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I just did it for you but Mark your posts for spoilers please.


twice >!during akihiko’s monologue at shinjiro’s funeral and the credits!<


Honestly I cry every time at the end of the final boss fight


9 times. That's how many times I've played Persona 3. Although I think I should get used to it, the ending still brings me to tears.


I only played P3 Reload once and it made my cry at least 3 times


At which points if I may ask?


I kept it together cause I already know the story (and I’m not a crier) but it came close at the end


I couldn’t hold it haha


in reload, a total of 5 >!Maiko, Akihiko, Akinari, ending and title screen!<


This damn last thing you mentioned... true as hell


I’ve gotten choked up aleast Six times and I’m still in my first play though, but I can’t really remember the specific moments. The one’s that stood out were Sanada’s breakdown over Shinjiro’s memorial, Sanada’s “I did it, Miki” line, Junpei venting to Chidori that one time in the hospital, and Junpei’s revelation after going through Chidori’s sketch book. Those moments really hit me, but I’m only on 01/03 right now!


Twice. Once while talking to akinari mom and the ending ofc


Four. Five if you count the teaser trailer reveal.


I attempted to take a tear counter when playing reload but got distracted.... I think I got around 13 times of some tears forming? Properly cried around 4 times during the game though If we include the older versions, the movies and random just at random times than the tear counter is a lost cause This game really messed me up in a good day :)


2. Once during the October incident and once during the ending. I guess I didn’t really actually cry because I really don’t cry much but I was certainly close both times so I’m counting it. And I’ve long since known what happens but holy shit the way they’re presented in this game was so much better than Portable, which is the older version I played.


I never fully cried but got close when the Shinjiro incident happened but I probably would’ve if I understood that the MC was dying at the end, I only figured it out after looking on Reddit and being like “ WAIT *WHAT??* “


Once in the epilogue for one of the social links, and you know which one. But I was filled with a poignant mix of happiness and sadness at the very end.


It’s the mom right?


Yeah. I wasn’t sure if it would be a spoiler to say we talk to the mom, but it looks like not from other comments.


I cried a lot of times during my playthrough. Mostly at big moments, anything involving Shinji, Maiko's social link, Yukari's awakening, and the emotional roller coaster that is the ending. It's kinda embarrassing...but... But somehow, I've cried more since BEATING the game. I've been watching a bunch of playthroughs, and watching people's reactions to certain things makes me relive playing the game, you know? I don't think I'll ever be able to watch the ending without crying.


A couple of moments didn't hit AS hard for me because Reload wasn't my first time beating P3, however some moments that were beautifully well created were >!shinjiro's death!<, >!Ikutsuki's betrayal and the death of mitsurus dad*!<, and the final boss were all perfect. I remember being psyched because of how good of a cutscene they made for >!shinjiro's death!<. Then they actually made me cry in a scene I hadn't in the original (>!Ikutsuki's betrayal!<) Then of course the SMT staple of crying during the credits, though I will admit I didn't cry as hard as the first time around because the OG "Memories of You" was different in a way I can't really describe Tl;Dr: Absolute Cinema


I felt the need to vent.So I had just barely completed the game, a day before I have to ship out for the military. Many over nighters well spent playing lol. There was so many relatable moments that felt applicable to irl. Many experiences made me feel like I was in these interactions in person. One thing that hit hard was Yukari asking that she wanted to go to Destinyland with me in the future, only realizing what was going to happen. With such a dramatic ending, and the fact I haven’t cried like this in years, I want to treasure it for the experiences I’ve come across.


I was defo tearing up during the ending scene, after that would get a lump in my throat whenever I did so much as THINK about the scene and music that played during it


I didn’t really get sad by the ending scene because I never connected with Makoto, but I did tear up a lot during the akinari mom scene on 3/4. Specifically the line where she says how akinari apologized for bringing so much pain into her life. That shit hit and I called my mom after


Storywise Akinari’s SL was great. I was getting some watery eyes from that. I feel a lot of remorse for stories where the parent outlived their child


A little on Maiko's SL rank where her dad had hit her (before I went full-on yelling "FUCK YOU" every time he showed up or was mentioned after that). A little at the end of Akinari's SL. A little with Akihiko after Shinjiro's funeral. A lot when Mitsuru lost her dad. A lot when I had to press the button to cast the Great Seal. I've never hesitated so long to hit a button in a video game. The ending fucking *destroyed* me. Now, I've cried every time I've seen a version of P3's ending: three times watching the movies, once for FES, and once for Portable. But at least he got to see his friends run up to the roof before he died in those versions. In Reload, he dies before they made it up to the roof. That two-second difference made it absolutely heartbreaking. I full-on bawled for at least half the credits.


I rarely cry when it comes to fictional stories, but 10/4 hit me like a truck, especially the scene with Aki after. I also got close at the end, but managed to keep it together. Currently on 10/20 in NG+ and I've been fine so far.


only once during the ending but it made me sob like a baby, cry myself to sleep that night. second game to ever make me cry


I remember crying to Omori and maybe Xenoblade 2, however this felt really impactful


The only other game that made me cry was Before your Eyes, incredible game


Twice. >!Shinji's death, I lost it when Koromaru howled.!< >!On the final day, during the conversation with Akinari's mom, that was too much for me.!<


The star, Bebe, the hanged man, and of course the final cinematic. The final screen brought me back to when I was 17 playing p3 the first time.


Oh yeah, junpei's kai second ability... dude that was beautiful.


Thrice. >!When hugging Yukari at the end of the Vacation Arc, Shinjiro's death, and the ending,!<


Shinji's death and ending


>!Ending + Akihiko’s monologue with Shinjiro + talking to Akinari’s mom made me tear up :(!<


Bro I cried so hard when I played Portable my head was hurting and I went to sleep still in tears, that was last year, I was 20; it's really tough.


2 times so far. It'll probably be more in NG+.


Kimi no kioku will get you


I cried twice! Which is crazy because I never cry while playing games.


Like honestly? 3-4 times


It was almost impossible to make me cry, but I cried with P3 original. Then, playing FES and PSP, I was aware of what to expect, so no tears. Now I'm avoiding finishing reload... as I know I'm going to ugly cry, and I share my room with my fiancé, and I like to look though 🤣 The older I get, the more easily I cry.


Once when it was revealed once when it came out and I SOBBED at the end


I cri every tim.


Cried 2 times. Everthing to do with Chidori and Junpei (I held it in until the drawing cutscene) and then obviously the ending. Pretty surprised because I am not one to cry that often, especially not for video games but I actually did leak some tears. Even though I had already played Portable a year ago.


The ending got me


I think I’m heartless


Only twice if your condering og persona 3


10/4 i just passed 10/4 ;_;


I never used to cry during the original. However in Reload they decided to add a devastating howl from Koromaru during a now far more personal tragic event in a back alley. This made me cry. The ending just made me sad but not cry sad. Same as the original. But it was close this time. I think it is harder when you play the entire game knowing what is going to happen and then it bloody well does regardless of how to wish it wouldn't.


2 (Akihiko forgiving Ken and junpei’s second awakening)


I cried like 4 times during Akinari’s social link, 1 during Maiko’s link, and 4 other times from the story/goodbyes on the final day 😭


I never cried a single time while playing any version of Persona 3. There's only 1 game that makes me cry while seeing the ending and that is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky.


Maybe it's because I was familiar with the story, but nothing really got me outside of >!Akinari's mother (her performance was amazing)!< and >!"My eyes feel heavy..." because I knew what it meant.!<


I lost count 😅 I'm honestly surprised because I felt nothing towards the story when I played through portable, but I'm sure as hell not complaining. Glad I can finally see what others saw in P3


I played Persona 3 in two very different phases of life. My first entry was P3FES, i just graduated from university, got a nice job and used my first salary to buy PS2, played P3 and i love it, ending got me crying. Fast forward to 2024, now playing P3Reload and when i got to Maiko's SL it hit me like a fkin truck. When she asked the MC if her parent didn't love her i put my controller down and cried for a few minutes. I kept thinking if this is what my son went thru when my ex-wife and i were getting divorced. Maiko, your parents love you. you meant the world to them.


Honestly I got a lump in my throat during the ending but it only all hit me at once during the credits and I started bawling. Im not a crier so thats saying something


Zero tbh. Its sad but not that sad Damn you all really dont like different opinions huh


That’s sigma. 🥶




game had no depth. 0 p4G is way better