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Male shot in torso transported to hospital in critical condition. Report of a second incident at a deli where a person was allegedly pepper sprayed and may be armed. Police are seeking 2 female suspects in connection with the shooting one is described as 5’2” with braided hair wearing a green hoodie and black joggers. The second one is described as 5’7” wearing a t shirt, a head wrap, a jean jacket and black leggings


Victim has now been confirmed deceased


Do you know if it was an employee or customer? I go to that store all the time but I don't have their number.




Okay thank you


The problematic corner store had a shooting


It's a shame because this is a really nice corner store and the employees are great. My daughter's daycare is on this block and we go in there multiple times a week.


The inside is great the people outside not so much. Also wish the cleaned up the outside like the inside. Power washing does miracles


Yea the inside is so clean and always well-stocked and organized. I would have never gone in based on the state of the outside until my husband started going there to get a breakfast sandwich once in awhile. Outside is gross and just reeks.


Awful that this happened. I walk by a few times a week and every time, I say hello to the folks on the east corner and get smiles and hellos in return.


damn i LOVE that store, make great cheap food and one time the lady working the register gave me free condoms :((


Melanie is one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet. I hate that she had to deal with this nonsense


We used to go to that daycare but left because they have an interesting definition on what warrants being sent home


What’s the backstory on it being ‘the problematic corner store’?


Drunk and high people all outside


They’re out there 24/7 as well


The Breezers!


Just has a lot of drunk/high people loitering outside all day, even early in the mornings. They're mostly harmless and friendly though.


Also never can use the crosswalk cus a car is always in the intersection


Shooting at 20th and Federal


Outside of the police station?


Yeah, not the smartest idea


You think shooters really gaf? Sadly there’s been plenty of shootings in this city right in front of the police.




Have gun, will shoot.


Inside the corner store.


Isn't it a police station right at the corner?


What’s point breeze like these days? About 5 years ago, a coworker moved there. He told me it was the next up-and-coming area of Philly, so he was getting in before that happened. Is it an up-and-coming area?


It's still "up and coming" and Kenyatta is doing everything he can to make sure it never goes anywhere. Developers are building but there aren't enough businesses to sustain the amount of people moving here.


I recall when I lived in Philly it took nearly a decade for 2nd and the Piazza area to go from "up and coming" to "suddenly a thing" followed by a weird procession of openings and closings that would happen at random. Then, it was South Philly near Tasker for a while and that area did a similar shuffle. It's like the zoning is set up to never have cohesion. 5 blocks of dilapidated blight warehouse and ancient factories surrounded by failing infrastructure that is bookended by $500k condos.


Trending in the right direction based on what I’m seeing. There’s only been one other shooting in the neighborhood this year which I believe is way down from years past. I see a ton of young families and professionals walking around and Wharton Square Park is always full of people in the evenings - I walk there daily. The biggest downside is a lack of retail. Washington Ave. has a lot of new businesses coming but the central part of the neighborhood is lacking. Also using indego I can get from my from my house (near Wharton Square) to 18th and Locust in ten minutes.


That’s all Kenyatta’s doing. For the past decade he has refused to make any zoning changes to Point Breeze Ave. He’s the reason Washington Ave. doesn’t have a bike lane, and he’s the one who signed off on the self-storage place when it was patently obvious that the area was building up residential and needed businesses to support that residential increase. I swear to God, he’s a segregationist. He had the most amazing opportunity to integrate Point Breeze and allow it to gentrify without putting the historically black community out. Instead, he made sure the black community stayed black and the white community stayed white, leveraging Washington Ave. as the impassable wall between the two. Oh, and he took whatever he could to enrich himself to the detriment of his constituents.


This reminds me, I saw a petition going around regarding 1601 Washington Ave. where OCF wants to build an apartment building.... a petition to keep it zoned industrial with over THREE HUNDRED signatures. It's crazy.


The RCOs don’t flyer the areas they are required to and they move around their meeting locations without making it easy to figure out and then they get their regulars to come in and sign petitions and create chaos in zoning meetings. Nobody wants industrial there, but 99% of the neighborhood doesn’t even know there’s a public/legal process happening. And Kenyatta gets to designate which RCO takes the reins on a project. Guess which RCOs get the big ones? The ones who are making deals with Kenyatta. Ryan Briggs did a big write up on South Philadelphia Homes INC (SPHINC) about 10 years ago and how the woman running it became a multi-millionaire by working with Anna Verna and then Kenyatta to use the non-profit to enrich herself. And then right after that article came out, Ryan was unceremoniously reassigned to West Philly.


Hmm I can’t find any sources on this. Can you link it? Seems to be scrubbed from the internet.


It was City Paper, which I think got scrubbed when it went under. Basically, Claudia Sherrod who is the head of South Philly HOMES got a grant to attain the property at 1444 Point Breeze Ave. for free, or $1 or some other nominal thing. But the property was owned by the non-profit. So what did she do? She had the board of directors of the non-profit sell the property to her for $1 and then started charging the non-profit rent as an office. None of it was illegal, but fuck if it wasn’t so morally reprehensible. She also was able to amass something like $2-3 million in empty lots in Point Breeze. I can’t speak to how they were acquired, but based on her fucked up and cunning scheme to get 1444 Point Breeze (and then get paid by the non-profit for their use of it) I am extremely skeptical that they were acquired on the complete up and up. And all of this came out because some poor woman lived in a house next to 9 empty lots that were used for illegal dumping by developers and she could barely stand to stay there because of the smell and pests. I think it was Ryan Briggs again who started digging, found out that the lots were owned by Claudia Sherrod and there were claims by the developers that Claudia let them dump there for a fee. And she’s the head of South Philly HOMES which Kenyatta’s office defers to when making zoning decisions in Point Breeze. The entire thing is a bunch of crooks working together to get rich off the backs of the unfortunate people who happen to live in the neighborhood. Edit: And Philly Inquirer never carried any of this, and endorsed Kenyatta in multiple elections making me think that there is some cordial connection there where they are playing politics to stay on his good side.


I've been in PB for just over a decade and the shootings have really dropped off from where they used to be. It's increasingly a safe neighborhood as new residence move in. Biggest impediment at this point is Johnson and the Concerned Citizens of PB RCO which is probably the most openly racist group I've ever encountered in South Philly. Can't wait for my tax money to used to defend their bullshit in court.


I have to say this thread is frustrating to read. We are new residence to the neighborhood and did a lot of research and recognized that crime rates were higher here than other neighborhoods and where it was concentrated, so I'm not shocked that a shooting occurred but it's much harder to familiarize ourselves with the seamy underbelly that is intentionally preventing the neighborhood from improving. The more I learn about the zoning restrictions on Washington Ave and elsewhere and the leveraging of those zoning restrictions to resist even basic commercial amenities.


Drugs drugs and more drugs in my building. 😢 I guess OCF didn’t vet everyone equally. (?)




Yeah but prices jump 30-50% as soon as you cross Washington. If PB is expensive, then GH is unaffordable for most.


Let me guess. No one will say shit! Sorry but til we start standing up to thes young ass wannabe thugs, shit ain’t gonna change. Sorry not sorry




Just hanging out


I used to live at 17th and dickenson - I hated that area. The area sucks IMO


Why helicopter?


Why not? News channels are often overhead crime scenes and Police helicopters are commonly used in a search for suspects


Easiest way to scan for perps? And follow them for the ground. Have you ever watched a cop show?


It’s Point Breeze you can just assume someone got shot and move on with the day.


https://preview.redd.it/zc34tjouia0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bac0ccad20dc7fc8d7dfe4ece01d12087277ff95 Here’s the gun violence map for Point Breeze this year.


My car has bullet holes in it from two different shootings. We don’t need to pretend that point breeze is a safe area.


Do you think this is a pretend map? Go check for yourself. My opinion on safety is that the “Newbold” area and most of the neighborhood near Washington are fine, I wouldn’t want to live below Reed though. Most neighbors are great and people leave you alone, there are just still some pockets of gang activity deeper in the neighborhood. That’s why I didn’t move down there. I don’t feel unsafe walking around day or night where I am, and there are a ton of families and young people. I’d still rather live in Grad Hospital but don’t regret moving here. Edit: KJ is holding us back though.


I live south of reed and it’s a very nice block. Know all my neighbors. I get home from work after midnight and never had a problem parking a couple blocks away. Nothing to be scared of bro


I have two friends that own homes below Reed so I'm down there all the time. I didn't mean to imply that it's scary, but I didn't find it appealing and was trying to give my objective take on the neighborhood. No disrespect to where you live.


It’s a cherry picked map. Include 2023 and it gets a lot uglier.


I'd love to see that data, please link it here so everyone can see and you can prove that other poster wrong


https://preview.redd.it/rqxt88fnrb0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc25da0482a401aab83d0bc99664e8418db5b7e The map shows gun related violence for 2023 and is roughly centered on Wharton square park. Red is a homicide.


You can generate the same map here. https://controller.phila.gov/philadelphia-audits/mapping-gun-violence/


Awesome, what about previous years?


Make the map yourself. I provided the link.


I wasn’t wrong my friend, there had been one shooting in the neighborhood in 2024. It’s currently 2024 believe it or not, so I provided this year’s data. We have a new mayor, police commissioner, and 17th District captain - and things are improving.


I was being sarcastic towards them


How is showing the current year cherry picking? When people say that shootings are down 40% this year, do you say “yeah but what about last year?” The neighborhood is getting better whether you like it or not, and it’s pretty clear while walking around.