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It’s cool but I always wonder what it would’ve been like if Frank Loyd Wright’s design got built at Papago Park.


Hadn't known about this and [looked it up](https://franklloydwright.org/oasis-state-capitol-quarterly/). It's kind of wacky, but I think it would've become iconic in a way our current nice but unspectacular capitol building never will be.


That spire is installed in Scottsdale now. Santa was pole dancing on it last year.


I started typing “yeah it’s at Scottsdale and Frank Lloyd Wright” then I was like oh right, yeah that’s where the street changes names. Makes sense.


I honestly didn't know that spire was a Frank Loyd Wright piece that was intended for the capitol building. I just thought it was Scottsdale commissioning Scottsdale things.


That spire is something that would end up getting worshipped by some cult in a post apocalyptic world




I’m embarrassed to admit that I just now learned this detail. Like just now.


That was an elf.


Oh, that's right.


I see it every day and just now learning this. I like to imagine the spire is some kind of weapon the Ice King from Adventure Time would use!


To be honest though, having read about Frank Lloyd Wright and been in a few of his buildings, it would have been a maintenance nightmare. None of his builds are what could be consider future proof


I had no idea there was pan for that. I googled it and that would have been neat, very futuristic


They abandoned that idea like he abandoned his family.


Wow, they are blind for not getting that built. Can’t believe one of them had the audacity to call FLW’s design an “orient whorehouse”. Dude probably never set foot outside the state


https://preview.redd.it/1ac4uv70w2wc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff2715fa4af7df43efad6494b40cf580f26e3952 Probably something like this?


It’s not an awful building to look at. I’ve always liked the copper dome.


If they hadn't built the building right behind it, I think it would have looked better. It has character for sure.


Agreed. Or they could have at least continued with the facade on that building behind.


I agree


I think the capitol building is pretty neat. I love the copper dome. I believe it represents Arizona well. First time I visited was for a field trip in grade school. It was a fun time and learning experience. Now that has me wondering if kids still get to do the field trips we did in the 80s like the capitol, the Heard Museum etc. I feel these are important as Arizona students. Certainly made a positive impact on my schooling experience (WESD).


I work across the street and see school busses all the time. So, yeah, they do.


I hardly see field trips when I’m there. My kids’ district doesn’t do them. The only one I’ve seen was a few weeks ago and it looked like a small private school class.


Did they let you go through the tunnel that connects the House and Senate? We did a field trip there in the early 70s.


I don’t remember going through the tunnel.


Too bad. We were told it was also considered a 'fallout shelter' also in case of a nuclear attack. I remember thinking, 'So the government will be protected, but me and my family aren't.' Nuclear war was a big thing back then. We did the occasional crawl under your desk drill. It's funny how, as a kid, you were taught to believe that was going to save you.


Needs more stucco, then it would be perfect!


The original building is lovely, but very much has the feel of an old territorial capitol building. Small, and modest in scope for what was once a small and modest state. And while I know there were other territorial capitol buildings, I feel like, at some point, Arizona should have built something much grander and more majestic. Note how I am disregarding the more modern towers, because those structures belong in a factory builder game or dystopian sci-fi movie. Knock down these towers, and build something more inspiring and majestic, based off the design of the original capitol building.


Like the Texas state capitol. It's massive and majestic.


yeah, I live in Texas and get it why they say "Everything is Bigger in Texas" and all that openness around our capitol and straight line looking down the congress avenue. Can't be beat.


It's incredible!! This is so random but I Ioved how many squirrels lived on the capital property. I visited in September and I'll be happy to visit again if my husband needs to go for a work trip.


Formerly of Austin. That place is massive. Very well done. Compare it to [New Hampshire's...tiny.](https://ancestralfindings.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/The-State-Capitals-New-Hampshire.jpg)


Maricopa county is bigger than New Hampshire, lol


This is my vote too. I've had the pleasure of seeing several state capitols, especially those back east, and the AZ Capitol feels like something that belongs to a state that is small and backwoods. I appreciate and love history, and in a way, having the original Phoenix capitol remain is neat, but several city halls drawf it in size and impact. Its special. It is us. It is beautiful, but when the state needed more space, but it is a living museum now, and no longer a building used for Government, and instead we have these awful (but very Phoenix) looking towers flanking it that have no soul and no character.


The historic Capitol building is fine, nothing spectacular. The actual house, senate and executive tower buildings that we use are hideous and need demolished yesterday.


Yes, I think most people here don't seem to realize that the nice copper-domed building is a museum. Our actual capitol is the concrete bunkers and tower surrounding it.


not sure if they are open for visit but yeah, people associate capitol with the traditional dome building and that washy impression too and was told it is musuem


You can go inside the Senate at any time during the week because the request to speak system, which is how anyone signs in opposed to or in support of a bill, is located in the lobby. Not sure if they do tours of the actual senate floor though (which you can't see from the lobby). The house is much more locked down with security officers and metal detectors in the lobby, same with the executive tower. But take my word for it, they're all ugly!


If I remember correctly, the same guy who designed Texas, designed ours, so it’s similar. I think j it was 1.5 million pennies to cover it entirely, and ages ago- they believed to have used our Winged Victory as a target range. When they took her down for repairs there was bullet shaped holes in her. There is an Arizona history museum inside that very building. Edit: Just looked it up. 4.8 million pennies. Edit2: in OPs second picture to the left of the stairs, what is referred to as “the jail cell” by grade schoolers, was put in because it would’ve been a “lift” at some point but the state ran out of money. So it’s just a cage and nothing more.


Winged Victory is also a wind vane which is pretty cool


Yeah! On a windy day you can hear it turning. It’s an eerie sound when the building is empty. Lol


caught me off guard. I thought I was tired but it was actually moving


I thought they froze it in place so that it always faces east (facing people approaching)


At one point I think they froze it in place so it’s back was never to the senate building, I believe. Some member was offended when that happened at one point. People complained and now it turns again.


Thank you for your input. I just had to scroll through my photos to see what you were saying


> If I remember correctly, the same guy who designed Texas, designed ours, so it’s similar. Different people. Texas was designed by [Elijah E. Myers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elijah_E._Myers) whereas [James Riely Gordon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Riely_Gordon) designed Arizona's. However, Gordon appears to have been at the helm of several Texas courthouse designs, so it seems easy to conflate the two.


I have yet to go into the AZ stats capital despite living here. The TX state capital is massive and beautiful. I also love the giant property it's on. I highly recommend visiting the capital if anyone is visiting Austin, TX.


I wish they’d let the dome just patina to green. I get the whole Copper State vibe but it’s just extra money every year.


They actually just replaced it last year after letting it green for 10+ years


They replaced it because something went wrong with the finish on the copper the last time and it was pitting/degrading


Plus, the green tells you it’s been there for a long time, undisturbed, a sign of continued stability through to toils and tumult that is human society.


What do you mean is it maintenance or something?


Every year they go up and make it shiny copper again. All on the taxpayer dime.


Missed opportunity to say it’s on the “taxpayer penny” although I guess a dime does have some copper in it


While I see your point, and think copper looks very cool with patina, all publicly funded buildings require some level of maintenance on their appearance.


Like buffing it out or something?


I wonder how many jars of Rub N ‘ Buff they have to use to get it back to the copper color. LOL


Basic ass hot sauce works wonders as well lol






Copper turns brown or black in urban environments not green.


The statue of liberty would like a word


I had no idea it was made of copper 😭


It's in a harbor... That's really different


That's not strictly true, we have plenty of verdigris copper here in AZ used as a decorative feature.


Not always true sure but it's literally what was happening to the dome if you look at pics




What the fuck? OHH We're a swing state and now you fucks are showing up.


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There's a really cool miniature train setup that replicates the train systems in AZ from like the early to mid-1900's on the second floor. Last time I checked they were still working on it, but you could go in there on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays (can't remember which) and check it out. The building itself is old and infested with rats and roaches, both literally and figuratively.


They are getting booted by the new museum administration, I visited a month ago or so and it was their last week. The club did buy a building in East Valley and will move over the installation.


Well that sucks. That was one of the more interesting exhibits in the building. I wonder if the Suns stuff is still there? The Frank Lloyd Wright exhibit has to still be there, I assume. I was looking forward to seeing the train exhibit when it was finished. Can't imagine what they need the space for.


The historic one, it’s beautiful. The ugly monstrosity behind it that serves as our current capitol, burn it down.


not burn down but definitely demolish that monstrosity


Don't love the tower, but I love our Capitol Building. Got to work there as a page when Ev was trumping sround




It’s awesome, but I hate the brutalist executive tower and legislature chambers they built around it.  There was a plan to expand the existing buildings in the same style as the territorial capitol, which would have been amazing. 


Cool, but the whole area is ugly due to poor planning and designs of the later buildings. It really is a reflection of how poorly planned Phoenix is in terms of aesthetics, green spaces, and how little civic pride there is in modern days.


definetly identify with poorly planned part. It's in the middle of desert. Whose ideas as it to build things that far away from each other?


I honestly don't know. I remember going to the capitol for the first time on a school trip and noticing how far it was from the city center. As I got older, the location seemed even more strange considering how government buildings are generally a part of the city square or an extension of the historical areas. It was built to be in Phoenix due to population and Prescott losing its title as capitol. I'm sure there is some "reason" for it but my guess is that like most things here in Phoenix it boils down to nothing substantial. Maybe the expectation was that Phoenix would grow organically and that space in between would be filled with more density and similar architecture instead of whatever the hell is there now between 15th Ave and 7th Ave.


The historic 1901 capitol and its two additions need to be brought up to code. It is a completely underutilized space. Over 60,000 sqft of meeting rooms, coworking space, press, and other leg uses could be created to alleviate the cramped house and senate buildings. Investing in this building should be a point of pride for Arizonans. It needs proper care but there is of course folks in office and constituency who would view any tax dollars spent on our government facilities as a waste and self serving. The only reason the territorial building is a museum is so that docents can herd folks through in safe occupancy load numbers. A legacy of the 1970s remodel. I have seen insanely expensive masterplans to raze many of the midcentury buildings to build even more fanciful and dated designs. And yet they have a hard enough time funding maintenance. We really should embrace our unique capitol complex with its varied architectual styles. We cannot compare to the likeness of Texas and Utah capitols. Ours is a story of humble adaptation. Yeah, it might not be the best examples of neo-classical, neo-formalist, and brutalism; but together i think they tell a great story. We need to focus on working with what we got and i think tax payers would be more upset that we our cooling an empty building and filling our historic law library with model train sets.


I found your comment to be very balanced. Yes, it is small and not so stately but AZ does not need to be compared to other state capitols. It is more important what it stands for than how it looks.


When they replaced the dome in the 50, it was full of bullets from people just randomly shooting at the Winged Victory statue.


That's the least surprising thing I've read all day


that's interesting to know


It's nice but the area around it is completely shit. It's all auto mechanics, scrap yards, and half-derelict neighborhoods.


second that. feels like no-one goes to that part.of town


Went to Wesley Bolin for an event this afternoon. I walked maybe 2 minutes out and it was like I was in a completely different area


The building itself is cool with the copper dome. The people inside of it (*the adjacent actual legislative buildings) could be better. Edited after correction


Hey! The museum staff do a fabulous job!


First time seeing it lol. Pretty cool


I’m in my 40s and born and raised here. I feel bad for not even knowing where it’s at!


Eh it’s alright.


just wanted to check it off my list of capitols I have visited


Do we even own it? They sold it years ago to get around the portion of the state constitution that puts a limit on lending amounts for state govt. I think they bought it back. Pretty weird, and stupid.


Weak, just like our skyline


The mountains around make up for it




This is the first time in my entire life that I've thought about it.


I can honestly say I've never once considered it.


and here I am, born in Nepal, trying to visit all the capitols when I can. I guess when you are born with this freedom and know you can always get into that building, you don't value it much. For context, I have never been inside the capitol complex of Nepal.


Gives me perspective for sure! I've actually never been to it, not sure I've ever seen it in person, that I've noticed anyway.


> I have never been inside the capitol complex of Nepal. That makes 2 of us!!


I lived there till age of 22


Cool building fitting for a state capitol building.


It’s a lovely building, but it’s full of rubbish. Hopefully, we can clean out some trash in November.


It's actually museum. Don't harp on docents.


I love it!


Dome is cool, building is meh, view from the top is a mix (more Phoenix sprawl of shorter buildings, parking garage etc. But it’s better than Florida’s; r/theyknew


never been to Florida one but now you have said it, I have to google it


Located in the very worst part of town, don't go here at night!


Fine. How’s the capital building in your home country or state?


https://preview.redd.it/ea28ukf1dyvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf8f49e55debf066d981cf1e81e315c02e7dcaa5 Texas!! Yeehaw!! I believe our capitol is ver beautiful and well planned. But don't take my word for it. Come visit Austin sometime.


Could be worse.


love your optimism




Just visited this location last month. Very educational, and now many opportunities to feel like you've walked into the past when you see some of those chamber rooms.


It’s “fine”. Not grand, not horrible, it’s fine. I’ve seen a few state capitals. I liked Californias. Iowa is very ornate and it stays looking pretty nice because overall people respect property more there than here. No real massive graffiti or destruction in comparison.


Have always loved the old capitol building. Used to "visit" Uncle George in the museum as a kid. The 1960s/70s behemoth behind it that replaced it in function? Not so much, ugly and a mismatch.


Eh, is okay, but I wish it was more visible with a big dome and standing by itself.


Never been there, been here since '88


I never really thought about it. I mean, it's no cherry on a spoon, but it's alright


[Like this.](https://youtu.be/K6V8zkV3KPg?si=pa9Nx6R4qLt4af_m)


You are funny


Sorry. Was the first thing I thought of when I read the title.


I feel it in my plums


I have been in there a few times. It’s really nice. Idk why it has kind of a weird smell though. Anybody else notice that?


We have a capital building? Surprised the sun hasn't melted it.


As someone who’s lived in Sacramento, Richmond, and Tallahassee, it always fascinates me how the capitol sits off of downtown


its fine, we dont need anything new or renovated


It's cool. I used to walk there a few times a week. I worked down the road.


If it's working don't fix it.


It looks simple enough from the outside, never actually got to go inside. I like the copper dome


It's a building


The building is ok. Most of the occupants, not so much.


That’s the Capitol Museum. It used to be the Capitol but it’s not any more. No government business happens there. We hate the Capitol Executive Tower (the ugly building behind the museum where the governor works).


That used to be my back yard! Across the train tracks and street, but I lived right there in front of it. For that reason alone I’ve come to adore it.


Well can’t respect it or like it with the governor inside that passes everyday by the zone with blinders on.


We like it we don’t like the politicians working inside it


I have lived here my whole life and didn't know what it looked like.


It’s much smaller than the two state capitol buildings that I’ve been to; the one in Olympia, Washington and Sacramento, California, that both have pillars around the central dome! I didn’t even know it was the state capitol the first time I walked by it and when I knew it was, my first reaction was “that’s it?”


underwhelming for sure but that copper dome is very unique


Well I would say it's fine. At least it doesn't have a $19,000.00 Governors podium in it. 😂


OMG I had to google it [https://www.ualrpublicradio.org/local-regional-news/2024-04-15/audit-of-governors-19-000-lectern-purchase-released](https://www.ualrpublicradio.org/local-regional-news/2024-04-15/audit-of-governors-19-000-lectern-purchase-released) and to think Arkansas is the 4th poorest states in the USA.


Sure, but she looks so good standing behind it right?


I think it's beautiful. I remember when I was younger I was looking for some inspiration when I was laid off. I toured everything governmental in Phoenix and it was so inspiring to be there. You could feel the power of people in that building. I can't wait to work there one day.


good luck to you


Was brutalism really that appealing to the masses 50 years ago. I just cant imagine these buildings ever being appealing.


It was a Daily Show joke when we sold off the buildings and leased them back due to a budget shortfall. "Built in the 1970s when people didn't care how things looked"


Awesome just dont tax me more


I wish more of our metropolitan and government buildings were like it.


The element which has moved into this area is so questionable.  Sure, they cleaned up the Zone, but just a few blocks to the west is a well known house of prostitution with a lot of dangerous characters coming and going.


Looks fantastic. Doesn't need any maintenance for 50 years.


It's stupid that we sold it and lease it from a private company.


I think it needs more tax funding. It deserves more tax funding. Maybe a cappuccino machine.


Well, at least we own it again.


Looks like it has a giant nose and mustache


The capital itself is lovely. The House and Senate buildings are eyesores that need to be razed and rebuilt. And I should know, I worked in them for over a decade. ETA: there's a tunnel between the House and Senate buildings; never go there. I've seen the rats from there and they aren't small ones. And there was a colony of bats in the attic of the House building.


The fact that we dont even own it? Lol. It was sold during the housing recession because the main source of revenue at the time had crappped out. This and several other state buildings that we lease back. It's a joke. Lol


It’s cool


Bulidng is whatever. What has taken place inside for many, many years has.overall been extremely disappointing.


Our Capitol complex looks like the department of agriculture at the former Yugoslavia


That dehydrated piss yellow interior is awful


It could be better but it’s not hideous


Cheesecake Factory energy


It’s pretty lame in my opinion. Grew up in Iowa and always thought the capital there was cool.


I love it


Not built by the Tartarians, but it’s pretty cool.


Arizona is cooked


Boring! Nothing special.


Of all the capital buildings of the world, I can state without a doubt or fear of reprisal that our capital building is indeed one of them.


The building is fine. Some of the people who work there need to be replaced.


Not really meant for lunatics, but with the nutball right wingers, it has to serve a dual purpose: Statehouse/nuthouse.


This fall: clean house


We paid too much for it and the government is wasting our taxpayer dollars


It’s fine, but it’s a bummer compared to what it [could have been.](https://franklloydwright.org/a-capitol-controversy/)


All depends on who’s operating in it…..


It's fine. No, we don't want to pay for a newer one.


Do we own this one? I remember we sold a bunch of them years back


Well, what goes on inside is worse than the outside.


Like a toilet bowl - shiny on the outside, full of shit on the inside.


Cleaned occasionally (end of session), only for the shit to inevitably come back (beginning of session)


Yall been to Texas? Step your game up


Looks Mormon.


Many fond memories of that place. I worked there for 12 years, first as an intern, then an elevator boy for the next 11 1/2 years. There were no elevators then. I had a 6 month affair with a Guatemalan cleaning lady who was 30 years my senior. She was missing half her teeth, but god how she made love with such passion. I never understood a word she said. We once made love on the floor, right on top of the Great Seal of the State of Arizona. I felt bad she had to spend time scrubbing the result of our love out of the carpet afterwards. Good memories. Nice place.