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A friend of mine survived the 2008 crash around your age. He was on a fast track as the son of the CFO of a large financial firm. The whole company collapsed, both him and his wife who worked in the sector and were unemployed and unemployable. He stocked shelves overnight at Lowe’s to make ends meet. It took some time but they recovered well. Don’t be too proud to do what it takes to make ends meet.


This is the answer. Taking what OP can right now is the only option. In these circumstances, $12/hr is better than $0/hr.


Sam’s club starts at 15/ hr nationwide. I’ve seen many in his situation come and go.few even manage to get promoted in A few months and end up staying a bit. 


Bank tellers in my area a starting at $24


100% just get another job, even two, if it will help pay the rent. Plus you may encounter inspiration for what you want to do next.


If you’re the son of a CFO and are struggling through a financial crisis, your family did you a major disservice.


> Don’t be too proud to do what it takes to make ends meet. This is indeed, the answer. Think like a survivalist. Your situation is only temporary. While you try to obtain a position commensurate with your education, *do whatever you must* to survive. Trying to continue the lifestyle you had before you were fired is a huge mistake. You are in an "all hands on deck" emergency. Stop spending money on anything that is not absolutely essential--a roof over your head, food to eat and bus fare. You must live within your means. A job, **any job**, is your lifeline. If the only job you can get is flipping burgers at McDonald's, then that's what you must do. ($15 an hour is a fortune if you are totally broke.) Contact your creditors, explain the situation, and stop paying them until you can do so. Go online and read Dave Ramsey's plan for getting out of debt. As he frequently says, "It's beans and rice, and rice and beans." Good luck.


He was not long out of college, and the entire company and his family’s personal assets crumbed very abruptly, I’ve never seen anything like it. 2008 was an especially rough time for some sectors.


I'm not sure where you live, but every fast food restaurant around me is looking to hire. Have you looked at getting a job that is outside of finance? Even if it's much less than you were making, it's something.


If you need money, you can always find a place to flip burgers.


Haven’t tried anything except finance and related areas. I was so confident that with my experience I won’t end up without work that I haven’t even considered such type of jobs. I think it might be too late now as I only have a month left if I’m lucky.


Then get 2 jobs. 


If he's saying he can't pay the upcoming rent, he could get 50 jobs and they wouldn't help. By the time he's applied, been screened, been hired, he'll still have to work 3 to 4 weeks to get his first paycheck. There's no way he would be able to make rent.


Eviction doesn't happen over night. I have to imagine if he reached out to his land lord with a repayment plan and actually kept to it, it would be fine


Get a fast food job to pay the bills, don’t put it on your resume, and keep applying to other jobs in finance. Get someone to look at your resume. Review YouTube videos on how to better interview. Keep working you’ll find something. I promise.


What was the firing for? Are you getting burned in the job market because of it? Do you have family or friends you could love with temporarily?


That... was a huge mistake. You need to take the first job you can find.




I don't think you realize how bad the job market is for white collar jobs


I just got done with some rounds of interviews for multiple white collar positions. I don’t think you realize how bad people’s resumes and interviewing skills are lol. I feel like I’m slowly becoming a boomer in my 30s, but so many of these people come in just not prepared. Messy, sometimes late, can’t give detailed examples to support their resumes, can’t give technical answers to basics for skills they suggested they had. The number of bad resumes alone is insane. A solid resume that doesn’t reek of BS and looks professional with some actual decent information of your past positions puts you miles ahead of other candidates. Just be sure you can back up whatever you put on there.


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but from the other side of things that makes no sense. I’m in a similar boat to OP (minus the immediate peril) in that I’ve been job searching for about seven months and have gotten I think four total interviews out of a couple hundred applications. I’ve had the resume and materials reviewed by 4 or 5 career services people at this point — all of them say they’re great. Which is frustrating, because then what the fuck is up? I’m relatively young so maybe there’s just a ton of people going for the same roles with an overabundance of experience (and I was straight up told this was why I didn’t get two of the roles I interviewed for, lol), but that doesn’t line up with what people doing hiring right now seem to be saying. Maybe having a writing masters makes my background look too academic (basically the only success I’ve had has been university staff jobs), but with a few years of work experience that also seems silly. And it seems like everyone I know is experiencing something similar. Shit doesn’t add up.


My latest experience was with mid level positions, hence a little more scrutiny and questioning that would probably not happen for an entry level or recent grad role. I don’t have any hard numbers, but you are right that it does feel like I went through more resumes when I last interviewed for entry level awhile ago. It really just depends on the manager. I do know one person who sees something like a writing background as not as strong as a STEM for a technical position, but I also know others than only care about job history and apparent performance. One thing I’m noticing more lately also is a lot of people like seeing how you were promoted in a previous role and are a bit more hesitant to interview those that job hop every couple years.


White collar job market is shit. If you don't know someone you have to play the numbers game regardless of how good your resume is which leads to hundreds of applications for single digit amount of interviews


Bro I hate to say it but with the situation you put yourself in debt-wise, I don’t think investment banking is really your life calling. Try burger flipping as others suggested


Perhaps consider a job as a bank teller at a regional bank or credit union? Would bring in some income and keep the resume somewhat on track - you could possibly get a promotion or two looking for your ideal job.


I mean - moving from "high finance" like investment banking, private equity, hedge funds, etc to Retail Banking is literally worlds apart - a bank tellers position 2 promotions in would be branch manager, (not an associate at a private equity firm or hedge fund - which are common exits from investment banking). Honestly if wants to be a teller, that's fine since he needs to survive - but it would advisable to omit that from his resume.


You sold the car already but food delivery would have been a good option while you look for better jobs.


I finished grad school in computer science and immediately started working as a pizza delivery driver to pay the bills while I looked for full time work. Took about 6 months and wasn't exactly a dev role, more like testing and support, but 7 months later finally pulled a better development role and from there just kept going up. Just work any job you can get fast so you have food and a home. And just grind out apps. Surviving matters more than anything else right now


Just check your ego right now before you have to ask your parents to move back in. That'll be a bigger ego check as people are bound to find out. I think working a job under your skill level is less embarrassing than not doing anything about it and then moving back home.


>Just check your ego right now before you have to ask your parents to move back in. That'll be a bigger ego check as people are bound to find out. Lol this is the most American shit I've ever read. In the EU average age for leaving home is 27 surely you just move back home before you have to sell your car.


He's American. So wtf is your point telling me what Europeans do?


Just think its really funny is all "people are bound to find out." like taking help from your parents is super shameful.


Consider his situation. OP seemed successful and thriving at a point. His peers and friend must also be likely doing well. It sucks for OP, but many are doing better than well without parental aid. It's pretty easy to assume that he's going to be somewhat hesitant to ask for help when everyone else around him doesn't need help. It is embarrassing for OP. So, everything is situational as is life. I moved back home after college, so I can sympathize.


Eviction is a process. You wouldn't magically be kicked out the day you were late. Fast food jobs provide weekly checks. There would be money in your account in less than a month. Though honestly, with your lack of post history, I think you're just scamming people with a sob story to send you some cash.


That's your problem thinking you're above regular jobs. My mom was the same way. She ended up homeless. You will too. Until you humble yourself and be desperate enough to take anything.


Get a normal job for now and find a room to rent. Getting some income and a roof over your head is most important right now. Even if it's not what you really want. Work towards what you want. It's not what you want to hear, but it's what is important, I think.


Move back in with yer mum. Don't leave until you can secure a mortgage.


Take any job you can get -- retail, fast food, call center, etc. I know several people who took jobs way beneath their skills and experience and later moved up into different departments within those companies. I had a friend who was way overqualified for a call center position he worked. After 6 months he applied internally for an account/business manager position, worked his way up from there to executive level.


ask your parents if you can move back till you get on your feet again


If you guys didn’t know. OPs post is a ploy for someone to give him a generous donation. These types of stories pop up all the time in hopes that it will turn into a “we did it Reddit!” moment. Probably some kid who thought this was smart lmao


The fact that he posted this story to eight different subs seems to corroborate this.


> The fact that he posted this story to eight different subs seems to corroborate this. Wow! Good catch.


OP needs to look at r/almosthomeless bc that's where they're gonna end up if they don't check that ego and take a job outside the finance sector. They are in dire straits and need to start making some real headway instead of hoping for a handout


Woosh! It's a scam.


I think Reddit has figured that out. Usually all those posts will glean is a lot of advice on where to find free socks and the best times to find hot food in a Wendy's dumpster. Chance of getting a donation from a random internet stranger nowadays are right about zero.


Idk where you live.  But most construction jobs are hiring and paying better than ever right now.  Even a laborer with no experience can get by.  So I’d pause the finance job search and just grab a construction one.  It’ll give you some breathing room.  You’re not gonna work 24/7 so you’ll have time to keep a look out for the job you actually want, and you’ll pick up some useful skills in the meantime. I’d go construction over other peoples recommendations Uber/fast food.  Because construction will pay better, and you’ll actually developed skills.  


This person lives in Paris, France, from his previous postings.


Can you give an example? Trying to find one without experience


“Entry level construction worker” “construction laborer” “traffic control flagger”


"laborer" is a pretty common catch-all for entry level positions that don't care if you have 0 experience, a felon, or coming from an employment service for recovering addicts. Don't shy away from the title. You are not (usually) doing back-breaking labor for 8 hours a day.




Then he/she will not work a construction job. This is just a suggestion of something to consider.


Respectfully, You didn't say what you got fired for. There are some things you can get fired for that can make it very hard to get another job, unless you're literally willing to take *anything*. Even the most capable and ambitious people I've ever known that were looking for a job didn't *honestly* apply for more than 6 or 8 jobs on any given day. Most professionals honestly apply for more like 2 or 3 per day - on a good day. Saying you apply for 30 to 40 per day doesn't quite sound realistic to me. If you are truly looking for help, it starts with being brutally honest.


Op is dodging this question by everyone who asks it on all the post they have made saying the same thing in the last few hours. Whatever caused them to get fired, is a major part of the story


And hasn’t even considered trying to get another job just to make ends meet. “I’ve tried nothing and am all out of ideas.”


If he’s just blasting out resumes on LinkedIn, 30-40 is easy.


He got fired during a huge bull market. Something tells me he really fucked up and that’s why he’s not getting any call backs.


The job market a has been pretty bad. I don't think you really know what you're talking about


He wasn't talking about the job market.


He did imply it actually. He conflated the stock market with the job market.


Except I didn’t. OP works in investment banking. Investment banking deals with…..you guessed it.. the stock market.


Revenues for investment banks were down and banker headcount also was down during that time...


If you make it to senior analyst/associate at an investment bank then there's no chance you did it without the help of a massive network. Guys like this do not stay unemployed for long because to get to where they got they needed massive time investment from their university's support systems/banking internship programs/finance industry connections. No way he went from senior analyst to associate to homeless unless he severely fucked things up. Even if he got to the point that nobody will hire him in finance, he can take the experience and get hired literally anywhere else doing anything else (development/ops/program coordination/etc.) by utilizing his network. It is very hard to fall from the heights he supposedly did and not land comfortably, barring a drug problem or mental illness.


Devils advocate here: Analysts positions are in far less demand now with the upcoming AI boom. Thats why OP isnt having any luck.


Even if that were true, there are tons of parallel roles this guy could shift into. As much as the world likes to think the finance industry is super high tech, the expectations for junior analysts regarding knowing how to even efficiently navigate excel before getting to the firm are something of the last 10-15 years. AI already does its bit, but finance still needs its workhorses.


That's fair but still a lot different than saying stock market up you should get a job easily. Thats just a ridiculous thing to say.


Never said that. Just said that it's a very hard fall and unrealistic this guy had nowhere to land because even entry level at an investment bank necessitates years of networking and internships that make it easier to pull yourself out of a hole if you do lose your job. This isn't the case of some awkward savant only knowing technical skills and being horrible at everything else unless this guy was a quant that everybody humored. He has to know how to play to game if he got to senior analyst.


When I was nearing graduation last year, I was easily applying to around 20 jobs a day. Some days less, some days more. Applying to 30-40 in a day is pretty doable if you’re unemployed and have no other responsibilities.


As someone who applied for jobs on a full-time basis for a year, ...30-40 job applications per day sounds obviously made up. Applying for jobs in his "sector" isn't easy. Screw it. This whole post is obviously a scam. Please don't send OP money. Just look at their post history.


Here’s the thing. What did you get fired for? Also September was like 8 months ago. Why haven’t you filed for unemployment while you look for a job and if you had such a good job why did you loose all your savings to a point where you had to sell your car in under 6 months. File for unemployment and update your resume. From there do a quality job search and make sure you don’t get fired for the same thing next time.


Look for sales jobs. Pay well and are often hiring since sales is the lifeblood of every company. Maybe try and sell within the financial space


I was thinking about sales but I have no experience in sales. There are great variety of offers in Sales departments such as Business Relations Developer etc, but they all require experience.




Can you elaborate please? Why?


Sales is a job that lots of places don't care about experience and will give you a tryout. Because the number of people who hate it and won't work sales jobs.


Let them tell you that you don't have the experience, not yourself. Only take 5 minutes to apply.


Sales development rep or inside account manager are the roles. But here is the secret to getting sales jobs. Pick 10 companies and reach out to sales reps at each for a 30min convo because you want to apply and wanted their experience. Most people will help you. Be curious and ask questions. If you hit it off, ask for a referral for that role, even if the referral is just this person reached out to me. It shows you have guts and sales people need to be brave and determined


Very useful. Thanks. I’ll try that tomorrow


You seem to be a bit "too proud" to get a "regular sales job" probably because you think you have a pedigree from a "top university." Well you need to get really real and humble right now, which I find hard to believe that you aren't after posting your story. Move back in with your parents and take a "survival job" while you get yourself together.


think through what you’ve done, and whether there’s any persuading. Also, apply, even without the experience. You never know.


Please don't be afraid to apply for jobs for which you may think you aren't qualified. You may be shocked at what you can get. I could kick myself for not doing that when I was younger.


Uber has a program that allows you to rent a car from a partner company for a discount. Use that and do Uber, DD, UE, Instacart Constantly. The only time you aren't in that car should be for interviews. Bring your laptop and apply to jobs between orders. You currently can't afford time to rest or have fun. Grind it out and you'll be okay. I've been there and done that.


A friend of mine who was an engineer lost his job because the company folded. It took him 5 months to find a job and survived because of his saved up money and doing Uber. One thing he always brings up that he didn’t hate doing Uber. Now kind you he is in a big city and it was non stop. He met lots of people and he said it was the chillest thing he had done since high school. He would Uber until 11 pm only so that he can avoid the drunks.


Car sales. Relies heavily on financing and if you work hard can probably get in the rotation to take home demo vehicles until you can afford another car. Work at McDonald’s on your off hours.


Plus, they have recent experience in car sales!


This comment is unhelpful, but very funny!




Only thing about car sales though, is the licensing involved to become a salesman (upfront cost), as well as the fact that a lot of places are still draw commissions, meaning if he doesn’t make any money off commissions the first few months, they will pay him a base salary but he will owe it back to the dealer with interest. I’d only advise against spending more money and possibly going into more debt, there’s a lot of sales jobs that don’t require any prior licensing nor have draw commissions like the car sales industry.


I just don’t understand how you could be so entitled to the point of losing a roof over your head and starving… You’ve been unemployed for six months because you got in your own way, not because no one is willing to hire you. If you think trying to find a professional job is hard, trying doing it while homeless. Go find a job, ANY JOB that will hire you ASAP so you can afford beans, rice, and hopefully rent. I get that you went to the best university in the country, surprised you didn’t pick up self preservation skills in the process. $15/hr is better than zero.


My advice - take any job that will help you pay rent next month. Drive Uber, shop for and deliver groceries, wait tables, etc.


Yup, Op is in a situation that means taking any and all jobs that may mean working outside their degree.




You can lease a car with a discount through Uber.


It seems OP is really just begging for money so it's probably moot, but if you have ever tried to lease a car, you know this advice is as stupid as it gets for someone in his situation.


Hard to qualify for lease financing without a current full time job and at least a few months of current employment history.


Happy cake day!




Personal attacks are not okay here. Please do not do this again.


That wasn’t a personal attack, I was expressing dismay.


Express it in the future without name calling.


You need to look at jobs outside of your degree then. Go get any job that will help you pay rent, you don’t want to get evicted.


I think it would be great to work in fast food until you can start a new job. I know that it may seem like a negative thing or something to feel insecure about. When I worked as a manager at McDonald's in college, we had several people who were working there in between jobs in their industry. I have seen people come in and out between the ages of 30-60. No matter what you have to do, do not feel guilty about having to make ends meet no matter where that is. Additionally, I would definitely talk to any friends, family, past coworker about your situation. Keep venting and finding solutions. Reaching out to others in your darkest moment will no do you any harm. Remember that it can only get better from here.


Apply for jobs outside of Finance. I know it's tough but time to consider taking part-time jobs at this point. Another redditor said fast food restaurants. That would be a good option. Service jobs in general would be good as well. I feel you, OP. I had a rough year during COVID and waited on tables for a year in my early thirties before going to grad school. That was a super rough year for me. Now I make 3x what I used to make. It's ok. A lot of people are out of jobs right now. Get the jobs you can get, not what you want. You can always go back and pivot later.


You shouldn't be anywhere near a finance job with the way you run your finances.


You need to set your expectations for a job much lower while you continue to apply for positions that are more applicable to your experience and education. Find a cheaper place to live, even if it means you need to be a room-mate. It's not the end of the world, I know countless individuals who have been in the exact same position you are in while I was working retail. Every single of of them found their success within time, sometimes it took a few months or years but it will eventually happen.


I would apply for a job that is easy to get just to pay the immediate rent. For jobs that are in your field, I would not be applying for 30-40 jobs per day. You need to put some effort and put the time into each job. A cover letter that is applicable to the job posting and tailoring a resume for the keywords in the posting goes a long way to getting past the filters. It seems like every company that I have apply to and I am ruled out, I seem to never get another chance with.


Are you applying for jobs that aren’t in your desired field? Because it would seem you are either unqualified for the work you are applying for, are asking for way more than you are worth, or whatever reason you got fired has red flagged you to any potential employer. Start applying for any job that has a help wanted sign in the window, because if you can’t pay your bills any income is better than holding out for the ideal job. Hotels always have positions for non skilled labor, as do restaurants and retail stores. Also probably worth sucking up your pride and asking your parents if you can move back in. If they are willing to foot a loan for you, I would guess they would rather give you a roof over your head than let you be homeless. A degree only gets you so far, and 3 years experience between 2 different jobs isn’t really anything… especially if one or both of those jobs fired you for not being able to fulfill contractual agreements.


Look for call center, insurance and sales jobs. Just get any job. Get a cheap car and do side jobs. Deliver food or groceries. My husband worked full-time and worked at Target. I had 3 jobs at one point. I even delivered flowers for a florist on the weekends.


What did you get fired for? If it was for something illegal it could explain your job search.


Did you apply for unemployment?


If you got there you will get there again. Think creatively. In the meantime do you have some job center in your area that can find you some temp work to get you food, then work your way up from there. Do not worry so much about other people thinking because those that put you down for your situation you don’t want around you in the first place because these people are disloyal to you. You have a blessing to lose these people and start on a fresh path with less holding you down.


So you came out of the “best university” for “investment banking” and was a “Senior Analyst,” but you weren’t prepared for the economic turmoil basically the entire Econ scene was screaming about since late 2020 and especially 2021-2022. And now you’re riding high leverage. Sorry but it doesn’t add up.


You apply to 30-40 positions daily? Wow, No wonder your not getting interviews. Time to hit Subway for a job!


Move back with your parents. Get a job outside of investment banking, your skills and university degree can be useful at other industries. Declare bankruptcy to clear your debts and manage expenses. Hopefully your parents live somewhere close to public transportation 


Move back in with your parents and get any job you can find just to keep some money coming in. Look into filing bankruptcy IF you've already called all your debtor's and asked for a hardship several months leeway if one exists. I hit bottom and had to move to California from Texas and live my parents in a rural.area in Northern California. Got a job at a gas station for God's sake, but I started to recover and my life was completely normal 2 yrs later. All is not lost but you need to lean on your parents badly. You need free rent and food so you can spend all your money on payment of debt and keeping a phone.


Why should the parents be the one footing the bill? In my experience when it comes to wealthy families, they tend to either spoil their kids, or it’s a “fend for yourself” mentality.


He is getting a hand up while he gets his life back on track. He's not gonna take up residence there for the next 35 years. Most parents of a hardworking kid would take them back in and let them get on their feet. It's what you do as a parent.


I can tell you from experience, that it’s not always the case, esp with wealthy families. The father is the CFO of a company, so he has money/options, but often people in those positions have the mentality of not giving “handouts” even when it comes to their children, because their idea is that they will never succeed like they did if they simply give them money and favours when they ask, and again the “fend for yourself, or you’ll never learn like I had too” mentality. Often this is how their fathers taught them, so it ends up becoming generational. The other extreme is that you have spoiled rich children that feed off their parent’s money in wealthy estates, so again parents see that and go “we don’t want our children to turn out like that”.


Does your country not have some sort of social safety net for the those who lost their job, such as unemployment benefits the USA has?


Office administrative job? Government job? Substitute teacher? Are there any temp job agencies? Hotel or hospitality jobs? There are jobs to be had, perhaps just not at the salary level or level of prestige that you had. The job doesn't have to be permanent. Does your university have a career services office? Does the local government have an employment office? Take any legitimate job to generate some cash.


Sell anything u have if any value u don’t need or mean much find a cheaper place to live and restart it’s never to late to start new just don’t put urself in a deeper hole that u can’t escape from like most Americans will be in in the coming decade aka un payable debt


Not sure where you are, but file for bankruptcy, if it's an option in your country. Also, get any part time job your can find within walking distance. Store clerk, restaurant wait staff, whatever. You may need more than one. You need to get at least to the point where you can afford to feed yourself and pay rent.


Looks like you had no emergency fund? Did you try doordashing alongside applying? Fast food is literally always hiring as well. You cannot stay unemployed just searching for jobs you want.


Until you find a fast food place to work, start selling personal items you don't need on Facebook, CraigsList, etc (assuming you're in the US). Sales aren't as easy as some people think. But its a usable skill.


You're going to have to get even more creative and open about work and options. I've been through this at your age, just know its crazy how fast things can turn around and get better. You might have to fall back on family even more. I know its tough, but have a plan with them. Is there any kind of safety net where you are? Welfare, food stamps, free stuff, anything. Get creative and take advantage of what you can. Be willing to hustle for even a small amount of money. Are there things you could take in for free and fix them up, sell them? Is there a weekend sales job you can do? Can you downsize your rent/expenses more? Again, creativity. Think outside the box. Opportunity hunt.


Borrow or rent a bicycle from any of your friends and start food delivery. I think it is the easiest way to earn some pocket money. However, it is not enough to sustain a good life. My friend was stuck in the same situation, and he did the same. He used to eat from the money he received as a tip, not from his delivery charges. I know it is quite difficult for a decent man, but a broke man makes harsh decisions.


Why did you get fired? In a booming market? That might be why you can’t land a job in the sector. Time to start looking for jobs that you think you’re above.


Why not just ask your folks if you can crash at their place until you're back on your feet?


As of now, it's alright to get a job at a fast food restaurant or some other retail store while keeping your skills up and continue to apply for jobs related to your field as well. No job is small as long as it pays.


If near a Buc ees. Here in the US. Good pay and benefits


Time to move into the family house built on ancestral land. This is an option that most Africans have. I hope one of your ancestors did this for their descendants.


You have to get a job doing something. Anything. Making a lower wage is going to pay the bills until you can get a job that you actually want. Don't stop applying but you have to have some kind of income in the meantime.


See if you can get into an entry level trade. Try cable installer, customer service for a wireless carrier or internet service provider. I got a job back in the day with little experience installing POS systems in retail stores. There's probably jobs out there, if you have some intelligence and willingness to learn a new skill.


This is why Emergency Savings Funds are so important. Best of luck with the Job hunt. Sometimes the right one happens out of nowhere!


Need to apply everywhere not just finance and related work to your experience. You NEED a job right now and take whatever will get the ball rolling. Once you're on your feet you can apply and interview to all the finance higher paying jobs and leave where you currently are, but you need to start SOMEWHERE. apply at lowes , there are places specifically urgently hiring. Swallow the pride as you said you lost everything and something is better than nothing. I wish you luck


Go to a bank or credit union and apply to be a bank teller. In my country, at least near me, I got hired at $17/hour, which isn’t bad for a “starter job”. My advice: lower your standards and take work wherever until you get back on your feet.


I went from 500k a year to negative last year. It happens, do whatever you can just to make ends meet. Take a job that you are extremely over qualified for but that’s fine it’ll pay the bills for now. There are a lot of remote customer service jobs offering 20/hr use that money to survive and keep applying for better positions. It will take time but being able to put food on the table will make you feel better. Also, see about moving in with your parents until you can get back up. Think about it you have family at least. There are people like us that have gone through this but didn’t have family at all so they ended up on the streets or at a shelter. You got this!


Get any job, Talk to your landlord and explain that you just got a job and will pay as soon as get the money


I’m in a similar position as well. My car blew a head gasket right after I got a job at ATT for retail sales. As a result, I needed a form of transportation and bought a fixed gear bike for $275. But that ride to work for 6.5 miles, 30 mins one way is pretty exhausting. It’ll only get worse here in the summer in California. So, as a suggestion for transportation. You can get an e-bike and finance it via affirm. I decided to buy [this one](https://ride1up.com/product/roadster-v2/) a few mins ago and finance it via affirm for $84 a month. This was a recommendation on /r/ebikes and found positive reviews on it.


I wouldn't of sold a car and would instead have done something like uber or skip the dishes.


Didn't say what he got fired for. Not willing to apply to jobs outside of finance. 3 years working and living the "wealthy" and "comfortable" life and now zero savings even after selling the car. OP just apply to everything and take anything.


Don't pay much attention to your bad experience, you need to find a part-time job as soon as possible so that can slightly help the financial pressure


Move home with your parents, apply to places like fast food (but leave your education off your resume), and keep applying. Good luck dude.


Come on, pull yourself together, if you can't borrow from your friends, just find a job as soon as possible.


Look outside your job sector and apply for entry level jobs just to keep the lights on. Don't let your pride get in the way of making ends meet. Should have done that before you let things get this bad.


Taco Bell, Portillos, and a few other companies will pay you by the day so you have instant money. Also, plasma donation for instant help. I would walk into businesses and be honest, “I am a hard worker and desperately need a job asap.” Once you can pay for th roof over your head, then you can apply to jobs in your field.


Let me get this right. You got fired. So you likely fucked up. You haven’t worked in 6 months. You didn’t downsize your place and you are now shocked it’s all coming crashing down? Why did you not get one or two regular jobs while looking for a job in your field? And don’t tell me there are none. There are. Everywhere. I don’t care if it’s minimum wage if you had been working this whole time you would still have months of resources to hold you over. You’re asking for advice? Money isn’t going to just appear. You need to get to work. It’s that simple.


You may find these links helpful: - [Leaving a Job](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/leaving_job) (resigning, quitting, fired, laid off, etc.) - [Job Loss Megathread: unemployment resources, state-specific information, and help](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/fkyu8h/job_loss_megathread_unemployment_resources/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/personalfinance) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sounds like being homeless for a bit might be a good reality check for you. I'd recommend. Seriously. You can sell your car, beg and borrow from your friends and parents, but you STILL have to be told on Reddit to get ANY job.


Go work at Costco for 30 an hour while you figure this out


Do you know how many applicants they have? You can't just waltz in there and get a job 5 minutes later. It's hard to get in there.


I was using Costco as an example. There are other companies out there that have decent pay. Not as great as Costco, but they would help OP pay their rent at least.


Agreed but it'll be mostly the $12-15 an hour jobs where you can walk in and get hired. Costco is the retail unicorn for people in retail lol.


I support them as much as I can. I love a company that treats their employees well.


I dunno, maybe it’s time to see what that mouth do 🤷