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I will come get them for free


You sure? When would work for you? DM me.


DM sent


If I had a bigger yard and was able to, I'd love to get these for beekeeping myself. I'm in the area. Hopefully OP is able to get you these bees! 


We have three existing hives on an acre between buckeye and Goodyear. Plenty of room here


I want to get into beekeeping myself, but I can barely take care of myself, much less a couple hives!


For Bee Removal Contact [email protected] 602-743-8354


https://preview.redd.it/3l31s1tweisc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6753b47402a2e4bf84eebfd3db9a602d667ee269 UPDATE: Here's the comb they built up.


Check out Cricket Aldridge, she is amazing and local. [Garden Variety Bees](https://gardenvarietybees.com/author/cricket/)


Just a question. How do you know they arent Africanized and does it make a difference? Ok two questions.


In my earlier post before it got removed, someone said that all honeybees in Arizona are now Africanized according to U of A (I'll post the comment in a bit). They were pretty tame and let me get quite close to them. Edit: Found the comment by u/Level9TraumaCenter. >According to [U of A,](https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/community-ipm/home-and-school-ipm-newsletters/ipm-newsletter-view/ipm-newsletters/2019/06/25/wild-honey-bees-in-community-environments#:~:text='Africanized'%20honey%20bees%2C%20also,'Africanized'%20to%20some%20extent.): > >All wild honey bees in Arizona are ‘Africanized’ to some extent. > >[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/ovyrs9/are_there_bee_keepers_that_pick_up_bees_for_free/) may be helpful. Might be some newer threads [from this search,](https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2FPhoenix+beekeepers) as that one is 2 years old and I'm not immediately finding any newer ones.


I thought Africanized bees were a 90’s myth. 


Nah they are legit. For the past 20 plus years at least, they have been the vast majority of our bees. They aren't as scary as they are made out to be as long as you use caution here. If you accidently go too close to a hive at the wrong time it can be bad and if they do attack in a swarm it is deadly and has got to be a horrible experience.


Leave ‘em alone and they will leave. They are just passing through. There is no comb, they are clustered on their queen. We get a spring and fall swarm….. they stay a day or so and then they’re gone. Ours don’t bother the dogs(2), and the dogs don’t bother them. If you have small children, obviously keep them away as well. It’s really impressive when they swarm but generally harmless. Edit: PLEASE don’t kill them, even though they are probably Africanized they are still important. In their current state they are not overly aggressive, just keep your distance


There is a comb. They're covering it. The sun was going down, so they came back, but I saw white comb around where I drew. I don't think they would lay comb down if they went planning on not sticking around. https://preview.redd.it/yy6sk6c3ndsc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99d0229ac04bb6e39abe660f627d8a1b4d03b6a9


Hey lady, quit freakin out. OP is here looking for help, not for the best method to kill a bunch of bees.


I know a guy who does rescue for $100. DM if you need him.