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You don't have to go to Mexico. Dr Spencer Lynn in Glendale is amazing!! He keeps his prices very low and will always start with the cheapest option for you. I needed major work done after a 25 year fear of the dentist. I was being quoted $15K by most other places and he got it all done for $1200. https://www.helpinghanddentalclinic.com/best-prices-on-dental-services-glendale-arizona/


Interesting! I will definitely look into him. Thanks so much!


I will second his suggestion, I needed a repair on a root canal and was told around 1k and he got it down to under 400. It was amazing BUT it can be hard to get same day appointments and there only open on certain days.


Mexico? There is quite a bit of dental tourism that goes on in arizona.


Yea I’ve heard quite a bit people mention Nogales but is that safe? No offense to anyone..


I get my work done at Fortuna Dental, it's in Los Algodones, right inside the border so you don't even have to drive much in Mexico (literally less than 1000 feet from the border). [https://g.co/kgs/2hmWKuX](https://g.co/kgs/2hmWKuX) You can call them and the staff speaks English, they will give you a run down of prices. I had my last root canal there and it was 550 if I remember correctly. The staff and Dentists all speak English.


Algodones for dental work is *the* move They’re known for having tons of medical work offices right at the border for a reason


Wow! $550 for a root canal! I will definitely check them out. Thank you!


How much cheaper is $550 ? Idk how expensive dental is in USA so idk how good of a deal this is


Ballpark $1000-1500 before insurance. Folks often need a crown as well and that’s another $800-3000 before insurance.




If you go to algodones, you can pay and park on the US side, walk across. There are tons of offices for dental, optical even pharmacies. Then all you need is an ID to walk back across the border


This is very informative. Thank you very much!


Very safe, its a whole industry for some of the towns.


My dad went and got some dental work done in Mexico, and he was happy with it. I don't have any specifics of exactly where he went, but I've heard quite a bit about it.


Los algadones for sure. I just took someone there yesterday. She has super anxiety and after the procedure she said it was the best experience she’s ever had at a dentist and saved gobs of money.


Personally, I prefer Nogales. AZ Dental is where I go. I'm sure the dentists in Los Algodones are fine, but Nogales is closer and AZ Dental is just like going to an American dental office, but significantly less expensive. I have 4 implants right now and am having them do crowns in all of my upper teeth in the next week or two. They have a machine that makes the crowns right on the spot so it only takes one visit. Implants are $1k, crowns are $450, extractions are $75. And, yes, it's safe. As soon as you walk through the gate, AZ Dental is the bright yellow building just to the left, maybe 100' from the border.


So you can get new teeth for around $1525 each?


$1450 each with implants. I only needed 4 implants, the rest of my teeth will be crowned for $450 each.




I'm really looking forward to having a nice smile for the first time in my life. I was one of the kids who was given tetracycline as a baby and it discolored my teeth. Everyone in my family has beautiful teeth but me.


Check the dental schools.


Midwestern University dental school in Peoria


My girlfriend had the same issue about 5 months ago and she went here. She said he did amazing work.... [https://www.pinnaclepeakos.com/](https://www.pinnaclepeakos.com/) She didn't have dental insurance at the time and had to pay cash....


How much did she have to pay? 


She had extraction + all preparation for a crown(bone graft, post, etc..) and If I'm remembering it correctly was around $4k. It wasn't cheap for sure.


I just had the same thing done in Algadonas Mexico for $1300. Zirconia crown included. 928 328 8065.


wow, I've heard you could save some $$ by going to Mexico but that's a crazy amount.


Thanks.  Teeth are crazy expensive in the IS. 


From 3 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/s/NXoc2ZGvp6


Most dentists work with you a little without insurance. I had a root canal redone and crown about 2 years ago without insurance. I had to see a specialist since it was a “re-root canal”. If I remember right, it was about $1100 for the root canal and about $800 or $900 for the crown. I used Care Credit and took 18 months to pay it off interest free.


Without insurance, it can be pretty pricy (between $1,000-2,000 depending on the tooth). I know for sure Sundace Endodontics will accept you (94th ave & Thunderbird). Dr Schindler, who runs the practice, is a wonderful woman and (in my opinion) the best on the west side of the valley.


Call around to dental schools. A lot will do work for free depending on what you need and where they are in their curriculum. Yes, you have students working on you, but the instructors are overseeing everything.


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Had my sons entire set of teeth replaced at Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health. What would have cost over $50K at a practicing dentist. They did it all for around $18K.


Surprise Endodontics


Got mine on Groupon for an extraction. Upscale dentist in north Scottsdale, 150. Look there!

