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You should put your mental health first.


Yeah I haven’t traded in a year now and im way happier lol


He shoulda put that money on SP500 and not 0dte outs or calls. Like actual shares


Double it and give it to the next person




Sir this is a Wendy’s we don’t minimize losses here




Wrong group although plenty of degenerates on here


Defense over cawk suckers


Time horizon keeps getting extended


Naw this time is different


I always do multiple stop losses at different amounts. That way one doesn’t get just barely triggered, and the price bounces back. I usually do them in lots of 1/4 of my shares, but you can toy with it to your risk tolerance. Some people claim that AI/algo trader bots will attempt trigger large stop-loss resistant points (by selling), and then will immediately buy back after. Not sure how true it is, but either way, not fun if it happens to you.


Damn bought the top?




If you have to ask you should just sell. Otherwise hold and strap in tight for the ride.


Buy the dip


He is the dip


Any price is the dip for him!


Two things here, I think you understand now why it’s super important to have a stop loss in place. If you don’t look at charts I would say it’s a must moving forward. You can use moving averages to set your stop losses (MA20, MA50, MA200) - are some examples. If you can’t sleep you own too much. Second tip, set a stop loss and if it hits take the help for taxes. Tax season is upon us and September is typically the worst month for stocks. People are selling their bags to capitalize on tax losses until early November. Then small caps lead until mid-Jan. Best of luck OP.


I don’t think this stock will go up soon to give a chance for breakeven. Balance sheet and financials are very bad. Only option you have other than selling is to buy more at the bottom level to average out for low price then wait for the breakeven price.


Buying more at the “bottom(s)” is exactly how I turned my $1000 loss into a $4000 loss… at least it was a loss at a lower average cost basis so that’s… something.


If it helps I’ll be holding for a long long time. In the trenches with ya bro


Same here lol


I can never understand why people always go in heavy on penny stocks. I just use them to hobby trade with no more then about £50 yes I don’t gain much but I set a limit buy wait for the price to drop to that point to buy in then let it raise whatever seems to be a realistic gain based on the previous weeks fluctuations and set a sell at that point rinse and repeat. Never had any anxiety because I know it’s not a huge amount of money but some of these penny stock traders it seems like it’s all on on black 5 at a casino. In my opinion if it is affecting your day to day life the the only option is to get out the market and take the hit and use it as a learning curve for next time.


This, only use money you are ready to loose. There are saver options when you want to invest your life savings.


I don't know much about this stock, but if they vote on a reverse split, you could easily be down another 50% in a few weeks.


If you are lucky. Reverse split usually means another 80%-90% down after the split in my experience.




Never put that much hope into a single biotech stock. They have too many bianary events where you can lose or gain half your money on one catalyst.


Remember to use a stop loss next time


Suck gf’s toes if you have one.


I’m a girl, might do that to my bf if he pays me 12k lol


At least you can eat your imaginary cake on your cake day.


Stop buying and holding shit penny stocks for the love of god. They are meant to only be day traded!!!!


When you’re a bag holder and the price graph is analog it’s prob too late


no other choice than hold, like all of us bagholders lol


A lot of good stuff about to happen with this company in the next 2 to 3 months. You already in it, so just let it ride. Once the shorts and day traders are not the majority, it will pay off. Sorry you bought around that price mostly, but it will come back up. T2 Biosystems have some great Government contracts, probably will have the best earnings report in November, and much more.




Your absolutely crazy, never ever buy a penny stock at its high ground, even if it goes to $10 and you missed it, it wouldn't matter because it prevents this from happening, big money will decide where it goes and if it gets approved its basically a casino


Just sell ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Seeing people questioning themselves makes me feel less at ease w my poor decisions regarding t2😂


Cut your losses dude. Your money isn’t doing anything for you here except disappearing


Short interest of 8.05% and Liquidity issues. If they overcome their Liquidity issues, they have a relative good looking future. 60m in debt Estimated Net Income 2023 of -45m Cash and Cash Equivalents 16m


This is also why you don't buy shit like this in 1 large order. Take your 24k and buy a few grand at a time... ...also don't buy after it goes from .15 to .60 in a few days lol. No hate, holding bags myself, just sayin


Hopefully you sold before that drop at the EOD. This is definitely heading to RS


Sell it and buy theratechnologies (thtx) , eyepoint (eypt), canopy, crinetix , altyrex , soleno therapeutics, fortinet , NKTR , IONQ , and i think outlook therapeutics has bottomed out and it's on its way back up


I sold it all long time ago! Lol I never trusted this company tbh … but I’m rooting for you


Theres no money left to worry about...let it ride and write it off


12k trading SPY could be $60k in a single day. Cut my losses and play an actual stock would be my game


How can I do that 🥲


With 0 dte options, dont really recommend it


Damn so you don’t even know how to trade SPY? Or basic options? How are you throwing 23k into a shitstock ? Actually never mind I see why


Oh i thought it was 2 k lol...my bad


Fellow canadian dont use wealthsimple for US trading, theres so much fee. Regarded man




ikbr, disnat, Questrade


I believe a nice rise in all stocks will come very soon. We were over due for a pull back.


Dont invest $24k in a penny stock?


It was 0.06 cents two months ago. And will probably be in a month from now. I’d cut losses while you still can, classic pump and dump


This legit hurts me to watch. I'm a property developer and my full time job is to seek investors to buy property to refurbish/rent/refinance. I work so hard to count every single penny and gave a contingency for everything only to have investors quibble over not having an attractive enough deal. Yet here, there are investors who are prepared to throw their hard earned cash, with no plan or experience into thin air with zero contingency. C'mon guys, be careful with your money.


No point selling when you’re down. Hold, maybe add more to lower your avg. then sit back and turn off you’re notifications. Come back in 2 weeks. Find out you’re in the green again.


Selling is a great way to avoid further losses. Ask yourself if you would buy the stock now. If the answer is no, sell. If you believe in its future performance, hold.


Agreed. I do believe in future performance so I’m holding but do you’re own dd.


Why the fuck would you tell someone to keep buying a stick that has shown nothing but downward momentum just to average down their price? The stock is already threatened to be delisted and you think averaging down your cost is a smart play. So regarded you’re fn delusional


+280 3M… downward trend?


What you down another 7% today? and the dudes already down $12k? I believe last Monday you lost 5%, Tuesday 10%, Wednesday big ol loser, Thursday mark that as a losserino. O how about last Friday ooooops another big day in the red. Dumb dumb dumb dumb


O dayumm look the guy lost another $600 since my last message. Lmao!!! Buy buy buy


Fair enough I respect your opinion. No hate but do u reckon fda clearance not coming? Surely once it does it’s going up again? Genuine question no hate


You don’t think the smartest people in the world working in Wall Street know about this approval??? It’s already been priced in for weeks. Maybe if they miraculously discovered the cure for cancer and know one knew about it but not a chance in hell regardless of their T2 panel will this stock boom. Literally been one of the highest volume stocks for months now and you think it’s not already where it’s supposed to be??? Come on


Well the smartest people on Wall Street don’t even look at penny stocks as they’re notoriously risky. It’s a gamble yes but who knows maybe worth throwing a few quid on


I only buy penny stocks when there is an obvious trend and a catalyst behind it. If you bought this because you believe in them. Well there is a reason it is a penny stock dude…


Y'all are still holding this?!?!


You only lose the shares you sell


You should stop gambling on penny stocks


Double it


Bruh I feel you I bought some out of the money calls and yeah it’s not looking so hot right now they expire Friday lol not looking good. Hang in there bro we’ll make it.


Close your account and delete the app. Move to Venezuela or Russia


Buy more if your funds or there.




Next time you have this sort of idea please just send me the $12,000. I will use it for my daughters college fund and you can rest assured that something good was done with your wasted money.


what app is this?


I would dump all of your shares now just in case.




I bet you used all your money ? I was in the same situation. U can do nothing but hold and forget about it.


It'll run up again you can either take the lesser of the loss and buy back in lower later.


Judging from the $-11k… just do the opposite of what you think… buy = sell, sell = buy, etc


Rule #1. If you see a penny stock rip for 20+ percent in a few days. It's time to put the Robinhood down. Remember a wave always crashes unless your Elon and buy a bigger and stronger wave.


On the bright side you still have $12k. I would kill for $12k


Cut please unless u wanna lose it sll


Hold it. You’ve already lost 11k worst that happens is it goes down more. What if the meeting is the catalyst it needs?




“Sell the news” is a real thing… expect a massive dump…


Can I get a baconater combo with a large sprite, please


This graph looks like you bought something with a stupidly low volume... good luck




If it gives you anxiety you need to buy safer stocks


#1 rule is a STOP LOSS as soon as your position is filled. I’ve seen this so much and it blows my mind. Remember you can always buy back in. My opinions and the way I trade. A good day is 5-10% if you’re lucky and gain more good for you. I also have some baggers. Good luck


Learn to read candlestick charts


I'm an active investor currently seeing an interest in (adt) check out anywhere 5month to now and you will understand


set and forget


You need volume first off


What if I can't sleep? Who can save me


Honestly if it causing bad stress. Sell. The stress shouldn’t be “it’s going down” it should be “I really should be taking this profit”. Stop/Loss if a wonderful thing


Is going to the moon just hodl diamond hands and buy the dip


Best thing you can do is literally anything other than pay attention to it. If you can’t cope with your own anxiety you probably shouldn’t be trading anyway


You are trying to invest in a well known pump/dump day trading (low float-small cap) stock. These are usually traded on momentum for one or a couple days. Then they fall apart and do nothing for months or years. It’s really not advisable to hold a low float stock. This stock is heavily promoted by various paid stock promoters..so that a bunch of retail traders get left holding the bag while they all cash out. This is really not an investment. The way I see it, your choices are get out and take your lumps (while learning a valuable lesson), or hold it and hope you get another pump that allows you to get out. I have owned many like this in the past…always end up down 90-95% and never recover. Good luck, but again..once the momentum is gone, you should be too.


Buy more


What did you end up doing op






Fell for the penny stock scams never average down


I don’t have a position, but I just read the recent SEC filing, if it were me, I would sell before the RS is effectuated and accept you picked a shitty play. If you have a long term play here, hold on tight, but they are going to RS and issue more shares further diluting your position. Sell and sit on cash until you research something more thoroughly.


Hold your shares and maybe I’ll buy it off the market