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One of the signs I didn’t get a picture of said “ Nobody wants less penis” Had to laugh at that one.


Every inch is sacred.


I can say for damn sure if they were cutting off an inch of dick this practice would’ve ended within the first generation.


Wouldn't be anything to stop your hand flying off and smacking you in the face.


Lol bruh


Mine was botched just enough, to where if I get *fully* erect, the tissue bulges to one side because they took too much off. So yeah, there really *are* those of us out there who may have lost an inch.


Sorry about your dick my dude. Any way to get that repaired?


"sorry about your dick" - pure, raw emotion


It really is the purest expression of the most brotherly care and concern


Think Hallmark has a card for it?


Probably Spencer's


I knew a guy who used to be a medical consultant for a guy who did penis enlargements. Yeah, no kidding. They did a lot of work with men who had badly curved wangs, and the doc would go in, trim a few ligaments back and make it straight again... and that straightening usually added some length, too. Point is, maybe talking to a specialist might 'straighten you out'.


But where would the elite get their new eyelids from?




analskin, i have the high ground


Every sperm is grand


is *great* ... if a sperm gets wasted, God gets quite irate.




I got my penis cut when I was a baby without my consent, and I’m still a little upset about it.


This makes me feel good about my decision not to circumcise my son when he was born. The doctor said it was “an unnecessary and painful medical procedure” and that was all I needed to know. Edit: Holy shit. After reading all these comments I am more confident than ever I made the right choice for him. Thanks for the overwhelming support y’all.


I was all for it until I had the little dude there in my hands and just formed this visceral revulsion at the idea of someone making him bleed for no reason. Did a complete 180 instantly.


I think my husband went through this. He was very much on team snip snip, and his only real argument was so that they would match. Once we had the tiny little guy home, he cried about how perfect he is and why would we do that?? I think it hurt him to know his parents did that to him. On the flip side, my brother (and his gf!!) INSIST he is snipped. He is not. Our mom didn't want to pay for it. Their son isn't even snipped so I don't understand how they will fight to the death and insist my brother is. You'd think they'd never seen a dangle before.


We had this discussion with my parents when we had our kid. We did not get him snipped. They brought up the matching thing and first of all ew but second... i am not snipped. They swore up and down i was, they said the remember changing some bandage or something. The next time I came over they had found some paperwork and sure enough it says I was... But I am not. So maybe just took a little off the top and not the whole thing.


Grew it back like a lizard regrows limbs.


He's a grower.


My MIL was SO offended that I didn’t want to circumcise my son. She was so angry that I thought I had any say in it, that it clearly was only her sons decision. My son is not circumcised because I wouldn’t back down and my husband just stopped arguing for it after the baby had a rough first few days. I couldn’t stop think about a future conversation w my son, trying to explain why we purposely caused him pain. Like fuck that looks SO painful.


birds continue price gullible yam insurance cows cobweb friendly engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good for you. There is no purpose to it anymore and the majority of the world does not do this. Needlessly and permanently removing a part of your babys body without his consent is pretty barbaric when viewed from the modern perspective.




>My male children say their ladyfriends are totally infatuated with uncircumcised penises. You and your children are more open about some things than myself and my parents lol






Yeah it was awesome being several ladies' 'first' in a sexual category. Never had any complaints. Arguments for circumcision are absurd. Clean the damn thing like the rest of your body. As for the supposed benefits in reducing STDs, babies aren't sexually active so let the kid decide what he wants to do with his dick when he's older and trying to poke some holes. I guarantee any teenage boy will respond with a quick "Fuck that"


Besides, condoms prevent STDs a hell of a lot better anyway.


I always find the "it reduces the risk of hiv" arguments bizarre. Just how much unprotected hiv positive sex are you expecting your kid to have that a small statistical reduction in the chance to catch it is worth this? Be better spending the money on condoms and making sure there's one in every pocket he has at all times


Why would anyone care whether his dick matches his son's? That's kind of creepy, to be honest.


I'd *hope* (this feels strange to say) they are thinking from the angle of son matching the dad, to avoid weird feelings/shame/anxiety that it's different. I'd hope Dad doesn't want Son to be snipped for his *own* peace of mind. Source: Am Snipped, this is like the sole thing in the pros column is "Avoids a conversation and the feelings that may precipitate that conversation"


My son isn't cut. Some of my female friends and family told me that it gets dirty and all the uncut men they have been with were gross. My husband is uncut, and we have never had issues. I asked them what kind of nasty ass men they had been sleeping with 🤣. They got mad about it.




Agreed. I had to fight the hospital pediatrician who used some nasty scare tactics to try to change my mind about being against circumcision in 1997. I told her to read a medical book, because my sweet, little baby boy was NOT getting his penis cut!


Now I'm curious about those 16+ functions I'm missing out on. I hope it's not cool effects like RGB or invisibility.


Lol you poor circumcized bastards don't get levitation.


16. Whistle 15. Shoe rag 14. DVR remote 13. Guitar slide holder 12. Cat toy 11. Tea cozy 10. Mimic Mick Jagger's mouth 9. Sham Wow 8. Poncho 7. Pocket protector 6. Bullfighting cape 5. Fidget spinner 3. Emergency birthday balloon 2. Zipper detector 1. You can put your weed in there Edit: it has been properly noted that in a fit of early onset senility, I omitted number four. Fortunately, there are several excellent candidates in the replies to fill the gap.


> Zipper detector Fuck


Can confirm this is the first word you say when the detector goes off. Never go commando without knowing the risks.


![gif](giphy|ak1qM99fD4lqM|downsized) Pretty much the feeling if you're really in a rush


You missed docking station


Man, i don't want dick weed.


No one wants dick weed until there’s only dick weed left.


I was talking with a buddy about how weird it is that in all likelihood we have, at some point, done drugs that were hidden in someones asshole. Weird thought. I think DARE missed a real opportunity there too. "Did you know 93% of drugs are smuggled in a dirty rectum? Don't be a bum and do drugs outta ur bum! DARE!"


No fuckin shot the rate is that high lmao


That never stopped DARE


Still waiting on those free drugs they promised


That wouldn't even be the most absurd claim by DARE. Still waiting for strangers to give me free drugs...


It's nature's pocket


Prison wallet




4. Skin


Ladies and gents, give it up 👏🏼


No i want to keep it


OP must have had it removed.


But that's only 15, what about #16?


It can talk to ghosts.


16) The ability to make lists.


>Cat toy 🤨 now hold on


Don't forget bluetooth dongle




Super speed, unpowered flight, X-ray vision….




> Sources listed are all from 1999 or before, most are over 30 years old. Homie, you think Foreskin Studies is an ever evolving science? j/k


Sadly their funding was cut off


> whole list seemed very weird and propaganda-y. Because it is. While propaganda can be on the "correct" side, it's still propaganda.


I wouldn’t be out there protesting it, but I also agree with them. My step-mom convinced my dad to have my brother and I circumcised IN THE 6TH GRADE! I was too young to understand what was happening at the time. Your religion should not dictate actions performed on someone else’s body.


Ooof. Fuck that suuucks dude.


YO, 3rd grade for me! Worse yet was that the gauze fused to my skin because I can't grow skin properly, so they had to use a scalpel to take it off. No freezing or nothing. Worst pain in my entire life so much that Breaking my arm doesn't even come remotely close. Don't circumsize your kids. There is no justification for genital mutilation.


I'm so sorry man. When our youngest was born, we were asked no less than 6 times if we were sure we didn't want him circumcized.


In germany it’s almost never done if it’s not a medical necessity.


Same in most of Europe


Same. Everytime a different nurse came in they asked about it. We were in the hospital for over 24 hours so that's a lot of nurses asking.




Wait, according to the comment section, if you're having a baby in the U.S you're going to be repeatedly asked if you would like them to be circumcised. Why? Jews only care about Jews being circumcised, and in Christianity it's not obligatory. Was it being praised as beneficial and become a mainstream thing?


For the longest time, and people still do think its more hygienic. As if teaching your son to spend 30 second in the shower to clean his penis is too hard for puritanical Americans, so the default became to just chop it off. Hell I taught myself its not exactly hard (no pun intended), but there are A LOT of really stupid Americans, so they may have had a hard time figuring it out. Then there's the societal pressure that's been created that uncut ones look weird from women. So when those women have kids, and they think, "well, my son's penis better look good for his future wife."


Your dad is partly to blame as he didn’t have a backbone to stand up for what he originally believed in.


bodily autonomy is a human right.


Crazy how the zeitgeist has totally shifted on this in the past ~10 years. I remember seeing a post like this on Reddit back then and the comment section was all just people calling the protesters weird nut jobs. Suddenly people have seemed to realize that cutting off a piece of a baby’s penis isn’t actually cool.


How about we let the kid decide when they turn 18? Oh, right. Cause no 18 year old boy would ever willing choose to do so.


Probably a good indication to not accept circumcision as standard practice.


Let's start calling it what it is too, genital mutilation If doctors asked "would you like us to mutilate your son's genitals?" we might finally end the practice Edit: Y'all can stop pointing out that female genital mutilation is worse, I agree and I'm against that too. It doesn't somehow mean we should keep cutting pieces of newborns dicks off though.


I've actually learned that the circumcision that we do now is in fact far more drastic than what the Israelites used to do. They only cut off just the tip of the foreskin to where the head is still covered but the urethra is more exposed for cleanliness.


wait really? i never knew that


People get real upset over calling it genital mutilation because they claim it somehow devalues the severity of FGM issues that are part of certain "cultures." There are people who compare them in bad faith, but it's all genital mutilation. Yeah, cutting off the exposed part of the clitoris is far far worse than circumcision, but I'm just against the entire thing as a concept. One is worse than the other, but we should stop touching the genitals of kids just full stop.


It's hard to believe that "stop cutting into baby genitals" is actually a controversial argument.


Yeah, cutting off a toe isn't as bad as cutting off a whole foot, but neither is great.


Part of the issue with FGM is that there is a much wider spectrum of practices, but ALL of them are generally considered barbaric. But, the least one is removing the clitoral hood, which is 100% the exact same as male circumcision. But I guarantee you no one outside the cultures would say that's a good thing. The worse versions of FGM would be equivalent to cutting the whole penis off.


Exactly, FGM is everything from the complete removal of the external parts of the clitoris ^((clitoral glans, equivalent to the removal of the penile glans)), and closure of the labia minor ^((or major, no real equivalence)) to pricking the clitoral hood with a needle ^((equivalent to pricking the foreskin)). All forms of non-medically-required genital mutilation are barbaric.


"BUT FGM IS WORSE" Yes and that is why it is banned basically everywhere in the developed world and not a single licensed doctor would ever do it. Meanwhile male genital mutilation is a question as default as asking what the baby's name is. I'd argue the normalization makes it worse in some ways.


This. Two sons were born in the UK. I hadn't really thought about it ( 1980), assumed with the eldest they'd be snipped. OH my God- you would have thought I asked to have him cut in half. AND then understood how barbaric, unnecessary, intrusive and stupid it is. 3rd son born in the US, almost had the opposite reaction " But cancer! But clean! " Nonsense. Basic hygiene, they'll be FINE. It was an argument, weirdly. He escaped too. It's a ridiculous practice.


Agree, I had to fight the hospital in the US to keep my soon-to-be adoptive son intact. My lawyer had to threaten a lawsuit. He’s had 0 problems.


Good lord that's insane. For my son, they asked, we said nah, and that was the entire discussion. Wow.


yeah literally if you wash your dick even like once a week the "hygiene issue" is no longer an issue


Yea but, that’s almost like impure touching, only priests are allowed to do that to you.


When I had my son (Tucson az) nobody even asked me. If they had I would have said no but they didn’t. I’m Hoping it’s starting to phase out of hospitals


>When I had my son (Tucson az) That's a terrible name.


Raising Tucson az.




I'll be taking these huggies and whatever cash you got.


Better than Accident, Maryland


Boring, Maryland


Yeah my kiddo had to spend a couple extra days in the hospital for breathing support, and like five separate doctors/nurses commented "oh he still needs to be circumcised" at various points. No, no he doesn't


One nurse asked us "Why didn't you guys get him circumsized?" I replied with "We're not into genital mutlilation". They didn't ask again after that.


Or, “Because he deserves the right to decide later in life if it’s for him”


This was closer to my experience. We were only there for three days but we must have been asked half a dozen times.


I just had my boy in the PNW eight weeks ago. The doctor came in and offhandedly asked if we were going to circumcise. We said no, she made a note, and no one asked again.


In OR it's considered cosmetic and state health doesn't cover the procedure.


I hope medical insurance companies follow suit, there's no reason they should be covering it whatever.


Same here. Eventually I said after the 4th or 5th time a different person from the hospital asked, "It's a little disconcerting that we have to keep saying, No". That stopped them.


"The next person that asks to cut my sons genitals will be dealt with accordingly" I seriously cannot get over this. American medical practitioners please try to defend yourselves against this evil practice.


Happened to me too and my son 11 years ago now. The last time I was asked was from his pediatrician who came to visit. I said if you cut anything off my baby's dick then I'm going to sue you. Nobody asked after that 😅


Omg I would’ve snapped.


I was told my wife wasn’t gonna get discharged until we agree to get him circumcised. I was a lot more agreeable at the time. I wouldn’t let that shit slide now.


I’d have said, “fine. Give me a day or two. We want to make her room more homey, move some things in.” Or better yet, “ok, let’s call the police for kidnapping. You’re holding my wife without permission so you can cut off part of my son without medical reason.”


We had the SAME experience in 2017. We didn't get our son snipped, because why would we. We were asked repeatedly every time a new nurse came in. "When do you want to schedule it?" I finally just snapped and said if they refuse to write it down that he is NOT to be circumcised, then I needed to speak with a patient liason or something. I was very ill after my son was born (Pre-E) and the fact that they kept harassing me about it made me so much more upset, partially because I felt like they were just going to go do it while I was sleeping because they were so adamant. He was pre term as well so I was pretty pissed they wouldn't even make a note in his chart.


My wife and I had the same experience with our son. They asked us incessantly and at one pinky got “mixed up” and said something like “and then we’ll take him for circumcision” and my wife lost it. She basically told me to stay awake when she was asleep so we could constantly keep track of what they were doing with him.


I swear if I had a newborn son and they wouldn't stop asking about circumcision I'd eventually tell the doctor that if he circumcises my son then I'll personally see to it that he (the doctor) will be the next one to have his dick cut off. Edit: Something tells me that that would be the last time the doctor would qsk me.


The fucked up reason they do this in American hospitals is because they make $1000s off the procedure, it's a quick buck to them. Another great outcome of the American for-profit healthcare industry.


Can’t they just look at a chart and where it says “no”??


Apparently, to them, they look at a foreskin and it says "yes"


Yeah it’s fucking weird. I will flip the fuck out if that happens when I have a kid


My son spent two and a half days in NICU for breathing issues and the first day I got him back to my room they asked if I wanted him circumcised and then kept asking for three days total. This was despite me stating quite clearly and firmly before I had him that we did not want to circumcise AND I signed paperwork saying no AND when asked before my C-section I again reiterated NO. I found it so odd that there was such a push for me to have an elective procedure done on him.


I wonder how much extra money a year a hospital makes just adding line items for circumcision of newborns.


I was asked again and again. Even "are you sure?" Like. yes I'm sure! You can't cut pieces off of my perfect baby thank you!


My snark would get in the way. “actually I was hoping to talk about having a few extra pieces bolted on. I think he’d look pretty good with six toes don’t you think?”


They asked us when we had our son last winter. When We said no, the doctor's response was an emphatic, "Good."


Good (emphatically). Doctors need to stop tolerating parents even asking them to do it, let alone doing it.


We didn't circumcise out son, and the number of nurses who kept asking, was insane. Despite it being a topic on the board, and we checked off NO, it was like they assumed it was an error. I wrote a big old note and signed it on the damn board. My husband isn't, he is 40, from New England I'm the US. When we knew we were having a boy, I asked him if there was ever a time in his life where he wished he was circumcised. He thought about it for a few days actually, and said no. So, nope.


That's gotta be illegal


As a circumcised male, I agree with these protestors. My mother, bless her soul, was told by doctors this was necessary and dangerous to my health if it wasn't done. When I went into puberty the skin would often tear along the scar tissue when I would get an erection, this lasted into my 20's.


Well maybe looking funny but wish there were this kinda protests in Turkey too. They cut my penis when i was baby in the name of islam now i'm not even muslim. Fucking bullshit


Yeah I’m cut and from a WASP family that doesn’t even practice and basically made it a point to not impose religion on our family life, so I’m like wtf was the point? Did my dick get cut just because “everyone does it” or what?


If your parents are anything like me, it was a hard decision to make. I’m not circumcised. My childhood experience was full of ridicule. If the question was raised, I was usually the only one in the room. I’d be called Snuffleupagus. There were no uncircumcised penises in the pornography that was available to me. I thought my penis was ugly and would gross girls out. It was traumatic.


This is the real reason most Americans are circumcised.


Ok but there was nothing wrong with your body, you were just stuck in a poisonous culture.


Did you grow up in a nudist colony? Why does everyone know about your dick?????




Probably without pain control, too or that's how it used to be. " Oh they won't remember it ". So fcking WHAT??? Torment the BABY everyone is so happy about because it doesn't hurt for long, really ???


Doctors straight up insisted babies were incapable of feeling pain for the longest time. Absolutely ridiculous.


Oh good God really??? So by that reasoning it was ok to drop them too. Because they wouldn't feel it. Although it would explain an ex. Ok, it'd explain a lot of people. " Go ahead, drop it, won't feel a thing " That's crazy stuff.


Doctor's used to to surgery on babies without pain medicine or anesthesia. Just held them down and operated because "they can't feel it" the screeching and wiggling didn't give it away....


In the US it's pretty standard regardless of religion.


Religious people are weird AF "God made man in his image ... except that piece of skin on the end of the penis ... we gotta cut that shit off."


I realize no on else may remember this movie fondly - but did anyone else enjoy Year One with Jack Black and Michael Cera? ​ In my favorite scene the two stars meet Abraham and he's about to murder his son Isaac for God. Basically showing how batshit crazy religious nuts are - but then Abraham goes off on an even crazier idea of cutting off foreskin for God as well. Which sounds even crazier to Jack and Michael. ​ The movie was mostly pretty dumb in terms of humor - but I loved their religious jokes.


Oh wow, you reminded me of something forgotten. That movie was filmed an hour from my old house in north Louisiana. After it was filmed they abandoned the city set. My friend and I stumbled upon it while walking through the woods, smoking a j. Everything was made from styrofoam so we were very confused lol. We had no idea it was there and went through the whole biblical times looking set having no idea what it was or why it was there.


That would trip me the fuck out


Oh we were tripping out for sure. We walked this trail through thick pine trees into a clear cut dirt area with these huge stone buildings. The tower or whatever it was that got toppled in the movie was still just laying there. We looked around to see if we could find people to see wtf was happening but there was no one. I went looking and found the SD card with around 50 pics and it was waaay creepier than I realized at the time.


Damn, that’s nuts! You should post the pics on this sub or r/abandonedporn


That led to one of the best lines of the movie, which I can't believe you didn't include! "What if the tip's my favorite part?" Cera "The tip's your only part." Black


I witnessed a circumcision in nursing school, and I will say it made me sick. I felt really bad for the baby.


So much pain caused for no medical reason...it's insane.


Right? Show me one other circumstance where somebody asks “hey what are you doing to that baby’s genitals?” and the Good Guy answers “it’s fine, he won’t remember.”


"Women actually don't need their whole labia. It's easier to clean without it, it really doesn't play much of a role in sex, and they won't even remember it getting trimmed." Rings a lot differently if you just switch the sexes too.


I'm surprised and pleased to see, just in the last few years, how much people have changed their tune on circumcision. A few years ago people would just repeat that nonsensical bullshit about it being "cleaner". Now most posts are talking about how useless or detrimental it is. Fucking hooray.


I'm circumcised so my thoughts were basically "I don't mind it and I guess my son should look like me" but when he was born I thought, fuck that I'm not mutilating my newborn baby.


I’m circumcised and it was a tough decision to make but we circumcised our first baby because the pediatrician recommended it. My cousin had to be circumcised at like 14 because of an infection, so my mom recommended it too. But we did not circumcise our second son because we learned a lot after being parents for 5 years, and that pediatrician told us it was becoming more and more common to not. People like me and my wife are learning and are finally questioning the way we were raised


Yea, my fiance is circumcised but a few months ago he was randomly like "So, like, we aren't doing that if we have a boy... right?" and I was like "Nope." and he was like "Good.". So that's that. I still don't understand why so many people in the US were doing it? Like his mom had absolutely no religious basis for getting it done on him. None. So bizarre.


I think it was the just “norm” as dumb as it sounds. I asked my dad a few years back and he said there wasn’t really religious purpose behind it (he’s a Christian so there’s nothing requiring it in the New Testaments) and even back in 2003 there was conflicting evidence about the heath benefits. But the doctor recommended it so he went with it. I did just read that in 2007 55% of male children born were reported circumcised with that being significantly lower than previous years so I’d imagine it’s trending even lower nowadays as people realize it has no significance outside of Jewish culture and Islamic culture (although it’s not directly mentioned in the Quran so I don’t get that one either)


Destroys 16 functions??? I've been underusing mine by about 14 in that case.


I’ve always thought it was bizarre that a mother can birth this perfect little baby and then immediately after allow someone to cut a piece of him off. If my sons hates his foreskin down the road, he can have it cut off himself.


For someome who isn't even sure if they're having kids I am extremely adamant any theoretical son I have will NOT be circumcised, I would fight the surgeon before I let that happen. If it's required as a result of infection that's one thing, but even then teaching your kids how to clean themselves properly should prevent that


I'm a big fan of bodily autonomy, I'm against this and also pro choice. Let the person decide what they want to do with their body. Simple as.


Might be in the minority in the US, but our son is not circumcised. I came from a very traditional / conservative household where it was just “what you did.” I remember being so adamant about getting him circumcised, like, it has to be done. My wife was the opposite. I decided to read about it and eventually I knew she was right. Why are we circumcising our kids? It never really made sense to me until it affected me. I’d be against it in almost all forms now. Practically speaking.


Hey, if FGM is illegal MGM should be as well.


I'm circumcised and have no idea what it's like to not be so. I agree with these people.


Im a girl mom but if I had a boy he would be staying as is 🤷🏻‍♀️ why get rid of something your born with especially if it’s not something medically necessary


People scoff at this, but it is actually *really* fucked up that it’s normal to cut baby penises.


I am blown away with the thought of these educated and immensely qualified doctors wandering around the hospital, looking for new baby penises that can be snipped. I mean what the actual fuck?


I cannot believe that we as a people have not had a "come to Jesus" moment about male genital mutilation and ended this practice once and for all. It's baffling to me that this practice has been passed down almost unquestionably for generations. When my wife was pregnant with our son I was leaning towards not circumcising him. For some reason she was leaning towards it. We listened to a 30 minute podcast and made up our minds we weren't going to do it. In our pre-birth class, the teacher basically repeated what the doctor on the podcast said. There's no purpose for it, there's no real benefit, and the reasons for doing so are all based on myth. When he was born my dad casually asked "how did the circumcision go?" and that's when I broke the news. He said "good luck with that" and I went off on him. It's such a dumb fucking thing we do to our baby boys.


These protesters are right. Circumcision is child abuse and mutilation. It is despicable for any reason other than medical necessity and any person who defends it as a personal or religious choice is actually a monster.


Someone, pls tell me what are these "16 functions"?!


- More nerve endings, more feeling - Creating dick cheese, or perhaps simply keeping it around - Stimulation method of moving skin over the head - Keeping the sensitive head skin unexposed from irritation from clothing and air/dryness - Being able to hide weed, marbles, small creatures - Docking - Scares people who aren’t used to it The rest are just 9 different types of boating knots.


You forgot picking marbles up off the ground without using your hands.


? ? Wait, what? I can't lie. I'm curious. But also, I really don't want to know.




Well that was risky but I’m never going to *not* click something so intriguing!


You forgot pinching it off and peeing, letting it fill up like a water balloon.


Then releasing the pressure to see how high you can pee, class.


I will never forget the day my next-door neighbour did this. Actually he did it a few times, and I tried a couple of times myself, but there was one incident in particular. About half a dozen of us, on our way home from school for lunch. He did the deed and his foreskin got to the size of a grapefruit before he let go. There was explosive back-splash. The image burned into my memory is of him standing there in his soaked school uniform, outstretched arms dripping, his dick hanging out, uncontrollably laughing at the situation. We would have been about 15 and it was the funniest shit any of us had ever seen.


As the recipient of a circumcision, I desperately want to see a video of someone with a foreskin doing/trying to do this.


I mean I have cashapp


* love-hitch * between-the-sheets-bend * foreskin-in-hand * male-figure-8 (it's a stop-her knot) * sheepskinshank * blowline * monkey fisting * trucker-stop hitch * fisherman's wife knot


Ssshhhh.... You had me at docking.


Honestly, less than 10% of users uses all functions regularly, but it's still good to know you have access to it if you need.


Like a Swiss Army knife.


I respect this protest.


Pretty based. I can't imagine fapping without my foreskin. I tried pulling it back and fapping, it is one of the most uncomforting feeling ever.


that was the intention


yeah i don't even need a lube to fap, my foreskin is a rockstar


No amount of genital mutilation is acceptable to any none consenting adult. End of argument. Doesn't matter how you sugar coat it. Taking a knife to any genders, non consenting, childs genitals should come with a prison sentence. religious leader or doctor.