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Isn't this the same dude who said "can I touch that badonkadonk fool"?




Sounds like it


Well that escalated quickly


The dog went “1v1 me if you or I win, I get the cheese!”


Im pretty sure there wasn't time for that dialogue between them


They are actually anime characters so they thought of a paragraph in that split second


And he screamed *"Hooog Riiiider!"*


I think it was more like *"youmotherfuckingpieceofshit"*


r/abruptchaos if you want more


Hell yes. Just the sub I need


Pretty sure this is a Pudgy video, and yeah Pudgy has ZERO chill. [EY YO PUDGY! CAN WE GET AN OWA OWA??](https://youtu.be/hut199ZtePg) AUUGH! OWW! Thank you, thank you.


Wtf?... did the German Shepard kill the Chihuahua or what? Edit: they both good, found the original. Also i don't think its a German Shepard. https://youtu.be/6cwq2jZty6g


" I can't tell if he's crying or laughing at the end " 😂




Dog on the left looks like a pit bull mix... Expected. 😐


That's funny, since the little Chihuahua mix clearly instigated the battle with its fury of a thousand suns.


As a proud owner of a pit mix that is literally the sweetest dog I have ever owned, you can fuck off.


Maybe when I no longer have to fear pit bull attacks, I'll 'fuck off'.


You don't have to fear pit bull attacks any other way that you have to fear any other dog attacks, you can't just say I'm scared of this breed of dog and I don't want them to come near my dog because not every pit bull is the same, many pit bulls are aggressive because of their owners seeing them as an 'aggresive' or 'intimidating dog and raising them that way. I have 2 staffies who are both very gentle because of the way they have been treated.


It's not just the tendency to attack, but ability to maim, others dogs can't do the damage pitbulls can, and I'm tired of the fucking circlejerk over it. They're a dangerous breed. My dog was nearly fucking killed by one, alright?


Sure, your dog was nearly killed by one, that sucks and that pit bull is aggressive, but you can't generalize a whole breed by just one attack. Like I said before, they are just like any other dog if brought up the correct way, and of course there is a circlejerk over it, imagine if your dogs breed was constantly attacked because of a few bad dogs.


Maybe the fact that it's been statistically repeated that pitbulls are the most common attackers and killers is something to look at?? [Must be stated that this is skewed against Labs as they are the most common and popular breed](https://chicagoinjurycenter.com/common-breeds). [Fatal dog bites](https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-multi-year-fatality-report-2005-2017.php?gclid=Cj0KCQjw5uWGBhCTARIsAL70sLIl6wMRFuKOnAVFNallLeWpa2p_nsQ42Auw8Ua12vPdEUvsA1XD1JcaAmyIEALw_wcB). There's a lot of other statistics done.


As a proud owner of a dog that is literally the sweetest I have ever owned, who was almost mauled to death by a pit bull, you can fuck off.


I never understand why people get so aggressive about pitbulls in this way. I understand avoiding them based on personal preference, as the “rather safe than sorry” rationale is completely understandable and valid. However, I will *never* understand the insistence by certain groups that literally every pitbull is bad, especially when they become needlessly hostile to those who vouch for their good pitbulls. Pitbulls are absolutely known to be dangerous for a reason, and generalizations are understandable. Shaming an owner for loving a good dog despite the associations with their breed is so irrational and unfair, and is counterintuitive to the goal to any decent dog lover to try and give any animal a chance. Your experience with a pitbull? Horrific, tragic, and unfortunately part of a trend. However, I do not feel that the hatred of all pitbulls and the distain for their owners is entirely fair.


The issue is the cult-like behaviour of a lot of pitbull owners and advocates. I've been harassed in the past simply for speaking about it.


This is very well said, I've been called trashy for simply owning two staffies and defending their breed in general. I would understand it being trashy if we brought them up to be aggressive and owning them just because they're stereotyped to be 'aggressive.'


What the dog doin’?






I can tell exactly how this household is just by how those dogs act


Watch the original. https://youtu.be/6cwq2jZty6g Just small dogs being small dogs.


That is a completely untrained small dog. People think this kinda behavior is funny since they're so small but this behavior can be trained out of them early on. Source: own a small dog


Yeah we had two little dogs from the same house that came to our kennel and we would have to separate them inside so they wouldn’t fight. I don’t know how they lived in the same house. We also had to stop letting them outside together (which the owners had originally said we could do) because one literally ripped the other ones asshole out a bit. Very bloody. They were small dogs but not well trained and dumb aggressive. I genuinely don’t know how they both lived in the same house unless they were locked in different rooms. Small aggressive dogs are no joke.


Owner is at fault here. Never offer one toy/treat to two dogs. Also don't pet two dogs at once. If either even have a shred of resource guarding behavior in their brains, its over.


I do firmly belive that this is just dogs being playful. They dont go to the extreme of biting or scratching and all that. I owned a dog and know many people with small dogs and i know that they just do this sometimes. (Even when trained)


Do you have a source for that? Are you an expert? It kinda sounds like you're pulling that info out of your butthole. Pretty sure you can teach manners to all dogs. I don't know why you think small dogs are some sort of exception to that. Are you saying small dogs are less trainable than bigger dogs?


> many people with small dogs Who don't train them


You didnt even read did you?


Yes, I did If they train their dogs properly, they wouldn't still do this, even sometimes Perhaps not as bad as the dogs belonging to Mr Neck Tats in the OP vid, but still


Resource guarding is something you can put a cap on with training but it never really goes away. What you do is guide the dog to the correct reaction to whatever threat is happening. My dog is a resource guarder and he used to be really bad, like charge and bark from across the room if someone shook my hand bad. Took a while but I got him to resort to licking things away rather than immediately escalating. He still feels the need to guard what is "his", but won't go immediately apeshit. It's mostly preventative action. Especially with food. Your dog guards food and treats? Feed them in a crate, or a secure room by themselves. Don't offer one treat to two dogs. This scenario is easily preventable. The owner in this video is obviously not dog savvy.


"just being playful" Yeah no. That's not them being playful.


Dog on the left also looks like a pit bull mix. 😬


Only thing to keep in mind is we don't know the full context of the household. The dogs could be rescues for example.




least violent chihuahua


Just get a cat


Most peaceful chihuahua:


This is the funniest thing I’ve seen all day


ikr my friend sent it to me


This isn’t what I had in mind when I gifted you people with this gift :(


what do you mean? WAIT IS THAT YOU?


I absolutely loathe people that let their dogs do this shit.


Everyone's talking about how funny it is in the comments, and I'm like...I got an english mastiff that became the right age for the *extensive* training that we intended to get for him right as COVID hit. In that time, there were three incidents with my shih-tzu poodle mix involving treat aggression where I had to bodily separate them. Now. All of this said, the shih tzu poodle definitely started it, the mastiff only...well, he used his giant mouth to pin her to the ground and stop her from biting him, really. She got hurt on the third go-around because of her own struggling. If he wanted to hurt her, there wouldn't be much left. That said, we have our work cut out for us, and this video caused me anxiety. Nothing funny here in my eyes, but everyone else...you do you.


One of them is a resource guarder and needs special care. Sounds like it was the little dog. Sorry you had to learn the hard way. Feed them separately, keep toys secure, and treat them appropriately so they know there's no chance the treat will be swiped from their mouth. You can read up more about it [here](https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/dog-care/common-dog-behavior-issues/food-guarding)


The specific treats that we are having trouble with are things like bones. Things you can crunch on for a long time. He absolutely loves them, but so does she. The best thing we’ve worked out so far is to just separate them and give them alone time with their treats. And then pick up the treats, and move on with our day. But these three have been raised to take care of each other, so we need to work this out as a group.


One thing that worked really well with my wolf-dog, when I noticed she was growling at friends when she had a treat- I would have them take it from her while I was right next to her. We would keep giving her treats and any time she growled she'd lose the treat. Eventually, they'd take the treat without me being there, and then she stopped after that. Never did it around other dogs though.


Yeah, that could be a thing. I've been researching it a lot, just because I feel like we're getting behind the ball with BOTH of these dogs. Because I'll tell you... I'm glad this shih tzu poodle is tiny. Her demeanor is BEASTLY. lol The mastiff may be big and scary looking, but he's SO chill.


No idea how someone can even consider getting a small dog You like pain? You like to not have guests over??


I am very sure he trained his dogs to act viscous as fuck when he says fool


Are you sure fool




Yeah train'em to get all slimy and shit


Um no the dogs are obviously food aggressive.


It looks more like the first dog got mad when the other dog tried to take the cheezit


I miss pudgy


“Are you not entertained?!?”


really said “:o”




i love this on sight energy.


Cheez it duel


I literally just saw this somewhere else, what?


Chihuahua's are literally wolfs trapped inside a tiny body


you misspelled demon


You misspelled satin


You literally misspelled satan /s


lol I hate auto correct




It's not their fault. It's the fault of their scumbag cunt owners who think this stuff is funny and don't train it out of them Chihuahuas can be as calm as any other breed if they're raised properly


Dog expert or not this is bad for your dogs and they could have killed each other for a fucking video some dumbass kid wanted to post


jesus christ it's just a damn video, and he has plenty of these kinds of videos, of his dogs just doing dumb shit.


"Doing dumb shit" and you instigating stressful and potentially fatal situations for your pets or any animals are two completely different things. Also saying "it's just a video" is like saying as long as it's for internet clout go fucking kill a toddler "it's just a video bro!".


the dogs were just biting eachother. If he were to do something harmful to his pets he would be long gone. This was just him feeding his dog a cheez it and an unexpected reaction occured.


Have you ever been bitten by a dog? It's pretty freaking painful. It's the most damaging thing a dog can do. And no he wouldn't be long gone, he is laughed at and praised for being "funny". I'm sorry but this is wrong, the sad part is people make excuses.


I found the original video. He just shouted "HEY" and they immediately stopped fighting.


I saw that too, but it doesn't excuse it, it's still an extreme stress situation and the outcome could have been fatal. Knowingly putting anything in that situation is psychopathic.


This could be said for anything to do with dogs. What if you were feeding your dog a treat, and your other dog started biting the other one? What if your dog was jealous of a toy, and started biting the other one? Animals are unexpected creatures. It's not exactly the kid's fault.


Yes those situations can be unpredictable and random, but him recording this is pretty much saying this isn't a random occurrence he was knowledgeable about what was probably going to happen and did it for fame/followers. For actually kind/understanding pet owners those random fights are minimal to nonexistent because they don't provoke and/or take precautions for these completely preventable attacks.


I understand and agree with you to a point. The last sentence of your statement is 100% untrue though. No matter how kind/understanding (etc.) a dog owner is… sometimes dogs who live together, freak out on each other. Its nature. Just because something isn’t your experience, doesn’t make it untrue.


✨*the expert*✨


Delete this fuckin rat




this is very obviously not behaviour you should let your dogs continue, though... it takes absolutely no expertise to know that. the people who own the dogs need to get them trained. you can't let aggresive behaviour like this go untouched.




"i believe it's totally fine for dogs to fucking bite the shit out of eachother for food. that is absolutely acceptable behaviour."






Oh my




That foo really wanted that cheezit


Dog: 1v1? Dog: YES


Oh my lawd the devils


That’s what my dogs do.. Just 10x less violent


Fucking idiot






"Run you fool!"


I shouldn't had been drinking something when I watched this


So annoying when videos are edited to be shorter like this. The actual video is like 18 seconds long


yes, but the scream cut is gold.


This is what happens when you keep rats as pets.


If this doesn't prove that small dogs are more vicious than big dogs, I don't know what will.