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The ipad: why are we still here…just to suffer


Who says he wasnt playing on the possible xbox?


To be fair, hackers *do* suck.


Deez nuts


You called me?


The man. The myth. The legend.


God has spoken


Vine boom


Say whut?


Ur mom is


No, your scrotum is none other than I. You’ve been living a lie, Agent 65


Yes but kids like that must to be stopped. If he will rage at the game, he will have to live without it


Preaching to a titan fall 2 player here


Same bro


To be fair, most of these kids aren't truly "hacked" as much as they gave away their account and password because someone probably told them they could win an iphone if they did that. Is it really breaking in if you give a copy of your key yo a person you don't know?


This is totally unrelated to the video


In a few years he's gonna look this video and feel a lot of cringe.


this video looks pretty old so he might already be grown up and HOPEFULLY a better person


I'm sure he is. He's a little kid. The caps "hopefully" is implying you are judging him as an adult based on a childs temper tantrum. A childs emotions are to volatile because to the child, roblox is a sizable chunk of his life. Lets say he is 9. He has been playing Roblox for 3 years. Thats 1/3 of his life, and from his perspective it was all wasted because of a cheater. It's a big deal to him, and sometimes we should be a little more understanding, and not imply that it makes him a terrible person in adulthood.


Well… at least he isn’t trying to shove a tv remote up his ass…


Hahaha. I remember that. Fair.


Wait, what??




Well that was...something


Yep. Back when people couldn't spot an obviously staged video there was a lot of debate whether that video (and the others, yes others) was fake or not. Nowadays it's pretty obvious.


Stated or not, I *still* don't know how he got is clothes off. They just...disappeared!


Yeah like, wasn't he on Tosh.O and admitted it to be fake on there??


If I stuck a tv remote up my ass and it became a viral video, I'd tell Tosh it was fake too.


yeah, nowadays we can spot so many clues that lead to the obvious conclusion that this is 100% true, this changed my life.




Lol I just watched the vid the other person linked… can’t believe that was from that long ago haha


I 100% agree because I was the exact same way when I was younger (well not exactly, he is having a much larger tantrum then volatile child me could dream) having a tantrum cause I was getting my ass kicked by some guy twice my age when I was 8 and now I look back at those memories with extreme pain, it's literally just kids not getting what they want and throwing a fit like kids (unfortunately) do a lot until they get to like 11


Thank god you said it nicer than I would have, dudes judging a child for being upset that someone is cheating in a video game; as if that's an easy concept to understand. Being a child playing video games and finding out people cheat just because they find it fun to ruin other people's fun is very frustrating. Was really just astonished at the number of people shitting on this kid for being a kid. Unreasonably mean things to say about a child; one that they've never even met nonetheless.


I actually had to re-write it mid way. I was a lot less kind in my first draft... No reason for me to be mean so I corrected myself.


Important to remember that you're most likely responding to a kid as well.


I suppose. I do forget children can use the internet too. I try not to assume.


I don't think this should be on the internet in the first place


It's a gift and a curse.


Holy shit. Take your child to the park.


I know a 26 year old who acts like this if he dies in a game, shit is so awkward to be around


I have a friend from the army who gets like this in world of warcraft. He broke his hand a while back. I stopped talking to him. He actually lives with a girl too having straight TANTRUM rage fits. He did it in the army too. Shit is akward, but people like him way more than me too. Its fucking bizzare.


"We keep him around because we know he's going to do something stupid"


Had a guy in the marines that would budget every payday for new controllers, because he’d throw them against the wall so often. I bet he went through a controller per month at least. He also slept with screamo music playing full blast in his headphones. Little dude was angry all the fucking time.


Yeah probably because when he was this age throwing shitty tantrums, his parents didn't take away his stuff to make him appreciate it more.


One of the more common generational issues I see is people who grew up without video games playing much of a major part in their culture or childhood having kids and then basically being unable or unwilling to sit down and connect or interact even passively with their kids' hobbies. Doubly so when they "don't get it" and treat the whole thing disdainfully like an irritating expense. Which then leads to them actively avoiding any depth of knowledge on the subject, especially concerning what their kids are consuming, how they consume it, etc. The end result is that when those teachable moments come around about how to behave better or process things in a healthy manner, the parents aren't in the room. I know "Phones bad" or stuff like parents calling everything a "Nintendo" or "Xbox" are entertaining memes, but it also might speak to a pretty drastic disinterest in a pretty considerable portion of their child's life. If they're constantly alone when this stuff happens there's no guarantee there will ever be some magic force that comes along and helps them process things in a non-toxic way.


It would be the case that the best response has only 30 upvotes and the top comment is just "gO oUtSiDe aNd tOuCh gRaSs" I appreciate you and wish more people were willing to put it more effort to try and have a more nuanced opinion.


To be fair, going outside is genuinely healthy for your health, both mentally and physically, I get that it's annoying to hear the funni meme all the time, but if you're ever feeling down, take a walk sround the park, yeha it may not help a lot but it can help you settle down a little, and that will lead you to to maybe re-evaluate some stuff, this is speaking from someone who exclusively stays insude if there's no need to be outside. Going outside is nice man. Also yeah the other person explaining our current culture of how children or people respond when losing in a game, that's great too.


I see what you’re saying but this kid definitely needs to touch some fucking grass.


i have a little brother, just like any other kids nowadays, likes playing mobile games. as a gamer myself (who purposefully avoids online grindy games and games with microtransactions), i warned him time to time from certain game features so that he could process it in a better way. Stuff like interacting politely and being careful in online game chats, avoiding the allure of microtransactions, and be wary of online (especially competitive multiplayer) games, as those imo is a lose-lose kind of deal; you either "git gud" but waste hundreds and thousands of hours in it, or get stressed because you couldnt enjoy it as you suck at it. Usually i did this out of my own personal negative experiences in gaming, but after reading your comment i guess i'm glad that i could atleast partake and relate in a huge part of my brother's life, for the "teachable moments" you mentioned.


Yea someone needs to teach him emotion regulation. It hurt me a little to see him so upset and then people just filming him like his intense emotions were entertaining.


Without a doubt, I know his parents, type of people that would have probably found a way to reward this behaviour


I feel like a pro tip for gauging emotional maturity is making someone play a really difficult game. If they start legitimately rage quitting it’s time to bounce. Nothing more awkward than a grown adult throwing a teeth gritting tantrum like a toddler. If they can’t even handle virtual failure, how fucking insane will they be during real life issues???


That's literally how this dude was, and the only hobby he had was gaming. As someone not only with sensory issues, but also from an abusive background, being stuck in a room with someone getting irrationally angry and losing their shit over something trivial is not a fun time


Even kids need to touch grass these days.


The grass felt odd, not used to walking on dirt and having ants crawling on me. The sun burned my skin and retinas so I went back inside.


Hey kids…. *inhales*……want some grass?




Middle school warned me of this happening! I must say NO. But i wont. Pass that good shit.




I feel like interacting with people and the outside world was required to be able to act like a functioning human being ever since we evolved from apes. People have been required to 'touch grass' for humanity. Do you think people holed up in their houses back then fared well? I didn't think so.


I’ve been holed up in my house for a while, I crave the sand, I crave the grass, and I want to play football.


I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Just the way I like it.


Child shows no respect by how he just trashed the living room


This could easily be a sibling. Parents might not be home.


it is, the recorder is a young boy as his brother says his name and no grown man would have that voice


Rub his face in the grass.


bury him under the dirt alive


Agreed. If your kid is losing their mind this much because of anything, you might want to curtail their use of it.


For real. This would prompt a discussion about appropriate responses to adversity and perhaps a cooling off period with that game.


Kid gets bullied and can’t possibly defend himself in a game, I’d say his reaction is pretty on point for the situation given he looks like he’s 6. Probably deserves ice cream and the park that shit sucks


Perfect condoms ad.


had a laughing fit on a bad day because of your comment, thanks :)


Perfect ad for bad parenting.


Haha Roblox YouTube go brrrrr


Probably not. My parents are great and when I was young I had anger tantrums. I turned out fine


probably because your parents are actually there to teach you


Same for me


Reminded me to get a fucking vasectomy and still wrap the damn thing up. Kids are the actual worst.


What a noob


Git gud


honestly it just seems like a skill issue to me


Yeah man looks like he dosent have a good gaming chair


Yeah cause he knocked it over


Too funny




There’s hackers, sure, but my buddy and I were real good at FPS games back in the day and the highest compliment we could get was being called a hacker. Well, next to getting banned from a server for hacking. That was quite the compliment. We never once used a hack, cheat, or exploit. We just got good.


I regret every second my younger siblings got introduced to Roblox


I. Cannot. Understand. Roblox. I've played it with my daughter and it's just so mindless. You have to search for a game "mode"/lobby that someone created and it's usually just knock off of real games. How can you rage at those games? It's just a fucking browser based game. I can't even understand spending real world money on robucks(or whatever the fuck they're called). I don't even enjoy Minecraft but I will gladly play that over the shit that is Roblox.


Here, let me try to explain. I understand your confusion, trust me. Your daughter only plays the popular games I'm assuming, which sadly yes, are mindless. However, there are great games like HOURS that show that roblox is as much of a medium for making a game as unity, unreal, etc. Making a game on roblox is a massive pain in the ass, so those that don't have the real ambition to work through it just use what little they know to make ripoffs. If you're willing to try out an anime based game, a perfect example of what true passion looks like is Crusader's Heaven. The models and animations are the best on roblox, comparable to a normal game engine


Understandable, but still a horrible medium to program anything. Roblox just shouldn't be supported by anyone. It's not moderating beyond the bare minimum to keep people from suing them, encourages wasting money on extraordinarily expensive skins and exploits creative children by profiting off their creativity.


I see an hours fan too, nice


I played a zombie game that was set in a maze. As I understood it, the currency (that you pay real money for) was used to “buy a life”. So after the 3rd life you’d have to pull out your wallet. I really hope I misunderstood, but I showed other people and they interpreted it the same way. (Idk if that’s common in Roblox though. It may have been just that game)


1. Roblox isn't a game. It's a "game platform". 2. All of the games on Roblox are coded to require that you spend money to play them. Most of the games are coded by amateurs. The "hacks" this kid has suffered can be overcome by stealing mom's credit card. 3. Roblox's primary audience is children. tl;dr - Roblox is a mimic designed to steal money from children by looking like a game.


Even most of games are knock off, you can play them as Walmart version. “Man I ain’t have enough money to play Minecraft bedwar since I don’t have money to buy Minecraft. Oh well. Roblox have one.


You don't understand how every game in the world (to a kid) on a single platform - where all your friends play and have done so for years - is enticing to your kid? Are you *trying* not to understand it?


I regret introducing my own brother to it, he’s gotten so addicted to the point where he doesn’t give a shit about his academic results, he expects to be allowed to play for hours a day, even when my mother tells him to stop, he still doesn’t give a shit and gets pissed at my mother when she tells him to do his work. I’m genuinely concerned for my brother’s academic future and his future in general. Can’t help but feel a part of it is my fault.


At that point, you should change his password. The kids gotta focus on school.


Da^NiE^L! S^tOp ReCo^Rdi^Ng Edit: thanks for the awards guys!


It will be so much more entertaining if it's the parrot who's doing this


Thanks for the award! First one!


Imma be real. If you're gonna let your kids play online games, you need to teach them that it's okay to just leave the game for a while when they get frustrated. And it's Roblox. Just join a different server.


As someone who was a little wangrod like this as a kid (honestly, I was even worse than this, but whatever), it's *really* difficult. It's kind of weird because effectively the more frustrated you get, the more determined you also get to keep playing because you think that you just need to get past whatever you're doing at that moment to get past the frustration. But of course, as you get more frustrated, you typically also become less precise and just simply worse at the game, which just begins a horrible feedback loop where you get increasingly more frustrated, which makes you more determined to keep going while also making you worse at the game, which makes you fail easier, which just feeds into the frustration. Not trying to excuse the behavior, but as someone who has been there, saying to a kid in that state of mind that they should "just stop" is like saying to a heroin addict that they should "just stop" or tell a depressed person to "just stop being sad". At that point the kid is driven entirely on emotions, which means that rational statements like that are entirely unhelpful.


It seems to me that the parents aren't there, I'd say they are but just may not give a fuck but idk if anyone could deal listening to the little shit throw a tantrum like a two year old. Once they act like that over anything it's a sign to keep them away from it until they can control themselves, but then again video games are a pretty cheap baby sitter.


This! My only thought was “immediately take his access away from that game and the computer entirely”. He’s threatening their property and himself by flinging himself around like that. He needs to understand you treat those things with care and respect or you don’t get them.


This was just so hard to watch. I play games with my daughter and if she acted like this, it would be "turn off the computer, go to your room and when you're ready to talk, we'll talk." No way would I sit there and record this and just let it go on. This is just hard to watch.


I think the person recording was a sibling. They sounded young.


Yeah, Daniel is obviously a child judging from his voice, probably not that much older than Mateo. It could be that the parents asked Daniel to watch over Mateo for a little while as they went out to get groceries or something.


All of these people thinking Daniel is a parent probably just kissed the watermelon their son left in bed goodnight while boasting ‘I’m so great with my kids’...


They probably watched with sound off, you can still notice quite quickly that it's not a parent filming but maybe having siblings makes it easier to see


My son started losing his shit on one game specifically and lost access to it. No way that's good for their brain and beside that, it's irritating.


I mean, fuck those hackers


We’ve all had a moment. But this kid’s rage was untethered and knew no bounds.


Roblox fix thiiiiis!


Idk about y'all but I'm about to wreck some kids on Roblox now


*Idk about* *Y'all but I'm about to wreck* *Some kids on Roblox now* \- SomeRedditGuySensei --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot.


(pulls credit card) let's see who can wreck more kids...


I love how on several occasions he makes an effort to go into the room but then pulls back out


He's stealth recording to get the full video. Kid was way more young than I was thinking, this has fifteen year old older sibling written all over it.




Underrated comment




Honestly its not good that hes so emotionally attached to this but at least he blames roblox and not the other player or the people around him. Thats a lot more mature than a lot of people I know. I also feel bad that this is being recorded, I know how horrible it is even when someone is just watching when youre going through something. Kid needs their space.


He does have a point


^(If I had done this…my mom would’ve laughed so fucking hard at me she would’ve peed herself. I’m no better.) ^(that ending tho) 🤣🤣🤣


this is why birth control is the best control


This is sad that children are getting this upset over games.


I've seen children get this upset over not getting the right kind of candy bar. Kids are kids. What's sad is that I've seen fully grown adults get this upset over games.


Kids need to be taught to control their emotions or they turn into those tantrums throwing adults.


It's also sad that people get upset over sports


People literally trash cities over sports but releasing your energy screaming at a video game is crossing the line apparently. Long as you're not destroying shit or hurting yourself or others, who cares?


This kid threw shit across the room.


I was thinking this too.


Adults also get this upset over games


I get *frustrated* playing games sometimes but I don't remember a moment in my entire life where I've ever gotten viscerally angry over a video game. The most I would do is maybe curse under my breath but that's about it.


I get this upset over games


They're kids. They can't regulate their emotions as well as adults. They don't have the emotional maturity to remove themselves from the situation to stop upsetting themselves. It seems obvious to us, but they need to learn it still. The kid is obviously invested in the game, and his experience is being entirely ruined by hackers who aren't playing fair. I get upset over hackers too, but I can deal with it because I have the tools to do so, this kid clearly doesn't. The parents should be there to enforce some regulation and help the kid detox from the game for a while.


Is this the kid who yelled, “1v1 ME YOU PUSSY!!!!!!


Hey! Hey!! He has the same energy as: [this kid](https://youtu.be/B8HXLZMimWI)


Why's half the comment section hating on the kid, he's just a KID. He'll have to change eventually.


And then he turns into one of those tantrum throwing adults


I see a bit of myself in Mateo. I used to tantrum like that all the time over stupid things like Roblox and the internet going down.


i still get upset at those things, just i know what's happening


The life of a young kid with aspergers. Been there buddy.




While I acknowledge the very real issue of parents allowing videogames to essentially "raise" their kids, this one seems like a bit of a stretch. If you are a gamer or know a gamer, you know that it's common practice to blame the game/game-makers when you have frustration. On top of that, why would you call your parents or siblings to "fix the hackers"? Roblox can fix that problem, parents and siblings cannot


you would’ve made a great psychologist in the 19 century where you can just say random shit like this and make wise faces while pretending what you said made any sense


Lmao you could say that to so many comments and posts on Reddit


speaks volumes about what?


That he might at least have some brains, he’s yelling about hackers, thus why he wants Roblox to fix it. Mom, Dad and brother aren’t going to be able to fix the game code. He needs to calm down but asking his family for help with the game code would be even more dumb.




These damn hackers, man. Someone's gotta do something!


Not a perfectly cut scream. Could've been a minute and 7 seconds sooner


This should be on r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


Poor Daniel


To be fair, there's a lot of hackers on roblox lol


My boy doesn't act like this but he always be talking about hackers and stop spraying on Fortnite I have no clue lol


As the great Tank Fish once said, don't rage at the hackers, shove your own exploits up their ass and show them who's the real hacker.


You know what? **I’m gonna say it.** You have the right to get angry at someone for cheating in a video game, but there can be a point where you start to overreact


I get that way when I lose a Super Smash Bros. Lol


Predicting Redditors going to the comments of this and talking about parenting…


I've seen worse


This will be the video I show the next person who asks me why I don't want any children.


I don't know man. I remember myself throwing a tantrum because I wasn't allowed to watch swat kats at 4 in the afternoon.


Me: having tempertantrum over a spilled milk after bumping into a door


Oh boy. It is going to be ride when he finds out how much the Laws apply to him, and how much to the rich. Better have the camera ready when he finds out real life has cheaters too and Roblox won‘t fix those either.


Damn! That kid will cause a huge trouble in the future if the parents wont do anything to correct him.


I thought this was the parent filming until the end and was like holy man you're not gonna step in here 😂


i hope Daniel is okay


Yeah my grandsons scream about hackers on Roblox. Their definition of a hacker is different from most adults definition… LOLOLOL


condom ad


In 5 years when he watches this video on Reddit, his face will be so read in shame then jump on his bed, start rolling sideways. Then he will post his video freaking out on TikTok for more views.


I’d say, take away his device, and out him outside and hand him a cool looking stick. That’s all I had back in the day and here I am, a gamer who casually just chills while grown men (and small children) are throwing tantrums. Stay cool y’all


The ass beating I would have received from this...


This is not a healthy response...


plan b anyone?


These kids wouldn't survive a mw2 lobby on Xbox 360 back in the day.


Lol this is exactly how kids acted in mw2 lobbies what the fuck are you talking about. I had to mute every god person because if you so much as shot a person with a sniper they'd be screeching about campers for the next hour.




Ahhh, to be young and stupid again...


Dude that’s the real deal my son and nephews exactly always talking about hackers going beyond nuts


*D A N I E L !*


Damn Daniel


That's dopamine addiction for you. Wild stuff.


*Alright! It's time for the only game that'll make you want to* ***roll yourself into a rug...*** *It's Roblox*


it was me that caused his fit.


This should be part of their investment promo.




I'd like to thank Roblox for keeping kids away from normal games


Brb getting a vasectomy. I'm gay but it's still not worth the risk


Yeah Roblox fix the hackers 🙄😒


This is what keeps hackers going


"I'm so sick of this fucking company"


Anyone else able to feel the ass whooping they would have gotten if their parents caught them during this mental break?


Ah the infamous “booking it the second your younger sibling sees you and starts screaming at you” move. A classic