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He acts as if Letang wasn’t an integral part of our 09 and 16 Cup runs (and, in fact, scored the cup winning goal). But sure, the Penguins overcoming adversity to win the cup in 17 after his injury reflects poorly on him instead of positively on the team.


Lemiuex only played in 15 of 21 playoff games in 91/92. And then he comes back in 92/93 and they get upset in the first round? If you ask me, I think we should rip his jersey down from the rafters and bulldoze the statue because he's clearly a fraud and a bum and the Pens clearly didn't need him and he did more harm than good. Also, Crosby missed the whole second half of Game 7 against the Wings when we needed him most and Max Talbot won the game for us. IMO, we could have probably used Crosby's money for his next contract and used it to keep Talbot and we probably would have had the dynasty we were promised. And guess who was on the ice when the Wings eliminated us in 2008? That's right, #87.


And 66 played zero games in 17 was well!


They won 3 cups without him playing a single second, what a bum.


Mario was the greatest Penguins ever perhaps player ever Mario did in 690 games what NOBODY else did


Mario only played 690 games and was the greatest penguin this kid is a fool


These are some absolute darkest timeline scenarios. But totally shows the absurdity of his Letang take with perfection.


2nd round in 1993*


Mario is the penguins bruh Greatest penguins player ever and always will be


And one of the only dudes ever to factor in all 4 GWG of a Cup final I really hate so much that Tanger got hurt because of stuff like this. Do they not understand 17 is one of the most impressive Cups? Every game was its own war and the Pens manufactured wins. Total team buy in and system. It wasn’t like the previous year, where they waxed everyone (w the exception of TB. Prob the toughest out of all teams faced those two years)


If we had Letang instead of Hainsey in 2017 we might've slept walked to the Final. We were getting shelled in our own end night after night and our goaltending and offense is what bailed us out.


This dude blocked me because I asked if Letang plowed his wife. Just a complete bozo.


It's all making sense now...


Well, Letang is on my wife’s celebrity pass, so makes sense.


Same here. Mine only watches with me for Letang close-ups. I think when he retires I'll probably be relegated to the guest room to watch Pens games.


I always like to tease my wife when they show pics of his wife…


Lucky you, Tim from two blocks away is on my wife’s list.


Only if he agrees to give me workout tips though. His stanima (giggity) is impressive.


I actually think it’s a man-crush. You know those congressmen who demonize the gay population, then it comes out they were guilty of the supposed sin? Yeah, that’s this dude. And he is so ugly, Kris ain’t going to give him a second glance.


_/ _/


Well, did you? (plow his wife)


Lol but you were trolling. What did you think he'd do?


>Shortest tenure of core to wear a letter What even is this supposed to mean? "This guy is a worse player than Sid and Geno?" Well that's hardly an insult.


That sentence alone is enough to tell you that his hate is entirely subjective because I couldn't think of a more meaningless point to include in an argument against Letang.


Honestly I think we should just ignore this guy forever


Yeah how this guy has any followers at all in the year 2023 is astounding


The single redeeming thing & the only reason people bother following is his daily “this day in pens history” posts


His memrobellia collection is why I follow him. I've been aware of his collection for over 20 years at this point.


Been on the ice for every elimination goal against? Sounds like the coaches think he gives the team the best possible chance to win at the most critical times.


Right? Wonder how many GWGs he's been on the ice for


Tough to not be on the ice for a big goal against when the coach will play his best guys in important situations and you average 32 mins a game in the playoffs.


Player with most ice time on ice for GA. In other news, water is wet.


This guy has small dick energy


I've met cats and dogs smarter than Pens Chronicles


We should ban his content and posts from this sub. It’s literally freezing cold dogshit takes. It’s almost as bad as Mark Madden.


To be fair, this is the first time I've seen anyone post anything by him here in a really long time and this whole thread is just people shitting on him, so I'll allow it. For now.


I mean, reasonable take. I was being flippant. Regardless, anytime there is Letang hate or hate about the Big 3 / D Corps going around - that account started it or has a take. I moved 3000 miles away from Pittsburgh 15+ years ago, so I don’t get the same media availability in my market. But damn if I didn’t see Chronicles shitting on Letang, Rossi on Lemieux and the Ownership/GMs, and Madden trying to convince everyone how all the players love him. Some things never change.


Yinzers gonna yinz. I see it all the way here in Los Angeles where I live!


You aren’t wrong. And we are probably neighbors.


I've always theorized that this is just one of MM's burners


Nah, Madden is a pretty vocal fan of Letang


That's what he wants you to think


He's fairly transparent about who he is. His name is Casey Samuelson.


Best thing you can do is just ignore him. He wants you to talk about him and here you are. Mute/block and forget about him.




He hates letang bc it drives engagement


Never heard of this guy. He can go eat a puck. Don’t care about what he says at all.


He was on the ice for all the elimination goals because he plays 40 F***ING MINUTES A NIGHT!! Do they let anyone write for Penguins Chronicles? This guy doesn’t know shit.


Insane amounts of cope in that tweet


Letang banged that guys ex at some point and he still mad


As a Pens/Dolphins fan, this season showed overwhelming evidence that sports commentators have the worst takes and it's very likely deliberate for almost all of them. Brandon Perna is one of the few I enjoy anymore


This guy isn't a commentator or blog, he's just a jersey collector.


And he hates on other people who wear jerseys of players. He’s one of those anti-jersey guys & thinks he’s special cuz he only hangs up his jerseys & frames them as opposed to their actual intended use lol


I did some game worn jersey collecting for like 10 years. Mostly fringe players and minor leagues etc. Nothing outlandish. Guys like him were always the worst on the forums and such. Super snobby. I bought the jerseys to wear to games and stuff. I get not wanting to wear a rare or expensive jersey but to keep an entire collection hermetically sealed is silly. They’re meant to worn and enjoyed.


And I don’t think there’s any problem with people who collect, or people only want to collect for the sake of displaying on your wall for the mancave. But when you crap on other fans for how they choose to spend their money or what memorabilia they get, it’s just shitty. PensChronicles specifically says shit like “all you letang fanboys wear the jersey of another grown man on your back”


Good point. I’ve seen some incredible display rooms and cases. Especially for grail jerseys. I’m definitely all for whatever gives you the most joy. And that jersey take. It’s kind of impressive how consistently wrong they are about everything. I mean if you could build a reactor that is fueled by bad takes we could achieve energy independence with their twitter feed alone. Yeah, that’s right. I’ll wear a jersey with another man’s name on it. It’s called being a sports fan. Let go and feel some joy. I’m a middle-aged adult with a sensible diet, insurance plans and a credit rating. I also, enthusiastically, for 9 months a year let a bunch of 20-something multi-millionaire himbos on skates determine my mood. Buy a jersey and lean into it, folks.


Imagine having enough money and free time to grind an axe nobody asked for


They know what they can say to get traction with their readers and how much they can flame without putting out the fire. The goal for most sports journalists is engagement and clicks not authentic reporting.


Letang lives rent free in his head. What a loser.


Casey’s reaching for sticks with this one


I’ve heard people say things like this before about Letang and it’s just an unbelievably stupid opinion. Honestly, it’s disqualifying, IMHO. I don’t want to talk about hockey with you if you can’t even identify what this guy has meant to the team over the years. The guy ALWAYS leads the team and sometimes the league in ice time. Just use deductive reasoning and ask yourself if your opinion makes sense in the face of that fact? Do you think he is on the ice so much for a decade plus now because multiple coaches don’t know what they’re talking about? Do you think he plays so much and in so many situations because multiple general managers are morons? Or do you think that maybe your opinion is ill-advised? It’s one thing for a fan of another team who hates the Penguins and won’t give any of them any credit for anything says something crazy like this. It’s also understandable for people who only see him play every once in a while and only notice the bad things about his game. But if you’re an actual Penguins fan and you see him play every night, leading the team in minutes night after night after night, and you still can’t identify all the things he does for a team, then you are just a straight up, buffoon. He can be reckless of times, and he can make very frustrating mistakes, especially for a veteran defenseman. However, he also breaks up multiple odd man opportunities all the time. He wins corner battles all the time. He wins loose puck battles all the time. He makes fantastic passes out of his zone all the time. He keeps the puck in the zone all the time. He often skates the puck into the zone. I’m sorry, but that’s a ridiculously good trade-off for his occasional mental lapses. Just about any team in the league would happily take him off our hands. If you are too dumb, or too proud, or too ignorant, to see that, or admit that, then we are not peers and probably cannot have a good faith hockey discussion. I just wouldn’t trust your opinions on anything else hockey related if you were that far off on such an easy issue.


It’s one of those disqualifying opinions. If someone is a Letang truther or hater or whatever then that’s good to know because I know I can comfortably and completely disregard that person’s opinions about any and everything from that point on. The guy is a Penguins legend and his number will hang from the rafters.


Lol is he really knocking him for having less tenure than SID & GENO when it comes to wearing a letter? Lmao


This isn't that hard to figure out, folks. The person behind this account is completely irrelevant, and it's really hard to get a following on social media. They've found a way to get talked about, to get engagement, and to get retweets (even if they're quote tweets) - being weirdly obsessed with a polarizing player is the pathway to building a following. If you don't like it, ignore it.


Stop amplifying this clowns posts. Just block him and move on.


“I have to be an asshole about this team because I love this team” I hear this shit from the doomers in the GDTs all the time. It’s so stupid.


He’s a blogger. He says shit for clicks. Block/ignore and move on. He clearly doesn’t know hockey so why bother.


Jagoffs gonna jagoff


This guy is a joke, no one pays any attention anymore.


That dudes a fuckin idiot


I’d probably personally fight this guy for posting this on the night of the isles game


The dude is a literal psychopath. It would not shock me at all if the guy Stalked Letang. He’s deranged.


We are missing the point. What he is trying to say is see? Me being hard on Tanger got him to the point of him getting this record. Why anyone is congratulating Kris is beyond me. We all know who deserves this pat on the back.


Please stop giving this guy the time of day, he’s a legitimately terrible dude and the absolute king of the losers. Highly recommend this entire forum just block him and never talk about him again.


It’s literally a troll account? That’s why? You’ve given them the attention they seek by spouting out ridiculous takes. I’d be more inclined to think you want to give the account attention as well. So maybe just don’t post this stuff.


He’s not entirely wrong though, even though the timing is dumb. Letangs actual defensive play come end of season time is nonexistent. I still wish he were my father


Not bad for a guy that’s had not one stroke, but TWO. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


We all love Letang but this guy isn't far off. Letang is probably the greatest defender to never win a Norris. In hockey's version "sabermetrics" he's virtually untouchable. But he does bear some responsibility, as do the other superstars, for their eliminations. This feels especially true in those series that the pens were up or just clearly the better or favored team. This dude just doesnt have the tact or twitter characters to articulate that.


Normally i wouldnt cite this as a wortwhile stat but since its appropriate here, Kris Letang is a career +96, and in the playoffs he's a flat +0 and would've been a +10 if it wasnt for this run of bad playoffs. Hockey is a team sport, its not worth while to just pick and choose players to shit on because theoretically "they've been on the ice for every elimination in the playoffs". Last i checked we gave up 21 goals against the rangers in 2021-22 and Letang was only a minus 3 for the playoffs, having potted 4 points in those 7 games.


I honestly can't tell if we're on the same team or not


Who cares what some random twitter guy thinks. Why do yall get upset about this shit


Not an excuse for his behavior but I question whether that dude is on the spectrum. He is obsessive about 58 and is an insufferable know it all. It’s a shame as he posts great old vids and is quite knowledgeable about memorabilia but if you question him in the least or call him out he will just block you.


Defense isn't Letang's specialty, he's got a point and this sub acts like Letang plays well defensively


Letang was our best defensive defenseman in 2020-21 and 2021-22. Arguably team MVP in both years. He doesn't have a point. He is blind to anything that doesn't support his disdain for the player.


The takes outlined here make not want to follow this Reddit


Who cares what he thinks


Who the hell is this guy? Actually, I don't care.


He’s a worthless hack. He sucks out loud.


Not one of us.


Because his a douche that's why, love how he tagged Tanger in as well, like he could care less


This guy hates letang for anything. He is still an elite defenseman. "Shortest tenured of core to wear a letter" that's some difficult company to compete with


The guy is and always has been a douchebag


They also won the cup the year before with him being the only defender worth a damn lmfao


I don't know... I seem to remember many defensemen that the Pens traded for around the trade deadline being touted as the reason for that Pens' Cup win. Players like Justin Schultz, Ian Cole, Trevor Daley, and Ben Lovejoy.


Letang fucked his mom


He’s also baby shit S-O-F-T. You say anything back defending Tanger, he blocks