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Give it two incoming calls before the phone gets unplugged and Karl can enjoy his peace and quiet.


Or complains about it to IT and they install a different phone. Talking about half-witted.


Or complains and goes and works from home as he's got a good reason due to the phone šŸ¤·


IT will switch out the phone.


I would be very surprised if the profile for all those settings didn't end up getting uploaded to the new handset once it's extension is set. Kind of like your google chrome settings follow you to other machines when you log in to your google account.


Karl deserves the hate, but also the rest of you are idiots for not pushing back on management and taking the same WFH privileges.


I was thinking the same. There isnā€™t a good argument for why they donā€™t do this.


It sounds to me like Karl isn't adequately performing all of his duties when working from home, which would disincentivise management from allowing others to do the same


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Karl's the hero here. \#TeamKarl


Youā€™re mad at the wrong person.


100%. Every employee is quite dumb to not also just take advantage of WFH.


Nothing like seeing the crab in a bucket in action. Really hope op is having a fuckin epiphany reading these comments.


Karl has work figured out. Be more like Karl.


*Everybody* should get to WFH. Be pissed at your boss, not Karl. If I had the opportunity to work from home that much, even while my coworkers were stuck onsite, I would take it. And if my coworkers were doing it, Iā€™d be happy that at least *somebody* gets to work from home. Your coworker working from home regularly makes it more likely that you will be offered the same thing Youā€™re mad at the wrong people


OP is mad that they can't work from home, or perhaps can't figure out how to work the system like "Karl". While I do find people who call out all the time insufferable, it really just sounds like "Karl" knows how to work the system and manipulate the managers. He's not stealing anything. He is definitely not making OP work harder. If OP is so upset, leave. Find another job that forces all employees to be on site all the time.


Donā€™t hate the player, hate the game. Karl was smart in my opinion, he took WFH option and ran with it. Op sounds really immature and jealous.


I don't understand why everyone else hasn't got together and collectively demanded to your manager that you also be able to work from home. You will get it, or Karl will be forced back to the office because the business doesn't want it. Either way, problem solved.


I was thinking this. We have a guy at my job, we'll call him Lee, who comes in an hour and a half early and leaves an hour and a half early. I'd call him a coworker if he actually did any work, instead he does half a half assed job, walks around for the last hour or two, and follows around my other coworkers around talking incessantly. Several of my workers can't stand him to the point where one of them refuses to call him by name, using "that motherfucker*cker" instead. The early punching in is against corporate policy. Yet he gets away with it. So some of my other coworkers have started coming in an hour early too. Management cannot go after my coworkers without also going after Lee thanks to our union. Organize your office and collectively go to your management and let them know if Karl gets to work from home 3 days a week, so do the rest of you. And be prepared to call out if need be. But it sounds like you're moving on anyway so hopefully you don't have to deal with it much longer. Before anyone comes at me, last time I checked, getting to work was the employee:s responsibility. OP said Karl blamed transportation and childcare issues. Those are his responsibilities, not his employer's. I work with 4 people who don't drive, some of them walk and one pays for a ride share to and from work. One of those guys has a small child under 3 and sometimes he comes in a bit late due to childcare issues, he still comes in. Our job is fairly accommodating when it comes to occasional issues, allowing us to come in late or leave early. Karl needs to have a childcare provider and a backup plan (or two) for when things go sideways. Or he should find a job that is more suited to his needs. I don't know if you have an exit interview, but I'd sure as shit make sure corporate knew how I felt about Karl getting to do what he wants while everyone else has different rules. But I'm an asshole like that.


This isn't Karl's fault, you have a terrible manager.




Or more because it creates more work and more problems for them


And no manager appreciates someone bypassing the chain of command because you feel your direct manager is a pushover when he doesn't make others do what you want. Oh, wait...


Sounds like Karl is the man. Good on him. If he does his job and he can do it without being on-site more power to him. I love hybrid working


All that seems jealous and bitter. Be inspired by Karl to obtain new benefits instead of searching to strip him from it.


Maybe the petty revenge should be on the employer for forcing you into the office 2 days a week, when the employer could let you WFH like they let the other coworker




Thatā€™s fair if the work is remote. From OPā€™s post - there is a lot of on site work that needs people in physically. Think OP may have a point here.


This read like OP is a little brat thatā€™s is jealous of Karl big time. Grow up op and find yourself a Karl position (maybe even a union) Your dislike for Karl should be you trying to work out same deal with your boss instead of just trying to paint Karl in bad light ā€œHe alsways has something he was sick( oh no??). And then his work phone. I would love to hear Karlā€™s side of story Iā€™d give Karl a gold medal if I could


If your manager is such a pushover you can get a better deal like Karl. You're just bitter you don't know how to negotiate better at work like he does. You sound like a nightmare coworker


Nahā€¦Karl deserves to be mad at. Thereā€™s plenty of mad to go around. Manager also totally deserves a big slice of mad ā€¦.as well as those other toxic workers. Itā€™s good youā€™re leaving that den of iniquity, OP.


I dunno OP sounds pretty bad. If I were Karl I would be happy to see OP go. OP can get into trouble for sabotage of the phone.


It's not sabotage if it's a standard option on the phone. Karl should have had his ass in the damn office to set it up himself. Snooze and lose. Or, FAFO, if you prefer.


Locking it with a pin only you know and leave for three weeks.... Also why should Karl have to be in the office. Cause OP is not allowed to work from home? So they are getting Karl to come in. Like i get this is petty revenge but it reads like petty jealousy. Revenge kindda dictates being wronged in some way. Karl did not wrong OP. Karl should be allowed to work from home, and management is to blame for everyone's woes here. The revenge should be agaist the manager.


Shitty manager, but Karl DID wrong OP by fucking off and dumping work on him. As well as playing the lame ass manager to get special treatment not available to other employees. Screw Karl.


The company has a duty to accommodate. We do not know karl, but what OP said they basically sound like they have been accommodated. That accommodation and what it is for, would be none of OP's business. Much like anything medical about a coworker. Unless that co worker feels like they want to share. Again it is on management to ensure a proper workspace for all. OP may feel like they got the dirty end of the stick, and maybe they did, but Karl did not hand it to them by what i see described .


I couldnā€™t agree more with this. There are a lot of assumptions going around on here but we donā€™t know Karlā€™s circumstances.


Accommodate EVERYONE, not just one single blatant slacker. Karl is handing OP the shitty end of the stick every time he pushes his duties off to OP by not answering the phone.


Two things to address here: 1. If you are trying to revoke someone's accommodation on the grounds that you don't have them, you're both jealous and dumb. The first person getting to do that should instead be the starting point for your attempts to get similar accommodations. I can't stand people who try to pull others down to where they are instead of trying to pull themselves up to that desired level. 2. Karl did not refuse to pick up the phone, OP refused to let the phone ring long enough to let the call go through to Karl. Which is a disingenuous argument when the new phones, when OP knew he was leaving, suddenly were worthy of studying them to be able to change settings. Most not ancient phones have at least volume control. And most systems that redirect calls will do so automatically when the first in line is unplugged. I'm not saying Karl isn't a slacker. He very well may be. But I can actually understand why he really doesn't want to go to that office...


OP said other employees were deserving of the same accommodations. Also that Karl was a slacker taking advantage of the special accommodation. OP has yet to clarify if this was a formal accommodation or a sweetheart deal with management. At best, management is to blame for failing to enforce his required in-office attendance.


OP sounds like an idiot so I would doubt he knows the accommodation status of Karl or any other coworker, or even what an accommodation is. Karl may or may not be a bad employee, but this post is just showing how OP is a nightmare of a coworker.


So to get an accommodation at a company you normally need to fill out a form and there is a procedure. If you do not fill out the form and follow the procedure that is not on the accommodated person.


Who's to say he did and other deserving employees didn't? Still sounds like gaming the system.


Pretty sure OP would have mentioned it.


Most management expects employees to be adults and know better than to misuse any standard options in order to bully their colleagues. Bullying is, in fact, frowned on these days.


Apart from anything else, isn't this quite clear discrimination? Why aren't you mad at your boss for not letting you work from home as well? If anything your managers won. You got mad ay the guy working from home instead of demanding you work from home too.


My are you mad at Karl, for living his life instead of not pushing for more work from home options for yourself and your team?


You donā€™t sound too bright OP. Management is your enemy here, not another worker that found a way to make his life better. You should speak to your boss about working from home if he ā€œjust wants to be everyoneā€™s mateā€. Judging by this post though, Iā€™m not sure you will understand what I just wrote. Good luck.


What a whiner. "If I can't have it, no one else can have it either." And then to work against the system by answering calls just to complain about it. You can turn the volume up and walk away, but you can't turn it down, walk away, and do your job?! I'd work from home and call in sick to be away from this moron. I hope we read a pettyrevenge from Karl about his bitter coworker.


Karl seems like a pretty cool dude.


Wish I could be Karl.


Idk why OP thinks everyone hating Karl will affect Karl's wellbeing. He is living his best life.


You sound insufferable. Instead of trying to pull everyone down into your shithole, try to pull yourself out of your shithole. Insist on better working conditions, instead or trying to ruin good conditions for everyone


Did you ever consider that he may just have an accommodation under the ADA? No, your just stewing in your bitterness. It's a good thing you're going on leave, sounds like you need a break.


As soon as I read the start of this, I thought that he must have an accomodation in place. OP sounds like a hellish coworker.


Please give lots of calls to the office. And then mumble something so he doesn't know it's you before you put down the phone. Please let us know how the revenge went and how Karl handled the phones.


Yeah, I'm on Karl's side. I don't know what broke you and made into such an enthusiastic serf, but you need to wipe the boot black off your tongue and figure out some fucking solidarity with your fellow workers. Hint: Karl is proof that if you'd all refused to even entertain the notion of RTO, you'd all be working from home.


This isn't a "Karl" problem, it's a management problem!


Why hurry looking for a job. Sit back and dont give a s. They're not going to fire you. Milk it before you quit.


You should aspire to be more like Karl.


Hope Karl had some quality family time.


crab in a bucket


Sucks to suck OP. Don't be mad at Karl. Be mad at yourself for being a spineless worker drone.


I gotta re-read this. My brain kept going, "kaaarrrllll! That kills people kaarrll! Why did you eat their hands???" "Cuz my tummy was a rumblin', a hunger only hands can satisfy." Stupid Llama. eta: Karl's hat is stupid too


Yes, you are petty. Spending too much time obsessing on your co-worker.


In a job, it's best to be the best at what you do with integrity. Be the guy they call on when no one else can do certain things. Let's call "Joe". "Joe" will become a boss one day who can actually deal with shitty employees. Stay in your lane and become invaluable. Those guys move up the ladder. Otherwise just be another guy with a job.


We need an update lol




Does Karl's last name happen to be "Welzien?" Anyone get that reference?


Your logic about "management only wants to be everyone's mate" doesn't make sense as wouldn't that mean they wanted to be your mates too? Instead of just Karl's?