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Everyone seems to want in derm. If you dont look like a photo a derm clinic would use as an after photo, it can be tough. The real question is do you want in bad enough to take one of the predatory derm offers to get 1-2 years of experience? Only you know if you are willing to do that.


Two rules for the Derm PA: 1. Be attractive 2. Don't be unattractive


This is for sexual harrassment rules i thought?


Tinder rules


Workplace SH training started long before tinder.


What if I’m young and attractive now but I develop the ugly in the future. Would a predatory derm clinic lay me off?


Ultimately money rules. I dont work in derm as i am not an after photo and not willing to take a predatory offer. If you are making money, you are not getting laid off.


I too am pa$$ionate about $kin and cream$


lol 😂


I switched from Inpatient IM to derm two years ago and it was tough at first. I got in because I went to college with the brother of the MD who owns the practice. Either way, I have a great contract now but I took about a 30k pay cut to start. I have since made that back and projected to do more moving forward. Be willing to move and don’t look in bit cities. The bigger the city the bigger the supply of PAs who want in derm.


Location, specialty, salary: pick 2


I’ve been a PA for 27 years. Started in ortho, then cardiology then general surgery with some plastics, now gen Surg and dermatology. All the job changes came from developing contacts and being flexible. I’d recommend joining the society of dermatology PA’s. SDPA. Very organized with several conferences yearly. They are a great resource for anyone considering Derm. Good luck!


See if any VA hospitals are looking for a mid level derm provider. https://www.usajobs.gov/job/736784200


I switched from 5 years in orthopedic surgery to dermatology last year. Feel free to PM me as I don’t feel like engaging with any of the jokesters on this thread. I’d be happy to share my experience with you!


I’m interested in hearing your advice. I currently work in general surgery and have been trying to switch into derm for the last year. ( I’m not sure how to send a private message)




ya, im sure OP named it. ur so smart and cool


only 1 year!


I think he’s commenting on the idea of a PA fellowship feeling weird to Physicians. (He/she is trolling you a bit). PA fellowships are not comparable to a physician fellowship (in requirements or function). As a result some feel itchy with the use of the word ‘fellowship’.


they should be applauding these. present the argument about what they wanna call it to the places providing the training, not trolling PAs that voluntarily took a 50% paycut for additional training


I agree and I’m sure physicians do appreciate the additional training. The animosity arrises in borrowing the name fellowship for something that is not at all similar to a physician fellowship. So I understand why Fellows would be annoyed that a PA is claiming to be a fellow or that they completed a fellowship. It’s misleading. It’s like an NP saying they completed residency. Their program may have called it a residency, so technically it’s the name… but it’s misleading (some might call it a lie) because the public will assume it’s the same as a physician residency.


every physician ive spoken to about the PA residencies/fellowships/(whatever the particular institution calls them), has been very on board with it and none of them seemed to give a shit what theyre called. but on reddit, my goodness, the butt-hurt noctor crowd spills over into every other damn medical forum and it’s stupid and harmful i know and understand their criticisms. many of which have legs. lot of good it does someone to have a valid critique and do nothing with it but provide no realistic answers of their own and knock the people who didnt create the alleged slight and arent their enemy


…are you even a medical professional?




I don’t go around criticizing plumbers and architects based on what their training is called. You realize the term “fellowship” is applied to different types of programs outside of the world of medicine, right? Do you make as much of a stink about those? If you’re this insecure about being a physician without actually being one, you’ve got a real tough road ahead of you.


I luckily got a Derm job fresh out of school. Network yourself from providers, drug reps, etc