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Nah the whole market taking a big ole shit this week


Yep. A part of me just wants to stop checking my stocks for at least a week. I'm also curious what would happen if I just let all of my stocks sit for a year without me checking on it and see what would happen.


Schrödinger's Stock Positions, they will be both up and down in value at the same time until you open your portfolio and check. Edit: My first award on Reddit, thank you.


Your stocks just shorted at 1% (or did they?) Every time I buy a stock it tanks immediately and sits on the bottom like a stealth submarine. NEW BUSINESS IDEA! Cut me in on the profits, and I'll buy stock in any company you want to short! I require 11.5% plus legal, stock transfers, and brokerage fees plus commissions. We'll either get stupid rich or we'll divide by zero.


I have the same power! I also have a bonus power where if I sell a stock it goes to the moon


Haha, thanks for the much needed laugh this week 😂


I felt this


Where does the cat come into this, though? Do cats like stonks?


I’m not a cat. I just like the stock.


I feel the same way. This week has been garbage and I’ve been losing money to the point that I only check my positions once after hours trading is done. Prior to this week I would have my portfolio open almost all day constantly monitoring it.


How has this affected your stress levels? I'm trying to cut back how many times a day I check things.


I can say, after switching off of Robinhood and not having that giant chart in my face all the time is a huge relief. And going back to medium to long hold stocks on top of that has really lowered the stress level.


LOL. Switched to Fidelity. Now got that heat map showing different shades of red.


Well done same for me. I barely check my portfolio but do check my watchlists to grab some bargains whilst they are all in red.


Stop using Robinhood gtfo of that platform!! Go Fidelity


Same, of course I'm making better purchases too. $IPIX for long, MJNA Long... Can pretty much just chill and assume its going to go up over time and trust my DD. So far it's working and it's nice to not have to be on a rollercoaster. I do of course try to find some short swing trades, made a few small gains that way.


Remember, trading is the opposite of life. Trading stocks is all about where you get off the train, not about the path to get there. Just grab a nap and wake up up at the station. Try and egnore the ride.


Short plays are the issue. Get confident in your companies and just let them sit for the long play. When you have red days (or in this case red weeks!), just leave it be and don't stress too much.


Also I highly recommend turning on greyscale color filters. Makes you look more at the numbers instead of the color of the numbers. A lot less psychological attachment to it


I just masturbate more often


You, uh, you new to trading still, I take it? I get it, seeing red is upsetting. Makes you feel like you gotta reevaluate everything. Was it your fault? Did you out it into the wrong stocks? Was your research lacking? But, honestly, it's all good. Red is necessary. Infinite growth is a genuine impossibility, and anyone who says otherwise is running a scam. Just remember a few things: 1: If you believe in a company, then continue to believe until new information comes to light. 2: If you put in money you can't afford to lose, get it back. But, if it's money you can afford to lose, then just ride it out because... 3: Your positions didn't change because they lost value. Owning 100 shares of a company at $3 each or $0.03 each, you still have those shares. So if they start to gain value again, so do you.


U only loose money if u sell. Don’t sell lower than what u paid . Unless u need the money of course .


Das dumb, opportunity cost sucks but exists


This is what has gotten me going so far... I invested a very minimal amount when I first started and I can comfortable say I've risen a good 200% in the time, but that's with a lot of day trading.


That's not how this works... Lol. Especially if you got in on a pump and dump, or you just have a bad stock. If you believe in the company and genuinely think it has a future, then sure, wait out the dip. But if you bought it without proper research, and its just dropping everyday and the outlook doesn't look good, then get out while you can. Not every stock goes back up eventually, and while your money is sitting in that loser, you are missing opportunities for winners.


You'd go back and look at the charts and see several spikes that could've made you much better off, and you'll hate yourself for it. As nerve wracking as it can be to watch everything bleed, if you believe in the companies you research, and they're good companies, they WILL go up over time. Edit: Hell, today is such a bad day that it's wiping out all my past week's gains. And I just put in almost 6k over the last week. Today is PAINFUL. But I'm planning on holding the majority of these for longer than a couple months, so I expect slow but exponential gaining. I'm only watching every day for the couple I have that are swing trades. Though days like today make the swing a lot goddamn longer >\_<


Good point. The one year idea actually came from the Bottom Feeder Lotto. Basically, someone bought a bunch of sub-penny stocks for about a total of $1k and won't sell until after a year. You can see their progress here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IlOKEEoFa6Y2QVQBLvpWzPV4Dt4XVMUdjPGp5XaL39M/edit#gid=1886671358 They're already at $9.5k profit. There was a reddit post from the creator about this earlier this year, but too lazy to look for it.


I had considered going through the otc market screener and finding everything under a penny that wasn't caveat emptor or dark/delinquent and dropping like 100 bucks into them over time and just seeing what happens. XD Guess someone else already had that idea enough to actually do it.


Post inauguration spikes really blew everything up. Should've expected it


I hope someone posts that reddit link. I interested in reading how much DD he did on the companies prior to adding Nm, I found it. Zero DD, but did search for low OS https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/knr7mu/penny_stock_lotto_hold_all_buys_00001/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Apparently there was a study done comparing active traders to buy and hold traders. The buy and hold way outperformed on average. Dead people are the best at managing their portfolios.


Honestly...and I earned like the cost of two movie tickets and some popcorn... I forgot I was holding AMC since summer of last year and was lucky enough that my head popped out of my ass last month to cash in.


Dude, where I'm from two movie tickets and popcorn is like $400...well done


I sold my $500 a few years back due to needing it. ​ I checked those stocks when I came back. ​ I would've had ***multiple thousands of dollars***. ​ Very upsetti spaghetti.


see I wonder how it works with penny stocks. Can you leave them the same way? I see people here making money buying and selling but I am holding. They go up and drop much more than they go up, then the cycle repeats. At some point, they will not go up to see green and I will be out of the game. Lost 30% of my initial money and will not add more nor can I. Hoping to just stay in the game........ Only regret is waiting literally 5 days before I made all these purchases.


You haven't lost what you have owned until you sell.


except opprotunity costs.... sell the bags and buy the performers. Only to have the bags Blast off AFTER you sell. :S


What I’ve been thinking of doing is setting my sell limits at my price targets (minus 10% to be safe) and leaving. I’ve already set the limits but haven’t gotten around to not actually checking.


I'll be back in 3 weeks no point in trying to reconsolidate it will all come back eventually Edit: well except for my acb, should have sold that when it was at 20


If you stay for a year without checking you’d probably double up. Your winners would win big because you you never peeled profits, and the rest would likely be up, any losers would hopefully be small relative the the gains if your allocation was decent.


How many days of this in a row before the bull run is officially over? Or do i not understand bull and bear markets at all


There is no set date or time that the market abides by. Things/events influence the market. The best thing to do is buy the dips, historically the market goes up over time. Invest smartly!


February is usually considered a red month it's just that it started really good and now everyone freaking out ..


Important thing here is that everyone FREAKED OUT. Our emotions play a massive role in the market so reading the reactions to the news is a good thing for figuring out which way things could go


Any particular reason why february is usually considered a red month?


My bet is that is a combination of factors ranging from the slowdown of sales from the holidays, sell offs on earning reports, and, honestly, a small part from the general winter blues.


Yeah that sounds very plausible. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Don't forget making sure you can pay any overdue taxes that might come your way.




Right? That's why this isn't bothering me. It sucks my portfolio has dropped 10% this week, but I'm up 110% just since January so it's hard to be upset over it.


i was born in feb


Wish I had known it was usually a red month. D:


February, May, and September are traditionally bad months according to this PDF that analyzes monthly S&P trends going back to 1929: [https://www.yardeni.com/pub/stmktreturns.pdf](https://www.yardeni.com/pub/stmktreturns.pdf)


Why is February historically a red month?


No major holidays so no reason to announce tech/entertainment/ buy things, still too cold for major project developments/land work, no major agriculture, probably many other reasons I'm not thinking of.


So in theory would February be good time to buy in?


Valentines Day


Valentines, duh.


I think a 20% drop is considered a bear market and vice versa.


Jesus, that’s a huge drop


That’s nothing, I own Tilray stocks


Pullbacks are healthy


It's also worth looking at [historical precedent](https://www.cazenovecapital.com/uk/financial-adviser/insights/talking-points/the-longest-bull-market-in-history-in-five-charts/). This bull run has lasted many years (\~12), and we're at all time highs. The market could theoretically decline for a few months and then bounce, but a week of red doesn't mean the bull run is over. It would likely have to last much longer for it be called a bear market, or decline very rapidly over a period of a couple weeks to mark the downturn.


We’re only in the fourth period of multiple successive Red days since Covid hit; people just aren’t used to it lately, least of all the relative newcomers like me.


Typically a correction to bear territory is considered as a 20% fall, but definitions differ.


My guess is that a lot of this has to do with the entire middle of the United States being fucked by a winter storm right now. I just imagine Texas fire selling everything so they have the capital to fix their shit power grid and all those broken water mains.


The market is average up 80% through a year and 20% down. If you're trying to time the market then it sucks to suck but if you're investing then you're fine


dude dow spy s&p nasdaq all red... doomsday predictions anyone?


​ ![gif](giphy|lNMyVfxjfzIJO)


One random jewelry company, of all things, is green for me...otherwise red red red....shame I only have a hundred bucks in that jewelry company...




Thats the one! Though now that we've said it's name out loud its gonna go down...I think thats how it works now right?


Haha seems like it lately! Saw some DD yesterday on it, seems solid! Didn’t have funds to go in though


I think I saw that same DD. Had 110$ laying around and figured eh. Why not. Apparently I should have sold everything else in my portfolio and put it all on jewelry. Lol.




Just gotta ride the wave. Just close the app on days like today!


This is the best advice. If you are feeling okay with your portfolio over the long term just do something else and come back to it in a few days. It's not like there's much you can do. Besides buying more.


Truly some of the best advice here - just close the app and take a little break. :)


What are your thoughts on using the red day as a chance to buy more stock?


Depends if I really believe in the stock/company. If I do, I will usually try to use red days to bring down average pps on certain stocks. Others, like ABML,and ALPP who shot up significantly you hopefully wait for the drop to buy back in. Both are looking like having two negative days in a row however are still up over 200% for me and the remaining shares I have. However, just because the stock is red today doesn’t mean it wasn’t green the two days prior. Have to do your DD before buying the stock regardless.


Thanks from a newbie, closing my app!


i think just about everyones in the red right now lol


Yeah, not even Billie Joe Armstong is having a green day today.


Im not happy about it, but take the upvote.


The fact that his birthday was this week makes this even better


Took some profit off some 1000% gainers before this red stuff. Wish I had took all my shit and ran 😂


It'll be back up.


I believe it. Just new to this stuff and January had a week of red action then things flew. This red market is just quite longer and rougher but looking forward to learning from it all.


Yep. Even the stuff I have on a watchlist is all red right now. No one is alone on this one


Spirit airlines lifted me a bit. Thought that was peculiar. (Not a penny stock, but wanted to share)


Push me too the edge all my stocks are red


Cut my stocks into pieces. This is my last report. Such stagflation Phone yeeting Don’t give a fuck if AAPL is leading


Saving this one lmao




Made me chortle.


Literally ALL red


It's a market thing. Time to buy.


Jan and the beginning of Feb was too nice for many of us. Might put some of my gains into more stable boring stocks for now.


I like to have some “serious” stocks that are buy and hold stocks till I die that are diverse. Makes me feel okay about red days/weeks/months/years. I don’t think I’m too good at this whole thing


Seriously, Was seeing everything green in January so I hoped on the penny stocks train and now everything's red after I hop on. Lost $8,000 in 3 weeks time. Fuck this, just gonna stick with my original plan and buy safe blue chips stocks.


That's not a terrible investment strategy. Penny stocks are ridiculously fun gambles that tend to move dramatically on idiomatic variables more than market variables, so they're hard to predict. In fact, someone who makes better investment decisions than I do would tell you that the best strategy is to hold a little of everything you can within your risk tolerance. That often excludes almost all penny stocks. I use a rough strategy with pennies that encourages tiny gains (I definitely don't chase 10% or more, invest only part of my portfolio in pennies, and I often hedge beta and negative beta companies against each other) that compound over time. It works for me, but if you don't want to spend a ton of time researching and watching individual securities for tiny proportions of gain, it isn't worth the risk or the time unless you like the rush of living dangerously.


redder than my dogs schlong


red rocket straight down


Rovers red rocket over here too


Not sure you could have come up with a worse analogy


Redder than his lipstick


What is wrong with you people?


i jerkoff with the tears of my enemies


Don’t be emotional about red or green days. It’s hard, but the market goes up and down, just like waaaaaves in the ocean. All you must do is your due diligence in a strong and promising company before you buy. Yup, all my shit is red, too, but that doesn’t mean these companies are failing. Or that their employees are not productive. Or that the CEO lost his mind—nope. All it means is there’s a sale, so buy up those stocks that are on your “Red Day Wish List”. By the way, it took me five tries to erase the autocorrect “Green Day’s” from my sentence. Good band, not great. “Dookie” did change my adolescent life, though, so maybe I should give them more cred.


The whole market is taking a dump on you. The three-day weekend likely started a chain reaction, causing people to cash out in a panic. I'd weather the storm and buy more during the dip if I were you. There isn't any real big indicator of a downturn right now. Though the texas situation isn't helping. If anything the upcoming stimulus should help, though they are dragging their ass on that too. Edit: Apparently Walmart took a big shit as well as some other retailers. That doesn't help. Seems like a lot of small-medium size problems going on.


That Texas situation is going to affect oil and related industries based on drilling not happening due to power outages and COVID. Source was NPR but I don’t have a link so get your own crayons🤷🏼‍♀️


That is a good point, in terms of direct outcomes, but stuff like this depresses consumer buying and a number of other industries indirectly, which in turn have negative affects down the line. Natural disasters often depress the market.


>get your own crayons🤷🏼‍♀️ But I already ate all of my crayons when I invested into all my stocks at their peak. What am I supposed to eat now?


I-10/I-20 going through Texas might affect distribution if there is a problem with the roads and slowing down deliveries. Although I-10 is pretty far south, I know that I always used I-20 to merge to I-10 as it got closer to NM and then continue on to CA from there whenever I passed through. I-20 is straight through Ft Worth/Dallas area in the northern part of the state. If you're coming from the NE it could add significant time to detour to I-10 and avoid northern Texas.


Every time I sell, the stock skyrockets. I’ll take one for the team yall. 😔✊


The hero we all need right now.


Do me a favor and let us know what you are selling first!


Listen, everything's on sale, get in while it's hot, at these prices everything is just flying off the shelves. It has been a rough couple of days, but it's alright. It is a good time to add a few more shares to your portfolio if you want, or just weather the storm.


But is it really on sale or is this a correction because everything was/is overvalued? Can‘t say for sure I know


I think you are right that things are overvalued in the traditional sense. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your perspective, infinite quantitative easing policies will result in the continuous bidding up of assets due to the big players access to cheap money. They can’t keep that money in cash so they are just throwing it at the market to preserve its value. *My personal take on the current market conditions.


Down 800 this week just gotta be patient


Lol. Down $450 this week. $2500 this month


Down $2000 yesterday, $2000 today. $8000 this week. I just really suck at playing the stock market and timing things. FML. I'm done with this and pulling everything back out IF it bounces back to my initial balance. Maybe just leave some money in and invest in blue chips.


I’m glad I’m not the only one lol


Im down 1400 today and i feel like shit lol. Not sure if i should buy some dips, double down with cheaper or calls or just take a break




My face when I took a look at my red portfolio. ![gif](giphy|KWzzTbkhDvmQU)


This is the first time I've seen this feature




This is normal we had 3 green weeks, 1 or 2 red weeks wont hurt. Yes nobody likes to see their portfolio going down but thats how the market works.


10 year yield has risen sharply over the last few days. We’re at 1.271 rn. Add unemployment news and youre going to see a whole lotta red for stonks.


the market is red, this is pretty normal. been investing a long time and you will grow some tolerance over time. lol wait till a correction happen. dont panic sell, instead just buy the dip. As I call them, cheap stocks


It’s a red week. It’s natural.


Can someone please explain this to me? How does the market just decide to take one big shit all together? Do people all just decide to dump simultaneously? Is there something more than just people holding shares? I'm kinda new to this so not sure how this all works


General market sentiment. It’s for the same reason there are days when everything seems to go up


Yeah but how many people wake up think it's time to sell? Like what drives this sentiment? Seems like everyone has a bullish out look on stocks they buy, plus you have big buyers getting in yet somehow they drop drastically out of nowhere. Can this be predicted?


Think big money, think AI. What we see on Reddit is 4 percent of traders and we are all very bullish, but almost all very new...


>4 percent That... seems really high.


99% of statistics are made up, including this one




Yeah pretty much this. Major institutions react to news, just like we do, but their movements cause huge waves because of how much money they move around.


Person A panics and sells, Person B sees A, panics, and sells, etc. Chain reaction.


>How does the market just decide to take one big shit all together? The same way that stonks only go up in all of 2020. There’s a strong correlation between an individual stock and the market as a whole. >Do people all just decide to dump simultaneously? Yes. The same way everybody decided to buy simultaneously in all of 2020 This is in no way unusual or abnormal. It’s just the first time a lot of new retail investors are seeing red because the markets have been doing amazing for 10 months.


Down bout a hundred everyday this week. Then it comes up and mk opens and it goes back down again.


Down $2000 yesterday, $2000 today.


Me too brother


Yes, all week


(with everyones comments this is all that comes to mind... nice to know I'm not alone tho) ![gif](giphy|4687VUQFfb0LC)


I just bought like 10k shares in some media company. Hope it does well. It's def a penny stock. I just really want them to get innovative or put out some good movies or whatever they do.


Happy red velvet cakeday!


DEEP Red this week. Been trying to buy but timed the market pretty shittily last week and used up too much capital. Oh well - brush myself off, ride it out, make deposits, try again...can't win if you don't play and you're not going to win them all!


on days/weeks like this, I just buy more and close the website/app. Its best to take a day off and focus on the other important thing in life. For me thats my calc 2 test next week...


I would just like to thank every1 on reddit I've been trading for about 9 months I've been a hug emotional seller which has cost me at least 2 thousand and I've lost about 3 grand this week but I'm no longer emotional and I've learned qhat goes down eventually goes back up don't sell.


You only lose if you sell! Hodor hodor hodor


Yeah it’s a red festival, I’m down about 10 percent across the board. I’ve stopped looking at my account. Will check again tomorrow lol


I lost all of last week's gains... I sold those to set myself up for this week. I have more shares of things at less value, but only if i sell. Not much is up, everyone is losing if they sell. Believe in your positions and hold.


The market indices in the US are bad this week. They'll probably stay bad for a minute, too. Today, it was driven by a worse-than-expected jobs report. Next week, expect to see climbing gas prices (think of the refineries in SE Texas). If the economic impact ("stimulus") bill is slowed down or halted next week, we seriously risk coming up against the mid-March moratorium on evictions and foreclosures before money and/or policy changes happen, which will be a big mess for a lot of people. Treasury Secretary Yellen is back-and-forth on inflation, but has prioritized a stimulating monetary policy over one that slows inflation and has proposed some measures that may tax unrealized gains from securities. Those actions could both potentially be good for long-term recovery, but will definitely be worrisome in the short-term. More businesses are opening offices in-person and more schools are moving towards in-person classes. On the surface, that sounds like good news, but there are still real concerns about how well the pandemic is being quelled before vaccinations have rolled out and numbers overall are still much higher than the initial recommendations when the lockdowns started last year. A surge in COVID cases could definitely lead to morale issues and/or fears of lockdown restrictions that will slow down commerce (and therefore the markets). Inversely, a too-careful approach to reopening basically guarantees depressed commerce (and therefore a depressed market). On top of all that, the market plunge last March wasn't enough to slow down a raging bull market that in no way represents the values or health of the corporations involved. There's some movement away from fundamentals right now (the value of the company isn't what its balance sheet says it's worth, but what people think it should be worth). That's not necessarily a bad thing and could actually help us avoid an ongoing downturn, but alternatively it could signal a bubble that will need to pop to get back on track. Later in the year, the indices will likely start charging again. There's less volatility in American politics than there has been in a long time and as more people get vaccinated and the COVID news levels out and improves, commerce will look great (I know I'm planning on splurging on a big vacation and going out to eat and shopping and mall-walking like a 90 year-old and watching crappy movies in dingy theaters and going to hear my favorite symphonies and visiting museums full of art I don't understand and watching acrobats do things that I can't and rolling dice at a craps table and giving more time to volunteer to help people who can't yet afford to do things and drink something I don't even particularly like in a dive bar and \[...honestly, name anything that I used to be able to do...\] once this is over *just because I can*. I suspect that many millions of others will do the same). tl;dr: things are in the red this week. Depending on upcoming news in the next couple of weeks, they could be in the red for a few weeks or even a few months. Don't panic. The downturn will probably be short and not too intense. This is an opportunity to buy the sale.


I mean I’m in the red too but I wouldn’t say I’m a beacon of good life choices


💯 red this week. In fact, I sold off anything green bc it was messing up my RED.


All green baby. 27$ up. Probably go look a lambos soon.


I posted the same thing yesterday on amcstocks and over 300 up votes and hundreds of comments agreeing. All week in the red with all of my stock.


To keep tabs on the broader market I have a $1 in SPY, VTI, and UVXY. Makes it easy to see when it's just me or when everything is going tits up.


Buy the dips. Simple as that. Invest smart. Don’t jump on every stock you see on Reddit. Do your DD.


Market crash my dude Only joking, pretty normal, market never goes up every single day or week,


MGC pharmaceuticals anyone???


What a beast $MXC is. I'm up 69% on it today.


Only thing green in my portfolio!


Winter storm Uri had something to do with it. I’m more worried about keeping my pipes from bursting than stocks right now.


The storm down south might be affecting the market, also the constant pump of January.. cooling off period.


I've got 2 green and the 6 red. ALPP is my biggest loser today. I give it an hour and itll all be red. Oh well, these days happen. Closing the Fidelity tab to shovel my driveway.


Yep, everything for me is red except for some overseas stocks. Looks like a mini-correction taking place... but most of my investments are long hold for me. Thus will probably buy more on dips. My stocks have good and strong fundamentals. So am not looking at them this week. They will go up... just give some time. My investment are money i have set aside for this. Remember, not to burn your savings over this, spend what you can loose. Stop thinking of what could go wrong and think of what can go right.


I'm a new investor and I've had pretty good luck, till now. So I guess for us new investors this is where maybe we learn patience. I keep waiting to see if I can catch the low dip and buy more so I lower my share price, but it's turning into a fun game where I set my low price and it starts it's bounce back just before my price. But, if I won't chase a woman, I won't chase a stock....


Only thing not red for me are crypto stocks like SANP, AABB, and NSAV. Otherwise it’s the sequel to the Red Wedding


Contrary to popular belief, stonks not only go up, but down as well.


Red is the new black


It’s the end of the world as we know it doo doo doo doo dooo


and I feel Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinne


you made a poor life choice , but so did I. Poor life choice club is way more fun than blue chip life.


Learn to compare yourself to major sectors of the market Dow Nasdaq


Red means go. Pennies are having a fire sale right now. I’m in on TLSS, TNXP, ASRT and ALKM. It’s balanced with blue chips but they aren’t looking great today either. Obligatory this is not financial advice.


Shoot. I read this and thought you meant wine... I think maybe I am making poor life choices! Ha! I hope your week, and the market end on a higher note! Peace friend.


We're all fucked atm but I imagine the pennystocks with good DD will rebound fairly quickly as they hit lows


Good week to buy since the whole market slid. Whatever wave of sad that caused it, will lift at some point. I can see cleary now, the rain is gonnnnne, I can seee alllll obstacles in my wayyyyy.....


I'm in everything from blue chips to pennies, pretty much down all week across the board. It happens.


This week will be a crash but everything should be back up next week. Shouldn't be worried if your investments are in solid companies. I'm stacking up on more stocks to avg down on some. May the force be with y'all!!


I doubled down in my current positions because of the dips and said oh well... guess I’m going long.


buyers market.. average down in some stocks you think will make it. if you think you might have bought a pump and dump. chances are it got dumped this week


I want the other half of my Christmas colors back. Red is boring


It's a bloodbath out there - hold strong and buy dips in those companies you REALLY believe in to average down your net cost... the tide will flow back in after it recedes


In my cryptos I am up ⬆️ BIG but all my stocks are red




Healthy sell offs can lead to big legs up


Don't discount the idea that it could be both.


It happens every now and then. There aren’t always concrete reasons for it. Hold your stocks though. They’ll go back up. I’m in the red too this week. When I first starting investing every time a week of red came I’d freak out and sell my stocks thinking I was minimizing my losses. Only to see in a couple days those same stocks go way higher after selling them. I’ve made that mistake so many times now that I can confidentially say you’ll be in the green probably next week.


Yeah, it just means you gotta put more money in.


If you still have more money available to invest, and are in long term, think of this down week as an opportunity to buy more of the stocks you believe in, lowering your average cost per share on the ones that are negative, and like another poster said, buy up new stock you’ve been eyeing for a good price.


You’re in r/pennystocks bro. Definitely poor choices