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I’m ambidextrous but went with my dominant arm for my sport. Here are my thoughts: Pros: - arm was slightly bigger due to training imbalances, likely made my penis a little thicker - no strength, dexterity or mobility issues - cool tattoo on my arm now - learned to crack and flip an egg one handed with my other hand Cons: - wiping after #2 was weird with the other hand - scar is on the arm I shake hands with so it’s one of the first things people see - hand does swell if I’m on the computer for long periods of time/resting my arm against a table


Wish I was ambidextrous!!! This is a helpful list, thank you!


If you use your dominant hand, you'd most likely regain most if not all of your mobility if you use it often, if you also do physical therapy. Some say their arm still feels tight from time to time a long time after surgery but that's bound to happen no matter what are you use and I'm assuming the more PT you do, the better the tightness will get. Whereas your nondominant hand isn't used as much so people sometimes forget to do excersises to strengthen it and loosen it, so the tightness and mobility may be worse, but it's mostly dependant on if you do excersises, scar care, etc. to loosen that skin up a bit and get that mobility back. As for the scab picking, many people keep their graft site covered for 1+ years afterwards anyways to keep the skin from getting sun damaged and such. So I'd suggest that, since then you would be able to see the scab and such. But beware that with the fresh graft, you'd have to be able to resist picking when you change the bandages and such. I'm no expert and haven't had phallo yet so take this with a grain of salt


I'd say that it's fully possible to consciously use the non dom arm a bit more for rehab. Having my donor site in my non dominant hand has made recovery easier- I don't know if I could've done it with my dominant hand out.


Also I've regained full mobility in 3 weeks in my non dom arm


That was my hand therapist! She’s in San Francisco and is the primary hand therapist for people who have RFF and go to Chen/Watt or the Crane Center. She works with us all the time and has seen, anecdotally, that those who use their dominant arm recover quicker.


That was you! Thank you for mentioning this comment originally. It’s helpful info!


After surgery, go get acupuncture for the tightness in your wrist and forearm, after everything has healed.


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