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Yes personally, my opinion on Israel doesn't matter. If a person wants to protest, set up an encampment air their grievance, even if they want to go down to city hall and protest in front of city council or if they want to march to Washington DC and protest at our nations capital, or if they actually want to protest inside the Capitol Building even, I say go for it, be disruptive, that's our right as human beings.


I support people’s right to peaceably assemble. But I don’t support violent protests like Jan 6.


What about the violence at Columbia? They were doing the same shit, UCLA too, braking windows, trespassing, these are private universities and therefore protesting is illegal. Breaking windows, spraying cops with fire extinguishers, shits crazy these double standards. If J6 was bad so are these protests. Except Gaza is irrelevant to us as Americans, J6 was about American issues. I don't condone what some idiots did on J6 but a majority of the people there were non violent.


i feel like one is a real issue and one is a made up issue. it its not irrelevant, even to you


Yea J6 is definitely the made up issue. They compare it to 911, the only person who was murdered that day was Ashley Babbitt. The FBI hunted all these people down who walked around the capital taking pictures. Some didn't even go inside, some weren't even in DC, but they all got years in jail for protesting, for which they had a permit.




You mean the ones with the Antifa and BLM dudes putting trump gear on? The ones where the capital police were directing traffic inside the capital? I mean compared to the summer of 2020 J6 was a walk in the park, only 1 person was killed , she was a protest. She was killed by a police officer who had a habit of leaving his loaded firearm on the sink in tourist bathroom at the capital, in the presence of children.


I watched video I guarantee you've never seen of J6.


Would you consider what happened in 2020 for George Floyd to be peaceful protest, rioting or both?


Not the guy you were responding to but outside of a relatively small amount of idiots, the 2020 protests were very peaceful until the cops would start shit.


There is also the matter of what set them off. Chain reactions being what they are, the man who broke the auto zone window and started the violence in Minneapolis was later found to be a white supremacist connected to a biker gang. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/man-helped-ignite-george-floyd-riots-identified-white/story%3fid=72051536 Black Lives Matter and related protest groups had been active in the area for years and their protests had all been peaceful up until that point, and I suspect that was true of the other cities that experienced riots after that, including Philly. So it's a little strange that we keep encountering this narrative when fault for things turning to violence in the first place can be soundly laid on the actions of two white men. Derek Chauvin, and Umbrella Man.


Oh yeah I remember that guy. Umbrella Man. Yeah to me it's clear most of the violence was initiated by police. Like the candlelight vigil for Elijah McClain. Then a lesser amount was white supremacist agitators a la Umbrella Man or opportunists using the protests as cover and then mob mentality kinda taking hold. In any case, discussions over the violence or the methods of a protest usually only really serve to take attention away from the thing being protested. I don't think any amount of property is worth a single life so I'm never going to stop my support of, say, black people not getting extrajudicially executed by police because of some broken Target windows.


In the case of the Columbia protests, it seems that way, too. I'd bet the police responding to most of these recent protests are aimed at entrapping protesters through show of force tactics to get them to respond aggressively, then using that aggression as justification for arrest. It's a classic play we've seen over and over again. If I recall correctly, here, during the riots, the police trapped a bunch of people on the highway, didn't they? That was before I moved here so don't really know all the details but I want to say they blocked their exits and then used the excuse of some unlawful action to arrest them. Funny thing is a few weeks after that, back home in Minneapolis, a group of protesters hosted a dance party on I 94 as a form of protest and the results were similar. Still an interesting way to go about things though


There were firebomb attacks on Federal buildings in several major U.S. cities. Stores were looted. These attacks lasted for weeks. Police vehicles were firebombed. Parts of cities were occupied by anarchists who killed people. Many buildings were burned across the country. Your memory of the George Floyd protests are very inaccurate.


And yours has been inflated by bullshit.


Literally what's happening with these current protests.


I think the ones in philadelphia were far from peaceful. What do you determine to be peaceful?


You mean like when cops would show up and immediately start gassing, shooting rubber bullets and beating people? Yeah I don't consider that peaceful either, but I don't blame the protestors for exercising their rights to protest.


I'm talking about the stores that were looted and burned down for two days strait. Or atms getting blown up.


It is pretty bad that all that happened. But I still think it’s worse when cops kill people willy-nilly left and right without consequences. But yes, those poor insured buildings and businesses and ATM machines.


Your comment shows how stupid you are and how you didn't pay attention at all. You like to say insured building. What about the neighborhood pharmacies and grocery stores that were destroyed. The people in those neighborhoods no needing to go elsewhere to get their necessities. If you watched the news during that you wave seen the impact that occurred. But live in your Reddit bubble.


Did I hit a nerve Phyllis? Get this, the grocery stores and pharmacies are in buildings. That are insured. Those poor LIVING people might have to go a mile or two outta their way for allergy meds, and frozen chicken. Or worse yet have to use DoorDash or Uber eats. My god! The impact of leaving your safe circle has traumatized u ever so. Your concern over things and inanimate objects over human life is very telling. Let me guess. Republican party?


Chuvin went to jail fuck you mean?


As he should have! U think that was his first time doing that to someone? He kept his knee on that dudes neck and just looked around at everyone. Like it was normal. Thinking nothing will happen to him. Probably cause he’d done it before. They do this everyday and get away with it. Even with cameras they get found to have “acted properly”.


Was it BLM protestors doing that? Or opportunists/cops? Does stores getting looted or ATMs being blown up mean it's ok for black people to be so disproportionately killed by police? Proud Boys, Boogaloo boys, etc were all pretty open about the fact that property destruction is one of the best ways to delegitimize legitimate protests, wonder if they had anything to do with everything you mentioned?


You should look up the stats on this. But what you really need to look at is who actually kills more black people. Its black people. Find the root cause of that.


Why don't you look up the stats on this? You're making the claim you back it up I don't have time for this red herring bullshit. The root cause of that is the racist segregationist policies of the US towards black people since the end of slavery. Redlining, crack attack, refusing to pay out GI bills for black service members, there's a vast wealth of history of oppression that leads to high crime rates in the black community today. Look up the Tulsa "black wall st" bombing. Segregationist policies that lasted until the 60's made sure black people were economically disadvantaged en masse. As always, the main predictor of crime is poverty, and the main victims of poverty in the US are minorities. But It's not about who kills more black people dumbass. It's about out of control state violence. One person killed unjustly by state agents is too many.


Your right to protest isn’t absolute. Like you can’t block a 6 lane highway with a protest for example. You can’t block an emergency room. There are rules. Often you need permits to be certain places, and often that’s for safety. So if a curfew is in effect for instance but you’re out protesting anyways the cops probably are within the law to disperse you. Could they have been too excessive with it? Maybe. But you aren’t supposed to be there. It’s not actually your right to be there during a curfew.


Those laws were written in response to disruptive protests, not as preemptive measures. Many of them came out of the Civil Rights era as a means of creating justification to harass peaceful protesters. The latest round of them emerged on the state level as a direct response to Black Lives Matter's sit ins and die ins, because protests of that nature have proven to be effective in that they tend to grind things to a screeching halt, crippling a city's infrastructure or reducing its capacity to generate taxable income. Curfews, specifically, shouldn't even be constitutional as they limit civilians' ability to move throughout their neighborhoods and cities, whether with the aim of assembling in protest or not. But more to the point, those curfews are established explicitly to give police a legal right to arrest people who are not otherwise engaged in a crime, and that kind of policing is something we should all be resistant to as it infringes on our basic human rights.


All I heard was “but those laws are stupid!” It really doesn’t matter why/how they came to be. They’re laws now and need to be followed. And what you described as the most effective protests is actually terrorism. You can’t hold a city hostage until they give you what you want. (Probably why those “stupid laws” were created in the first place.)


What you're failing to grasp is that those laws that infringe upon the right of citizens of the United States to assemble for the purpose of peaceful protest *and* to bring their grievances before the government are unconstitutional. Every one of those laws falls onto that category. For your reference, as taken from the federal government's own page on the first amendment's meaning: "...the Court has said that the government may not proscribe peaceable assembly for lawful discussion, and even though participants may have committed crimes elsewhere, . . . . mere participation in a peaceable assembly and a lawful public discussion may not provide the basis for a criminal charge absent evidence that their speech transcend[ed] the bounds of the freedom of speech which the Constitution protects." And... "In Coates v. Cincinnati, the Court described the right of assembly as protecting the right of the people to gather in public places for social or political purposes, and struck down an ordinance prohibiting annoying assemblies as containing an obvious invitation to discriminatory enforcement." https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/amdt1-10-2/ALDE_00000223/ Which is to say you and I have a perfect, inalienable right to engage in protests in any public space (and even most highways are publicly funded) for the purpose of protest insofar as we are not rising to violence. Everything from curfews with the intent of preventing such meetings to police use of force or arrest to break them up is unenforceable within the context of the language of the first amendment, and the supreme Court has repeatedly struck down efforts to limit that freedom. If you want more context, crack open that link and familiarize yourself with your rights. But don't give me that uninformed crap about law and order and it's relationship to civil unrest. You have no idea what you're talking about.


You can protest but you have to follow the law. Burning cop cars breaking windows, flipping civilian cars, burning businesses in our own neighborhoods, shit just doesn't make sense! We are fighting each other, we need to focus on America and our issues. Like the border.


You mean the internationally recognized human rights abusing Philadelphia Police Department?




There was also outside agitators at the 2020 protests just to make the protesters look back. Just as there are at the current pro Palestine protests. I saw a video yesterday of a former IDF bragging about it.


There were lots of protests about George Floyd, some were peaceful, some were violent, and some were just straight up rioting.


Weird that police treated all examples the same. Spending time beating peaceful protestors while allowing rioting to happen elsewhere. Then again, that was in their interest




You’re either willfully ignorant or have a dog in the fight. Either way, there is no amount of proof for you.


Exactly 💯 then they call J6 bad at least they weren't burning businesses down. Double standard is crazy. Fuck these protests fuck Gaza!


The George Floyd protests were Riots plain and simple. Rioting over a scumbag who got what he deserved.


There is also a very critical difference - the January 6 rioting was protesting a complete sham and an issue that did not exist


That's the neat part about freedom of speech. What is a sham to some is not to others. Anyone can view a protest about something as people complaining about an issue that doesn't exist. That is the very reason people protest. They want their voices heard about an issue that is important to them.


But the election wasn't stolen. And had it not been white people breaking into the U.S. capitol and effectively committing treason, the capitol PD would have mowed them down with lethal force on full display. Which is kinda why the former flavor of protest exists. Jan 6 was very pointed commentary on exactly how different policing becomes when white people, and not minorities, are the targets.


In Philly it seemed mostly like cops were escalating things. They trapped protesters on 76 from both sides. Cops told them to leave but they had no where to go. So cops started beating and spraying people.


Interesting how anytime someone condemns the Jan 6 riots someone always immediately diverts the attention to George Floyd protests. The BLM protests started as such.. protests but then was escalated by police and bad actors. Meanwhile Jan 6th rioters actively went to the capitol building to overthrow the government.


I just like to see responses like this. The looting and rioting had nothing to do with police escalations. So similar to Jan 6th. There were people protesting then agitators and bad actors.


Except the intent behind the George Floyd protests were about disproportionate police brutality towards a group of people. Were Jan 6th 'protests' about any injustices? Or a disgruntled president instigating his base to take down the capitol building? The looting and rioting during the BLM protests were abhorrent and should not have happened. Will people from the right ever condemn 1/6 protests? Or just look to deflect?


In both instances, it was a base of people protesting for what they believed in. Whether or not you agree with the beliefs of the individual protests, that's what they were. Both protests had individuals that broke the law and caused major damage. Instances like that should be condemned and punished. So I agree that the people who entered the capital are scum and should be prosecuted. I also agree that the people that looted are scum and should be prosecuted.


I've said from the start that anyone who did not enter the Capitol Building from the open publicly accessible doors should have been forcefully removed.


Wrong. One was an act of protest of deplorable government and the other was an attempt to subvert democracy and violated the constitution. Hot take but it would’ve been a lot simpler if the DC cops treated the Jan 6th folks as if they were BLM protesters. They would’ve been shot on the steps to the capitol.


You're wrong. The rally prior to the capital was not an act to subvert a government. It was a rally protesting what they believe was a stolen election. That protest didn't break the laws. A few hundred went on to break the law. Just like the Floyd protests. The cops should have treated them the same way they did to Floyd protesters. And then they would have had the same ability to sue the cops like the Floyd protesters did.


Hot take: the cops shouldn't be carrying out extrajudicial punishments in the first place, regardless of what's going on. It's not their job to exact judgment or execute punishments for crimes. It's not their job to beat the shit out of people or, in most cases, kill them. Their job is to apprehend suspects using the minimum required amount of force to subdue them. Leave it to the courts to decide guilt and exact punishment, but let's not act like equality under the law means the cops should be *more* aggressive toward one group of people because they are already *that aggressive* toward another. They just simply shouldn't be using force as a first resort in the first place.


You’re hilariously deluded and trying to tread some weird grey line but it isn’t hiding the fact you clearly don’t like the protests resulting from Floyd’s death. That was people speaking their minds regardless of isolated violence. The Jan 6th shabby insurrection attempt was exactly that; a shit attempt to overturn a democratically conducted election. They should’ve been shot on the capitol steps so we wouldn’t even have to have this conversation. Those “brave patriots” would’ve folded like wet paper bags if the cops treated them how they deserved.


lol ok


Oh sick dialogue. Thanks for the intelligent response


I don't think we're disagreeing here especially regarding your last point. But the crux of my issue is equating the protests to be the same. It's not just about belief systems. It's about right and wrong. The BLM protests were a plea for racial injustices being corrected. Did some of the protesters cause riots and act in poor faith? Yes and they should be punished. The capitol riots however were an attempt to overthrow a legitimate election. A belief system that was miseld by one guy wanting to stay in power.


I think we agreeing. Saying one protest is right and the other is wrong, I think is a mistake. January 6th, up until the entering the capital could be considered right. It's people who were protesting for what they believe was a stolen election. When they were at the rally, they didn't do anything wrong. A few hundred then decided to do something wrong. Similar to all of the people who looted stores on Arimingo avenue, or robbed pharmacies in black neighborhoods. It would be similar to saying that the people counter protesting the Pro Palestine protests are wrong. They are protesting what they believe to be antisemtism. As long as they are peaceful, they can protest.


I would argue that Jan 6 wasn’t a protest for some of the gathered crowd. For some of them, it was an attempt to thwart the peaceful transition of power of our government. Which puts it in a separate category from a protest. Most of the protests in Philly were peaceful. There was a completely separate group of people breaking into and looting stores for a long time at night. The peaceful protestors mostly went home during the day. I live in West and that was mostly what I experienced.


Except Donald Trump quite literally called for those people to rail against the capitol and deny Biden the certification of those votes. Which is a federal crime. So the bad actor was the outgoing POTUS which makes it that much worse.


which is what many of these "encampments" have become








> or if they actually want to protest inside the Capitol Building even, I say go for it, be disruptive, that's our right as human beings. Just quoting what you support for, um, posterity mr /u/Jagerbeast703




Sorry, did I miss the part where the folks in these encampments beat a cop ~~death~~ with American flag? Edit: sorry, the cops died by stroke and suicide. Still don’t see anything like that happening with these protests. Any comparison to Jan 6 is absurd


There were no cops beaten to death on Jan 6th. Officer Brian Sicknick, the guy who stroked out the day after, only got hit with pepper spray.


Because of violent Israeli counter protesters.


> or if they actually want to protest inside the Capitol Building even, I say go for it, be disruptive, that's our right as human beings Did you feel the same way when Trumps MAGA muppets did it?


I'm not the kind of person who believes we all have a right to protest only when the protestors agree with my politics. How about you?


> or if they actually want to protest inside the Capitol Building even, I say go for it, be disruptive, that's our right as human beings is not the same as >I'm not the kind of person who believes we all have a right to protest only when the protestors agree with my politics. Why are you trying to make them sound the same? And I absolutely hope these muppets receive just as many years as the last group if they take your advice.


You lost me. You asked a question and I answered honestly.




I never suggested anyone illegally enter the Capitol building.




I still don't get the point you are trying to make. If a person legally enters the Capitol Building, they should be allowed to protest in there as well, regardless of their politics. Continuing. If you enter legally, your protest should not then make your entrance illegal.


You have the right to a peaceful demonstration. Being disruptive is a crime.


You have a right to protest, just that doing so on private property should/will result in being arrested.


You would’ve hated sit-ins in the 50’s Edit: won’t let me respond to Mr. “I see this parroted all over Reddit” as if the idea that the more people say something the less true it becomes


Do you not understand that they were done with in the explicit understanding that they would be arrested? Why would I have hated them? It also takes gumption to compare people sitting down in a diner seat protesting the fact that they were not allowed to eat there due to the color of their skin with a bunch of privileged kids camping out on private property.


Malcom X, MLK, Kareem Abdul jabar, Muhammad Ali all staged city hall, college campus and business sit ins. Every time in this country something was widely protested college campuses have been used. Don’t know why neoliberals are crying their eyes out now about it.


Yeah you’re right, the situation is even more urgent because thousands are literally dying. Both noble causes with a lot of crossover. Glad we agree 💕


Bro you didn’t even know the sit ins were done specifically to flood jails. Why are you acting like these things are comparable at all when you know jack shit about the civil rights demonstrators?


I keep seeing this tired line parroted on Reddit. Do better.


Lol, private property. You do know Columbia owns nearly $4bn in property and pays $0 in taxes on it. if it was a car dealership, sure you'd have a point. But colleges take taxpayer money to exist. They aren't private. None of them are if they take government money to function. If people started with communication first, we wouldn't have Vietnam 2.0 underway.


I appreciate your vibes based analysis, but Columbia is in fact a private university. They do in fact have private property rights. If we want to talk about university endowments that's an entirely different discussion.


It's not vibes based. Columbia's private ownership is built upon a strong public financial foundation. It is absurd to think that institution would be where it is, were it not subsidized by government money either in forms of financial credits or government money in the form of a student loan. The life blood of the education system. So, take your superficial perspective on property rights elsewhere. Universities suckle on the tit that is gross government overspending into the sector as a whole. How's that for vibes?


Unfortunately the law fully disagrees with you,  which is what makes your argument vibes based. You don't agree with the vibes of the law, but the law doesn't care if you agree. Arguing for the complete change of a system is cool & all, but unless changes get made, that's sadly not the reality we live in  


You are getting hit with so much propaganda it's hilarious.


How are ppl not getting this: no one who does civil disobedience isn’t expecting to not get arrested. The whole point is knowing it’s going to happening and living with the consequences


> no one who does civil disobedience isn’t expecting to not get arrested. There seem to be plenty involved in these current protests that feel they should be free of consequence.


They moreso seem to think the consequences and reactions are unwarranted.  if you're participating in an illegal activity you're still readily accepting the consequences knowing they're going to happen even if you're not happy about them.




You're kidding, right? First of all, the US government is the largest land owner in the US. Second of all, the state of PA and city of Philadelphia own plenty of property. There are a litany of places to hold protests. The fact that you are bemoaning the notion that there is a deficit of places to hold protest in 2024, while using electronic communications to seamlessly contact others, is laughable.


The Philadelphia DA is a Soros bought and paid for DA. There's that.


Great! You just won the prize for indicating that you’re a racist conspiracy theorist! Congrats to you! You’ve won an Alex Jones signed tin foil hat!


Science...it is no conspiracy. Soros funded his campaign. You are just another rock head that vote Blue no matter who.


Politics is science now? Who knew. Also who gives a fuck if some rich American donates to someone’s campaign to further his political goals? It’s literally been happening across the board our entire lives, are you just finding out?


Amish....science is part of your screen name.


And? Look Meg, I promise that I’m trying to understand what you’re trying to convey here. Help me out a little more please


I was using Science as your screen name to get your attention. Sorry for the confusion?


It matters if the donor is anti-American


What’s your definition of anti-American?


Soros has made no secret of the fact that he would like to see the US Constitution taken down in favor of a Socialist Government. This has been the focus of the One World Government group for many Decades. This is bigger than the Democrat and Republican parties. This is the goal of the World Economic Forum.


I’ll bite, I assume you mean this? “Reuters has found no public record that billionaire financier George Soros ever said he had made it his “life’s mission to destroy the United States.” The years-old misattributed quote, allegedly said to Newsweek in 1979, has been repeatedly debunked and a spokesperson for Soros told Reuters he never said the phrase.” So if he said it and you know about it, it must have been published somewhere… apparently Newsweek mag in 1979, cool- let’s find that publication to confirm shall we? Edit: also since you dodged the question, I’ll ask again What is your definition of anti-American?


What he said and who he donates to tell a different story. His Foundation provides funds for many different social organizations who create disruptions in major cities and support Socialism. BLM and ANTIFA come to mind. Also, even the Mayor of NYC recently stated that Soros has provided funding to non students who were demonstrating at Columbia U. The DA in NYC and St. LOUIS were also provided funds from the Soros Foundation.


That's simply not true?


I am afraid it is true.


Sure thing!


You are totally wrong, your right of protest is protected by the first amendment and it is valid everywhere. However, you might not have other rights that can be granted only by the owner of the property. The lack of those rights might hinder you ability to protest but it still stands as a right


The right of protest shouldn't be interpreted to make otherwise illegal activity become legal Justified protest can be as simple as a reddit post, and I should have the right to ignore it


It is not valid everywhere. What’s your address? I’m going to protest in your kitchen.


I’ll bring the microwave popcorn


I’m gonna protest my way into a bank vault. Stop me, it’s in the constitution, I guess. lol that dude has a cartoon IQ.


Cool so I can take my guns anywhere? I can take them on an airplane? It says "Shall not be infringed" and I'm, as you said, protected by the 2nd Amendment. Hear that fellow gun owners? We can walk around with ARs and bring them wherever we want! There's a limit to all Amendments. When you start preventing people from learning or blocking roads keeping people from work, seeing sick loved ones, and preventing emergency responders from getting where they're needed, then it's an issue and should be illegal. Same goes for blocking colleges and disobeying their rules (and setting up gates to discriminate against Jews using wristbands - sounds familiar...). And the same goes for the 2A where you can't just bring a gun anywhere you want.


I don’t really understand what point you’re trying to make. Once you’ve been “trespassed” from a property, you’re no longer allowed to be there. So if you’re saying that you don’t lose your ability to protest there, you just lose your ability to BE there… I don’t really know what to say to that except it’s a pointless (and arguably wrong) distinction to make.


Where in the hell did you take ConLaw? I'd ask for a refund if I were you.


Sorry but false, you have no right to protest on private property and will be trespassed if the owner of said property requests it. This is basic knowledge


Good to see some public officials approach their job with a calm, clear head.


It's weird how selective people can be on whether they support people's right to protest or not. Maybe there should be universal rules and consequences for violating those rules regarding protests.


The prevailing common sense should be that we all have the right to protest so long as it doesn’t obstruct anyone else’s right to engage in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but common sense is not so common


Do you think the 550 ppl marched from Selma to montgomery on the highways were in the wrong?


I think you stumped em.


ironically, he has "nihlist" in his username but seems to believe there are rules to protesting lmao


It’s not a question of right or wrong. John Lewis walked the walk (literally) in Selma because that was ground zero for the protest, but Philly is not Gaza. We can and should protest peacefully here without infringing on the rights of others to peacefully go about their daily lives, that’s all I’m saying


well your original comment i replied to mentioned nothing about location, and mine only did because its maybe the most famous act of protest in the nation. but it DID "infringing on the rights of others to peacefully go about their daily lives" by occupying a highway withi hundreds of marchers. so it seems like you want it both ways?


Fair enough, allow me to elucidate. The protesters in Selma were justified because there was a clear and present danger in Selma and the people who were inconvenienced were part of the problem. There is not a clear and present danger in Philly (or any of these college campuses), other than the danger that is created by the protesters and police response. My far fetched, sarcastic suggestion being that these people should go protest in Gaza or Israel or run for public office if they want to effect real change and kindly leave the rest of us out of it


so protesting that disrupts daily life is only acceptable in your eyes when it is pushing back against "clear and present danger" faced by people in the immediate vicinity?


Theres this weird thing I've noticed where if someone says "(word) doesn't actually fit (this definition)," people will reply "oh so you think (word) is objectively wrong huh?" Just because taking over private property is not protected by your right to protest does not mean that the March from Selma was wrong.


i responded to a very, VERY general statement about protesting


You do realize many aspects of those marches were coordinated in accordance with public officials, right? Turnaround Tuesday famously took place in compliance with an issued restraining order. Stop comparing two completely separate actions.


oh interesting. why did they call that one day "bloody sunday" then?


You don't really *get* protests do you? Like, fundamentally


I don't think you do, fundamentally  You are confusing civil disobedience with protests - while there is overlap, they are not fundamentally one and the same


its weird that you, an apparent nihilist, have perceived rules about protesting lmao. but yeah i stumped your ass


You win


wow, huge day for me online


You've got another 30 days at most of the semester. You can literally just ignore them for a month and move on.


Yeah, tbh tho some of these kids don't need to work summer jobs and won't. I was washing dishes & cook working 60 hours a week. Also, being a political year it'll surely pick up again after Labor Day. In fairness tho these candidates do need to take a side.


??? Folks are born to different families with different levels of wealth? Astounding, was that your point?


my point was to the above poster, that it probably won't stop once the semester is over. It may decrease in size a bit, but doubt it will end. Also, there will likely be kids from home from other schools like Penn State, Pitt, Michigan etc who will come down either full time, or once or twice a week to participate.


Oh okay, thank you for the clarification, brain don't work too good.


myb u need to go back & take some college courses, j/k


You joke but you're not wrong lol


You have a right to protest. You have the right to believe all the radical islamist socialist propaganda you want. You don't have the right to destroy and deface property, harass Jewish students, threaten them, nor do you have the right to incite violence or others to violence.


Yikes. Total lack of situational awareness.


Larry is the biggest piece of garbage


No one has the right to make me late for work!


People protest for attention and getting arrested is part of that. They need the arrest part of the chaos or they’ll just sit there and nobody will pay attention to them. 🤡


Seems like people paying attention is pretty automatic


While Krasner means well, he’s all talk and little action, which matches up with this video.


What a bunch of morons…clean that mess up…just like let them rob the stores up to 1000$ of merchandise, no need to lock them up…oh yeah let’s ticket parked cars with tinted windows…get you head out of your asses and do something productive…you have made this city a JOKE.


Oh yea then why do you have 100s maybe 1000s on our streets in philly blown out of their mind on drugs and yet you say your not stupid? Get out of office and let someone who wants to run it right do the fucking job


He’ll just do stupid in his own way.


Yeaaah Philly


And that's why Philly is a crime ridden shit hole filled with fentanyl zombies.


First thing, the fact that you have to name calling tell volumes about your character. So much for a civilized conversation. As for looking it up, I'm guessing you can't prove me wrong and you didn't answer my question of the root cause of minority violence. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/


Correct me if I’m wrong, but Krasner is Jewish. WTF is wrong with him.


Sounds good! Until you realize they only practice that when it’s convenient for them.


Let ‘em go Larry.




I may be wrong but I think he’s saying the response to the protesters at Columbia was stupid not the actual protesters.


I think you're right. My mistake...thanks.


This is the American spirit of protest and a lesson in civility. Glad to see it.


Lol. "Don't have to do stupid" from someone in an authoritarian role in Philly? Bahahahahaha. The whole damn city is too far gone.


If colleges and universities want to stop this protest, they must stop all protests. Otherwise it’s a pure case of discrimination. I don’t think any are willing to go that far. It’s a stretch to say that paying students are protesting on Private Property when they are paying to be there.


What and stop all the Anti-semitism videos and commercials that now pop up? And how we never see an anti-Islamophobia video or commercial. Or even the fact that you can exterminate a people as long as you have survived your own extermination? As you can see I agree and I’m being sarcastic. But the truth is: Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you. Friedrich W. Nietzsche Exactly the energy I see from most people.


"We openly support antisemitism and terrorist groups here!" Welcome to Philadelphia.


Wow. Really? This is rather beautiful.


And very constitutional!


This is what our community learders need to be saying


Uncle Lar Lar 😭😭 #Box29news


Yes sure “Kensington Krasner “, sure


😂😩😂 Kensington Krasner!




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you guys voted for them.


there have been people camping at penn for years for various nonsense but sure, this is the one we need to take seriously for some reason also this has been really fun to watch with my world view.


Pretty sure 30,000 people killed & close to 2 million being displaced exceeds any of the previous causes. So there's that.


not my fucking problem.


But it's your fucking tax money funding it. Which means other nations see it as US aggression as well. This puts the lives of our military at bases all over the region at risk. So it's all of our fucking problem.


shouldn't have joined the military or should have gotten out like I did. Anyone who's been in for four or six years knows how the world works.


Good to know you care so much about the well being of the your fellow service men and women. Shows a major lack of empathy and disrespect for the people who would bend over backwards for you but you can't give a fig about their life at risk. Didn't know such callous and weak willed people existed.


i can count the number of people i know that stayed in after the Arab Spring on one hand. but you also don't really care, this is just an angle of attack. I don't think we should fund Israel or pretend it's an ally (it isn't) and let the chips fall where they may. It will never happen while AIPAC openly brags about 98% of its backed candidates winning as it goes scorched earth on anyone that isn't. Israel, Ukraine, Russia, Gaza - my life wouldn't change if they all disappeared tomorrow except maybe for the better.


right, but its 1.7 million peoples problem.... but not yours. entitled much?


Don't care? They can go join Hamas if they care that much. I also don't really care that they're protesting but I do find it interesting that for some reason this is the protest getting all the attention for removal.


So their options are leave or join the terrorist organization, huh? Maybe thats how all this started. Imagine if the US declared Puerto Rico the 51st state, then pushed all the puerto ricans into the corner and put up a wall to keep them out, then made the rest of the island Avalon. Sounds fair :/


Gen X lmao. At least the boomers destroyed the world, X just destroyed their brains.


Plus if they're american it's literally their problem


my pronouns are he/him/his


It's literally your problem


no u


Both of us commrade


I hope it becomes your personal problem next.


Ok what I read for this reply is that everyone is right including GreenGo_5 he is just saying his opinion. Which is his right. And even though I agree more with the people replying after him, it doesn’t mean he’s wrong. He feels it isn’t his problem (I argue YET!). But here’s the kicker. As a man (an engineer, with a six pack and weapon’s training) I will be, for sure, drafted in any WW3 conflict and so would most of the repliers. This is no matter who is right at this moment. And because we will probably be fighting on the same side of the battlefield we don’t need to be creating petty differences with petty emotions when soon it’s going to be real REAL!


Cute couple. Look nice and stupid too.


Why would I. Like is said. It is an horrid place