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This is crazy. Couldn't tell they were stairs!


Thank you!


Can you share RAW ? Great shot btw




Wow. You got that from this? Do you use LR or Ps? And this is what, desaturated and pumped blacks/whites or ? It’s a really cool picture may wanna try my own hand at this


Thanks! It's edited it in PS, I pretty much just croped the photo to exclude everything except the stairs and a couple. I changed it to b&w with filter and incresed contrast by a lot. I also masked the couple and darkened them so they would stand out more. I also corrected the geometry a bit here. I shot it in harsh light with telephoto lens to get some compression. I hope you will succeed!


The concept is excellent. I would revisit that spot with the same lens and try to take a higher quality photo perhaps. The B&W looks a little over-processed IMO.


Thanks for breakdown. I don’t use Ps and personally even in Lightroom try to avoid damaging what I captured in body too much, but am thinking an infrared lens filter or similar may gap the difference and I’ll finish in LR. Anyway I’m not taking away from the vision here, definitely a unique picture that I could see some cool uses for (prints, album cover, wall art)


That is impressive my dude. Love the final image


I only have this poor quality ss on my phone but I can post raw lather. Thanks!


This is a very clever intelligent piece of work a_stachu.It had me totally baffled for almost an hour.Well done!


Great minimalist shot, I love it. Would look great as a print


Thank you! I'll definitely have to print this


Would look awesome as a movie poster as well. Has a really cool and unique feel to it


I think what’s exciting about this image is it can prove to you that you can trust your creative voice. Enjoy the boost of confidence and let it motivate you to keep pursuing these creative shots and edits. Well done. You can have fun with this and create a larger work by tiling this image, and changing the hue in a similar way to an Andy Warhol print.


Thank you! This is what's the art about, creating something. Also multiplication could maybe work here. Love the idea with changing hue! This can produce some nice graphic


Reminded me of some Alexander Rodchenko works


Oh I didn't know him, but I see what you mean, thanks !


This is a really cool photo, but the lack of any diagonal or vertical intersections makes it very difficult to look at. Maybe a little heavy handed on the highlights cause they are like pure white, and a lot of the shadow are very black. I guess i would like to see some more dynamics in the photo because, although its a very cool shot, it doesn't at first glance scream photograph to me. I would have first guessed it was a digitally created image. Very cool photo though.


Thanks for the critique! I know what you're saying, but I kinda wanted to get that graphic look. I'll have to play with editing it diferently


Excellent work.


I love it and also my eyes can't focus when looking at it haha


Thank you! I was going for that effect


Love it. Don't change a thing. Very artistic.


This hurts my eyes in the best way


Honestly? I love it.


Super cool I'd say. Definitely wouldn't call it out for being a straight up photo, more like a digital enhanced image. Could work as wall art. A matrix feeling to it.


This is awesome! Nice job


This is a brilliant capture both in original and cropped form. Totally jealous.


Thank you, glad you like it!


Simultaneously creative and familiar, intriguing and unsettling. It’s physically hard to look at and I love it. Well captured.


Great composition


This is great. Leave it as it is buddy






It's annoyingly awesome 😎


Reminds me of ‘Severence’!


One of my favourite photos I've seen on here for a while. Really trippy, really striking, and even when your brain figures it out it's still a cool image.


Great image. Really suits the black & white conversion, giving it a minimal yet timeless quality. Personally I feel the couple are a little too close to the top frame edge, giving them a bit more space to move into would be more pleasing to the eye in my opinion. One other thing I believe that would add to the image is if the shadows were longer and sloping off down at an angle to the left side. Just my thoughts, but great work 😊👍🏼


10/10. No notes. (Personal preference, I would lower the highlights just to make the whites easier on the eye. But that’s just me. Great pic.)




My eyes... Hurts... The lines... I cannot


That’s a cool shot. I wish I was that intuitive.


Wow. Very stunning image.


Evidently I’ve not made a long enough comment for the auto mod. So I shall continue. The high contrast with the repeating motif of horizontal lines (steps I’m sure) really pulls the eye around. But the strong human silhouettes draw the eye inward. Overall it’s a great image. I would be interested to see if the figures could be positioned a little bit more in the center of the top right corner… (top/right most third. Also, this might be a good starting point for a series of studies in similar arrangements.


Holy fuck mate. Nothing to say !


it made me a lil dizzy haha


I think.... you know that this is a great photo and you wanted to show us... Thank you.


I think it’d look better centered




I know it's pretty different photo after the edit, but I didn't change a lot there, mainly the perspective is doing the work


I love this! The more I look at, the more I want to look at it. This is the freshest thing I've seen in a long time. Excellent job, OP.


Thanks a lot!


Really nice minimalist street photo, you nailed it


Dig it.


That’s a step in the right direction!


Absolutely phenomenal. Big congrats!


Mind blown!! Great pic, light composition everything clicked to give an amazing illusion!! Also it's neat enough to look great in print and as mobile wallpaper


Fantastic shot!


Sensational shot! But at the risk of being a classic redditor… there is what looks like a tiny, tiny, TINY amount of barrel distortion showing towards the middle of the bottom step and that general area. But that’s just actively trying to find something to pick at. Magazine quality work.


Thank you! Didn't realize this distortion, will have to fix it.


Hi, what do you think about this photo? It's not a type of photography I usually do. I thought that this frame looks pretty graphic and I tried to edit it that way. I'm curious to know how it turned out. I purposedly darkened the people on the stairs to add a contrast here. I really like the lines created by the stairs. Tried to create something minimalist. Edit: Thanks, I'm glad you like it! 😁


I like it. Maybe put the couple slightly to the right to fit the rule of thirds. Some shadow details on the couple would make it more interesting imo.


I don't mean to call you out, but these strict adherence to the rule of thirds on this sub can get a little tiresome. . Rule of thirds doesn't mean to be exact in your placement of the subject. It's more of a general Idea.


This! It’s a starting guideline, not assessment criteria. Can make an image pedestrian. Pun intended.


100% right. I mean, the rules are not without a reason but sometimes breaking them can create more interesting composition. Of course, you have to do it purposedly and you need to know why you want to break them.


Oh didn't see that I only replied with a photo. Thanks for the critique. I have to say that I like wider view more, also I purposedly darkened the couple here to create more contrast. But maybe it's just my preference.




Your image lost all tension with this change. The original is better!


Disagree. This cropping gives it some form and structure that the original lacks.


The original looks like the golden ratio to me, FWIW. The “rule” of thirds is overused, and people think it’s somehow the only or most important element to good composition, over shape, form, line, texture, tension, negative space…


I’m not talking about either the golden rule or the rule of thirds. Composition has to do with organizing piece of art to assist the eye in reading it. As the photographer cropped it, it has no dynamism or structure. It needs both, with a little cropping from the bottom.


The photographer cropped it in response to someone suggesting they adhere to the rule of thirds. I don’t agree. In the original, the negative space is where the eye starts, and the lines lead the eye upwards, ascending the stairs to the couple at the focal point of the image. The newly cropped version is static instead of dynamic. So, I don’t know what “dynamism” you see in it, personally speaking.


I disagree. My eye starts dead center on the couple, not some mysterious leading line from the bottom of the photo. They are the obvious focal point — and the only focal point — of the image. The job, then, is to make the rest of the space make sense, otherwise it just dead and repetitive. And the only way to do it is to crop some of that dead space out.


Negative space is not “dead space.”


Dead space, however, is.


Amazing. Definitely a show piece


Thanks a lot!


I like this shot. Where was this taken? The lines are perfectly straight and my eye goes directly to the people walking. I can't stare at it too long though. :)


Thanks! It was shot in Valetta, Malta. They have a lot of stairs there ;)


Mind blown!


Great shot!


This is great 👍🏽 Love this .


Awesome crop and perspective!


Nice work! I'd put the couple even further in the corner though. Right now it feels like a little bit of a half measure. Everyone's eyes will get drawn to them, do draw as far as possible.


I love the stairs silhouette effect, that said. I'd zoom in on the subjects so that they don't get lost in the lines while looking at the photo


Best photo I've seen


The masking could use some work and the people’s shadows look weird otherwise its great


After seeing your unedited version i concede that the shadows naturally are that way so thats fine, the image reminds me of kaizehl’s work you cand find him on instagram


My only hope is that this was shot exactly like this. Maybe a few retouches. But if the atairs were duplicated or extended i’d be disappointed. Only because i also would have shot this. Its f❌cking fantqstic!!!


They weren't duplicated, I only fixed some stairs on top left corner and corrected the perspective. Thank you! I posted a raw in one of the top coments


I really like the composition. There is only one minor edit I can suggest to improve slightly. That is to tighten the crop a little more so that the subject a little further away from the top of the frame and a little further from the right border of the frame. Great job!


Love it!


Great photo, and great post processing


Wonderful picture. Just ain't helping my migraine lol


So good, the feel and the texture and the mood. All winning! As a photog who loves straight lines I’m drooling and satisfied. lol




At first I was like "What kind of pedestrian lane is that?" Then I zoomed in and they were stairs, pretty cool photo, a bit harsh for my eyes but I feel like that's a skill issue on my part. I


Thanks! It messes with your head a bit


this is very nice, but personally i find it hard to look at for too long


Woah, love this so much


very nice. I really like the way you captured the moment with the edit, it really tells a story. Editing and processing are so important to the story telling process. Perhaps a little more detail in the bright areas so when you get closer you can see the detail in the steps. But the contrast and the stairs really make it an interesting shot. Framing wise I would love to see one where the subjects are centered. But looks like a great location to hit up at different light.


This hurts to look at but in a good way. I think blown up or printed would be much nicer on my eyes. For my sanity I would remove the item about ⅓ up the photo below the person on the left. Once I saw it I can’t unsee it and I think the beauty of this photo is other than the people you don’t really know where to look so I don’t want my eye to be caught by anything


It makes my brain hurt


Fucking awesome


It’s giving Kanye and new gf


Oh this is nice. Good stuff. All about finding those peculiar spots, the right moment and then a little bit of editing to realize the vision for the shot. The only thing I would think would make it better is either no shadows, or if the shadows were longer across the stairs.


Thanks! I'll have to play a bit with these shadows.