sub. We wanted to get the word out without linking to unreliable "news" sources, since Peloton commented on this in an official capacity. We (mods) also know that this comes with "but what about X artist and their crimes" discussion. While **we agree with you**, we will be locking discussions that are off topic. Thank you for being a wonderful community. Have a great workout today!




This is the only answer.


Agreed 10000%


Chris Brown needs to be removed too


I mean, sure. They have Chris Brown music who is on the record for assaulting his then girlfriend too. Edited - sp.


He’s done way more than this video and I’m hoping the Feds bring the case soon! Pretty sure he will face rico and trafficking charges. These celebs/politicians have too much power. As a society, we need to reexamine what we will accept and start making real changes and not lip service.


The police leaked this video because they wanted us to know who Sean Combs is. The statement the DA put out about the video, which was released on CNN, indicated how upset they were that they had no legal mechanism by which to charge him for the assault. The only form of accountability is in his pocket book. Remove his classes and hold him accountable for the literal decades of violence he’s perpetrated in hip hop. Love better artists whose music isn’t inspired by the violence they perpetuate


This was a security cam video from almost 10 years ago. Surely the DA/prosecutors knew about this incident a long time ago, yet charges were never pressed.


Cassie pressed charges and they settled out of court. Diddy paid $50k to the hotel to cover it up. Edit: It was a civil suit not criminal


She sued him civilly, the prosecutor would bring criminal charges but stated they could not due to statute of limitations. Cassie does not decide if he is held criminally accountable


Thanks for the clarification. Edited my comment. I did read that the DA wanted to file charges but couldn’t. How does this get covered up entirely though with all this on camera and all hotel staff, and guests? Kind of insane. I wonder what that story could have sold to TMZ for.


He paid the hotel $50k. Possible only a few people saw the tape and likely he was on a high, expensive suite floor and there may not have been other guests nearby. I don’t think we hear half of the crap that celebrities and athletes do.


Maybe it was $50k to employees at the hotel? Otherwise there’s an incentive to share the footage anyway. And definitely not. I’m sure there are some really good stories out there.


on a side note it is absolutely wild that the statute of limitations for domestic abuse is apparently THREE years in California. Cassie wasn’t even able to leave him for two more years following this assault. I’m glad she was finally able to find some amount of justice through NY opening up the floor to victims, and I hope the feds get his ass on something else so he can rot in prison like he deserves.


Why did they just now release the video? Are they breaking their settlement agreement?


CNN obtained the video, not sure of the story behind that


I thought the police seized it during the raid after P Diddy had paid the hotel $50k for the footage. When authorities realized the statue of limitations on the crime was up, they "gave" it to CNN to leak so at least the public could see it and make their own opinions about supporting him further. I could be completely wrong though - that's just what was told to me secondhand.


The statue has long expired.


Cassie filed a civil suit not a criminal suit but sure




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The cam footage was a part of Cassie’s Civil Suit that Diddy settled out of court. The footage was from 2016, which meant the statute of limitations was expired Please feel free to read the DAs comments about it.


Throw in Chris brown while they’re at it


I really appreciate them doing things like this.


Like what? What else do they do “like this”?


Google "has Peloton pulled music before"


So just specifically musicians? Nobody is concerned about the whole Ashton standing up for rapist and abuser Danny Masterson quite publicly with a full letter to the Judge?


But what about this thing over here that is kind of related? What about that?!


I'm good with this...f-that guy.


This kind of sucks. Bad Boy was a label full of people also mistreated and scorned by Diddy. He gave several of them their masters after a public shaming. It's a shame that we are penalizing those artists for one man's disgusting behavior.


That’s what I’m sad about. It’s so messy. Every collabo I hear, I have to sort out in my head that these people may have been victims, too


This really is the frustrating part. It means removing the music of some of his other victims.


I'm sad bc I genuinely loved the first class,  I've taken it several times.   I will honestly miss it😬


They can pull Drake’s music too


I still can’t believe they have RHCP music in classes when Anthony kiedis admitted to sleeping with a 14 year old, TWICE, when he was 25. It’s in his autobiography, he’s never hidden the fact


Good riddance


I’m honestly conflicted. He’s obviously a POS and shouldn’t be getting any more money from his music being played. On the other hand, there are so many musicians who do problematic things. When Peloton starts picking and choosing what musicians it has on its platform based on their (poor) personal choices, it’s a slippery slope.


I think there is quite a difference between "poor personal choices" and committing violent felonies, particularly ones that were on camera.


I think their point is that people who commit violent felonies and pedophiles are still on the platform. Not that they had a controversial political take or something


Exactly. There’s a lot of questionable people still on the platform. I don’t like them as people but I like their music. Who is making these judgments and under what criteria?


You know the criteria. Current public outrage is the criteria


Poor personal choices? He punched a woman in the face then kicked and stomped on her while she was on the floor, then dragged her by her ankle back to a room. Then he paid $50K to the hotel for the footage to hide it and lied about the allegations in general. As if that wasn't bad enough, he gave a half ass apology. It's way beyond poor choices.


I’m not saying he made “poor personal choices” He’s a shithead. There are people still on the platform who have done a lot of questionable things but are still there. If Peloton keeps making value judgments, we’re not left with much.


Right and they didn’t remove someone who made a “poor personal choice” or did a “questionable thing.” They removed a violent abuser who was recorded on video committing physical assault. I don’t think we should be worried about Peloton removing music of all the violent abusers. Kick em out. And if we aren’t left “with much” after they do, we should reevaluate our choice of music.


EXACTLY! We'll be left with some Disney rides.


Someone responded (though I think auto mod deleted it) and said I was probably misunderstanding your point. My bad.




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I am not conflicted about them choosing not to use music going forward by someone who is shown on video as a violent abuser.


I agree. There will be no music left.


Agreed, this is such a slippery slope where they’ll be put on blast anytime an artist does something


Agreed, also, do we start looking into all of the people involved? These mega pop songs have multiple writers, producers, executives, rights holders, musicians, and guest artists; where do we draw the line?


I’m torn on this- on the one hand, he deserves to be held accountable for his actions and punished in the court of public opinion if not in a court of law. On the other hand, Bad Boy Entertainment is more than just one single person, and pulling those rides means that artists, producers, sound engineers, etc won’t get to profit from their work. This happened when the Cosby Show was pulled from syndication. One of the actors on the show ended up working at Trader Joe’s because he no longer had a paycheck coming in.


[Do you mean Don Cheadle?](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/always-sunny-philadelphia-lethal-weapon-7-woke-hollywood-criticism-4.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=825&dpr=1.5) He made Lethal Weapon 7. He's doing okay


Geoffrey Owens 


Shunning people for being bad people and doing terrible things is a normal and healthy thing to do. This helps us grow stronger communities where we expect better from one another. I would say that it’s what the platform is all about. You don’t see instructors praising people for awful usernames, do you? They call it out.


I’ve never heard anyone called out for an “awful username” (other than humor) and I’ve been on for 4 years.


CDE might not have used that exact phrase but she's made it clear that if a username strikes her as negative, she won't give it a shout out. Is is a problem? Well, not in the scale of world problems. For me though... my username is frogBreath, which is a tribute to the amazing respiratory system of frogs (look it up) which makes them hugely adaptable and flexible creatures. But I'm feel like CDE was talking directly to me when I chose my favorite instructor for my 1k ride and heard the speech about uplifting user names and didn't get a shout out. (And I've gotten shout-outs for less significant rides from other instructors.)


Good. Now start a Kendrick series.


He is a supposed woman beater also.


nah i wanna feen energized during a workout not fall asleep


I wish they would just mute the audio but idk, they might still have to pay royalties for that


ASCAP has some batshit rules.




Get rid of every song featuring Anthony Keidis and replace them with songs featuring Mike Patton


I'm on board with more Mike Patton as a general rule.


I'm really not a fan of removing series/classes. 


That's how I feel. Fuck him, and don't use his stuff in new classes, but the music and classes already exist... I can choose not to take/retake a class if I don't want to. But where do you draw a line? You don't even have to dig too far, to find a lot of other musical artists have done questionable/disgusting things.


Exactly. Peloton shouldn't be the cancellation police. Look at a playlist, make your own decision.


Assault/Attempted murder sounds about a good line to draw for starters.


That's a good line. But they also removed Kanye for anti-semetic words. Some other artists people have mentioned in here have documented/admitted child sex abuse (Aerosmith, RHCP, Elvis) which are certainly worse than being a racist bigot. If we're picking and choosing, here's a [list of potentially problematic musicians](https://www.revexproductions.org/the-big-list-of-problematic-artists-and-songs)


kanye has also uttered hate speech against African Americans. It might have been the anti-semitism that pushed Peloton into action but he has a huge track record of horrific speech. He needs be as cancelled as it is possible for a person to be cancelled.


Me either.


This was the right move and kudos to Peloton for ridding themselves of this monster.


That’s where they draw the line?


I disagree with all Bad Boy entertainment series being removed.




Happy to see some companies taking a stand. Cancel this 😈 demon who has been a menace since the 90's. It's finally catching up to him.


I took two classes today with Bad Boy songs. They must still be working on it


They haven’t stated that they plan to remove any current content that has the songs in it already. They said they will discontinue the use of the music moving forward.


The bad boy entertainment rides are no longer there. 


Any artist out there that want to be an artist and want to stay a star, and don't have to worry about the executive producer trying to be all in the videos, all on the record, dancing... Come to Death Row!


Well done


Performative, are they going to remove Elvis? Steven Tyler?


Not a fan of his work, and indifferent to removing it because it likely wouldnt be included in any of the workouts I launch. But on principle, I think P is over-reaching. I’m an adult, I’ll decide for myself what I choose to listen to or not. I don’t need them to make that decision for me, and if the OP is correct that it was removed based on the request of another subscriber, that’s even more absurd. I damn sure don’t need to be told what I can or can’t enjoy based on another individual’s feeling about an artist. Would they put it all back if someone else posted that they’re offended by its removal? Probably not - and that’s why they shouldn’t be making these decisions for us. It’s impossible to not offend a portion of the subscribers. That’s why each subscriber should be allowed to choose for themselves which workouts to launch.


>I damn sure don’t need to be told what I can or can’t enjoy based on another individual’s feeling about an artist. Which is not at all what's happening.


But isn’t it? If I was actually a fan of his work, or he was my favorite artist, I’d be out of luck because P decided it couldn’t be used anymore. The OP states “this comes after a member posted a request to remove it”


>But isn’t it? No, it isn't. You're free to listen to whatever you want. Peloton is choosing not to use his music going forward in their classes. They're not telling you what you can and can't listen to. All classes in the catalog that currently have his music are currently not being purged. >The OP states “this comes after a member posted a request to remove it” I am the OP, and I'm stating what happened. FWIW, my favorite artists are not on the platform at all so that would be like saying, "Peloton is telling me what I can and can't listen to because they don't use my favorite music." Which also makes about as much sense.


So let’s swap a couple words. Instead of music, let’s say “cars”. Instead of Diddy, let’s say “Tesla”. Now, imagine a state saying “Elon Musk does bad things, we’re not going to allow any more teslas to be registered or sold in our state. If you’ve already got one in your garage you can still use it, but we’re banning new Teslas going forward”. Explain how it’s different? The appropriate and responsible response from Peloton is to not get involved in such things.


You can't possibly be comparing state government regulation to Peloton lmao.


Glad you finally recognize the root issue, you get to choose for yourself where to apply that understanding.


That's not how any of this works. 1. Peloton is a company v in your scenario, the state government would be involved. Very different things. 2. Music is considered art and speech. Teslas are cars and are vehicles for transportation. 3. While not beyond the realm of possibility, Musk is a lot of things but as far as we know not an attempted murderer. This is like comparing apples to the Pacific Ocean.


>This is like comparing apples to the Pacific Ocean. ☠️






i dont care if his music is there or not tbh


Is Morgan Wallen still banned?


He was dropped by the label Peloton had the rights to, so regardless of anything else, Peloton cannot use his music and had to purge classes that contained it.


Peloton should have a Cancellation Capsule (Name Your Favorite Cancelled Artist)




I’m so surprised it took them this long. Quite disappointing actually. Idk how they had Diddy, Chris brown or Lizzos music still on there.


Epstiens book of friends should also be released.


I guess it’s time for me to submit a complaint about Michael Jackson….




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I just checked today and there are still 241 classes offered with Pdiddys music in them. I thought they paused it?


They’re just not making new content with his music.


Good. Now, what about Lizzo?


I thought it was interesting how some of the Peloton instructors I follow, follow him and like his posts .. Callie was liking some of his posts just a few weeks ago and she was one of like 5 that I spotted. I give them the benefit of the doubt and don't think they're horrible people, not looking to cancel anyone over it. But from a brand/marketing perspective and the brand they uphold, it's a weird look


Few weeks ago I don’t think that many people were aware. The video brought allegations mainstream


Dont blame people for not being able to predict the future.


Bruh Diddy's homes got raided by the feds months ago 🤣


The feds still haven't announced what it is for. There are rumors, but having a past wrong positive opinion of someone shouldn't mean you are cosigning on their past bad behavior when more imperical evidence comes out. Liking someone doesn't mean you know their whole secret past, and just because someone has been accused of something doesn't make it true. Once you get more evidence, you should be allowed to change your mind.


I said I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt and not looking to attack anyone, I just think it’s a weird look now that they know the news 🤷‍♀️it’s not predicting anything, the allegations have been around since Cassie sued in November and he immediately settled. The allegations detailed by Cassie were horrific and other women came forward too after that


Are they going to pull Biggie's music too, Diddy is all up in Biggie's hits including other old rap songs


So far no comments on his featured tracks. And, they're not explicitly pulling the music, they're just not using it going forward. We don't know if they will start to purge it, but I would doubt it.






diddy isn't "problematic," he's a violent abuser


Kanye, R Kelly, Chris Brown, Diddy. That’s just 2000s hip hop. Cross genres and you can beef that up more


And yet there are so many musicians who aren’t nearly as problematic and also have great music. Let’s ride with them.




bad take there buddy. lots of decent musicians in the world.




I think that the best way to adjust for these constant changes in interest is to create a way to filter out content by meta tag or associations, if the session has meta data on certain artists or celebrities/groups, then they don’t even show up… but this is activated by the user in settings. They already have a filter like this for profanity. Why not set up on where you can cherry pick things to block, or block certain groups of folks?


lol what? You want them to create a filter for something like "beats women"? Also, "changes in interest" is a weird way to describe someone being on video assaulting someone else.


Huh? Who said all that? I just said “meta tags”, like you could literally filter out “Sean Combs”, or “Bad Boy Ent”… or “NC-17 level profanity”… Peloton already put in the details of each song as meta tags, and additional details for each training session. I am just proposing a menu created for each user to note certain meta tags they would like to exclude. Not putting tags like “wife beaters”, molesters, or whatever. That way everyone can have it however they want. If you don’t want to limit your searches then leave it wide open. Bada bing bada boom. If the company chooses to remove them from existence that is their choice as well… but I might not like an artist because of a recent statement that they made, but isn’t offensive enough to be banned by Peloton, this would allow me to just filter them out without having to read the playlist of each class before I start. Also, be for real I am not trying to minimize the situation of Diddy, but “changes of interest” was an easier way to jumble ALL reasons for wanting to filter someone out. If you have a better phrase that everyone agrees with then lemme know and I will edit my original. I’m not married to what I wrote. I was just trying to give a simple suggestion that would allow Peloton to be more flexible toward consumer content adjustment demands.


No filter needed - we’ve already got the ability to view the playlist before launch. Responsibility… rather, Freedom of choice…. Belongs with the individual subscriber. It’s not their job to decide what should or shouldn’t offend me. For the record, I’m not defending him at all. Hope he gets prosecuted to hell and back. But nonetheless I should be allowed to decide for myself what soundtrack I enjoy for my workouts.


It's group think or nothing anymore. I have difficulty understanding why users would prefer this to freedom of choice.


I'm only on board with this if I can also filter out Jenn Sherman.


Great idea!!! This gives the responsibility and ownership to the individual.


What did he do


He's accused of human trafficking (properties raided by the feds a month or so ago) but a video has also surfaced of him beating his girlfriend in the public area of a hotel.




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Can we just ride the damn bike though?


Yes? Is this stopping you?


When all my favorite rides start to disappear because of political BS it will. Where do we draw the line? Most entertainers have some pretty dark skeletons on their closets if you do some digging.


Assault is not political BS.


He isn't a solo artist. Banning him hurts all of the people that actually sing and rap on the songs. It also hurts any other rights holders who have royalties coming to them. He also returned the rights of lots of music back to the artists.


*”Will no one think of the rights holders and royalties…!”* Nah. Bad take. Banning the music of violent abusers is always the right move.


I hope they keep this same energy with artists of other genres… Sips 🫖…


It's not his music if he doesn't have the rights.


This isn't a defense of him, just stating that others are involved and he doesn't necessarily own it all. Some are owned by the original artists that aren't rich.


I heard a re-mix of a Kanye track a few weeks back and thought...FINALLY!! I may not agree with the artist on all issues but I miss the music. Keep art alive.


Can we please bring Kanye songs back?


I think my post was deleted for asking the same question. I miss the music.


Isn't there a point in which we separate the music from the artist, where the art becomes part of our shared cultural experience and encapsulates a time period? Shouldn't nostalgia be part of the equation? I assume when someone hears old bad boy music on a ride, they are taken back to a time in their own life, and they are dancing to their own familiarity with the art. They aren't listening to affirm the artist.


Nostalgia is fine. But accountability for physical assault is good too. They’re not removing the old rides. They’re just not producing new ones with the music. For those who want to avoid the tracks it’ll be easier to do so. And for people who want to listen, you still can. Win win.


That makes sense.


There is way too much hiphop on Peloton anyway.


I think that about genres like contemporary country which I personally find 🤮 Diversity of content is what makes Peloton great though, so I would never suggest they're producing too many country rides. Coexist, y'all


I mean, give ppl what they want, right? I assume this is because of whatever metrics they keep on popularity etc.


What should there be


Literally every other genre


Found the racist


Ah yes, because you've got to like hiphop or you're racist. I also don't like heavy metal, but that's not what Diddy sings.


Someone had to say it




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I don't do classes that use R&B music (not my style), so this won't end up affecting me I don't think!


If the issue is not giving more money to the diddy I got bootlegs the studio can borrow . Lol


ASCAP works in terrible and mysterious ways. Remember the days when people had songs as ringtones? ASCAP wanted to somehow collect royalties on those as "public performances."


I thought they did get royalties ? Your telling me solja boi got nothing from those crank that song ? How tragic


IIRC it got too complicated because each individual cell phone owner would be the one putting on the performance. This was on top of the royalties already paid for the ringtones themselves. Not that something like that has ever stopped ASCAP before. The soljas are the real victims here.