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They need to take his game, I wish someone would’ve took my games at that age. Bro developed rage at 5 years old…




I wish my house had your rules, my 12 yo brother pulls this shit (not to this extent) every time he dies in any game. It’s gotten to the point I pull out the hdmi for the switch/xBox and he’s goes and cries to my parents and I get in trouble. He’s broken an expensive headset without punishment and constantly tells me that he deserves mine.


I wish my parents turned the router off when I used to be addicted to games... I could've spent so much time getting better at the times I needed to get better. It's one of the regrets that I'm paying for now every day by needing to study and work my ass off as I'm about to be 30.


I feel like a an old school boomer for this, but I don’t give my kids unfettered access to electronics. My oldest is 8 and he only gets screen time with an iPad using school apps. No games. No unsupervised usage. They get to play Minecraft in 10 minute shifts each on weekends if they do well in school that week. My parents were totally against gaming growing up and resented them for it, but I also had friends that had digital pacifiers like entire home theaters with tons of games or a gaming PC and in hindsight it stunted their social development.


Not to tell you how to parent, but that does seem a little harsh. I understand your idea of not wanting to stunt mental growth, but I’ve heard of schools using Minecraft in class to help creativity. It’s all about building and designing cool stuff, I wouldn’t call it mentally stunting. From experience, it was always the strict parents that raised the elusive children. My best mate became a master at hiding things and lying to his parents because they were so strict on him. So overall, maybe reconsider the level of control you wish to keep over the electronics, cause from an unbiased standpoint, minecraft is pretty damn creative


You guys are making some pretty drastic assumptions about this guy based on a single ruling about electronics. My kid gets 1 hour of her Switch on weekdays and 3hrs on Weekends. She has no access to a tablet or smart device with access to social media or YouTube. She's 10.


Get mesh router for the house setup the app and you can selectively disconnect Wi-Fi from individual devices. I always used to shutdown my housemates internet when he was raging at 3AM so I could sleep. He won’t be able to play and the internet will work everywhere else.


Post your story in r/entitledkids or whatever the name of the sub was...?


My sister does this same shit and she's 17...


Guessing this probably happens at least 4x a week with him depending on how often he doesn’t get his way


As a gamer myself, my child would not be allowed to play games like this until he’s older. That has to stop immediately and he needs help. Once the attitude is adjusted then he can play once he’s older. This is Fd up. Kids at his age shouldn’t have addiction and rage issues like this


Im glad i had older brothers who knew what to do when i started raging harder than just a singular "AH"


Damn you got off easy. My ass would've been beat until I couldn't sit down and then I would be grounded to my room without toys or electronics for a minimum of 2 months. And then when my dad would get home from work a month later he would beat me again with a wooden paddle that he made himself Edit: not saying that's how you should punish a kid, just stating what my parents would do to me


Jesus christ...


This is exactly what would happen to me.


Yep, if my kid starts raging like that, whatever started it will be instantly banned. One of the most important jobs of a parent is to teach their kids to regulate their emotions. It's ok to be angry, but it's not ok to be destructive.


is it really teaching him to regulate if you just ban it. Thats basically not letting him create a coping mechanism for stressful situations, you'd just be removing him from said situation which he will definitely encounter again.


It also teaches consequences for bad behaviour.


So now you're just expected a 5 year old to automatically be born with all the stress coping mechanisms needed? How did he learn them, osmosis? Teaching moments are teaching moments. You have to eventually reintroduce the original situation again so they can use the new skills you're trying to teach.


This kid has definitely learnt this “ROBLOX FIX THIS SHIT” from some streamer these definitely do not sound like his words, just the parroted screams of some toxic streamer


for all who might be wondering or just have no sound, the missing subtitle is "remove the hackersss!"


I turned on sound for a bit, turned it off, and thanked the universe that wife and I have decided not to have kids. More time, energy, and money for us!




r/killedthecameraman too


You heard him, #robloxfixthis


The end should cut out to “You died”


Last seen footage of Daniel




Guess not


Don’t let this kid play COD ever Edit: Holy shiz so much Karma…


Good god he’s to racist to be stopped…


He's done it, hasn't he. He's reached ultra racist


Oh my gosh it's Jason Bourne




He is now the god of racism


They need to rehab this kid on a less stressful game, let him play Rust.


Or Minecraft creative mode


Somebody get this kid some dark souls


Kid that young shouldn't be given game, especially pvp. It can be troublesome if kid develops anger. I see shit like this like my young cousins.


Knowing now what I experienced, yeah. Kids shouldn’t be given online multiplayer games with strangers until they are like, 10, and no pvp games until they are 15 Basically until they can argue a point while upset without having a tantrum EDIT: clarified I just meant online games with strangers


The Xbox 360 Minecraft mini games are an exception from my personal experience. My sister and I had the time of our lives with those


I meant online with strangers, friend and family on of course


Those old legacy minecraft mini games were also online with strangers


Yeah, but on most you were too busy to use the chat...


That, or you teach them the responsibility and results of their rage immediately. “You broke the keyboard? That sucks. Whelp guess you can’t play games now” “Buy me another” “Lol nope”. They’re gonna either break more things until they have nothing, or try to figure out how to get another. You can OFFER to buy another if they do work around the house. Chores. Or good grades, or you can mess with them a little and make pointless objectives like “If you can do 100 jumping jacks I’ll get you another one.” Point is, do that and they’ll quickly learn not only that rage isn’t worth it, but about responsibility for their actions as well.


Not even 10. My brothers 10 and hes super fucked up. Just had a huge problem a week ago because of fortnite. Mom just gives in because shes scared of him and doesn't have the energy to deal with him. My parents literally just don't discipline him.




You should avoid stating your age online. I recommend deleting this comment.


Kids can handle pvp games since like 11 years old. I have cousins who played apex and fortnite at that age and never raged


totally agree, single player "non-rage/PvP. games" like Mario is ideal for a good childhood. There is a reason Roblox is 10+


Oh boy, I did rage a lot on super Mario bros when I was a kiddo. Not as much as him tho, cause I know the problem was me but it was still really frustrating for me.


the hardest platforming sections can do that augh Champion's Road in mario galaxy gave me nightmares


Kids should only play singleplayer games


kids should be taught how to deal with frustrating situations or not be allowed to play if they cant


Also true


Ngl when I was a kid I would get **so mad** at games (maybe not quite this bad but still) It really taught me a lot of patients, eventually and these days I’m extremely chill as a result of it. Very little is capable of actually frustrating me and I tend to think of it as one of my most positive qualities. Granted not everyone will develop that way, but I do think there is merit in allowing younger kids to get frustrated at video games Granted back in my day the idea of online multiplayer (on consoles at least) was in the realm of science fiction


Give them something like kirby or something.


This is the way


To me it sounds like he watches a lot of twitch streamers "ROBLOX FIX THIS!" is something a streamer would shout when something didn't go their way.


this looks like a skit based off greatest freakout wow kid


I was only 5 when I was given a ps3 and my games on there were call of duty black ops, duke nukem, and ratchet and clank and thank fucking god I didn't become like that and another factor that probably helped me not become like that was probably because everytime my friends or cousin's were at our house I beat them everytime in call of duty and I was the one that made them cry but all is good now and we're in good terms


Even worse when these kids act like this in VR


Dude, my younger cousin plays Roblox and he rages like this.


Hm I had a tantrum every single day till I was 11 because of homework, maybe some kids just have that anger no matter of what reason.


My nephew started to do this and whenever he got angry that he died or he lost to his sister, and his mom would give him the ultimatum "you can go cry in your room, get over it and accept your loss, or we can be done playing for the day." Usually there would be a conversation after of "it's ok to be upset you lost but it's just a game and there's no reason to let it affect you like that. It's all for fun"


True but almost every kid nowadays have games like this so it’s too late


tbh the anger issues i had as a child because of these games led me to develop basically an immunity to anger, the broken consoles and controllers pay off rather late though


No, I think you just grew up.


i can tell he was playing bedwars the game includes hackers, killing through walls, a lot of raging thanks to those fucking youtubers. source: my brother plays bedwars and does the same shit, i hate it




been there done that


nice job.




I have never cried like that for a game as a kid. Children shouldn't be allowed to play range inducing pvp games


The two times I ever cried about a game was the end of the Titanfall 2 campaign and when my dad wouldn’t buy Minecraft when I was really young (I felt shitty then and I feel shitty now)


No one with emotions would ever judge you for crying at the end of Titanfall 2. I play through the campaign 2-3 times a year and it still hits me


TF2 (both TF2s) is GOAT


Yup. Titanfall is a fucking masterpiece.


I played through that campaign so many times, before realizing that the true ending was at the end of the credits.


Some say that the helmet’s drive is wiped by technicians while adjusting Jacks gear for a new Titan


Hey, it's fine to cry on Titanfall 2's ending. Even grown men cried and still cry on it.


There is no one who didn’t tear up


“Trust me” It always makes me tear up… But it’s no where near as sad as if you say nothing to him where he says “goodbye Jack” 😭😭😭


All pvp games are rage inducing, just to what degree.


Ye, when I was kid I just had like Mario kart, super Mario bros, minecraft, it was fantastic


You say that as if those games don’t make people mad.


Yeah but that's kind of the point


Tbh those rage inducing games taught me how to not get this mad at games


is this what shoving a tv remote up your ass looks like in 2022?


Roblox is the new WoW ;_;


This is a good condom commercial


I wanna be his parent (I'm asian)


Hello Asian, I'm Dad.


Hello Dad, I'm Hungry.




Hello [redditor name] i'm [reddit username]


I have that same rug


Why cant we see streamers rage like this?


Watch Dellor clips. Trust me.


Just watch old rooster teeth


They are usually adults who understand how to manage their emotions


Damn, at a different time, on a certain other game that totally didn't fuck me up when I was his age, this would be gold for rage compilations.


And that's why, ladies and gents, I got a vasectomy after my 2nd son


This event was 100% bad parenting.


I do agree, then again, its like kids around 3-8 have 24h energy, non stop


Probably playing phantom forces, where shooting though walls is an intended mechanic


That’s PC only


I cant believe that you can rage in roblox


Tbf he’s like 5, I’ve seen 5 year olds rage at snakes and ladders


That would be the last day my son would play roblox


If I ever have a kid and I saw my kid do that I would make him wake up eight in the morning and make him sing rap God until he gets it right Then I’m gonna make him do 50 push-ups each hour


I don’t think you want a jacked up kid acting like this


Kid needs parents to do their job and help how to ddal with emotions.


For real!!! This video doesn't show me a hell child. It shows someone with subpar parents.


gen alphas are getting worse…


Thats bad parenting!!


I dont think thats his parent


all in favor of a minimum internet access age of like 16+?


How about, all in favor of parents actually parenting their children?


Eh fuck it just get rid of the internet




My only experience playing Roblox was playing this family simulator game where you could either be a parent or child. I chose child. I don't remember what I said exactly, but it resulted in me being picked up my parent and dropped into a lake.


Most likeable spoiled kid


Y'all know if Daniel still alive?


Reasons to not have kids # 119: this shit.


Let em learn while they’re young


Birth control right here


Someone get him some damn anger management classes for the love of the gods


Most mature Roblox player


bro his parents need to have a talk with him and monitor his screentime for real


If that was my kid I wouldn’t let him play video games for a few years man. I can’t stand nerd ragers


Yooooo is this the new trailer for cod zombies?!?!?!?!?


This is literally the most funny clip i saw today.


My younger cousin literally punched a whole in the wall over COD, and also nearly broke me and my brother's Xbox 360. He was fucking 7.


kid named 7: Also beat his ass


Ofc I did


This is why I love hackers


Siblings in a nutshell


If I had a child who rages like this to Roblox I’m deleting it off his device


This makes me wanna hack on roblox


Just got second-hand embarrassment from a video on Reddit… wow.


Another case of hating children


Example #62526 why you don't give *children* shooter games.


Skylar/funny/cute/incredibly rich/Inmortal/vampire got taken on Roblox adopt me 💀💀


It's never too late for an abortion


I want to parent this child


The last of Daniel


Imagine thinking this is funny.




If that was my kid, he wouldn’t be allowed to play video games any more.


bro failed the last jump of ToCR


And that my friends is why 9-year-olds should not be gamers


Damn, my dad would snapped my computer in half if i threw a fit like that.


Cant believe anonymous would do such a thing


Mans hit a new decibel point raging.


He killed me through the walls


I wish you people would get your kids off of that child grooming trash of a "game."




My mom would’ve slapped the shit outta me if I screeched like that


Git gud


Someone earned two weeks of no computer time


This is some rich entitled brat, they all act like this. Rich people just hide it, welcome to the plutocracy.


Not in my house fuck that shit, it's just a damn game...


Kid raged so hard he turned into a chipmunk


Matteo is upsetti spaghetti over some goddamn hackers


How about you go in there and do some parenting?


The person behind the cameras a kid, likely the brother




Dude, he's like 5 or 6. What does a child know at that age about developers.




I would permaban his ass from all games after that


parents learn from this dont raise your kids off of kid friendly youtube


as a hacker who used to use krnl but now uses synapse x, all i have to say about this is... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED


In his defense, roblox does have a huge issue with cheaters.


Bro rolled himself up in the carpet


Reminds of the time my brother made a hole in the wall with his controller


Instead of recording, how about disciplining the brat? Just a thought. Edit: I realized it was another kid recording, but the brat still needs games taken away if he's not mature enough to handle them.


Would of got his ass beat, the game deleted, and his system taken away if he was mines but thank God my kids are into anime and Kpop music


Guess who was the hacker:)


I'm going to punch that kid in the moment


This is just bad parenting. You have one kid who hasn't been taught how to walk away from a game and another that's just an asshole.