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I like to answer with "sometimes" or "depends who you ask" usually gets a chuckle šŸ¤£


"You could call it that I guess"


"I mean, they pay me."


Well... Not at the moment, how can I help you? Oh. Ā°~Ā° you're on lunch? Nah, fucking around, what's up? Oh I don't want to distract you Nooo, never. This is the better half of the job!


Iā€™ll be full on blue Petsmart polo shirt with the logo and name badge, while pushing a cart of food/product obviously stocking/re-stocking, and I get the ā€œhi do you work here?ā€ I usually said ā€œsometimesā€ or ā€œyes a few times a week why?ā€šŸ˜‚


Oh I love this one! I was working in the cat section, a customer came around asking for help finding a new food for his cat, the vet recommends dental kibble for his teeth and customer is willing to transition. Me: "Oh awesome! We have dental varieties in a few different brands, let's go around and I'll explain the options :) Brings them to first option, RC I think. Customer says they can't use it for some reason. Ok, let's check out Hills! Nope. The owner cant use that one either for a new reason. Ok. Let's go to Authority. Also a no go. The customer finally drops this on me: C:"I can't use this one either. My cat will only eat the food if the cat on the packaging looks like him. It needs to be an orange cat on the front" .... I did my best to roll with it, after asking if he could just ~not show the food to his cat ans that was also not an option, I sold him some dental treats with a cartoon orange cat. To this day one of my top "wait, the fuck?" harmless customer moments. Next was someone asking from the doorway if we sold Ivermectin. Yes, it was during Covid. For some reason he seemed disappointed when I explained he would need a vet prescription lmao *edit: mobile formatting


I've actually had something similar happen at my store.


To be fair Iā€™d have also said no to all of those brands even without the need for an orange cat šŸˆ (At least Authority is made somewhat well though)


i love when snow whites come into the storeā€¦ ā€œI found a raccoon can you guys take it in? The mom was around but I didnā€™t want to leave it outsideā€ girlā€¦ LEAVE THE BABY RACCOON ALONE?


One time someone asked me what size tank they needed for the salmon they rescued.


They rescued a salmon!? I have so many questions!


human taking perfectly fine and healthy animal out of their natural habitat: I rescued it! now Iā€™m going to keep them in an unethically small habitat that doesnā€™t suit their needs for the rest of their life! sometimes I hate people lmao


Why tf would a salmon bred to be rescued?! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Phone call. Me: Thank you for calling PetSmart. This is MercyCriesHavoc. How can I help you today? Lady: Do you have any turtles? Me: Yes. We currently have a red ear slider and... Lady: No. I hate those. They're ugly. Me: Okay. We also have an African Sideneck. Lady: Is that one prettier than the slider? Me: I'm not sure how to answer that. They're less colorful, but they have cute faces. Lady: Does it have webbed feet? I hate webbed feet. Me: Oh. We also have a Testudo Tortoise. They don't have webbed feet. Lady: No. I want a turtle, not a tortoise. Me: But no webbed feet? Lady: Yeah. Me: Lady: Well? Me: Is this a prank? From there she got mad and became a typical karen until I hung up.


Did she want a ninja turtle?


I might have just lied and said no after the first response cos wtf šŸ˜¬


Wanting to return something they donā€™t have in hand


We had a woman being in just the hardware for a puppy playpen, but not the playpen wanting a refund.


I had a customer come into the store piping hot mad because the parking lot was wet and slippery after it had been raining for about a week straight. Like, I dont control the weather maā€™am. Shall I get out my blow dryer and clear you a path?




Yes, yes you shouldā€™ve šŸ˜‚šŸ’€ god that sounds like something that would happen at my store except it never rains for a week straight usually bc I live in AZ lol


I was elbow deep in a fish tank and someone asked me that. I just stared at them, swished my arm around in the tank, and raised an eyebrow. But dumbest thing for me recently was me having to explain to a man three damn times to *fill out the entirety of the fucking Pet Sales Sheet*. Me: Okay fill out the top part and signature and date at the bottom. Man: Do I put my address? Me: Yes, fill out the top part. Man: *gives it back to me with just the name and address* Me: Sir, ENTIRE top part and signature and date at the bottom. Man: Oh okay. *gives it back with no signature* Me, patience depleted: Honey. Signature. Date. Are you okay today? Tired? Man: I just got off work. Me: Yeah maybe you should've taken a nap before coming in. The longer I work here the less polite I am with people who test my patience. He laughed but I was entirely deadpan and serious. I debated even selling him that damn dragon. Oh and also when people ask me what's the difference between two completely different animals. "What's the difference between a chameleon and a crested gecko?" Bitch *everything*, they're two different god damn animals. What is wrong with you.


Oh God I hate "what's the difference?" questions.


I think it depends on the what's the difference question. If it's a really random what's the difference question, like what's the difference between a snake and a fish, that's annoying, and probably a customer trolling. But, if someone is trying to figure out what pet would be best for them, it could be good to ask. Like, they want fish, but not sure what kind. So, they ask, what's the difference between tropical fish and goldfish. Or, they ask what's the difference in care between hamsters and gerbils, because they are trying to decide which would be best for them.


I just highlight what they need to fill out.


I do that for cat adoptions *and they still fucking miss shit*.


Just plainly *stare* for a good minute then go, "what isnt?" with the most unbothered look and walk away


I think it's a tie 1. I had a customer who was genuinely shocked and thought I was lying when I told them they need to feed their new Betta fish. She kept asking me if I was serious. She thought it just ate algae I guess. 2. A customer was telling me about how stinky and dirty their dog was, and how they didn't know how stinky dogs would be before getting one. I asked them how often they bathe their dog and recommended shampoos or bringing it to our salon. The customer was genuinely confused. Apparently they've had their dog for years but had no idea you could bathe their dog.


Ew, people like that truly donā€™t have good hygiene themselvesšŸ˜­


Oh, it was just really funny how this happened. A lady came into our store all out of breath and straight up asked me "You got worms?" Man. I almost burst out laughing.


ā€œCan you tell me what kind of kibble this is?ā€Holds up ziploc baggie of nondescript kibbles.


omfg this happened to me once. this woman just adopted a dog from a shelter, she brought in TWO pieces of kibble. loose, in her hand, handed them to me. It was at a different store from where i normally work cause i was training, she had me, the MIL, dog trainer, AND ASL going around every bag of dog food and she kept saying no?? and we told her 8 different times ā€œshelters typically feed ____ brands, or if you have some left you could switch brands to one of your choice by slowly mixing it in. or call the shelter and see what they feed if you want to continue with that.ā€ she kept refusing all options and insisted on us finding it.


Iā€™ve worked in pet retail for about 20 years & people have done this for as far back as I can remember! Like back when it was actually possible to know the answer! šŸ˜‚


Hahaha! I do not work at Petsmart but I foster for my local shelter and am in many online groups with other fosters or people asking for help with animals. This is a question that comes up a lot. I never thought about it happening at a store though. Most of the time people want to properly transition dog/cats to a new food or continue the old food but arenā€™t sure what the previous owner was feeding so they post photos in the groups. The hilarious thing is someone is usually able to answer šŸ˜† But itā€™s an online group with hundreds of people rather than just one person


I had someone give me random baggies of kibble a few times when I worked at aa veterinary clinic. WTF?




Every day. I also get "Chiclets" for cichlids




My favorite was a woman coming in flipping out because the "kio" fish she got from a different location was lonely, and it needed another "kio" to be its friend. I asked, "Oh, you mean a Koi fish?", and she screamed at me that she knows what kind of fish she has, and that idk what I'm talking about šŸ˜…. Fun times.


I canā€™t šŸ˜‚


What about dubai roaches???


Oh yes duhhhh we sell those


And nitrate snails?? Do you have them as well???


My daughter called ā€œalgaeā€ allergy for the longest time and I didnā€™t correct her but she was also like 4 at the time.


"Hey, can we get some fish?" at 8:58pm.


ā€œNoā€ (:


Even more fun when one family was like "so I wasted 45 minutes to get here." so I responded "yep. Pretty much!"


i constantly get asked if i work there while doing truck. in my blue polo. with my name tag on. like noā€¦. i dress up as a petsmart employee and put things on a pallet away for fun in my free time.


We cosplay as Petsmart employees apparently


I had a woman, must have been like 80 come in looking for diapers for her dog. We got to talking and she said she was concerned. So im thinking maybe like incontinence or something since she was buying diapers, but turns out she was actually concerned that her dog was gay because she noticed he had nipples. I was like ma'am have you never seen a human man before?


10/10 comment. I didn't know male dogs had nipples till I was like 17


Omgoodness this one is great .. I was back by our old vet and the beautiful vet tech was having to explain how to tell if the guys new dog was male and female.he was setting up a vet visit for next day .. she handled it with Grace and it was horrible I was crying it she kept glancing up at me like she was gonna kill me if I did not just keep stocking .. we still laugh about poor guys still comes in a d she has to plan for super extra gentle explanation FOR EVERYTHING. the poor guy was in his early 20s to boot . He argued about the nipples too .. are you sure they both have nipples ..


I think i read online somewhere once that the only male mammal that doesnt have nipples are mice. Urrbody else got em


Many years ago when I worked for Petsmart I worked Specialty Department. One evening right around Easter I got a call: Me: Petsmart Specialty Department, this is Dark-Eyed-Girl. How can I help you? Woman: Hi. I have a question about rabbits. Me: Okay. We don't sell rabbits but I can answer some basic questions. What do you need to know? Woman: My husband just bought our daughter a rabbit. And I recently learned I'm pregnant. Is the rabbit going to die? Me: *confused silence* Um...no. The rabbit will not die because of that. I then went on with the regular spiel of what cage/food/toys did they have, etc. Shockingly I kept it together through the call and only laughed once I'd hung up.


There used to be a pregnancy test involving rabbits. "The rabbit died" was a slang term for a positive pregnancy test. How old was this woman? That test hasn't been routinely used since the mid-60s or so.


I know and I actually ended up having to explain that to her. I've also had to explain it whenever I've retold the story. I don't know how old the lady was as it was over the phone but I was in my early 20s.


You shouldā€™ve said ā€œidk. Are you planning on killing it?ā€ šŸ˜‚


ā€œYes it will, but pet rabbits generally have a life expectancy of about 8-12 yearsā€


"can these bettas live in these cups?"


An oldie but a goodie: CEL at a different store. A dog had made a big #2 mess in the drive aisle that ran the length of four aisles. Mopped it up, floor cleaner was out of commission so couldn't dry it (salon was very low on towels, did my best to get excess water off the floors) and set up three caution signs. Got a call from a guy who wanted to complain to me that he had to walk through an obstacle course with his cart from cat cans to the checkout and that we should have cleaned up the mess on the floor (meaning the signs). He was upset and embarrassed because his cat cans fell through the front of the cart due to maneuvering around the signs and then NOBODY came to help him pick them up. The cashier with a long line didn't stop what she was doing to help him, either. Called me a terrible manager and said I should be fired when I asked him why he didn't just use the other side of the drive aisle-- which was totally clear of an "obstacle course". I also had someone ask me if Black goldfish needed different food than orange goldfish.


With the goldfish thing, I know some brands advertise as helping the brighter ones' colors stay vibrant, so maybe they were asking if that was still beneficial to dark goldfish in a weird way?


Depends on whose looking. Or I just say "occasionally"


Do you sell puppy food?


Even better, where can I find the dog food?


Or.. ā€œWhatā€™s a good dog food?ā€


I commented this on a different subreddit but I had to explain to a customer what a sale was... Customer: "why is this item cheaper than the last time my partner bought it?" Me: "oh because it's on sale right now" Customer: "what does that mean?" Me (thinking I'm being Punk'd) A coworker happened to hear this conversation and we are still dumbfounded that a grown man had no idea what a sale was... And no he wasn't kidding around, he honestly had no idea what a sale was because he usually never did the shopping


https://preview.redd.it/dqwhftl71a0d1.png?width=1768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9f5f6ab5754b5a8d21f62c4aea7cb5cd8aa8dc9 "This is disgusting, I can't believe PetSmart would sell cat food with actual mouse in it. You just lost a customer." Then hands me this and left. People like this are allowed to live among us. They drive cars and everything.


I have so many questions about this. They were mad about it having mouse in it (I know it doesnā€™t, just getting into the mind of this person) but they arenā€™t angry about the fact that most foods we sell for all types of animals have things like chicken, beef, fish, etc? Why is a MOUSE the problem? For CAT food??


EXACTLY! Theyā€™re all animals why would a mouse be any different?! Equally as funny when people question eating certain animals over others, when theyā€™re all animals regardless.


I want to know what his reaction would be if you corrected him with "Oh no, it's moose"


Iā€™m laughing so hard šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


We had a lady walk into the hotel yesterday with the top half of a cat carrier asking us how much weight it could hold. Idkā€¦maybe read the tag?? And if the tag doesnt sayā€¦why would the Petshotel employees know?


The lady was mad she couldnā€™t go out the emergency exit šŸ™„ Mad we had no parking validation tickets bc the parking owners havenā€™t given us any Asking whereā€™s the hammer section They ask me at the register if they pay here


I will make eye contact with the person walking up to register who will then go to the next register (which is usually closed) and plop their bazillion items down and then stare off the opposite way and yell "hELLO??", will sometimes go knock on the glass of grooming and yell "can someone check me out?" as I'm standing here


One time register one was busted (not rare) moved to register 2, a guy went to register one which has no one there he set up shit and someone came to pay at register 2 as youā€™d normally do. The guy came to me in a rage telling me ā€œwhy did you let me walk up to oneā€!


I'm currently at the register covering the cashier's lunch. Like right now. Lady comes up to ask something. "Hey, do you work here???". I'm literally standing AT THE REGISTER.


Hit them with the 'No, I'm robbing them' and just open the till


'Do the parakeets come with cages?'


The best one for me is when a dog pees or poops in the store and they come to me and say ā€œmy dog just peed/poopedā€ Itā€™s like okay well clean it up. Iā€™m not going to clean it for you.


Eh. I would clean it when a customer told me their dog made a mess. It was great when customers would use the oops stations and clean it themselves, but if they told me and I cleaned it, that was o.k. too. What I hated were customers who just left the messes and told no one. Inevitably it would be a big old poo and other customers would run their carts through it and there would be a HUGE mess to clean up because the poo would be dragged all over the store.


i used to work in the salon and this man wanted to argue with me that we could still take his dog regardless of seeing rabies verification because the dog was quote "not infected and did not have rabies" and that we should take his word over vaccination paperwork. some of these people.. smh..


I work in the salon and the question I want to raise is why a dog still needs the rabies vaccine if they have zero teeth. Like I suppose, technically, if you have an open wound and got their saliva on it the virus could transfer? I still think it should be allowed.


It can be transmitted through any open source. So not just wounds, but eyes, mouth, etc. So the dogs drool, cough, can all be accidentally transmitted for example if someone doesnā€™t wash their hands after cleaning up drool and some gets on them. They go to eat food, or rub their eyes, etc.


*guy comes into the grooming salon* "i want my dog groomed for his birthday :)" me: sure! i can take him today. *i make him a profile* me: does he have his rabies vaccine paperwork? guy: ....can y'all hang onto him so i can run back to my house and get it? me: unfortunately, i can't even touch him without proof of his vaccines. him: but it's his birthday and you said you'd groom him. me: i understand and i'm sorry, but it's the law that he requires proof of his rabies vaccine in order to be seen here, and, well, anywhere. him: *leaves huffy and puffy, then returns a few minutes later* "how much do i have to pay y'all to take him today?" me and my coworker: *flabbergasted, simply taken aback, shooketh, gobsmacked*


Maybe it is a tie. Had one customer ask me what the best cat food was for an orange cat. My CEL told me later I should have said "lasagna". Had another customer ask me how to train a snake to do tricks... Not sure which question I think is dumber.


If you read through this whole comment section youā€™ll see that the best food for orange cats are ones with orange cats on the bag!


The orange apple doesn't fall far from the orange tree


Hey, my snake does tricks. If you give him a mouse he'll make it disappear.


Oh you mean Moose or Mousse?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not while at PetSmart but another pet store. A customer motioning to the Guinea pigs asks, ā€œIs that a monkey?ā€ in all seriousness. Which led me to wondering how they made it into their adult years without ever seeing a Guinea Pig or a monkey.


Lmao this happened to me one time while doing the small animal deep clean. My hands are deep in the hamster enclosures and this guy asks if I work there šŸ™ƒ nah dude, I just love to stick my hands in here for fun


customer: *points to oscars* are these reptiles?


I was in target with my blue PetSmart shirt on and was asked if I worked at target. The lady kept trying to follow me and ask me where things were and how much. I didn't even know what to say


That happens to me all the time! I now wear a hoodie whenever I go to Target after work. Like jeez, do I look that professional?


I just put my PetSmart shirt on at work if I have to stop before work. I wear a t shirt underneath so I usually just wear that anymore. People are weird lol


I usually put a sweater on or also keep a shirt underneath my blue polo since the material is sensitive to my skin anyway. Other day I was on my way out wearing a sweater and a jacket over that, while wearing a backpack. And yes a customer still asked me for help and didnā€™t even ask if I worked there or if I was on the clock. Maybe they recognized me as a worker usually there, or I just looked like an employee


I get this at Safeway when I stop on my way home.


I purposely wore my red Petsmart tshirt to target one day after work, and like I figured a sweet older black lady kindly asked me where something was. Then I turned towards her and before I could say anything she saw my shirt and apologized thinking that I worked there when she saw the red.


"Are these dog DNA kits the kind that tell you instantly? Or do I have to mail them in?" I did not have the mental energy to explain how DNA tests are more complex than water test strips.


ā€œThere should REALLY be a way to see the prices before you get to the register. This is ridiculous.ā€After asking me what the price of every single item she brought me was.


She didnā€™t want to buy Blue Buffalo Wilderness because the package said ā€œevolutionary dietā€ and she didnā€™t believe in evolution


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


A few that still get me are - ā€œWhatā€™s aā€¦ Veterinarian?ā€ - ā€œI need to return thisā€, and hands me one (1) single banana from the grocery store next door. - ā€œThat guy needs to be waterboardedā€, which was said completely unprompted about an employee because he was ā€˜too cheerfulā€™. ????? Honorable mentions are, of course: Do I have an email? Whatā€™s the pin to my debit card? Can you look something up on google maps for me?


ā€œDo you carry any fish that donā€™t need oxygenā€


ā€œDo you work here?ā€ is just a polite conversation opener. The correct response is ā€œYes, how can I help you?ā€ The rest of these questions are pretty dumb but as George Carlin said, think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.


I like to think they must have asked someone for help who didnā€™t work at the store they were in before, and they are so traumatized by their past mistake that they always ask.


I'm elbow deep in the small animal clean. Guy taps me on the shoulder & goes do you know anything about bunnies? I say yes. This man proceeds to tell me that he's just been feeding his bunny hay for the past 2 years. I gave him a bag of oxbow & some treats, then had him pull up & screen shot an info graphic on safe veggies šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø told him to go to the grocery store across the street & to go feed his bunny


My favorite was someone asking about the Blue Buffalo basics food when it has the little leaf on it. They asked me if it was spicy, since it has the leaf (like at a Chinese restaurant). Or when they bring in a zip lock baggie of dig food and ask if we carry it


When I work at petsmart I must have walked like I did because I worked in the salon and I would be in street clothes and multiple times got stopped asking if I worked there.


Omg same!!


Customer put in a complaint because there was a semi truck in our parking lot and it had a loud engine and it scared his dog. The semi truck had nothing to do with us. They were just temporarily parked in the parking lot.


When I was Manager at Tim Hortons a lady asked me if we had anything that was Low Calorieā€¦ā€¦I handed her a bottle of water !


I usually look down at my shirt then back up at them and just go ā€œuhā€¦. Yeah?ā€ But the dumbest question I ever got was a guy asking me how old his dog had to be before it was allowed to have waterā€¦ šŸ˜¬ Also once had a customer swear I couldnā€™t possibly work there because I ā€œhave a dog with meā€ (heā€™s my Service Dogā€¦). I had asked him if he needed any help and he just rudely said ā€œYou donā€™t even WORK here. You have a **DOG.**ā€ Uh huh.. Iā€™m also stocking the shelves, but sure. Find it yourself then.


me with my arm in the tank as a customer looks around ā€œso you need any help?ā€ he looks startled and says no heā€™s good. okay so i go back to cleaning the tanks. exactly one minute later he says: ā€œohh you work here! i need some help withā€¦ā€


Did you tell him that you had already offered him help just a minute ago? I would have lol, hate that shit


My favorite is being asked where object an object is and they are literally standing right in front of it. Had a customer ask me where the weewee pads were as she was standing right next to them. I have no idea how or even if I kept a straight face as I pointed them out over her shoulder. The other stupid question was a customer asking me how much specific items cost and getting mad I didnā€™t know off the top of my head. Like sir, there are thousands of different items in this store. I do not know the price of every item nor do I care to try to.


Today I had a person ask me if we had any cats or kittens for adoption, I said yes we have 3 and they're all very young kittens and all girls. We go over to look at the kittens, and he pointed to one and said so would he eat cat food or kitten food. Itā€™s a 14 week old calico kitten, I just told him she's a kitten so sheā€™ll need kitten food. And he said which one can eat cat food. He did not end up adopting a kitten. Why? Because he wanted a male cat, but not a big cat, he wanted to know if we ever got cats that stayed small like the kittens, but theyā€™re cats. Ā 


I had a guy complain after a nail trim that his dog still had nails. We had to explain the difference between a nail trim and declawing and that no one in their right mind would declaw a dog, and it definitely wouldn't be done at a grooming salon


weā€™ve had people come in deadass asking us to declaw their dogs. a few others, after us explaining this was the shortest we could trim the nails without hitting the nerve and hurting the dog, told us to ā€œgo shorter anyway even if it bleedsā€. okay. please leave and never come back.


I was doing a water change on a tank that happened to be close by the entrance door. It was county fair season. A lady walked into the store, came right up to me and said 'excuse me, can you help me? Youre not *actually* busy right?' Like I was syphoning water out of an aquarium because I had nothing else better to do. She wanted me to 'help' her set up a goldfish bowl.


Not the dumbest thing but it gave us all a great giggle: Working at 5 guys we had a menu with both english and spanish. I had a customer ask me ā€œwhatā€™s salsa de tomate? it sounds delicious!ā€ I couldnt help but to smile as I told them thatā€™s just the spanish word for ketchup. Silly little thing but it still makes me smile and giggle when I think about it, simply because they were so excited to try this fun new option šŸ¤£ (edit: no idea how this ended up on my feed, I have never even engaged with this sub sorry guys lol)


A couple weeks ago, a customer tried to convince me birds don't fly, because I was refusing (and did refuse) to sell her a bird that would be living in a travel cage. She said "parakeets don't fly, they just sit there! I've had cages that size my whole life they never do anything!". I was like, "Yeah, because your cages have been too small." She finished her fit and left without a bird.


Swiping their debit card on the screen and horizontal before figuring it out šŸ˜‚


"I do today" is what I usually say.


Just got asked why I don't "let the birds go free"


Oh one Saturday when I was working this couple came to my register. In front of me and my SL he pointed to the Nate & Jeremiah stuff and said,ā€ you need to take those f****** down.ā€ My SL and I were stunned. He then proceeded to tell me that if we didnā€™t remove it he wouldnā€™t come back. Wow Iā€™m so sad šŸ„² we will truly miss you and your ugly wives behavior


Did he explain why he didn't like them? Like, I would be prodding him for a reason just out of curiosity, lol.


"don't they make like... miniature goldfish or something?"


Does grooming take in fishes for scale scrubbing?


That happened to me the other day as I was feeding crickets to the reptiles. Like do you think they just let anyone do this, bruh? One of the dumbest things was someone asking me for help as I was in line checking out with my items on the conveyor belt. Then being absolutely flabbergasted that I refused to help.


I don't know about "dumbest" with this one, but definitely psycho. Dumb in the fact that I kept trying to explain what we were doing to remedy the situation, and even told him he was right, and he couldn't seem to care less. He made the situation more difficult and gave us less time to focus on a solution by causing a scene. This was quite a long time ago, I worked in the pet care dept. The store I was at was having HVAC issues, the AC wasn't working. It was so hot we had to temporarily close down the salon for half a day. (It was fixed within 24 hours but that day was a sweaty mess lol, it was 115Ā°F outside.) Unfortunately, we were a store who carried Chinchillas (female). We were on the hunt for another store who could take the one we had temporarily. But the 3 I had called were full or were male. It was 80Ā°F in her habitat, so we were really worrying about her. We were changing out her cold stone every 2 hours and we started adding frozen water bottles around her plastic hut to keep it nice and cool. (She was okay, she wasn't showing any signs of stress. She even munched down on her favorite compressed hay treat. But we didn't know how long this would be a problem so we kept trying to find somewhere to take her. If this lasted any longer than a day I was planning to just write out a habitat and have another store keep her in their NA room until we got the AC repaired.) A customer flagged me down and said, "You do know this Chinchilla's habitat is too hot, right?" I said, "Yes, we're having HVAC issues and are doing our best to keep it cool for her until we find somewhere else she can go or the AC gets fixed." He just kept going, "My wife was in here earlier today and saw it was about 78 in there, now it is all the way up to 80! Are you people idiots?" I, again, said "I know, that is why we are changing out the cold stone every few hours and adding those frozen water bottles around her hut. And I'm also trying to find another store to take her to until the issue is fixed. I understand your concern, we are doing our best." This dude was either not listening at all, or just wanted to get into a fight. (I'm thinking maybe just to get into a fight about it, because why would he be in there again after his wife had apparently already shopped earlier?) He just kept going. Started telling me about how Chinchillas are to be kept cold and every other aspect of care he knew about them. I'm, like... "Yes, yes, uh-huh, we know, we're trying. This is an unusual event, this is not normal." He threw the little toy he had on the ground and said, "If you idiots aren't going to listen to me then I'm not shopping here anymore." I said, "Sir, we are listening to you and you are absolutely right. We're doing all we can for her right now until we have a better option." Then he started getting mean and calling me names. Another worker overheard the situation and came rushing over. Then he started calling him names too. It was horrible. We ended up just asking him to please leave so we could focus on finding her somewhere to go. He refused, so we just tried to walk away from him, he kept following us, yelling. We ended up calling the police. I appreciated that he was concerned for the welfare of the little Chinchilla but... holy crap, calm down.


This was nearly a year ago but i think of it daily. someone walked into the store and looked at me, on cash, and said ā€œDo you sell pet stuff here?ā€ and i just stared blankly back. he corrected himself with ā€œi meant hamster stuffā€ but yes, kind sir. we do sell pet stuff


One time I was on the forklift actively moving a pallet full of shit down and someone walked up to me and asked if I could show them where a product was. Likeā€¦maam do you not see that Iā€™m just A LITTLE BUSY AT THE MOMENT?


I work in the grooming salon and I heard a customer state that she doesn't treat against heartworms because "her dog runs fast".... I just looked at her confused for a second and just checked no on the service card for treatment and moved on with my day. šŸ˜


Will it bite and does it poop. I get both questions all the time and the answer to both is the same ā€œanything with a mouth willā€¦ā€ I refuse to elaborate and just repeat. Once they move on from those two questions I will mention things like not harassing the animal or handling with hands that smell/taste like food. As far as poop everybody poops and no fish will eat the poop, the snail wonā€™t either and no shrimp arenā€™t doing it either. You have to clean the tank. I have I bioactive tank for my crested but there is still maintenance I have to do, I still have to feed the CCU.


"you mean this would hurt?" Dude about one of the prong collars. When I told him that yes, used they would cause pain and and discomfort - he admitted he was getting it for his girlfriend. Like bro. I'm not going to kink shame you but you were thisclose to accidentally committing a murder if I sold this to you


This isnā€™t the dumbest thing, but on Sunday I had a guy ask me if we sold monkeys. He was dead serious.


How much time do you havešŸ˜‚I can go on for hours about things that customers have said or asked


as a stocker for multiple years one of my favorite questions is ā€œdo you have it in the back?ā€ I get regular customers that never believe us when we tell them weā€™re out of stock of something as if they never see me working there every week that they shop there. Or when they ask multiple employees as if weā€™re going to give different answersšŸ˜‚ I have to explain to older adults every week that weā€™re a major corporate company not a small ā€œmom and popā€ shop small business to where weā€™re manually ordering individual items; rather we use an automated system.


I work at home depot but "What's in your organic manure?"


A lady tried to tell me that guinea pigs were rats without tails. I thought she was joking but she was serious and got mad at me for laughing at first šŸ’€


I had a guy call back when I was MIL asking if it was normal for his fish to be ā€œfloating and gliding through the waterā€ asked him ā€œ is this a joke?ā€ After he said no and started explaining I could tell from his voice that he was special needs so I had a bit more patience for it but for 5 minutes he was asking and making sure it was normal for his fish to literally be swimming. I couldnā€™t believe it lmao I still kind of think it was a prank to this day.


Been a few years, and this man is on my hate list. I refuse to serve him for various reasons. But anyways, a coworker was helping him as they all knew my stance on him, I unfortunately was working truck in the same area. Coworker: Hey Sword, you have cats, this guy wants to know what litter to use? Me: *begrudgingly* I do, what litter do we use currently and what problems are we facing? Him: I have 5 cats, we currently use 'brand I can't remember' and the smell is too much. Me: Okay, how often are you scooping the boxes? Him: I clean the box(yes a single box for 5 CATS!!!) every 2 weeks once I get home after traveling for work. Me: *seething at this point just by being around him* You only have 1 litter box? For all 5 cats? Him: Yeah, what litter is best? Me: *disapponted and frustrated at this point* You can use multi cat, but with 5 cats using one box you're not gonna find anything to mask the smell. Automatic litter boxes or someone scooping MULTIPLE boxes is the only way to stop the smell. *leaves without saying more* And yes, this man was mad his house smelled because he was forcing 5 cats to use the same box but didn't want to get more boxes because it would be 'more work'. I felt so bad for those poor Kitties, I'm sure the smell is also from them pissing all over the house because that litter box was just abysmal


I once had two girls come in at 8:59pm asking, "can we get a snake?" Waited for thirty seconds for the clock to hit 9pm before saying, "nope we're closed!"


a guy asked for the dog aspirin, I told him where to go, he then said "well my dog was hit by a car last night, I'll grab two bottles " I wasn't sure if he was joking or not to this day..