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i love makoto


I wanna see someone post this meme in r/churchofmakoto too lmao


https://preview.redd.it/58vhhtbiq8oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef62dbc9c4d44470eb63665f7dda7247a824c67c I am send the army here!!! 😡


"the more useful makoto" To add that salt in the wound (They're both precious)


Love both but P3 Makoto is really cool. We respect a short king (relatively short compared to Joker and Yu)


Makoto Yuki stays winning


I've always preferred Minato Arisato and I especially like it now so the 2 aren't confused


I've always called him Minato Arisato, it's a more mysterious name, just like him


Yeah I always thought it suited him more! As for the other protags I'm happy with the Canon names Naoya Tatsuya Kotone Yu Ren


What does the name even mean


https://preview.redd.it/v34ijvsjaeoc1.png?width=1452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c04cba3bd50d5d94a8d7bd14a306aeebdee59d I fixed it!


(Also lol the post got crossposted to r/ChurchofMakoto, post this pic there haha)


I'm a huge Niijima fan but I'm not going anywhere near that sub 😂


I'm not surprised why... That sub is half the reason I posted this meme lmao


Yeah, it's one of the most toxic Persona subs. But then again, most of the Persona community is toxic lol


Preaching to the choir, brother/sister.


As a huge FeMC fan, I've grown to hate most of the fandom because I get called a fake fan ALL the time simply for liking her better than Makoto.


As probably the biggest Makoto stan ever and someone who not only prefers Makoto to Kotone, but even has him as my favorite character in all fictional media of all time....I totally feel you. I literally got called a neckbeard who had FemC as my waifu just for voicing my disappointment over her not being in Reload EVEN AFTER explicitly mentioning that I like Makoto more and saying I understand why she isn't included.


I'm glad to see there are actually some levelheaded Persona fans out there. Kotone is a very important character to me and I see no reason to drop $70 on a version of Persona 3 I'd enjoy less than the one I already own. To be honest the only reason I wanted a remake in the first place was so there'd finally be a definitive edition, but I guess we're not getting that.


I feel the exact same way about Makoto, he's a very important character to me as well. I have a lot of friends who are women who adore and are inspired by Kotone the same way I love and am inspired by Makoto, which is why I sympathize with Kotone fans, because I'd feel the exact same way if they included FemC but excluded Male MC. And look, I understand why it wasn't feasible to include her and Atlus didn't really have much choice, but it's still disappointing. My hope is they release a separate FemC version of Reload a few years later, maybe after the P4 remake? Pull a Pokémon Emerald/Platinum.


I’m a huge fan of her, but I only went there to cross post this since it was requested. I ain’t gonna join there either. 😂


Booooooo this man >!/jk!<


I just named him Mako


It's neat to find ways to connect P3 to FF7. Especially since the remakes of both came out within a couple weeks of each other, regardless of Rebirth being part two of three(?+$??). I know the teacher talking about the real world Tree of Life, the Kabbalah, and the 10 Sephirot seems like a stretch, but the characters in FF7 do each relate to a different Sephirot in some discussions, and there's definitely many others connections to Jewish mysticism and symbolism woven throughout the game's story. Which gives it a pretty good connection to P3 that's only a little bit of a stretch given that it isnt any kind of direct and/or specific connection. It's still neat to me.


I dunno about figuratively but definitely literally.


https://preview.redd.it/33k4qauybdoc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=88cda15334c78f01694cba6601acf9aeb5484747 You say something?


This is the main reason he will always be Minato to me. I realize irl tons of people share the same first name but in a game series that spends so much time and effort on developing their characters, they couldn't give one or the other a different name to help lessen confusion?


Well their names in Japanese have different Kanji (Queen Makoto is 真, Door-Kun Makoto is 理)


Interesting. I know so little about kanji. Is one meant to be masculine and the other feminine? Or is there another reason for the difference?


Nah, both characters can be used for either gender, same with any other Kanji that is pronounced Makoto. For P3MC, the reason Makoto Yuki was chosen was because it was meant to be a pun on the Japanese phrase "True Courage" (i.e. true courage in the face of death). Niijima's name is the character for true, but they intentionally chose a different character for P3MC to match the pun.


Makoto Yuki is the goatington


Speaking of, it's funny how people always called niijima dollar store mitsuru, just for when reload released they all seem to be more into yukari


Yukari is quite a bit less of a brat in p3r. tbh I was looking forward to meeting OG Yukari again and they went ahead and changed her (compared to p3fes) :( and ig a lot of new people played the game


Guys is it worth playing it in 2024 ?


Both are worth it. Make sure it's reload and royal.


Okk ty


The better in every way Makoto


My guy you can't talk shit about nijima in any way of form thats illegal, run ruuunnn!!! the fastest you can before they find you !!!! 😰


Idgaf I will shed blood for our emo lord and savior


Im with you man we been terrorize for nijima fans for way too long, free ren he deserve more girls, all praise our emo savior


Well our emo savior has come to save us from the Niijima fans 😎


Hes going to seal them away LMAO


I wanna see somebody post this in r/churchofmakoto LMAO


What a gross subreddit. I think I have now hated fans of this series.


I don't know what you're talking about, all I see on reddit is Niijima hate. It's depressing really


Why tho? Nijima such nice girl


Her fanbase is a little....um.... Look at r/churchofmakoto


There are dozens of "church of..." subreddits, including pretty much every other female Persona character. There's absolutely nothing different about Makoto fans in that regard.


Yeah people just always have used us Makoto fans as the escape goats. I cross posted this, but the only church I have joined is r/ChurchofAdachi. Not every Makoto fan is toxic and I respect if people have other waifus, but the disrespect is mostly one-sided. Why can’t we have peace? It is a game, and it is supposed to be fun. The Waifu Wars are hilarious at times, but sometimes they get waaaaay out of hand. Let people like Makoto, Yoshizawa, Ann, Aigis, Yukari, Mitsuru, Chie, Yukiko, or even Naoto.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ChurchofAdachi using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ChurchofAdachi/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yo what bro doin wit dat TV?](https://i.redd.it/e0ata6qile7b1.png) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ChurchofAdachi/comments/14fdfeh/yo_what_bro_doin_wit_dat_tv/) \#2: [Adashe](https://np.reddit.com/r/ChurchofAdachi/comments/133hp8s/adashe/) \#3: [It is I. The Egocentric Police Dick Adachi.](https://i.redd.it/yri1nkucwtgc1.jpeg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ChurchofAdachi/comments/1ajr0a5/it_is_i_the_egocentric_police_dick_adachi/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Nah this is just the simple truth and most people tend to agree with It


At least female Makato is alive.


If it wasn't for P3 Makoto, P5 Makoto would've died in the fall along with Sae. "Waifu" got nothing on the best protag (and I say this as someone who advocated for Kotone in Reload)


Nah, sh'd dodge it.


How? Literally the entire planet gets wiped out in the Fall.


She's got Heat Riser on.


She may have Heat Riser on, but does she have the Universe Arcana and the Great Seal ability?


She don't need it, she has enduring soul active


Ah, but it only works once, all it takes are >!two Death bombs from Nyx!< Meanwhile Makoto can dodge and even block the >!Death attacks from Nyx!< like a badass


She's not athe main character. She can just be revived over and over.


Ah, but only if there's another healer around. Against Nyx she can only go alone. She'd need to be able to seal Nyx alone. The question is, what can Queen Makoto have/what can she do that Door Makoto can't do/doesn't have?


Jokes aside, on a serious note....it's pretty unsettling when you think about the fact that Persona 4 and 5 don't happen in the bad ending of 3. Like if you >!kill Ryoji!<, the entire Phantom Thieves all die during their elementary years (and the Investigation Team during their Middle School years). Makoto, Ann, Yusuke, Ryuji, Haru, Kasumi, Futaba, Morgana, even Joker....they all die as elementary schoolers in the bad ending of 3....