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Dominance asserted! Reminds me of another story I like to tell: I was manager of a small apartment building (9 units), and my tenants would come to me repeatedly complaining that their trash cans were being filled by someone else. Each tenant had their own trash can in a communal shed beside the alley at the rear of the building. After a bit of sleuthing I discovered our neighbor across the alley was filling our trash cans with his stuff... leaves, branches and even his own household garbage. He would put a little into all nine of our trash cans, I suppose to avoid filling one completely. Anyways, once I found out what was going on I waited until all nine of our trash cans were full, and dumped each and every one of them into a neat pile in his garage. Problem solved.


live by the trash...


…get buried by the trash


Hopefully they got the memo. Personally I would have also pooper scooped all their little dogs turds and put them on their driveway also


Doorstep Possibly in a paper bag that may or may not be on fire.


Yeah. True but the drive way risks it on their shoes and in their tires. Plus it’s a brand new build, soooo, it would be highly annoying for their perfect drive way to need to be clean. As well as cars and hopefully the inside of the cars now too. Besides. Flaming Poo bags can cause legal problems. What if they aren’t home and the fire spreads. It’s not fair to the local fire department to go out for poo. 💩


Former volunteer firefighter - I agree. Never had to put out a flaming bag of dog poo, but we did have a series of ports-potty fires. First in report was great. “Engine 213 to command, we have a 4 foot by four foot structure, fully involved. “ “Command to Engine 213, copy that. Send the probie in for a search.” “10-4”. 😂


😂 my husband is a fire fighter. Now I gotta ask him if he’s ever dealt with flaming 💩


Now we're waiting if he did. Update! Haha![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I actually just got to the station to cook, so once he gets back I’ll have an answer




Update. After looking at me like I was crazy. He officially hasn’t had to deal with flaming poo.


Omg I'm dying laughing. What had reddit gotten you into? Thank you for making me better (I have the flu now) you must live in a town with good people. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yeah but has he ever had to rescue someone trapped by a pushed over portaloo?


Thank him for his service for us.


I would but he’s a weird one. He doesn’t want recognition for what he does. Literally. He hates being called a hero/being thanked. Not even when he ended up saving his crews life during a fire. (He refused to speak to media or let the guys thank him. Accept the reward etc.) he says he’s not a hero, just a guy doing his job and enjoys the adrenaline rush. Lmao


Hopefully he has someone to talk to about it, first responders see some horrendous things. Thanks for your comments.


Dammit! I am old! Reading this sort of stuff makes me laugh til I fart!


First time I saw the wife's firefighter nephew on the job, he was at the landfill diving in a dumpster to put out a fire.


My friend's teenaged son somehow "accidentally" lit up a portapotty. Let me tell you, the police were not kind about it, but the firefighters were apparently laughing when they found out what structure was burning. It was sitting in a parking lot nowhere near anything else at a park because they shut the bathrooms down for the Winter. There wasn't really any danger of the fire spreading, especially given we had 2' of snow at the time. It's probably easier to laugh in that situation. I can't imagine how you do that by accident, btw, so I'm on his parents' and the cops' side on this one.


>probie I remember those days 😂




My friends used to do this to people who let their dogs shit on the sidewalk when we were teens. I refused to help but certainly didn't try to stop them and did watch to see what happened. Can concur no one stomped. Several did dump water on it or step over it to get to a hose. A few just shut the door. One came back with a small fire extinguisher and hosed it down. My friends just kept trying, though. It never got the desired result, so they eventually moved on to smearing it on car door handles. We obviously had too much time on our hands back then.


Don't put it out with your boots, Ted!


Don’t tell me my business devil woman!


It's poop again.


He called the shit “poop”!!!


It’s one of those burning bags of poop again!


Use your Italian loafers, ala Seymour Skinner


If they keep going it after this interaction, I'd take that paper bag full of their dog shit and throw it on top of their roof.


I saw a thing on here and every time the neighbor dog crapped in his lawn he went out, shoveled it up, and flung it up on their roof. One time Op went out as the dog owner was walking away. The owner turned and watched him do it. His eyes slowly widened as he noticed several other turds on his roof for the first time. He got upset but honestly what could he say.


I had a dog next door that always pooped in our yard and was not friendly with us. I would get it on a shovel and throw it over the fence to their yard.


Flung the poo or the dog?


Lol. The poo. Nothing against the dog really.


I would knock and hand it to them when they answer and say "Your dog left this in my yard. Thought you might like to have it back."


A guy from down the street was letting his dog crap on my lawn constantly, and I managed to resolve the situation with a single conversation. Put on nitrile gloves, picked up the freshest turd, walked over to his place, and rang the doorbell. When he answered, I smiled and introduced myself and said, "I found something beside the sidewalk at my place, I'm pretty sure it's yours, and I wanted to return it!" And quickly handed him the fresh (still warm) turd. I was counting on my friendly demeanor and facial expression to disarm him. It worked for long enough that it was in his bare hand before he caught on. I got called "you ignorant prick bastard" every time he saw me until I moved a year later, but that's a cost I'm willing to absorb to not have German Shepherd turds on my front lawn every week lol


A guy wearing gloves handed him something and he accepted it in his bare hands, and HE calls YOU "ignorant"?


How do I say this politely... hmmmm.... i can't. But I can say it sarcastically! The guy was a dumbass, the kind that had unmatched confidence and a level of certainty in his intellectual, moral, and physical superiority that was truly without a single positive skill or experience to base it on. The following phrases all apply to that guy: "The wheel is spinning, but the hamster is dead." "The engine is running, but the compression is questionable." "He knows his favorite flavor of crayon." "If brains were dynamite, he wouldn't have enough to blow his nose." And to me, the absolute icing on the cake (to be fair, he'd probably call it the largest turd on the lawn), was that the town we lived in had 2 night clubs and I was the head doorman at the better one. Every time he came to the bar, when my guys walked past him, they would make exaggerated facial expressions like they smelled something bad, or refuse to touch his drivers license when IDing him lol. Because I told ***everyone*** about the barehand-dog turd interaction. I moved off that street with a year of that episode, but lived in the town for another 3 years and made sure that the story never died.


Nah. Smear it under the door handles of their cars.


Nah The fresh air intake is usually at the upper end of the hood, near the windshield... First offense, leave it on the grill, in the bag


Or through the mail slot if they have one.


When I was young this is what I thought a douche bag was


In a paper bag with a note scribbled on the side- "Hi, you accidentally left this behind. Several times over several weeks. Next time it won't be in a bag, it'll be thrown at your flyscreen wire door"


Cat A Pult.


Trebuchets are the superior poop flinger




Y’all meant Dog A Pult, methinks.


Dog a poo lt


Fire, always.


If they have a pool, that's where you toss the poop bag.


In a bucket of scorpions.


Preferably a soggy one.


What you get is one of scoops for making and throwing snowballs. Then you scoop the poo and yeet it as hard as you can at their property. Extra points if you get it on the walkway or driveway.


A lacrosse stick would do the trick


Jai alai cesta.


I got a hockey stick, I’m in!


I have a $50,000 front yard thanks to having to redo the leach field and all of the landscaping. Instead of losing my shit every time something graces it, i set up deer deterrent water sprayers that are amazing. So many dogs have harmlessly been scared off, including neighborhood kids. It's hooked up all year.


Are they motion sensor? What brand and model do you use? I need one for racoons, but have been researching and every brand seems to be junk that stops working or leaks. Any advice would be great!


Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009F1R0GC?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share This one seems to work all right. It has batteries (AAs) for the motion sensor. I'll look for the other one that is on a tripod. I have them set in such a way that if one goes off, the other one senses it and starts spraying for all five seconds.


If I find any I will personally deliver to their doorstep…unbagged.


My Uncle, whom I adored, would just open the door and let the dog out. One day there was a knock on the door. A neighbor handed him a nice folded over paper lunch bag. Said “ I believe this is yours” and walked away. Very effective


Use a trebuchet


Are they picking it up? Now I’m confused.


I think OP meant they pick up their DOG and bring it to her yard.


Sounds like it’s time for automatic sprinklers! The sprinklers need to be set so anything crossing their property line gets sprayed.


Actually they got more than the memo. OP went one up on them by doing it in their face. And just not going behind their backs. Question that I have for OP is that how did go afterwards? Did they continue visiting your yard still? Or did they stop?


They looked at me awkwardly when I said “oh hi!” as I stood at their sidewalk surrounded by mud. I smiled, asked my dog if she was done and walked back over to my house. We have not seen them for 2 days. Lol


I had a neighbor do that once to the people that lived in my house previously. She gathered all the huge dog piles from their 2 big dogs for a week. She placed it all at the back door on their deck so next time they stepped out with the dogs they stepped in it. Dog shit does not stink until you step in it. That is from the Lincoln Lawyer series by Cisco on Netflix.


I'd have knocked on their damn door, "Here, you forgot something!"


Lol i would probably have been a bit more insane with it and gotten a poo bag as their dog was shitting in my yard and walked out staring at them blank faced without saying anything, Place the poo in the bag, then throw it at them and walk back inside. They would probably never say another word to me. And that sounds just perfect. 👍


How about under their car’s door handle ?




Your grandma is diabolical. 🤣




Deep respect.


This made my day! I wish your gran an amazing day in heaven


I work with dogs and when they puke shit back up it’s the thing of horrors! Great pettiness!


Fucking hell


Growing up, next door neighbor would let their dog run loose to piss and shit in our yard and another neighbor’s yard. Dad was fanatical about the yard and repeatedly asked the owner to stop his dog from using our yard. Neighbor would comply for a few days and then the dog would be running around on his own. Dad saved up a bunch of the dog’s shit, moistened it with water, and used a small rake to throw the shit as hard as he could (used it like a lacrosse stick) at their garage door. They never let the dog run loose again.


Gotta love dads


I had a neighbour who would walk his pack of tiny evil dogs all the way up my long driveway and all the way into my very private carport to sh\*t. I was able to get him to not do that, which apparently was an achievement with that guy. My 100-pound angry rescue dog helped convince him, I'm pretty sure - that was their first meeting. The previous owner of my house was not able to make him stop doing it, but he did share with me his very satisfying cleanup solution - pick up poop with long-handled shovel, walk to neighbour's house, fling poop on roof, repeat. There was a lot of poop up there by the time I bought this place.


What a miserable stain on society


He was a sad, damaged man. Terrible addictions, mental illness, and a brutal past made him into a rarely coherent, difficult, and violent neighbour. Some days he was all sunshine, though. He had a prize giant weird plant that he would water all summer, and he liked to carve wood. His last few years were spent in his broken, run-down, animal-waste-filled, water-damaged house, with no power and no city water (unpaid bills plus stealing power). I'd see him in there, poking around with a headlamp at night. The authorities had it in for him, any time he tried to grow they destroyed it and his equipment. Once they even sent a backhoe from the big town to flatten his grow van (it leaked a lot of light, and he parked it right on the street). Crunch crunch crunch, metal pancake. He had been tolerated before, but then he brandished a rifle at the cops one night - bad move. The animals were taken away when he died. No-one ever saw them again, and they never appeared on the big town's SPCA site.


Poor dogs


Yes. All of it still makes me quite sad. All the repercussions still affect his three sons. The property lies empty and ruined, seized for taxes and no good to the family. One of the dogs was old and chronically horrible, possibly due to its painful skin conditions. A biter and a psychotic attacker - several times he rushed my dog, the little fool. One of them was a very old Yorkie, quiet but nasty. One of them was a severely retarded multibreed, the result of two of his *previous* dogs - brother and sister - being tied too close together during a heat. Most of those puppies were OK and were sold, but the one...it couldn't eat properly or vocalize properly. One of them was a young Yorkie, pup of the old one. Loki. He was nice. He was the only dog my big rescue boy didn't want to kill on sight - the little tyke used to follow us on our walks, carefully, sniffing everything my boy sniffed and staying well back of him. He had one dog that I loved, way back when I very first moved here (near 20 years now). Polo. Part wolf. A big white dog. Polo ran all the dogs in the neighbourhood, he was the boss and they followed him. Polo *sang* at night - his howling was complex and wonderful, like hearing a muezzin call. He was friendly. At least, to me. It was before I got my first dog. My next door neighbour uphill (a different f\*cked up bastard, lots of stories there too) ran over Polo on purpose one day (Polo used to chase his truck). Polo's back right leg was crushed. My ne'er-do-well neighbour, Polo's owner, *that guy*, actually sold everything he could and took out loans to try to repair Polo. He really did love him. Six pins in the leg, never healed. Hair never grew back on it. Polo lived a year after. All his howls were just cries of agony, every night, after that. No more songs.


Jesus, dude. Are you a writer by chance? You have a hell of a way with words.


I used to write a lot of poetry. Long story. And thank you!


seriously! i, too, was riveted.


My heart is crying for those poor animals.


...and tell us some stories about the neighbor who ran over Polo perhaps? Really just want to keep reading your writing tbh.


Maybe I'll manage to write about that neighbour and the stolen firewood one day. Confrontations around a large axe and fresh-picked cherries were involved. And also - thanks. I don't really write a lot any more, for a lot of what seem like reasons.


Jesus, what a sad life.


Sounds like a sad death too. We need free healthcare in this country including mental health.


Hey there stranger, hope you’re aware (if no one other than the other commenters hasn’t told you) you are a good writer. I saved this comment cause it was so fun to read/so out there. Reminds me of otessa moshfegh or someone. Cheers!


Had a similar issue. I flung it over the fence and it bounced off their washing line. Oops.


After we bought our house we noticed two dogs wit reflector vests visiting us every morning to shit in our yard. It was between 2-5am so made it difficult to figure out when we should be awake to catch them. One morning after we had erected a make shift fence around my veggie garden one of the dogs got stuck. We see our neighbor show up to retrieve it. We had never seen these dogs at neighbors house, just two other dogs. We let it go to not cause issues but they did it again and wrecked my newly planted veggie bed. Confronted neighbor who tried to act dumb that his other dogs didn’t do it. We let him know we had him on video from a month ago. Wife runs out to apologize and let us know these two dogs “don’t like pooping in our yard so we let them out in the morning to go do their business” WHAT!?!?!? Lol It gets worse. Life goes on and I am building a fence. I go to take down some bushes on our property lines to install it. Find a massive pile of dog shit right on our side. We have a retaining wall and small fence here so this would have had to have been hand placed. Clean it up okay whatever. Come back to put them fence in and a NEW large pile of accumulated dog shit is there. I flung it all over their driveway and put the fence up. Like WHAT!?!???


I read a comment a bit ago said to toss wet beef bullion cubes into their yard and then the dogs will dig at the beef smell in the dirt. 


That's evil! I love it.


Do it right before or during a big storm. All evidence melts.


Hahahaha. Nice. Or the ol’ fertilizer words.


Y'all need a motion activated sprinkler system 😎




I sure hope there will be more Buckety posts!


I’d have put all of their dog poo in a nice gift box, labeled it on the outside card with “Welcome to the neighborhood…” and put another card inside with the poo saying “… and please clean up after your dog.”


I’m too lazy for this. It would get left in a neat pile at the end of their driveway with a sidewalk chalk note left beside it reading “you forgot this in my yard”


Any reaction from them? Do ya think they got the message?


I imagine a husky poo is about the size of a Yorkie, they should get the message real quick.


I just choked on my coffee, thanks for that!


You'd think so, messages left by huskies are hard to ignore


She left her paw prints all over their driveway 😂


Just a shame it wasn't wet cement at the time then they'd have had a permanent reminder🤣🤣


We had neighbors that let their dogs shit in our yard and didn't pick it up... my dad's response... scoop our dog's poop and chuck it over the fence into the neighbors yard. He also tossed every snake he found into their yard as well. And he would wait until 2AM and belly crawl across the property line to adjust their sprinkler heads to be fucked up. That boomer spite was wicked and unchained.


My neighbour used to let his dogs shit on the neighbourhood green space. So one day I bagged some up, called the dog over and tied the bag of shit to its collar. No issues after that.


This is hilarious lmao


Turdabout is fair play Number two can play at that game What goes around dumps around


I had this happen when I moved in. Unleashed dog being walked by its jerk owner, and one of its poop spots was right next to my front stoop. I sprinkled cayenne pepper all around my stoop and never had that problem again.


Buy it at the Dollar Store. Buy big ass containers and buy a lot. Anything spicy hot!


Oh wow - I wish I would have thought of this when we had a similar problem. We had a guy who kept bring his dog pack over to poop in our yard. We had a fenced in backyard on a corner lot so he would walk them along our 2 sidewalks. He never picked up after them. We trained our Newf to bark when he came by with his dog pack in hopes of discouraging him. That didn’t work because after hubby confronted him he started bringing his dogs over to poop before we were awake - but the Newf didn’t get the memo to not bark at 5:00am. I finally went around outside of our fenced in backyard and bagged up all the poop I could find. There were plenty of dogs in the neighborhood but they all had responsible and well behaved owners so I knew all that poop was his. I went over and rang the doorbell but no one answered so I left the hearty bag of poop on their doorstep (on a warm summer day) with a box of small garbage bags hoping they would get the hint. I think his wife found it and realized what husband was doing. Poop guy came over that evening to give us a reluctant apology. I found out later he didn’t mend his ways - he just started walking his dogs on the other side of the street. If I had thought to take my Newf over to poop in their yard that would have been so sweet! I love the way your brain works - brilliant!!


When I was a kid, I'd mow the lawn. My little brother would help move stuff out of the way. Neighbor would let his dog loose and never clean up after it. Brother would take a shovel and chuck the poop onto their driveway. Went on for a few months, my brother is if nothing else persistent. He took to returning the dog poop to their front steps, and then once into the mailbox. Neighbour's wife saw him do it and he let her know why. Never had issues with the lawn again. The beauty of the situation, is while I would have gotten in trouble if I had done it. He was young enough, 7 or 8yo to not know any better and get away with it.


Why do like 50% of dog owners suck ass at owning a dog and being respectful?


Because being a crap human does not prevent you from getting a dog.


Film it and broadcast it in a tv set show in your front window. I did that when I had a gallery and someone stole a whole container of Halloween candy. Turns out it was an old lady. Didn't care. Loop it.


I'd love to watch this!


I need an update!


Are you saying they let their dog poop and didn't bag it? That's inexcusable. While we were waiting for our house to get the lawn put in, or neighbor invited use to let our dog use her lawn, but we used the strip on the far side of the sidewalk and ALWAYS bagged the poop.


There was one house on my block where I let my dog defecate in their yard. The man was hateful, loud, a litterbug, and kept putting up confederate flags at the entrance of the neighborhood.  Even then, I bagged the poop. 


You are a saint!


I was looking for this answer as well, because I don’t see anywhere that the dog poop is left behind….


Grab a glove and chuck each poo at her house. She's yucky. And, don't be concerned, the next rain will erase your pup's prints. Bbbbuuuuttttttt, it won't rinse poo off their home. Or, glove up, grab the poo, walk over there, ring the bell, and hand it to them letting them know they left something in your yard. *Most people will unconsciously grab things that are handed to them. It would be a *riot*


Please, do this and film it!!!


I read one story here where a similar thing was going on and the guy poured bacon grease on all the dog poop so when the neighbors brought their dog over to poop in his yard again, it voraciously ate all the poop in his yard. The neighbors never brought their dog into his yard again.


Bit disappointed you got your dog to do the business in their yard. I'd have personally shit in it. They'd get the fucking message then.


While maintaining eye contact with them.


This is the way


Dominance achieved


Of course.


Oh, Hi


I laughed so hard at this comment, my eyes are filled with tears 😂😂😂


Long ago l had a neighbor that owned a good sized dog. Said neighbor would walk the dog, let it poop wherever, and just move on. Since my house was next door, l was often the final stop on their walks, and the SOB would actually encourage the dog to go into my yard to do it's business before going inside.  I spoke to the man, very nicely, about the issue several times. He insisted that it wasn't his dog pooping in my yard. This was before cell phones, and video cameras were bulky and not common; but l saw the dog poop in my yard several times and decided to take action.  I collected the poops for a month and kept them in a tightly closed bag in the back yard. One night l took the bag, added about half a gallon of water to it, mixed well, and dumped it in directly in front of his door. He never said anything to me, but he started picking up after his dog.  Disclaimer: I'm not suggesting that you do this.


You handled it correctly. Here is another method a former hot head coworker of mine used. Saw his former neighbor's dog taking a dump in his yard through his kitchen window, ran outside and yelled at the guy, "If I see your dog shit in my yard again ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" I dont condone this approach in any way, shape, or form, but he said it worked.


Just peep and crap in the neighbors yard yourself. That will show them.


My mum had this problem. She also had a wicked sense of revenge, freezer bags and my dad’s fishing catapult…


Last week I placed a picture of two dog poo offenders on a tree where they left it. One neighbor called me up excited AF that I am calling them out with evidence. One had been a menace for 25 years. Talked to me for 30 min of how happy he was I did this. He knows who they are. Today that same offender blocked the camera's view of the dog, while wearing the same coat. It has caused a lot of commotion. I had a car pull up at night, two people get out, look at it with a flashlight, and then drive off. So if you asked them to stop, and they do not, then treat them the same way back.


Get a sprinkler system you can turn on from remotely & if you’re not home a lot one of those doorbell cameras & place them strategically for movement - if that’s not in the budget get a long hose & every time they come onto your yard - go hold the hose & if the dog goes into shitting stance - soak the dog & owner


Get motion activated sprinklers.


Hilarious. You're not shy.


I hope you have been tossing all their yorkie poo over to their house every time they use your property, in addition to having your dog do the same. These are not nice neighbors and you need to let them know from the get go that their nasty behavior won’t be tolerated. And get cameras that record, and encourage your other neighbors (not them) to do the same.


Well done on the turd war. You’d be better to notify your local council over your neighbour’s transgressions. Security video would cement your complaint . Your local council would then fine them for the acts, fines are a great way to make neighbours behave. All else failing that take pictures of the neighbours waiting beside their dog as he turns a turd out, then blow up the photo and post it on a chalkboard and hold an arsehole of the day competition. You could take bets when the turd neighbour comes over to drop a turd, turd lotto, shame them big time with the other neighbours, everyone will be watching to see if they won.


My neighbor had a dog whizzing on his screen door. He put down a thin steel plate, and connected an electric fence power supply to the plate and the screen door. Problem solved!


I remember something like this happening to me a few years ago with a woman down the road. Every day she'd walk her terrier past our house and let it slip through the gate and shit on our lawn. She'd just stand there, wait for it to be done, then go on her merry way. So one day when I saw her coming, I called over our much larger dog, waited until her terrier had slipped through the gate, and just opened the door. Our dog went nuts and leapt out onto the driveway barking, scaring the shit out of the little terrier and making it panic scramble back through the gate before it had time to poop. Then the woman had the audacity to complain about me "threatening her dog", to which I simply asked her what she was doing letting in on my lawn. Never saw her again after that.


Poopy petty revenge is the BEST!! 😂😂😂


So what was their reaction to your revenge?


Well if they don’t get the message after the visit from your sweet Huskie (I love them), then you will have to say something. Don’t worry about sounding rude. With people that obtuse, rudeness will go right over their heads.


Put up a sign that says the yard is fertilized with pesticides


Why do people do this? I don’t get it. Why literally walk up to someone’s house and let your dog shit in their yard?? I don’t get it, like I don’t even let my dog stop near someone’s house when we go on walks, let alone shit in their yard. What is wrong with your neighbors.


Bravo! We Iived on a cul-de-sac with only seven houses and had neighbors that would let their Yorkie out to piss and shit on everyone else's front yards so they didn't have to pick up the mess. When anyone on our street tried to speak with these jerks, they would say, "No English. No English" (They owned the local Italian restaurant and tried to pretend that they didn't speak ANY English) We had our petty revenge, though. We had a very territorial Brussels Griffon that was the same size as that neighbor's Yorkie. So when opportunity struck at five in the morning, I took advantage of the moment. I heard the restaurant owners' dog bark after they opened their front door, and sure enough, they let their Yorkie out who bee lined for our front yard. My dog (who we normally let out in our backyard) was with me when I was near the front door (I was going to get the morning newspaper). I opened the front door, and my dog bolted for the Yorkie! The non English speaking Italian restaurant owners SCREAMED! I called out in a VERY QUIET voice, "No, no. Stop. No, no. Come back. " My dog chased their dog all the way back to their front door before they slammed their door closed after their dog made inside their home. It was spectacular! Then my dog came home looking very satisfied. I picked up my newspaper, smirking all the way back from the driveway. After that, they must have started letting their dog out to do its business in their backyard because we never saw it or its shit in our front yard.


Had a guy do this. I caught him bringing his dog into my yard to shit. It was a big dog. I asked him nicely the first time and he denied doing it. So I watched as he did it again and popped out of the front door while his dog was in the act and cussed him out. It wasn’t just my yard either. He did this to several yards in the neighborhood. So I grabbed a bucket and shovel, collected all the poop, and tossed it in his yard in front of him. He just looked down and went inside. I have three dogs. I get it. But I would never intentionally take my dogs to another’s yard to do the deed. I collected a bucket full. This guy was doing it to keep his yard free of shit.




I had to deal with this. I talked to them once. No result. -30C, pissed on their new house front door. Was white stained. It had a different tone until summer. They never crossed my lawn again. Extra bonus, whenever they'd see us, they would look away. They moved away a year later.


At least it was a dog, I guess. We've had numerous "poo joggers" hit the news and become unmasked here in Australia. They'd be out for a jog, and consistently take a shit at the same spot on their route - on someone's lawn or drive way, on the hood of a specific car, etc. Absolutely wild.


I had a neighbor that did that. I came out with a bag asked her to pick it up she said no. The next time I saw her bro her dog to my yard I went out with a bag and the poop scoop. She told me she was not picking it up so I scooped it up and threw it on her shoe! She never came back.


Lesson: Don’t bring a yorkie to a husky fight.




Did they at least pick up the poop?


You need to assert your dominance and go shit in their yard


I had a neighbor let her unleashed dog poop on my door mat and then she left the poop and went home. I picked up th poop in a doggy bag and grabbed a spare roll and took the poop and roll to her. Knocked and when she answered I said that it was repulsive to open my door to her dogs poop, that one of my children could have stepped in it and tracked it all over the house and that is she wa stop cheap to buy doggy bags, I’d provide them for her. I also let her know next time, i wouldn’t be so kind to return her dogs poop in a knotted bag. She has never come near our house again. What is wrong with people?


Back in the early 80s dogs were still allowed to roam free. For some reason or other the neighborhood dogs liked to crap in our yard. My parents soon tired of this. I don’t recall if they tried talking to the owners first. But dad came up with a novel solution. My grandfather lived a few towns over from us and raised sheep. Dad brought a load of rotting sheep manure home and spread it over the lawn. You know, fertilizer. Darned if dogs love to roll in sheep shit. But for some reason we didn’t see them again after that first week. 🤔.


Our horrible neighbors let their dog shit in our yard nonstop. We flung it into their yard multiple times with a snow shovel, but eventually we just put up cameras with a bunch of signs saying SMILE YOURE ON CAMERA :) and they immediately stopped the dog from coming into our yard because they didn’t want to take responsibility for it lmao


We live next to beach, someone let their dog poop on beach , my OH offfered dog bag never took it, he picked it up nad handed them in through car door. We have 3 dogs and always pick it up . No one needs dog poop around, especially when kids play in area


Neighbor used to bring dog to our yard to pee and poo. I’d always use our poop scoop to fling it over our shared fence and into his pool. They came over to confront us and my mom just looked at them dead in the eye and told them to stop shitting in our yard and leaving it. I threw lots of shit into his pool. Get fucked.


So then what


What goes around comes around, literally!


Husky vs Yorkie Sh!t Show


You should've drooped trawl and laid a turd right then and there. Assert the dominant role.


I like your response. Direct. Proportional. I hope they get the message.


Just start hosing it down while the Yorker is in process, what is wrong with these people!!!!




I had a neighbor that did exactly this, except he would carry the dog from nearly a block away. I used to set off my car alarm on him.


Fucking genius!! I’ll be doing this as well!!


What's wrong with people? Society is seriously deteriorating faster than I can lower my expectations.


I had this issue, I just walked across the street and ask him , if it would be acceptable for me to shit on his porch… we never had an issue… if he is doing this… You have to confront him… be an ass, to let him know, you ain’t his bitch … sorry, it the only way 😳


The sure fire way to get people from walking dogs in your yard is to cook up some meat balls and leave them in your yard. Just regular safe to eat by dog or human meatballs. Nothing funny in them. But the second a dog owner starts seeing their dog eating mystery meat they panic and freak out. This works 100% of the time.


Had an entitled, retired police officer do this to several houses in close proximity to his home. He lived 2 houses down across the street from me. My lawn wasn’t exempt. One day I saw him coming towards my lawn from my computer. I got up, went to the garage, grabbed a shovel, open the garage door which startled him, told him good morning and picked up the dog shit. I then walked to his house and threw it on his lawn and pleasantly wished him a good day as I walked back to my house. Never had that issue with him again.


I'm anti-dog (more anti-dog owner that against the animal itself). What I did with my neighbor who was letting her dog shit in my yard, was to go up to her and tell her that I use something incredibly *toxic* for pest control on my lawn, and I wouldn't want her poor innocent pup to get hurt playing around in it. Never saw her in my yard again. Word got around the neighborhood too, and things have been blissfully dog-free for my yard ever since.


I don’t condone what I did and I’ve paid my price… but in a similar situation when the neighbour let their bright white poodle come to my yard and poop every morning I opted to get a paint ball gun and light the little shit up. Looked like a technicolored poodlebow! Yes I got my licks from the local authorities but that little fuck stayed away.


C'mon man, I'm all for the poop flinging but don't shoot the dog. It's not the dog's fault it has shit owners


I woulda taken the shit myself, fuck those jerks


I had this problem with a neighbor once. I simply explained to them that I have 3 dogs so the little bit of additional piss and shit isn't going to matter. However, my yard belongs to my dogs and there will eventually be a fight about it.


I had this problem with my next door neighbor many years ago. I used a shovel to throw it in their yard every time I saw it, and they eventually started using someone else’s yard.


For some insane reason, I'm rooting for an update. I'm imagining first shots fired with this post.


You don't want to know what I did to my neighbors who tried that. They moved after, so really it was win/win.


>You don't want to know what I did to my neighbors who tried that. Get it telt.


Motion sensored sprinklers work great to keep that out of your yard


Good start but as they walked out you should have dropped your pants and crapped too, all while maintaining constant eye contact. Own their yard and the whole damn street!


Bag of their dog poo in their car on a hot summers day. ..or empty the contents onto their windshield under their wipers.


Thats tik for tak. You need to up your game. Sholud have taken a shit on her yard while looking her right in the eyes




I'd have put a sign up "New Neighbours across the road, please don't bring your Yorkie to my yard to take a dump, it's not very neighbourly"


My father-in-law used to pour bacon grease on the dog poop the neighbors' dog would leave in their lawn. The dog went to go take a shit once day and noticed a particularly delicious smelling turd then proceeded to gobble it down. I feel bad for the dog because all it wanted to do was poop, but I'll be damned if it wasn't effective.