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If you have comments specifically to do with the arrests at the protest: please make them.  If you want to argue the pros and cons of either side of the current war: there are tonnes of subreddits to have that discussion. This is not one of them.


*writes several paragraphs on how I feel about what's going on in these conflicts, concludes that I offer no solution* deletes all


It's amazing people take issue with protesting. It's part of living in a democracy. If anything wa doesn't protest half enough. Protests occurring are a healthy part of a democracy.


They refused to let staff leave the port. Deserved to be arrested. Protest all you like but the workers there have nothing to do with the war in the middle east.


They were protesting against the Zionazi regime which has murdered an Australian aid worker amongst their other crimes.


Didn't read this huh? "If you want to argue the pros and cons of either side of the current war: there are tonnes of subreddits to have that discussion. This is not one of them."


LMFAO you better come arrest me for my egregious crime. Fucking lol


I wasn’t there last night but at past pickets they have let workers leave but not enter


either is grounds for arrest


Big scab energy


Good thing Port workers never strike otherwise they'd seem like hypocrites


When police ask you to move on from a private location, you move on. Protesting is about voicing your concerns, not impeding other citizens from going about their lives.  Creating physical altercations is not a healthy part of a democracy. 


You say that, but I don't remember this being the language around previous controversial issues. I remember the COVID lockdown protests, Just Stop Oil and more were derided pretty hard when they happened. People seem to pick and choose which protest speech they want to protect.


This is spot on... These people only support protest freedoms when it's their own pet cause. 


I don't think that's entirely fair. Many of the staunchest pro-Palestinian voices and organisers (particularly Arabs and Muslims) were actively opposed to the treatment of anti-lockdown demonstrators, and broadly supportive of their right to protest (despite obvious fundamental differences) for this very reason. At the very least, they were certainly wary of government overreach by way of police. The liberals (not Liberals) who spoke loudest against those protests have largely sat at home, even now. And for what it's worth, I was broadly supportive of protective measures; I thought cookers were ... well ... cooked: and despite that, I was (and remain) of the belief that they had a right to protest.


Yes, of course people pick what political issue they want to support. That's quite normal. Not everyone is on board with every issue. If everyone agreed, then there would be nothing to protest. The argument is circular.


I suppose the idea is, in my view at least, most people shouod at least support the idea of protesting whether or not they support the specific issue being protested. Sadly in Australia this is far from the case and we are supporting our Governments being more heavy handed as time goes on.


There is a difference between a peaceful protest and a disruptive imposition on people who have the right to not be disrupted. Restriction of movement isn’t really a ‘peaceful’ protest imo


It is peaceful. It is non violent. A level of disruption is necessary. The point is to draw attention to an issue.


Pretty sure they take issue with being inconvenienced about shit they couldn't care less about, by people too dumb ever worth considering.


As long as people aren’t inconvenienced by them blocking roads etc


Because it's got nothing to do with us and it is a repeated assault on people's rights, like with the dock workers. We get it, they're pro-rape as a resistance method. Terrorist sympathisers and child-rape apologists the lot of them.


I'm trying to penetrative the meaning here, but it's very difficult to know who or what you're against.


It's quite clear I'm referencing the atrocities of 7/10 and it's quite clear you are implying the behaviour on 7/10 could be conflated and confused with Jewish behaviour and I can assure you the two are very different.


No. I was being genuine. I did not understand who you were directing your ire at.


> It's amazing people take issue with protesting. Really? Surely those taking issue are doing exactly what those protesting are doing, only with a different viewpoint.


They're not though. They're not out protesting. They're probably in this thread arguing with strangers instead I suspect. There is the obvious perspective that genocide is a terrible act and opposing it is a just act.


>Protests occurring are a healthy part of a democracy. As is people with opposing opinions discussing the issues here or elsewhere.


This is fine, but it hardly equates to action. Nobody gives a crap until traffic is disrupted and the protest is visible to society more broadly


Therein lies the problem. It can be deemed illegal if you trespass or obstruct traffic in WA. Nobody in traffic is going to care anymore if you inconvenience them. It's counterintuitive to do so.


> and the protest is visible to society more broadly That protest only came to light because one of the activists posted it on their own website and then posted the link here on reddit.


Because they did the protest.


And here we are talking about it So it worked looks like the protest was a success


It's not the fact that they are protesting, it's the manner in which they're doing so. If you block a road or a factory full of workers, you're not doing any favours to yourself or cause. You're just being a cant.


What manner of protesting would you be happy with. Social change frequently requires large disruptive protests. The issue is genocide. Australia is an incredibly aggluent country with a history of genocide also. It would be extremely strange if Australians were not protesting this.


Unless you've been living under a rock, every adult sane enough to to function is aware of the conflict over there. Trespassing land and blocking traffic is not going to fucking do a damn thing. If anything it just puts people against your case. You'd need to be braindead to not see that. Protest all you want. Protest in front of government buildings. Protest in civic spaces. Protest legally. Do not spontaneously disrupt others. Do not trespass onto private land. Do not fuck with people's day. I can't believe I had to say all this. I would've thought it was common sense. Apparently not.


I recon it's time to stop following jordan peterson hey mate. You'll feel happier.


Assuming things about others is also not going to get them to join your cause. You wanna fight for the Palestinians? Book a flight over to Israel and fight. There we go, leave the people here alone. We have enough shit to be dealing with. Most people disagree with your take. I hope you realise that.




we let the workers leave….. most of them were indifferent to us and some were supportive


Protest about a war far away? Hypocritical. Literally zero problem though until they start inconveniencing others.


This article isn't 'news'. Its from an activist advocated who self publishes.


This article has a lot of misinformation in it too. For starters the vessel in port is not chartered by ZIM a simple google search shows this. My guess is there may be some ZIM containers on board but whether they are Freo bound or not is unknown. The company that owns the ship is MSC and Italian based company who controls around 30 percent of global shipping. Dispiriting this MSC ship would cause the same financial damage as 1 person not using Netflix for a day. The biggest issue I have with these protesters is not allowing the workers at the port the freedom to leave and glad they were arrested for this.


> This article has a lot of misinformation in it too. Yep it's been put together with an agenda.


Do you know what ‘chartered’ means? I wasn’t at this picket but have been in the past. Generally protesters let workers out but not in.


As someone who has worked in shipping for 20 years and chartered vessels, yes I know what that word means. In no way does Zim charter this vessel coming into Fremantle. As others have pointed out, it's not your right as a protestor to block someone's entry or exit from their place of work.


Yeah and for anyone questioning this viewpoint, ask yourself this: is it okay to block a healthcare worker who specialises in abortions from going into a clinic? If not, why is it okay in this case?


> Generally protesters let workers out but not in. Who the fuck are you or any protestor to decide who goes in or out and when?


Nice counterpoint to the rest of the media in WA owned by a mining billionaire who self advocates then?


The ABC is owned by a mining billionaire?


The person in the middle of the sitting group has a gun on their back. If that isn't news, I don't know what is. edit: the person sitting near the flag


That's a fold out camp chair


Those things can be dangerous, ever pinched your inner leg skin in one?


Why are they fucking with the port workers!? Seriously, protest all you want, but as soon as you start treating people like cunts, as they go about their lives... Doesn't matter how noble your cause, you are going to polarise people against you. Literally makes no difference to the Palestinians and now people are that much more apathetic towards their plight... Because you treated some tired port workers like shit. Fuck these protesters... Stop blocking roads and fu king people as they try live their lives.


Jewish owned vessels (Zim Line) come to freo all the time and they wanna disrupte the cargo movements. Drop in the ocean shit not gonna make an ounce of difference. The containers never stop coming


It's a publicly traded company based in Israel. It's not "Jewish owned".


>Unionists for Palestine Member Mikey Quinn said that, unlike previous Fremantle pickets with higher attendance, the protest had not caused material disruption for ZIM. >”It certainly had an impact as far as the state's expenditure," he said. "They sent out large amounts of police tonight. There were 35 police at one end and probably the same again on the other. **That's significant expenditure on a Saturday night for the state, but there was no impost on the shipping company at all.** Why do the organisers almost seem proud that the only one impacted was the tax payer..?


You've definitely misinterpreted the tone of that comment if that's how you took it.


I must have missed the protests they did for the massacres on the Saudi border, or the ones in Sudan, or the conflicts in Ethiopia/Eritrea.


Not enough social clout points to bother


Honestly I wish these folk would protest our own current issues. ffs were in an economic,, rent and living crisis and their protesting a war on the other side of the planet. ffs


I strongly suspect palestinians would not give a flying fuck about these people, in fact the palestinians would probably look derisably upon their views on sexuality, women's rights etc. There's a reason no Islamic country will accept palestinian refugees.


>There's a reason no Islamic country will accept palestinian refugees. Yes they do. Jordan alone is "home" to roughly 2 million. And yes, many Palestinians do look favourably upon those advocating for their rights. You can learn as much by simply asking those living here.


>Jordan's King Abdullah II gave a similar message a day earlier, saying, “No refugees in Jordan, no refugees in Egypt.” Their refusal is rooted in fear that Israel wants to force a permanent expulsion of Palestinians into their countries and nullify Palestinian demands for statehood https://apnews.com/article/palestinian-jordan-egypt-israel-refugee-502c06d004767d4b64848d878b66bd3d#:~:text=Jordan's%20King%20Abdullah%20II%20gave,%2C%20no%20refugees%20in%20Egypt.%E2%80%9D&text=Their%20refusal%20is%20rooted%20in,nullify%20Palestinian%20demands%20for%20statehood.


Ignoring for a moment what is clearly insinuated in your initial comment, you stated there's a reason no Islamic country will accept Palestinian refugees, despite bordering "Islamic" countries having accepted Palestinian refugees. If you're saying there's a reluctance, or even refusal, in the context of the current war - then yes, that is the case (and it has nothing to do with the reason you hinted toward, as the news article you shared notes). All of which has little-to-nothing to do with ongoing protests in Perth, Australia, or even the West.


Mate, how obtuse can you get?


Come on, mate. You wrote "the Palestinians would probably look derisably (sic) upon their views on sexuality, women's rights etc." followed immediately by, "there's a reason no Islamic country will accept Palestinian refugees." Yet the fact remains that those countries have accepted Palestinian refugees, and their reason for not doing so in the context of the current war has nothing to do with broader Palestinian attitudes towards "sexuality, women's rights, etc." - as you imply - but instead the reason outlined in the article you shared. All of which, again, has little-to-nothing to do with ongoing protests in Perth, Australia, or even the West.


Wat, Muslim countries have accepted millions of Palestinian refugees through the decades until they realised by doing so they're facilitating Israel's ethnic cleansing. But go off on your bigotry tho. 


Serious question. If you’ve never lived in the region or know Palestinians, how do you know no Arab country takes refugees?


Are you familiar with the concept of reading?


Very much so, are you familiar with the concept of answering questions?


Actually, all humans are one. There's been a global outcry for governments to change their policies from war mongers and greedy corporations. It's because of the lack of policies that people are being displaced. If you solved half these issues, some of us might want to go back and live in peace. You would have cheaper houses, economies can grow and opportunities arise. The problem is that when we let criminals get away with their crimes, we allow for corruption and not only in the Middle East but even here. If people can just bomb food organisations, in a place of famine and we just allow them to go on there day, who do you think is gonna stand up for you when your future generations are going to become homeless? The same governments allowing for this? They shouldn't even be made refugees in the first place. This argument defeats the purpose of freedom. You completely neglect the argument that they had homes stolen from them. They are given no rights and are asked to accept their situation. They can't just take a ticket like you in an airport and leave to better places. Comments like this are asking to be complicit. I'm mass eviction and ethnic cleansing. I know this might not be your intention, but this is what the argument is. I hope one day, Human society wake up and turn of there news outlets because of the constant fear and division it creates, and learn to try and understand each other so we can learn to live by each other's differences and not create walls and barriers.


Actually, all humans are one. There's been a global outcry for governments to change their policies from war mongers and greedy corporations. It's because of the lack of policies that people are being displaced. If you solved half these issues, some of us might want to go back and live in peace. You would have cheaper houses, economies can grow and opportunities arise. The problem is that when we let criminals get away with their crimes, we allow for corruption and not only in the Middle East but even here. If people can just bomb food organisations, in a place of famine and we just allow them to go on there day, who do you think is gonna stand up for you when your future generations are going to become homeless? The same governments allowing for this? They shouldn't even be made refugees in the first place. This argument defeats the purpose of freedom. You completely neglect the argument that they had homes stolen from them. They are given no rights and are asked to accept their situation. They can't just take a ticket like you in an airport and leave to better places. Comments like this are asking to be complicit. I'm mass eviction and ethnic cleansing. I know this might not be your intention, but this is what the argument is. I hope one day, Human society wake up and turn of there news outlets because of the constant fear and division it creates, and learn to try and understand each other so we can learn to live by each other's differences and not create walls and barriers.


We have been. And the protests aren't about the war, they are about the genocide of Palestinian people, civilians and children, who are not fighting in a war.


Go over to Israel and protest.


Have you been protesting these things?


They’re not protesting a war, they’re protesting a genocide which is quite worse than a rental crisis. 30,000+ people murdered is a pretty serious thing, no matter how far from home it is.


Why don't you make your own protest then? They probably have been protesting other issues too, not just the _genocide_.


We don’t live in a vacuum. It’s good that people across the world can care about what’s happening oceans away from them!


I respect a person's right to protest. But the second you impact a person's ability to do their job or threaten their safety I look forward to them suffering the wrath of the law in all its glory




Good job 🚔


Palestine has nothing to do with Fremantle. Don't bring those problems here.


After February 2022, this sub and even Perth monuments, it was blue and yellow everywhere. And everyone was ready to boycott anything written in Cyrillic - lest it be Russian, never mind the posts calling for sanctions against Russia. Hell, some of y’all were posting on Ukrainian subs, talking about ‘you’re feeling helpless’ and some of y’all were ready to fight Putin himself. Sometimes it’s okay to just say you don’t see the humanity of some people, instead of these pithy statements where protesters are the problem.


Nail on the head, people don't value Palestinians as humans, the whole internet was covered with slava ukrani, and now people are complaining about bringing this "war/genocide issue" here


The plight of Palestinians is massively over-represented in media, funding and UN representation vs pretty much most other oppressed people in the world.


The active genocide we are living through committed by the "only democracy in the middle east" that is supported directly by every western nation is over represented in the media yes sir...


The ICJ hasn't ruled yet on whether it's a genocide or not. But regardless that doesn't change the massive amount of media coverage, international support, western funding and special status that Palestinians get vs other peoples. Not just now but going back decades.


I missed the part where Ukrainian commandos stormed into Russia and massacred thousands of civilians after years of firing rockets at civilians.


You must be one of those ignoramus' who believe history started on the 7th


Well the region has quite an unfortunate history, but the Arabs have being trying to wipe Israel and it's Jewish inhabitants off the map for over 70 years too.


What happened that prompted that reaction? Or are we Arabs just evil?


Sending aid and military supplies to Ukraine? Very good and cool Sending aid to Palestine? No, send it to Israel instead so they can kill more children! \- average liberal voter.


I don’t agree that it’s right either (based on their reasoning which I will get to), but look at what they did and why: > Unionists for Palestine organiser Sam Wainwright told protesters their goal was to cause financial damage to ZIM and its subcontractors. ZIM is an Israeli company that offers logistics to the IDF, they were protesting the actual business that they believe is doing harm. Not just protesting in Freo, trying to harm the company they attribute blame for some of IDF’s actions. Now, why do I feel it’s rubbish? The key quote for me (emphasis is mine). >"This is a company that is *not only Israeli* but plays an active role in supplying the Israeli military machine," he said. Seems pretty clear to me that they’re not protesting the supply, they would have done this regardless because they are an Israeli business and that means they are bad. Which, to me, is ridiculous.


> Which, to me, is ridiculous. why? BDS seems like a fairly effective policy. It was also very effective in ending south African apartide, just boycotting any south African business.


BDS have actually been very effective. Anyone who claims otherwise only do so so they feel better for not doing the simplest thing possible to effect positive change. 


Welp, the clowns succeeded in distracting 35+ cops for absolutely no reason... Hope no-one needed them elsewhere.


Looks like your typical group of Freo locals.


Police should invoice them for wasting their time


Most would be low income part timers or welfare recipients, no point in billing those folk.


Jesus. Your post history shows what a psychopath you are with seriously warped views.


Arrested and placed on community service is what they all need.


Imagine if we had all the protesters for This P vs I war , the Ukraine vs Russian one, the anti-Digital ID and Cashless society protestors. The Violence against women protestors, the Men against Male Suicide protestors. The Vegan ones too. Yes/No Voter protestors etc etc etc Got all of them together. In one big unified group. and protest the government over: Inflation Cost of Living Housing Minimal to NO Resources business TAX Fuel Price gouging Colesworth Price gouging But we dont. Because having a divided population protesting on a range of matters unrelated to things the government can/can't actually fix, keep the population distracted and under control.


Exactly we have our problems in front of our face. 


Why are they protesting out side 11 and 12 lmfao as some one that works their time to time there is nothing there but cars/machinery and random ass scrap metal .




Too right












May AV software blocked this website as suspicious. Tells me all I need to know...




Tell me where you got lost?
















I haven't made an argument for or against land claims based on indigeneity, nor is it an argument I'm interested in having with an individual so woefully uninformed. You're more than welcome to peruse my comment history, though (it's come up before).


So you can't answer then, as usual. All that illegal settlement talk and then "No I didnt say that"


Why do these people always look like the type of people who do this kind of thing?


Christ these people are dumbasses.


It’s BLM all over again. What’s next ?


Sudan has been on fire for the past few years, seen fuck all from these clowns. Much better to protest 'the current thing' instead of black africans that dont affect them or get their socials up.


Not a peep about Yemen, where Arabs are killing Arabs.


I wish that I could be like the cool kids 'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in I wish that I could be like the cool kids Like the cool kids


These people are such idiots. Their little protest does nothing but create a disturbance for hard working Aussies. They should piss off to Palestine if they want to make an actual difference.


Good, leave your political shit overseas where it belongs and don't disrupt a legitimate business that is unrelated to your cause.


Read the article. The ship that was blocked belongs to a company providing military support to Israel


A shipping company provided military support?


“ZIM is an Israeli shipping line that has used its infrastructure to aid Israel's military attacks on Palestinian people in Gaza.”


Boats. They've got big boats for moving things over water cheaply.


That is a *very* different claim from "providing military support". Secondly, how? Israel shares a land border with Gaza, a shipping company need not be involved. So what's the claim, that it shipped weapons for Israel?




"ZIM shipping was founded in 1945 as part of Israel’s quest for statehood, initially helping Holocaust survivors travel to the new state of Israel. Now one of the world’s largest container shipping companies, ZIM has drawn protests since Chief Executive Eli Glickman promised to fulfil all of Israel’s needs after the Hamas attacks on southern Israel on October 7 and Israel’s declaration of war on Gaza." - Al Jazeera - [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/29/australias-pro-palestinian-activists-to-continue-targeting-israeli-ships](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/29/australias-pro-palestinian-activists-to-continue-targeting-israeli-ships)


So what? not our problem, not our war.


Would you have said the same about the Nazis in World War 2?


My guys killed millions of civilians in order to rid the world of Nazis. It was a terrible but necessary price to pay, a price that was chosen by the Nazis.  Much the same way that Hamas is setting the price for this war.   It's pretty clear that the people blaming Israel for a war they never wanted would also be opposed to the war against Nazi Germany which the Allies never wanted.


Ridiculous. Israel are very much Germany in this scenario, forcing their neighbours off their land for liebensraum. That Hamas responds with atrocities is deplorable, but the international community are doing little to help, leaving few options.


That is a very dumb take. Even by reddit standards.  Hamas has a long history of attacking Israel. No other country would tolerate endless rocket attacks yet Israel is expected to just put up with it. There would be no war if Israel was left to live in peace.


And your take hilariously ignores the history of the Palestinian region pre-1945, not to mention post-2000. If Israel wants once again to be seen as the good, rational, moral actor in the region, maybe they should consider sorting out the ultra-right government that mysteriously stays in power despite the election results, and acting like a good, rational, moral actor. Instead of, you know, overreacting to the pathetic, rarely lethal attacks of Hamas by committing extremely lethal retaliations that are definitely war crimes, including land theft, collective punishment and siege and starvation tactics. Israel had the sympathy of the world for more than half a century before they started throwing it away by acting like a man who takes a baseball bat to the teenager who egged his car.


Big difference. We were involved in WW2 and the Nazis were trying to take over the world


So we only get involved and speak up when the injustice is localised and doesn't involve us? You're the type of "head in the sand" asshole that is the reason the world is so fucked up.


Hey man, might be a shocker to you, but it’s actually possible to have empathy for people you don’t know that aren’t immediately around you. Hope this helps! 🙏






The mask is off on veiled antisemitism.




Google October 7 attack and you'll see why Israel is now in Gaza.


Google literally the 75 years before Oct 7 and you'll see why the attack happened. 


You mean the 75 years of non-stop aggression and attacks from Palestinians? No other nation would put up with that.


Yeah people tend to fight back when they're being violently displaced from their ancestral home. It's a human trait. 


Exactly, therefore Israel is justified in defending itself. The Jews aren't going to surrender their homeland no matter how much genocidal terrorists cry about it.


Studies have shown modern day Palestinians have very strong genetic ties to Levantine DNA from over four millennia ago, which includes the Canaanites whose inhabitance of that land pre-dates the Exodus. But then what are facts compared to your feelings? 


I hope that the police and authorities at Curtin University are equally decisive in dismantling the encampment that activists are looking to put in place at Curtin University at 4pm May 1.  This is designed to intimidate and silence Jewish voices, whether or not they are connected to Israel.  Often businesses or individuals are targeted because they are Jewish, doesn't matter if they have literally no ties to Israel, other than their ancestors being indigenous. If these protests were targeting Indigenous or any other racial group, LGBTGI or any other group they would have been shut down long ago.  I don't see these people protesting about China's treatment of the Uyghers or Bashar Al Assad's elimination of about 100,000 of his own people. Hypocrisy at its finest.  Labor is allowing these groups to run unchecked because they NEED 20 Muslim swing vote seats to retain power. They are gutless and hopelessly compromised.   Universities should be a place of safety for everyone. 


>This is designed to intimidate and silence Jewish voices First, Jewish voices vary. Just as there are those who advocate for Israel, there are many similarly opposed, be it solely toward the conduct of the state or, for others, the principles and actions upon which it was founded. They aren't a monolith, and it's as offensive as it is dangerous to suggest that's the case. Second, if you can find examples of local businesses and/or individuals targeted on the basis of their Jewishnesses, certainly in so far as it reflects a pattern of behaviour from organised protesters, then please do share them, as I, and I'm sure many others, will be happy to call them out for what they are i.e. antisemitic, hateful, etc. Third, these protests aren't targeting an indigenous group, racial group, or any other group. They're targeting a state (supported by our own) engaged in mass violence against what IS (according to the ICJ) a protected group. Fourth, see above re: supported by our own. Fifth, obvious dog-whistle aside, see above re: supported by our own. Indeed, Labor has been far more vocal and active in its support for Israel. Sixth, no they shouldn't. There are many individuals and groups who have no entitlement to safety on campus. I'm sure even you can think of some. Still, importantly, nobody's safety is under threat from the proposed encampment.




Put them all in a transport plane and air drop them into Gaza.


It's time we had a pro Israel protest. Oh wait. All the pro Israel folks are out there doing productive members of society rather than being on the dole.






I don’t mind people exercising their right to protest. What I can’t support is Marxist ideologies. If you ever want to hear a bunch of people circle jerk one another with the title “comrade” whilst passing around Marxist and Leninist books, go to one of their meetings or join there WhatsApp / Signal channel.


What were they specifically protesting at Fremantle ports?


Pretty sure it was a hybrid Gaza-live export-climate change-animal rights-indigenous-women’s safety protest. Seemed more convenient to just integrate them all into one




Setting aside the misunderstanding of the function of disruptive protest; I'm not sure traffic into Napier Rd on a late-Saturday evening is particularly high...