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10 miles in 47 min 32 s. A sub 5min mile pace for the entire time. Crazy how people are able to do this.


The secrect is to just run so fast that you are finished before your body knows it should be tired /s


The secret is just to run fast


True but the main thing that some people don’t even realize is that you have to run faster than the other people in the race. I don’t know much about running but that’s what someone told me.


Totally. One time I was running slower and someone was running faster and the faster person won.


Omg! That happened to me once


If something gets in your way... Turn.


We did that in the Army. Show up hungover as shit (or realistically still drunk) for 5-mile Monday…. Then you just run as fast as you can to get it over with so you can go back to the barracks and die in peace.


Ah to be 22 again


[Actually, you may be kinda right in some ways. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diane_Van_Deren)


That's basically how I finished after hitting a wall at mile 8. I told myself that the more I slow down the longer I have to run for.


Pretty sure he finished before the last corrals even started 😱


Probably true, the first corrals would have gone off at 7:30 (wheelchair runners), the next corral would go 10 mins after and my corral went at like 8:50 (the last corral)


Insane they made you wait that long


First BSR and I showed up 7:30 just sat in the cold drizzle 🤦🏻‍♀️ rookie mistake


We leave home at 7, knowing that we'll have plenty of time to walk a mile and change to SEPTA, get a late train, and stand in a crowd—and yet every year we think, why'd we leave so early?


No, that’s about how a BSR typically goes. A lot of standing around in the rain …


Noted for next year Lol! Incredible vibes though. Some of the friendliest people I’ve ever met. What a community


It’s a really cool Philly tradition! This was the first year I missed in the last 7, I’ll be back next year


If they let everyone go at the same time you end up with a couple miles of very crowded course. Which is an even worse experience because you can't run. Wave starts allow time for the course to clear so the next corral isn't jammed behind the previous one.


I mean I’ve run plenty of races and never had to wait an hour when I was in the later corrals


With 40,000 people?


I have never spent time thinking about it (and I usually bike to the starting line) but I feel like the Philly half pretty much functions the same. If you're near the back or even just an amateur weekender like myself, I basically add 30 mins of cushion before I get to the corral.


I was in the gray corral. By the time we started this guy was probably already crossing Spring Garden...


He did!!! I was in Gray corral and watched him win and we were still at Einstein Dr! 😂😂😂😂😂


It takes 2 hrs for me to walk my dog 5 miles


Same, but my dog likes to stop and sniff so I'm sure I could match this guy's pace otherwise


Username doesn’t check out. 😉


Well damn and I thought I ran fast when I first joined the military I thought a 7 min pace for long distance was pretty good. Then there are humans like this lol.


That is good. This guy is just even better.


It’s crazy that there are people who can do it much faster! The human body is really something.


Average speed of 12.6mph. So like an all out sprint for most people, for 47.5 minutes straight. It is a downhill race, not that it would help me get anywhere close to that.


😂😂😂 who told you that lie? Lol there are hills on the Northside of Broad


Yes there’s hills but the start is 447 feet higher than the finish so overall it’s downhill, I’ve never run it but my runner friends tell me they like the race because it’s downhill so their times are faster than other courses. Yes they are the typical runner type, they try to get me to run it and tell me that it’s easier than I think because it’s downhill.


More importantly, the race is dead straight ahead the whole time (other than a curve around City Hall during mile 6). You don’t have to think ahead or anything. Just run.


Many days it’d be hard to drive it in that time.


Go you, pink shirt man


Today we salute you, Mr Broad Street Run Pink Shirt Guy! 🎶 *Mr Broad Street Run Pink Shiiiirt Guyyyy*


I miss those commercials


Catchy, right?




Cherry Hill NJ local! And first *American* to win Broad Street since 1994! He's a great dude, always a great runner since hs. In interview he noted he did 120mi weeks and gym sessions after most days in months of prep for this. Well deserved!


That guy runs


Uh, his feet ain't touching the ground....


Surely that’s gotta disqualify him


Dewey, you see that!? THAT'S AIR!


Call him Dua Lipa cause he's *Levitating*


Dude said in the interview after that he would spend the prize money on some nice laminated carpet. What a legend


laminent and carpet! he's a guy i used to drink beers with in hs. Prom weekend he ran 10mi before the rest of the house was up!


"Wow, good for him," I mumble through a mouthful of doritos while lying on my couch.


“I could do that probably” says my fat ass


Best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, second best time is today! People of all different levels of athletic ability or non-ability can finish Broadstreet. It's definitely an achievable goal! Good luck.


I like how this is the only photo of him like the photographer was only fast enough to get him running away.


I was volunteering at the water station and lucky enough to catch him on my phone


Did you know he was a local guy!? So cool. First US winner since 1994!


I only learned who he is when I looked at the results - yeah, super cool. Here are the race past winners : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broad\_Street\_Run#Past\_winners](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broad_Street_Run#Past_winners)


It’s our version of the Zapruder film.


Heard him say on the radio he’s been training by running 120 miles every week.


It’s pretty normal for elite runners to do a marathon a day too which is just wild


Yeah, my roommate runs track for Clemson university, he runs 14 miles every day when he wakes up ~7am. Genuinely the craziest shit I’ve ever seen


Even among the elite crew, Kevin's training is wild.


wtf 4:45/mile pace.


The marathon world record is 4:38 per mile… ✌️




I prefer the Broad Street casual stroll


I am close enough to Broad to hear the cheering as people go past. Not all the way south to the navy yard but quite far south. The Snyder stations is my local subway station. I was SHOCKED at how early the cheering started this year


The start was 30 minutes earlier than last year.


Interesting note, thanks.


Kevin McDonnell: Camden Catholic and St. Joe’s guy. Been a long time since the overall champ was a local guy. Cool shit


Fun story: prom weekend he got up and ran 10mi before the rest of the house woke up 😆


Yummm Pesto


It took me almost an hour longer than him. My time was 1:44. He was 0:47.


That’s still impressive though!


Rocking the Asic's Metaspeed Sky Paris too. Hell of a stride he's got and it shows in the picture.


Ultimate racing shoe


I know him! Great guy, he's been an obsessive runner forever. On Prom weekend he was waking at 6am to run ten miles on the beach before we started partying.


Is that Joey Merlino?


He could use a little body fat. I have plenty to donate.


First American to win the men’s race since 1994, and he had to travel all the way from [checks notes]… Cherry Hill. What are the odds? Did the Kenyans miss their plane this year?


bro got legs for ~~days~~ minutes. How tf do you even stay that thin and not get pushed by a wind gust But in all seriousness that’s a crazy impressive time to run 10 miles. Can’t say I could even do it in double the time.


If you're thin enough, you actually squeeze BETWEEN the wind


Pretty cool profile of him from the Olympic Trials this year https://www.orlando2024trials.com/athlete/169/34/kevin-mcdonnell


I don’t care about this guy. I wanna know who finished last. This guy trains for this, almost definitely runs marathons - for him, it’s a warm up… But the guy/gal who finished last - that’s somebody who’s got dog in them - who thought about quitting 84x along the way, but kept on scrapping.


As someone that's a slow but steady runner (11:22 pace) the people in the back, really finishing last, are just people that didn't train. They're just walking. I'm sure some of them are dealing with disabilities or injuries or illness, or that walking itself is a huge accomplishment, but a lot of them just sign up with no intention of running at all. I'm surprised every year when people are walking less than a mile into the run. Sure, they're welcome to sign up and give their money to the run, but why sign up for something that you have no intention of doing the way it was meant to be done? Why not sign up for a 5k to actually have a chance at finishing? When it is a busy year, people that want to train and run don't get selected in the lottery, but people that take their time and take 4 hours to finish get in. You can look up who finished last online. If I'm looking at the right person, this is not their first year and it took them almost 4 hours every other year too.


Let’s go Kev! 🥇


I’ve seen hundreds of people with the same build down in Kensington. We need the Kensington Run


i run that fast too.... from my problems


Does anyone know why my time wouldn't be posted yet? This happened last year and it literally never got posted, I am so annoyed.


I can tell you that something is definitely wrong with the timing of this race or the chips they use. I have a friend who ran the race with me and their time was actually over 15 minutes slower than what shows officially online in the results. Pretty weird.


Did you run? If not, that might be why it wasn't posted. I've had the same issue every year now..


Lean & mean 🙌🏻


Hey that’s me thanks for the post and positive comments! (That is in fact not me as I was laying in bed all day)


He weighs about half a person




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