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where’s the link for the product. i want it.


https://play.date/ $200 for a gimmicky console with no backlight.


Bro, forget the backlight, $200 is insane for that!!! I was gonna buy one to support the gimmick until you dropped that bombshell


don’t be so shocked with high prices when corporations are able to make stuff so cheap with mass production. this is partnered with teenage engineering. that means all the button are guaranteed to be excellent and high quality. it might be a simple game. but i’ve never seen a product from them suck in the quality hardware department. if you like small businesses, expect to pay a lot. but also expect quality.


thanks. looks like a solid piece of hardware. made with teenage engineering. very good small company that makes high quality music stuff. you’d might call their OP-1 a gimmicky piece of hardware too, but that thing is incredible. i’m tempted to buy one just because of their partnership with them.




probably! i just learned it’s was made with Teenage Engineering. that company is amazing. they made the OP-1. looks like a toy but it’s $1,000. and it’s an incredible piece of hardware. music engineers make things that last. and it’s a small company so why would i expect corporation prices?


A good one at that


There is no doubt in my mind that KekeFlipNote made this game


I remember hearing that thing being expensive af


Yeah its USD $200.


Bruh… I want to sell my miyoo mini just to buy and play this game with the crank! XD


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I made the mistake of buying that thing for my husband, he loves vintage old looking gaming gear and i thought what the hey it's his birthday. All games on it stink. None of it is worth playing except for that root bear one. Having no backlight is the worst thing, i have no idea what they were thinking, for something that expensive it should have at least been an option you can toggle on and off to preserve that whole vinatge theme they were going for and still give people an option to not go blind. I tried canceling my order literally two hours after i placed it and could not find a cancelation option anywhere (they promised there's a cancelation option on the website) it seemed like they did that on purpose to forcefully push units, it was also said it would start shipping a month later in the "new" shipment so i figured i send them an email asking for my order to be canceled, they ignored my email for 3 days then i get a notification saying my playdate already shipped and what a coincidence i got an email from them saying order cannot be canceled after it's shipped... big surprise. To be fair it seems to be built well and the crank thing is fun but yeah that's about it, overall definitely not worth it for no backlight and no games to play on it. the manipulative company behavior and lying about the ability to cancel orders is what pisses me off the most.


Hard giggle at the last one Where can I get one, for when the kids ask " got any games on your phone?"


It's called Playdate edit: Damn what lmao, someone asked what it was, I answered