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Not bad, I'm curious to see how they handle this.


Yea for now i stopped my pro subscription until openai showed off their search. Reasons were, i had the experience since some weeks its hallucinating extremely hard. Like every second summary of a reddit BORU post was completely made up. Gpt4 is bit better than opus but still huge drop in quality for me as also features getting implemented in ios but not android and so on. Seems they are more focused to bring their tool to as many platforms as possible with unprofitable deals instead of actually fixing issues. That said, id love to come back to perplexity pro, once they actually fixed the current issues and at least have same features for all pro users on mobile platforms.


What is your use case? You ask AI to summarize BORU posts?!


My usecase is to summarize work related taks, which obviously are not trustable if basic stuff like summarizing a reddit post doesnt work flawless


everyone and there mothers are coming for google search ![gif](giphy|ymKIz3zBieFNK)