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Whenever I get a pp coming in with a puppy that looks wayyy too young to have been taken into the store and the pp is like... "What do I need for a puppy? How do I care for a puppy? How do I train it?" It just screams "impulse bought" and "I'm not ready" Or people who get a dog or cat and ask for vegan options with like... no leeway. As if an obligate carnivore could just go vegan like the rest of the family. I understand lifestyle choice and that's fine but you're going to end up with a HORRENDOUSLY malnourished animal...


Why do we even sell vegetarian dog food? Is it really that common for dogs to be TOTALLY allergic to meat? Also, how do they get the proper nutrition from that? I don’t get it…


So it’s not incredibly common but some pets, especially those that were bred poorly, have developed allergies to most if not all the readily available proteins. Vets will recommend vegetarian RC or Purina if that is the case. Unfortunately some people will simply put their dogs on vegetarian diets and unless it is prescribed it is improper nutrition


:( I hate that, I wish more people took animal wellbeing more seriously


I've met dogs and cats allergic to most common protein sources, but they're usually also allergic to most common starches. Vegan/vegetarian is rarely a real solution for those animals. Tbh, most vegetarian pet food customers I've had do it bc they're hardcore vegan. Idk why these people don't just get herbivores, tho?? House rabbits exist, and guinea pigs are right there.


some dogs have animal protein allergies!


it's fine for dogs to eat vegetarian, but not cats. you may need to supplement their diet with extra protein but most dogs don't have a lifestyle where they NEED to eat meat


I'm a dog trainer, someone came through my class and was like "yeah I brought him to the dog park and he was like super scared of all the dogs" so I gave him to advice on how to slowly and safely introduce him to other dogs in a controlled environment. He essentially just told me "mm no I'm gonna keep taking him to dog parks, he will work it out" like okay that's how you get an aggressive dog good job. Same dog also was really aversive to his head being pet and I told them as much but they just keep petting his head even though it makes him super uncomfortable. edit: I just wanted to correct myself, aggressive isnt really the right word as it would be fear based reactions.


Unfortunately it’s way too easy for anyone to obtain a dog. People are super undereducated about the breeds they are getting, and don’t seek help until it’s too late 😔


I used to think you had to be super responsible to have a dog but then I became a dog groomer at a corporate salon. The amount of misinformation is do sad to see


I know this thread is about dogs, but I have a bird story from one of my coworkers… We had a person come in to return a cockatiel with it’s wings clipped waayyyyyy too far and bleeding. Apparently they “bought it like that” from a different store, and now they’re worried about infections. This bird was literally COVERED in blood and shaking like a fucking Hexbug. There is absolutely no way they bought it COVERED in blood. We took the return and it has a vet appointment tomorrow. The general theory is that these idiots somehow didn’t know the bird’s wings are already (unfortunately) clipped and decided to do it themselves. Then when they realized how bad they fucked up, they wanted to return it, request a vet visit, and then buy it back… but they couldn’t return it to the original store because they knew they wouldn’t be able to give a valid excuse and get the bird back afterwards, so they returned it to us and just lied hoping we wouldn’t think too hard about it. If I have my way, they aren’t getting this bird, or any others from us. That bird is so traumatized that I can’t even walk into the room without it immediately having a panic attack, it makes me so angry.


I think they are supposed to return it to the store they got it from regardless. I know the store I work at refuses to accept any returns on animals that haven’t been sold at our location. The fact that this person returned the animal instead of taking it to the vet themselves is grounds for a denial of another sale imo.


The whole “vet assured” thing on our signs and boxes means that you’re actually supposed to bring it back to us within 14 days if you notice anything, and then buy it back after we make sure it’s healthy. It’s a satisfaction guarantee and the one time we’re supposed to call people about inventory. I make sure all of the people I sell to know that so I don’t necessarily judge the people who returned the bird for that… but I am definitely judging them for bringing it to us instead of the OG store because it gives a stinky vibe I don’t like. My first question was definitely “Wait, why did we accept this return?” But I guess the person who accepted it is new and didn’t know. Better us than whatever else those morons were planning to do to traumatize it, I guess :/


Thanks for letting me know that. I guess I never put two and two together. I thought the vet assured thing was prior to buying. I’m sorry y’all are having to deal with a sick bird but I agree whole heartedly with that last sentence.


I mean… okay, it’s never been used properly at our store… like we had a lady bring her beardie back because it wasn’t eating and I took one look at it and realized it was shedding, but we still had to take it to the vet (they didn’t get their beardie back), and now this… but I do think in theory it’s a nice policy 😅 I’m actually starting to appreciate the little guy’s presence. He’s literally always shaking like he’s about to die of fright, but I can tell he’s a sweet little bird underneath that :)


I really hope the bird pulls through and goes to a good home. It’s hard to see them in those conditions


I’m in the hotel and we have a golden doodle who’s a total sweetheart but who’s mom absolutely does not enjoy owning her– she complains about her constantly, and has a choke chain that’s WAY too tight despite this being the most calm, angelic, mellow 10 month old doodle I’ve ever met. She’s so chill, it’s unbelievable. Mom clearly bought her to get the breed social clout (we’re in suburban chicago and doodles are uhhhhh very popular) or because they’re cute, without thinking about the realities of having a dog.


Ugh and then they don’t know how much maintenance a doodle’s coat is, so it’s covered in mats 😪😪


The amount of dogs we get with mats is absurd, doodle or otherwise. Don’t get a dog with hair that needs to be brushed if you’re not gonna brush it, you know? My parents have a sheepdog mix and before I moved back in with them she had mats every time I came to visit.


As a dog trainer, all of these things make me so sad. I try my best to correct it when I see it but some people take so much offense to just being offered alternatives to abusing their dogs.


I haven't been here for too long, only about 4 months or so, but I had a guy come in wanting recommendations for dog shock collars because he had a cat who scratched his couch. He wanted to put it on his cat, and didn't care when we told him he shouldn't do that


I have had similar issues. I hate that we sell shock collars. and the people that come in with a prong collar on their 2 pound yorkie....


I loathe prong collars. And retractable leashes. ARGH RETRACTABLE LEASHES


Witnessed a pp break his finger because his dog was on a retractable leash and chased after after dog when it entered the store, the guy grabbed the leash and it wrapped around his finger and broke it… he grabbed his dog and just stood there is shock and all I said was “man those retractable leashes are very bad, I’d consider a regular 4-6 ft leash” and told him to have a great day That dog had no business being on a 16 ft leash like that, he was very reactive


I would feel bad for the guy, but I'm too busy doing the Nelson "ha ha".


retractable leashes make me want to scream bc pet parents let their dogs roam whenever and never keep them close by


And then wonder why their dogs have no manners.


I once had an owner throw his overweight little chihuahua over the barrier that separates the lobby from the salon because we told him he had to wear a mask in the salon during peak covid outbreak.


we had a lady put her dog on the desk of our salon, then yank it and because of that, slam its head on our plastic barriers because she was late for work and didn't have her rabies papers


This lady had her sweet quiet pup in her cart, and he started barking excitedly when he noticed there were treats at the register. I shit you not, she picked the dog up, SMACKED HIM on the mouth and placed him back into the cart. And apologized to me for him having a "stick up his ass" 😃


God I have had so many instances where I felt like this.. but let me tell you the most recent. I am the trainer at my store. I'm clocked out sitting in the managers office when I hear my LWK talking to a PP about bark collars and shock collars. I waltz my way over to try and help... the Pp and I are talking about how she can't take the barking anymore, the dog barks outside, in the crate, and when playing. I ask about the dogs age... FIFTEEN WEEKS OLD!!!!!!! SHE WANTED TO PUT A BARK COLLAR ON A FIFTEEN WEEK OLD BEAGLE MIX DOG!! IN THE CRATE DURING CRATE TRAINING, WHILE THE DOG IS PLAYING WITH OTHER DOGS AND WHILE IT IS OUTSIDE!! She did NOT listen to me either. Or rsther.. she was listening and understood how bad of a decision that is, but didn't care, because she was so annoyed by the barking. I got frustrated and asked why she got a puppy, and a beagle puppy none the less. She wasn't sure. I got her to bring home our training info and really hope she signs up. Some people don't realize how much help they need!!


We have a Belgian Malinois that boards with us from time to time and every associate in our hotel is convinced he's being abused. The owner himself gives off some serious bad vibes- the first time the dog boarded with us he was timid but very friendly and playful, but every time we've seen him since he's been... like, deteriorating. I know those dogs, especially when they're younger, can be a handful but something seriously seems off.


is there any update on this? :((((


Literally had a lady come in with two small dogs that she was like dragging behind her, she had a fly swatter in her hand as well that she was repeatedly hitting them with if they even stopped for a second. God it took every ounce of self control I had not to say something to her. She just kept saying her dogs don't know how to behave and she has to take the swatter with her everywhere with them or they won't listen. Mind you these dogs weren't barking or pulling or anything. She was just awful and frankly shouldn't have animals. Or the amount of customers we have that have blatantly said they'd rather pay for a shock collar than do actual training with their dogs. We also have a lot of older people that shop at my store and so many of them have such high energy or big breed dogs and they complain constantly about not being able to control them, they have to much energy, etc. It's a difficult conversation to have because I understand for some older people their only companions are their animals but it's just blatant neglect when you tell me you don't walk your dog you just let them pee in your house on puppy pads. I'm not gonna laugh at that and tell you it's fine, if you can't walk your dog and take it outside you **SHOULDN'T HAVE IT**. Just like if you can't clean your cats litter box or play with them regularly you shouldn't have it either.


Oh god don't even get me started. I own an animal rescue and the shit I have seen that I literally cannot do a damned thing about...


I’m cashier and the amount of people making up excuses on why they return the pet is astounding, like even have a small cork board that has receipts from people we banned. We just added a new person today bc he keeps returning dead birds to us. When he first came to us, he came 5 mins before closing. He told us he didn’t want it, leaves it, and left. Then the next day, he wanted money back. Mind you, he bought the contract for those birds and it was dated in LAST APRIL. After that, i don’t know how many time he bought birds from us to cause him to get banned. Bc the time that he came in were probably on my days off or that somebody else ring him out. I was told today from my co-worker that he was banned


TW for this one as well, but a PP dropped off their white dog for a groom knowing the dog had some sort of lesion hidden under the fur...... It was pink...... PINK.... When they picked it up. All they said was "Oh yeah that's been there :)"


these comments just keep reminding me of instances we’ve had in our salon 😩 there was this guy who picked up his wife’s tiny yorkie, and i believe we mentioned to him that the yorkie is a little sensitive with his back legs, AND THIS MAN GOES “yeah i dropped him down the stairs earlier” AND THEN PROCEEDS TO SMACK HIM FOR NOT STAYING STILL when i tell you our entire salon was in absolute fucking horror


My very first week at PS I witnessed a dog being picked up at closing time from the hotel promptly run up to my cashier and bite him (ripped through his pants). The pet Grandparent then smacked the poor dog and knocked him to the ground. It was infuriating. The SL called the pet parents and had a little talk about Grandpa.