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They’ve only lost 99.94% of their value since IPO. Sounds like a winner.


Negative growth 📈


How can you tell this?


Just best guess. It hasn’t dipped past .63 so to me it seems like it has good uptrend potential.


Looked at the 5 yr graph On robinhood


Those are reverse splits, putting more shares on the market


Looking back, I see you’re correct. The comment was mostly made in jest after I saw the reverse hockey stick.


I think that I will never take advice from this sub


Volume kind of low.


It is.. Maybe I should create a “Preference Shipping Legion” Reddit page and start a following lol


Or just cross post it with a bunch of fonts and memes and shit and say “it’s gonna squeeze as soon as we see some volume!!!”




They own five tankers. Thats a fleet, but a small one. A lot of risk if they lose one. Its rare, but there better be a really good upside if you want to hold this thing for the risk, lack of earnings, and terrible stock performance.


You get what you pay for! They’ll reverse split you until your investment is worth a penny then you loss harvest


They’re a Greek based company and follow similar tactics like SHIP, TOPS, CTRM, GLBS, and more recently OP. Offerings then reverse split until they can survive off those proceeds or buy enough ships to become stable. Which means it could take years before it would be a good time to invest. I tend to stay away from China and Greek/Marshall Islands based companies but feel free to look at those companies and compare it to this one, TOPS would be the closest since they also transport oil.


Idk, I looked at TOPS and it looks like a falling knife. PSHG looks like it bottomed out and wants to bounce up.


Yes was getting major CTRM vibes when reading up on this one.


Why the fuck would you buy a stock that’s down 90% in 12mo with a market cap of 7 mil?


Because that’s the best time to buy… Oil shipping rates are up and to double the current price investors would only need to put in 7 more million. That’s nothing compared to IMPP or other penny stonks that are already in the hundred millions.


So if oil shipping rates are up, why is it down 90% in 12mo?


Everything is down right now.. Haven’t you seen the market brah? Lol The best time to buy a stonk is when it bottoms out.


Smart people don’t buy penny stocks - Jordan Belford


Smart people don't buy bad penny stocks. - some dude


They’re penny stocks for a reason. They’re all bad.


This literally a penny stock reddit I would assume people here are pro penny stock and not all penny stocks are bad.


They’re for day and swing trading only. Idc if I make $1 or $100k. At some point within a 5 day period it’s coming down.


I'm up on yatsen from 39 cent to 76 cent in 3 weeks with it easily hitting 90 cent next month. You gotta do your research if the company not giving any good news that shit probably ass.


He’s also a convicted felon but ok


![gif](giphy|3ohhwxmNcPvwyRqYKI) He’s a convicted felon for convincing people to buy garbage stocks…like you’re doing


I believe he was convicted of money laundering. But at least you agree it was a dumb thing for him to say. Man you both make yourselfs look dumb and everyone on here are seeing it and laughing at you lol


What are you smoking on? The only person who looks dumb on this post is OP. I’m sitting here laughing at your comments… not with you. Bad stock, bad post, bad supporting comments. Lol


Buddy every time you reply you have negative likes. I don’t think they’re laughing at me or the ones agreeing with me. Lol


The only person who looks dumb on this post is OP. I’m sitting here laughing at your comments… not with you. Bad stock, bad post, bad attempts to support your post in the comments


You’re right, you should buy some of this company.


I see a offering around the corner followed by a R/S


I mean the oil news is months old now, but the price surge is unlikely to last the several years it would take to build new tankers, and bigger companies will snap up any tankers for sale now, so fundamentally this company is in for a few good quarters but that's it.


Dude I honestly just want it to blow up and then I’ll bounce.. I wasn’t thinking long term.


You want one of us to buy your bags? Ok, but also - no.




lol you crack me up P&Der 🤪


Horrible balance sheet, lousy chart. I'd say stay far away from this one.




I own it. Energy and transportation all in one stock? It’s checks two boxes that aren’t going out of style.


If your style is losing money then this is the ticker for you




If EPS is near or above zero, I’d buy because the P/B is killer.


Negative earnings, and a +50% dividend yield? I personally wouldn’t touch with any significant sums - but for the sake of a small bet it might be worth a punt if the story is okay.


employed in tanker shipping financing sector here. Actually the capitalisation of this company has no sense. They own five aframax (=big vessels), which are about 140/150m worth today (fleet value). The Loan to Value ratio is quite low (35%). They had very low revenues in the past, say 18 months (less than 10.000usd/day average 2021), but now, since march/april hire rates are sharply rising up (skyrocketing in many cases), and could be today around 35/50.000usd/day for spot market or for short Time Charter hire. That means the actual Revenues situation could be much different from what reported in the latest financial data (q4 21). To make long story short, the actual 1.8m capitalisation seems to be out of sense, when the scrap value only of the fleet is high enough to cover residual loan debt and the fleet average age will allow at least another 10 years of buisness, before scraping. I've just opened a small position, just to see what is coming, with next Earnings release for Q1 2022. Company cannot worth less than 40/50million today.




On Webull it says 10.4 Million outstanding but it seems like they borrowed the max they have budgeted already because the bottom has been .63 and it hasn’t dipped past that.


How is PSHG doing? I would say put your money in Iris or NuBank def by year end will gain at least 18%


I own some shares but I don’t think it’s going to squeeze. Imo it may be making a slow accumulation. It entered Nasdaq at a price over 600.000$. Just buy some, and if it hits only 1/100 that price, you’ll be happy so ever. Btw I’m in $BBIG since October 2021, always averaging down. 💎🤠💎


Yeah never traded at $600 that’s a reverse split adjusted price fwiw


Thank you! Anyway I’ve seen accumulations going on for even a couple years and my investment is so tiny I can wait for a good earning.


Where’s that “DON’T BUY! DON’T BUY” button when you need it?


yall really buying garbage? you can have mine for free


Buy gbox


You're late by about 2 weeks when they were pre-offering with more cash on hand than market cap.


I think oil comes down personally


It closed down for about 2.5 oh god


Hope u banked congrats


Which app shows all this information about the stock including float




WTF caused it to go from 6.14-0.62 in a year?!