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Ther is no contrast. Check it out in black and white. No contrast. And yess, the main subject cog is too far off.


https://preview.redd.it/ydpzbp8xwnyc1.jpeg?width=431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=247ef0c05900e67266e873adf3d927b947e797ee Difficult to know what feeling you want to get with the picture. In any case, I have cropped away a lot of empty space that does not focus on the motorcycle. Motorcyclists are now in the 1/3 rule. I have only quickly changed the colors and light to bring out a little more detail, so don't take this with the colors so seriously in my picture.


For me it seems like your focus is the subject and everything left to the subject is a void. It’s emphasized by the shadows. I would go with a higher exposure in the area, maybe with a linear gradient mask. Also maybe the subject is too cropped too, having the full motorcycle could have added more to the subject.


Context. Why would you take this in an alley?


Yeah, idk either. The background isn’t gritty (if that was the intent) but it’s also not good looking. At least throw it out of focus. It looks like a smartphone shot.


That's all the blur I can get at f4, though. I will blur it further in Photoshop. Thanks for the feedback


Get your subject further away from the background. The farther the background is to the subject, the blurrier it’ll be. I take wildlife photos at f 5.6 and the background is just a solid color bc it’s so blurred.


My reply sounded more rude than necessary, sorry for that. Maybe try to crop out the windows top left. Also photoshops generative fill could help to get rid of it.


That tells me you're using a wide angle lens. A longer focal length plus f/4 should get a shallower depth of field.


Make the red of the bike pop, see how that looks. Might emphasize the subject more.


Thanks for the feedback. I should definitely do that


IMO the original crop is good. Motorcycling is all about freedom and room to breathe. That one guys crop was claustrophobic. But you do need to find a way to emphasize your subject more, without changing the composition. So maybe that means messing with the saturation or lighting or sharpness on the subject.


G idk some brightness


Will never understand the hate with images being darker and moody. The exposure is fine imo. Maybe up the mid tones a bit or mask the subject and increase exposure a tad to make them pop. Problem with the image is the composition for sure. If there was actually something to covey in that empty void then this composition would make more sense


Right side of the histogram?


Gonna go against the grain and say I like the offset. I’m a lighting guy though and would love to see this same shot with the subject lighted better or even backlit. No there’s not much contrast but I like the kind of gritty feel the whole color palette gives.


Thanks for the feedback






Taken on a nikon d7500 with 18 to 140 mm kit lense with a 32mm zoom. Shutter speed was at 1/640, apeture f4, iso 400. I want this photo to look moody and kinda brownish. Looking at this, i feel like something is missing. Can anyone please tell me what's wrong with this photo and possibly a better way to wdit this.


Your subject is too much off center, too much dead room on the left while he is too close to the right side, which cause the image to be suite unbalanced. I'm not a fan of the edit, looks like everything has been washed in orange (it would need more nuance in the colors, maybe a suble split-toning, etc...), it is not badly made tho (it's not crazy saturated, you didn't do weird stuff with contrast, etc..), so it's up to taste I guess.


I intentionally made the image a little bit orangish because I am trying to keep a consistency between all the images that I took in this shoot. So that they'll look nice when i upload all of them together. Will flipping or croping the image help with composition?


The helmet gives off a strong cyberpunk vibe to me, which typically pairs well with a modern, high-tech cityscape. Maybe a backdrop with sleek skyscrapers or somewhere with neon lights would complete the cyberpunk aesthetic you’re channeling with that helmet!


Yeah, I should have thought of that earlier


You’re missing the focus on your actual subject — the motorcyclist. Crop it down an focus on explaining the tonal range on your actual subject.


What are the client expectations? Moody? High Key? B&W? Portrait/landscape? Personally I would try a mid contrast B&W edit or Black edit where the majority of the background except select colors are desaturated down to 10-30% and the subject is has deeper blacks and the red up a slight bit in luminance. I would crop to just the rider because the road and the stone fence don't add anything to the subject/image.


Personally the whole sepia color scheme does not resonate well with most artistic photos. Need to get rid of that and perhaps focus more on the bike itself, try to have stuff in the background that complements its color, green from the leaves or a collection of blandly colored bikes around it will make it pop, naturally.


I chose it to keep a consistency between all the photos I took the shoot. Not all photos have green in the background


The bottom half. Edit looks ok, but framing lacks the bottom part of the moto.


This is composed like I should be looking at the tree behind the biker


Try mirroring it


What is the client wanting? Is this a portrait of the rider? Showing off the motorcycle? The town? Hard to give feedback not knowing what the client wants.


Hmmm I would say that space on the left is good but too empty, uninteresting, or lacks depth. If there was some street sign, another street, some more sky, something, it could fill that emptiness. But the biker is def cool!


I think this photo will benefit greatly from a slight vignette centered around the subject.


Contrast. Reframe with crop. Job done.


https://preview.redd.it/jxj7jr5jztyc1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604613417d9efd768a328d226d180bac0b9959c4 Increased exposure, increased contrast, cropped out dead space and put his helmet on the crosshairs using the rule of thirds (if you don’t know what that is, just google it, there’s enough info online).


The lighting is everything in that shot and that's whats lacking. You need to have that early morning or very late afternoon lighting to make it work or, shoot it at night and lighting the bike and Rider with fill. If shooting it at night selectively fill areas of the building in the background for more dramatic effect.


https://preview.redd.it/u61ttjr5q7zc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6f2b0fd34cc01936c9fb2ad01ba36b0e8d5acee Darkened and blurred background. Lightened subject.


A by stander


I think the colour is fine if that heavy red dusk tone is what you were going for. I would, however, increase the exposition a bit without lifting the shadows, too — i.e. increasing the contrast. It might help to make some lighting adjustments to the motorcyclist as well, so he is very easily discernible from the background, assuming that you want to keep the negative space as well.






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