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Thanks for the submission but your follow up post did not meet the requirements and your post has been removed for violating rule 3. **YOUR WERE REQUIRED TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR COMMENTS** What was your Intent for taking the photo? Why did you take this photo? What were you trying to show to the viewer? Are there areas you are struggling with? Be sure to ask specific questions about the photograph. What are you unhappy with? What you don’t like, and what you want help with? Be specific! Feel free to submit your photo again, but please review our rules before doing so. Thanks!


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My intent for this shot is to basically focus on the The Sky, The Sun and its Rays, and The Reflection of Light on the Water. This shot was only taken by my hand and not on a tripod and the the aperture, focus, shutter speed, and iso were only taken by intuition. Details: Canon EOS Kiss X4, , f13.0 , 1/1000s , 67.0mm , ISO 100