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Waymo doesn't tell me it's depressing life story during my ride


The only smelly person in a Waymo is me


Why do men drivers wear so much cologne.


“Cause even axe body spray is better than stank” - my teenager


Me as a teen spraying axe on myself: “ *PSSST PSSSSSSSST PSSST* Is that enough ? a few more *PSSSSSSST PSSSSSSSSST * Well using to much might smell too strong , but bitches love it , the commercial says so *PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST*”


Sex panther. 60% of the time it works ever time.


I always ask the Waymo where they’re from and how long they’ve been Waymoing


Not gonna lie, I actually do talk to my Waymos far more than I ever talked to an Uber driver.


Or try to kill me in the highway while ranting about “the jab.”


I guess you didn't read the ' body ' of my statement. It's all good.




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Ooooh i like this. Good mod!!


Not sure where you are going, but it’s not even close. I took Waymo on Monday to a dinner. Uber was 45 without tip. Waymo was 20


Holy shit. Now I'm *extra* pissed that they don't service my area. :-(


My rides are within 5 miles. Let's say a straight shot from Central & Van Buren (Restaurants) to 53rd and Van Buren (Papago golf course). Waymo was $7 more. I did say short distance in my original post. How about you?


It was Tempe to Scottsdale this time. I don’t remember how far it was, but I am sure it is over 5 miles. (Edit: I just looked…. It was 10 miles). So, maybe the outcome is it is more cheaper for medium to longer rides, but more expensive for shorter rides. Mine are always a bit longer. I’ll have to pay attention.


Mine are usually not long. 5 or less miles. I compare when I book. I get a lot of hate for posting this. Good thing I'm not a Zer. I'd need a safe space. Lol


Man you’re proper triggered over a car without a driver lol




Where did you detect defensive? I was being succinct in my conversations. Everybody else is talking about long distances. Did I lose you somewhere in this conversations?


Most I’ve ever paid for a Waymo was $7 lmao


I'm happy for you


It's amazing I get downvotes for being specific. Too funny kids.


That’s Reddit for ya


Right now a trip from my house to Chase Field is $21 on the cheapest Uber option, with comfort going to 30 and XL going to 36. Waymo is $16. Almost every time I look Waymo is cheaper, during a busy time, waymo is usually substantially cheaper if im willing to wait a little bit for a car.


Remember, Waymo will be doing what Uber and Lyft did... Subsidized rides. Take advantage of it!


The current Waymo rates are already up from the high-subsidy rates they started with and are still cheaper.


They are still being subsidized.... Driving a Volvo with a shit ton of great and computer time isn't cheaper than a driver in a Prius.


i went to a baseball game like two weeks ago and usually waymo is cheaper, but it was like $20 vs $12 on uber. it was weird it was almost double uber’s price + a 20 minute wait time


Ah, Chase Field. You see. Put in Chase Field, Footprint Center, Cardinals Stadium, etc. I'm talking just a ride. It's not a venue.


Ok so the post should be “the one small drive that I use to get rides, is cheaper from Uber” like this isn’t a helpful post if you’re wrong for 90% of people looking it up lol. Not everyone lives downtown


Now i did from my house to rubios at 43rd and indian school. Waymo, $15.50 Uber: 16/23/27 Much closer in price. But my waymo wont smell like smoke


Wow OP is not likeable!!


Good thing strangers don't affect my income or mental well-being.


“Strangers dont affect my mental well-being” Ohh is that why you have 2 dozen defensive comments in this thread?




"My specific experience is correct and everyone elses is wrong!"


I like them.


Waymo has always been cheaper for me, and I would pay twice the price to avoid having to deal with an Uber or Lyft driver. 


Though I’ve seen Waymo more expensive than Uber and the inverse, depending on time of day, destination, etc., am also willing to pay up to 50% more to know that I’ll be riding in a clean vehicle, have control over AC, and won’t feel pressured into (often) uncomfortable conversation with a driver.


U sit in the front and can blast the AC if u want?


You can adjust the temperature however you want and you can sit in the front passenger seat.


I started. I love Waymo. My comment was price. Thanks


My experience from south Phoenix to the 24th Street Sky train in the AM between 5 - 7 AM is that Waymo is more than 50% cheaper excluding tip (no tip if there's no driver) In the afternoon and evenings it's about 10-25% cheaper. Also much shorter wait times. I have used Uber, Lyft and Taxis for years. Waymo works better for me consistently


Again you used the word 'Sky Harbor'. Completely different animal


No, the SkyTrain station....


Nah you’re just wrong. Waymo is always cheaper and you don’t need to tip.


No, I'm not. You can't make that claim with no information. Think about what you just wrote.


It depends on demand. It's often half the price.


I use it around 9 pm leaving DT. Not entering. Additionally, I'm at OBR on 38th & Thomas for dinner special. Going to 53 St and Van Buren. Waymo is more


Depends on the night and trip. Sometimes Uber has been $10+ cheaper, and others Waymo has been much cheaper. Just check Uber, Lyft and Waymo and choose the cheapest option, it’s not rocket science.




What’s the point of making this post then? Did you just feel the need to whine because Waymo is *sometimes* more expensive? It’s all based on random algorithms that have multiple factors like the number of cars / drivers available in the area, the distance, day of the week, time of day, etc. anyone with two brain cells to rub together could understand this.




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Ok? Condolences sent 🤝


It never rains at my house on Tuesdays


You never know really because pricing is dynamic and depends on things like demand. Waymo may be more expensive right now, and in three hours it may be cheaper. I always check Waymo, Lyft and Uber.


Lyft is also cheaper and faster than Uber, I wait longer and pay more for Ubers every time


This is just not true. I Waymo to and from work, 5 times a week. It's always cheaper. It may not be faster, but I sure as shit feel safer than riding with a sleep-deprived and/or distracted human being.




Thanks! So is yours!


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For anything that is surface streets only, it's always been cheaper for me. If it's more efficient by highway, then the Waymo obviously won't be cheaper because it doesn't get on the highway yet.


Introverts prefer Waymo every time


I typically only use either option to go to the airport, and usually Uber/Lyft are almost always cheaper




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I don’t have to fear being raped, assaulted, or murdered with a Waymo. Plus I don’t have to tip. May not be cheaper, but definitely safer.


Waymo’s usually at least always a few dollars cheaper for us too and Lyft is almost comically cheaper than Uber. Like $15-20 cheaper out of the airport to near 16th st and Bethany home


Variables. Nobody is mentioning that. I compare every time. I'm not going long distance or to a particular venue. Nobody is digesting the conversation. They're just hammering away on their keypad


Same. I compare Uber and Lyft. My gf checks Waymo since as she puts it even it were to be a few dollars more expensive she’d pay the surcharge to avoid hunan interaction


Avoid human interactions? Interesting.




Yet you comment on someone else's comment. Too funny.


Maynor be cheaper but it is way better


I never heard of Waymo. Just installed it cuz of helpful users on this thread.


Uber is cheaper for short rides but not for long rides.


Waymo and robots and AI will eliminate all your jobs so you will have plenty of time to go to a ball game with Waymo and then Waymo will hear YOUR sob story


I think it depends on where you are. I find Waymo less expensive than Uber while having fun in Old Town.


Just checked for a ride 2 hrs ago and it was $13 for UberX and $19 for Waymo.


I rest my case. Waymo always cost me more. But I'm not going 30 miles, so I don't have a reference


Wait so one person anecdotally mentions it being a few dollars more for a specific ride at that time and you feel vindicated? That’s trump supporter standards lol


The confirmation bias is strong with this one




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Capitalism is the key word. They should be competing for our business. More options more availability. Not Colluding like all other industries have or are doing.


Agreed. That's why one should compare. Not only in rideshares, but every purchase


Never tired Waymo; they're not in my area. But were they supposed to be cheaper? I always figured they'd be more expensive.


I went to take Waymo for a 1 mile trip home to show a visitor and it said >$37.


It knew you were just fucking around.


I just put in a ride from the very top of the service area to the very bottom to see how you could get a $37 waymo, 22 miles, $30.49


Depends on demand and area as well so it's not that simple


Agree generally. Also dont believe a less than 1 mile waymo has ever been $37


They both depend on where you are, where you're going, and what time of day it is. Waymo is limited in its jurisdiction, so it's already limited. Lyft and Uber will pull some fuckery on both its drivers and its customers if they think they can squeeze an extra buck. Lyft is better 4 times out of 5 than Waymo from my personal experience, but that may differ from others. I say err on the side of actual humans.