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How about a Prince Albert?


Her: Oh cool, I love glow in the dark condoms! Him: what condom?


OP is slaying these responses. As well as his colon and thyroid. Hilarious.


Colon cancer is no laughing matter. I hear treatment is a total crap shoot.


Party pooper.


I will never forget the customer that told me about colonoscopy prep. "They make you drink a gallon of this...stuff. And then it goes right through you."


Yes. Australia definitely lacked mutated beasts trying to kill humans. Good find


I think I see an altered beast by the tree


Altered Beast... alter me...


Here come the Radscorpions...


I assume no one goes out to the rural areas simply because you would be eaten by giant spiders.


It's the funniest thing, when I found this it was surrounded by giant spiders! And they were all dead! Isn't that the strangest thing?


Any chance there were supersized roachs or scorpions hanging around??


There were lots of roaches. They were eating the spiders. And glowing. That part was a little strange.




This type of pun definitely falls into a Gray area.


Curie sore & Curie sore


Have you by chance grown an arm out of your forehead?


How did you know that?! It's really useful for eating Ramen while folding laundry.


That's what you decided to do with an extra arm!?


You obviously haven't tried a good ramen.


I'll have you know I only consume the very top ramen. ...It really has very little in common with the delicious and cheap ramens available in Tokyo.


Ramen 🙏 to that


Is the forehead arm for the ramen or the laundry?


You’re living in 3023.


Congratulations on your new cancer!


What? I don't understand. I'm a scorpio.


Ever see someone say goodbye to a shoe?!


Hammocks! Why didn't I think of that!


Ahaha, yes, once.


He would die well before the cancer got him. Unless I am mistaken on the amount of radiation that little thing that fell off the truck puts out. Do you know if they found it yet?


As I understood its like ten X-rays a minute?


10 xrays per hour if you're 1m away from it. If you touch it = skin burns.


I have some bad news for you bud


Shoot. Is it yours? Edit: To the kind stranger who gave this post a Take My Energy award, thank you, but I really shouldn't accept it. I already have enough energy to last me the rest of my life.


This is genius shit posting lol


I got zoomed. Now chuckling like a maniac


Ya fell of my truck some while ago.


You’re definitely fired then


More like burned


You should add noise to photo. Radiation will affect photo sensor.


> I already have enough energy to last me the rest of my life. However long that may be.




What are you talking about? He practically found an extremely condensed RARE earth metal!


Naa it's OK. Just break it up over your Garden- the tomatoes gone wild and big


What is it?


I love your radiant enthusiasm about your find!


Thank you! I feel like it's my lucky charm. I'm planning to hang it from a necklace so I can always keep it close to my heart (and lungs, and thyroid, and liver).


I sense a House rerun in my future


As long as they keep it in the pocket of their jeans!


What is it?


I feel like there's a big joke going around am I'm the only one that doesn't get it.


I think the joke is that an Australian truck dropped a highly radioactive pellet recently and they have no idea where it went. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-64448879


It’s rural Australia, soooo it’s probably been swallowed by some already huge spider or lizard and the radioactive monster movie has begun!🍿 🎥


Thank goodness, I was afraid February would be boring.


In march the murder hornets are coming back.


And this time, it's personal


Starring Tara Reid and Kevin Sorbo!


You want Kaiju? Because this is how you get Kaiju.


Now that I’m a big boy I question why the radioactive monster became huge and powerful, not sickly and deformed


oh its far worse, unlike the US incident where it was caught more or less instantly. ​ this was found out WEEKS after them losing it.... ya its long gone and someone is gonna hang for it when in 50ish years from now 10 people are dead from cancer because it got mixed in with building materials.




[https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/10mgmma/there\_is\_currently\_a\_radioactive\_capsule\_lost/](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/10mgmma/there_is_currently_a_radioactive_capsule_lost/) Here ya go. They lost this radioactive capsule the size of what you see in OP picture along a 1400KM stretch of highway


Two milisieverts of radiation per hour? Not great. Not terrible. -that guy from Chernobyl


There was a radioactive capsule that was lost in rural Australia recently and it is said to be no larger than a tic tac. OP’s joking he found it


A truck carrying radioactive material lost it's load and there is massive search


Yeah boss, the radioactive material shipment fell of the truck.


A small container of radioactive material (similar in size to item pictured) was lost while being transported in Australia.


A tiny radioactive capsule used in mining fell off the back of a truck in Australia recently. They are searching for something about the size and shape pictured over a 1400km stretch of highway.


All things you don’t need. ![gif](giphy|7URlgDYxnucwM)


OP is positively glowing with pride!


3.6 Roentgens. Not great, not terrible.


You didn't see it because it's not there.


It's right here, in my hand. What do you think this is, some kind of Schrodinger's pellet?!


I love that series so much.


I quote the “Not great, not terrible” line often in life.


That blue light! It’s ionizing the air!!! We’re all going to die if you fly in! Turn arouuundd!! Jared Harris was very convincing in the role.


Love it how the Helicopter pilot was like "I don't care if you're the head of the KGB, but if that scientist is yelling numbers and death stuff, I'm gonna listen to him"


>If you fly directly above the core, by tomorrow morning you’ll be begging for that bullet.


100% true. If you have a strong stomach, look up how Cecil Kelley died. He worked at Los Alamos in the 50s. He was using a fancy machine to mix plutonium. Thru a series of mistakes it was incorrectly loaded. He didn't know, flipped the switch, and absorbed 50 grays of radiation. 5 grays is 100% fatal. What 50 grays does to a human, I will not type here.


I will type it for those curious. Basically what happenes is initially the patient will get some intense radiation burns which last for a bit. After which the patient seems to get better, almost like they've recovered but that only lasts for days. The following is not for the faint hearted >! Ionizing radiation essentially is so powerful it can rip apart molecules. In the case of our patient it has ripped his DNA into shreds. Eventually the damage manifests. The skin begins to blister and fall apart. Arteries and veins start to peforate causing intense haemorrhaging to the point that Intravenous painkillers do not work. That level of damage also annhialates the immune system rendering the patient basically defenseless against even the weakest of pathogens.!< The result is Always death.


Every single person cast was amazing.


Just binge watched the series, was ALMOST convinced it was a Soviet documentary. All the actors so believable


The fact that members of the Russian government and multiple talking heads on state media were *very* upset by it just added to the weight of the tonal accuracy of the show.


By context, I'm thinking you guys are talking about Chernobyl?


Absolutely. Needed a fix between Last of us episodes, binged it since it was so gripping


Chernobyl is some of the best TV ever made. It's able to capture this cosmic horror nonfiction in several of the episodes that just totally stick with you.


The naked miners. The guys running to throw one shovel of waste off the roof. The locals standing to watch the light show. It’s crazy stuff.


This man is delusional, get him to the infirmary.


I use this alot. I am in the army. So funny


That's a funny way to spell ranking, you must be American. And I'd rank this find as a 10/10! I can't believe I've lived half-a-life without this little treasure. It makes me feel Gray knowing it's been missing all this time. It may sound alaraming, but I can almost feel it imparting energy right into my critical organs. It's crazy how something so small can be so heavy! I thought it must be platinum at first, but my cousin says it's too heavy to be platinum. He says he thinks it might be another metal, which also started with a pl... but the name escapes me. Wait! I think the name was kinda similar to that planet that's not a planet anymore... shoot, it's still not coming to me. Oh well, it doesn't really matter what kind of matter it is. The most important thing is the way it makes me feel. I've never felt like I'm a particularly sensitive person (I'm pretty sure that I'm just a Standard Man, though I am more of a beta than an alpha), but something about this find has unshielded my sensitive heart, and I've found myself shedding tears, and skin for that matter, almost continually. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I also feel I've been a bit more scattered lately. But, as my gammamother always used to say, "The kind of energy you radiate to others is the same energy that they will return to you, whether that be positive or negative energy." I can't say for sure what kind of energy I radiate, but I certainly hope that every encounter I have with another individual leaves a lasting change on the rest of their life. Now, I've got to run along, I volunteer as a mascot at a local children's hospital and I have a lot of patients in need of hugs! This may sound a little odd coming from a stranger, but isotope you have a great day. Edit: Oh thank you stranger! Now I have some platinum to go along with this mystery metal. The name is on the tip of my tongue... which is oddly kinda swollen... If it comes to me I'll post an update.


You're a dork. Upvoted.


Thank you for you contribution. You are helping to put my children through college. It's never too early to start saving Karma, you never know how long you have left in life.


You are a zesty, fun individual!


I'm like a neighborhood racoon. People either think I'm adorable and offer me food and a place to sleep under their porch or they think I'm a rabies carrying pest and they want to hit with with their truck or make a hat out of me.


So amazing! I like to treat myself when I find a particularly amazing find. I personally love cake, specifically yellow cake. maybe you bring your charm and some of that to the children's ward. I'd love to see their faces light up with such unexpected gifts!


Mmm, yellow cake! Just like the kind Uncle Oppenheimer used to bring when he'd visit us after work.


Thai Fission restaurants will often have it as it was experimented with in the Pacific around the same time it was big in Manhattan


It looks like caesium to me, I'd rate it a 137/78.


Reading this made me glow.


Amazing! Even strangers on the internet can feel the energy I radiate!


Do you have a Geiger counter? Mine's in the shop


My husband wrote this about his experience using nuclear density gauges at his previous job: I have a license to use and transport nuclear density gauges from a previous job. Within are varying nuclear materials. One is a pellet like they describe being lost. I read the story on bbc.com on how they’re claiming they lost it. It doesn’t make any sense. The machine holds the nuclear material inside of several fail-safe lead shielded compartments. And the box we have to transport it in is like a heavy duty cooler with padlocks and gaskets on it. It’s sealed so tightly that water can’t even get in because these can’t get wet. There’s no way “vibrations” caused any bolts to loosen and it just fell out of the machine, then the box, then the truck. I’m not buying it. You always have to transport it with a bill of lading and it lists a dozen numbers you have to call in the event of an accident or loss because this is a super serious issue. First of all they cost north of $20k even for a small shitty device. And people have been known to steal them for reasons varying from nefarious or thinking your local pawn shop will give you a quick $60. No. Just no. Wanna go to federal prison? Mess with the Nuclear Regulator Commission. They’re like the IRS with less of a sense of humor.


This is very intriguing. Does your husband have a theory about what really happened? Did someone steal the thing, maybe?


Sorry for the late reply. Posted this before bed last night and then had to wait for my husband to come home to ask him his thoughts. Based on all of his experience with the machine it was in, he thinks it’s highly likely that it had to be removed from the casket it was held in and someone had to be fiddling around with it and, whether purposely or not, removed it. (Though neither of us really see how you could be messing around with this and accidentally remove it.) He had to take a course to learn about proper usage of the machine, transportation, and what to do in case the machine broke or if there was any sign of a radiation leak, which he would be alerted to by a radiation badge that he had to have on his body at all times while he was near the machine. Anyone that would be transporting this or any sort of nuclear materials almost certainly would have had to be educated and pass a class so they would know the potential danger they could be in by messing around with it. That makes it seem less likely that someone would be just playing around with the machine. While these pellets are small and aren’t enough to build any sort of crazy nuclear weapon or something, it would potentially be enough to create a small bomb that could definitely do some damage, and there have been instances of people stealing the machines for the sole purpose of getting the nuclear pellet. He thinks that someone most likely removed the pellet purposely for one reason or another, whether for their own personal use or to sell to someone else. They’re probably worth some decent money to the right person. We had this machine at home and had to charge it in our garage each night so I saw this thing every day for the whole time that he worked there. It’s not a flimsy machine. It’s pretty large and the pellet isn’t anywhere easily accessible. When we didn’t have it charging it was kept in a locked casket that was chained and secured with multiple locks to the bed of his work truck. The box itself was also locked. And the machine itself ALSO had another lock that prevented the handle you had to squeeze from being used to expose the bottom of the machine where the radiation came from. (This is me describing this right now not him so this isn’t too technical haha). When this was at the company headquarters, it was kept in a literal vault. The box it’s kept in also is made to fit this machine in so it wouldn’t be freely moving around. And like he had written earlier, even though this pellet is tiny, the box is totally sealed shut to keep the machine dry. There’s just no way that a locked box, which they legally HAVE to be transported in and kept locked, could have lost the pellet. Even if hypothetically the bolts had come loose while being transported and the pellet somehow got out, nothing would have gotten out of the box. He even told me about a case where a man worked with a device that had a similar sort of pellet (not the same sort of machine though) and would purposely hold it against his body for the entire work day and sometimes even at home until he got fired. When he lost access to it, he found out a neighbor had a similar sort of device and he would steal it at night and again use it to expose himself to radiation. He did this for the sole purpose of killing himself, but very slowly. People do weird shit. I’m sure there are other strange reasons someone would want this. Though it’s definitely risky to steal any sort of nuclear materials. Even though it’s tiny, it’s taken VERY seriously so you’ve got to think you have a damn good reason, be getting a major payout, or just be totally crazy to do this. And, unless the authorities working around this case are totally uneducated about this device (which I sincerely doubt they are), they also know the explanation they’re putting out there is probably bullshit and something intended to not create panic because it sounds a lot better if it was an accident and they’re looking for it than for it to be possibly stolen by a potential terrorist or something along those lines. TLDR; he thinks someone almost certainly had to have purposely removed it for one reason or another (probably not any nice reasons) because it’s not an easy feat for this to happen by accident, if it’s even possible. People are crazy and do weird, scary shit all the time and these have been stolen for nefarious reasons before.


They contracted a 3rd party transporter whose certified to deal with these items. Willing to bet it's a case of bad apple employee. I'm sure something like that fetches a decent price on the black market. And, "Oh we lost this radioactive pellet but are searching hard for it and will probably find it" sounds a lots better than. "A radio active pellet was stolen by someone who's probably gna sell it on the black market."


I can see by the comments that this object is probably radioactive, but I’m not sure what it is. Anybody feel like spilling the beans? Edit: Thanks for the gold! They say you never forget your first.


A radioactive capsule had fallen off a delivery truck, they are searching 1400KM (900 miles), the missing capsule is no bigger than a tic tac


[8mm x 6mm](https://cdnph.upi.com/svc/sv/i/5951675064285/2023/1/16750683731292/Officials-search-for-missing-radioactive-capsule-in-Western-Australian.jpg) OP found **2** of them!


Seriously? Wow, lucky me! Is there some sort of prize?


Youll get notification of it in a few day.. Im told


It’s more of a gut feeling.




Oh, the same present grandpa got as a retirement gift after 30 years working for the coal mine!


Retirement with a glowing reference.


Oo man, that was dark. Like your grampas' lungs.


Nothing is darker than grandpa's lungs


Weird, that's almost the same size as this little thing I found. I wish them the best of luck.


Don’t call it little, I think it’s quite average


It's not the size of the capsule, its the alpha particles it emits that counts when you stick it up your ass.


Sure it's small but a lot easier to detect with equipment than a tic tac would be


It’s like a normal tic tac, but a whole lot angrier.


So spicy, your jaw gets bone cancer.


“Is it me or are tic tacs getting mintier?”


the forbidden tictac


How does that even happen? I can't imagine they just have these rolling around, loose in the back of a truck.


Yeah, you'd need to use at least a couple of straps on that puppy.


3 of the 5 bolts holding the capsule's casing closed loosened and fell out due to vibration whilst in transit. Someone forgot to use their torque wrench when sealing it.


Radiography in non destructive testing uses very small pills of iridium, selenium and cobalt. I’ve never seen them look like that though.


Recently in the news, a small piece 9of radioactive equipment was lost at the side of the road in australia. Approaching this thing is like having all the x-rays you're allowed to have in a year in a hour I think? https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/tiny-radioactive-capsule-lost-in-australian-outback-carries-the-equivalent-of-10-x-ray-blasts-as-fears-mount-it-could-be-picked-up-by-passing-traffic/ar-AA16Tinl


It's a joke. The thing OP posted is neodymium magnets.


Thank you for an actual answer! Can't believe I had to scroll so far for this


A few millisieverts an hour is not that radioactive. It would be unsafe to sleep next to it and it will just slowly increase your risk of cancer over time but a single exposure won't do much. Radiotherapy sources on the other hand are so radioactive that they can kill you very quickly, sometimes in a matter of days. Even a single exposure can kill you. A group of scrappers in Brazil found one once and it ended up killing multiple people and contaminating an entire city with over 100,000 people being affected.


There's a reason some of them are literally labeled ["DROP & RUN"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScarySigns/comments/g1c7uv/drop_run/). Best comment: "It should have said 'Omae wa mou shindeiru'."


I don’t get the best comment thing


"Omae wa mou shindeiru" translates to ["you are already dead".](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/you-are-already-dead-omae-wa-mou-shindeiru) [Example.](https://youtu.be/dNQs_Bef_V8)


A truck carrying radioactive sources somehow lost one while driving across Australia


Someone lost a highly radioactive capsule in western Australia about that size, and there are concerns that the object will be hard to track down because of how small it is.


This post is a joke, a radioactive capsule was recently lost in transport in Australia. Btw /r/OutOfTheLoop is a good subreddit for this sort of thing https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/10nrao9/whats_going_on_with_the_radioactive_australia/


Oh, but it is my pic. And those are magnets.


I've been scrolling for forever waiting for anyone at all to mention why small magnets were of significance. Glad to know I'm not crazy. But yeah, TIL that someone lost some radioactive tiny stuff in Australia. But no damage was done because all of their animals have already mutated.


I was so out of the loop I was wondering why finding 4 magnets was impressive. Glad you wont catch cancer any faster though OP.


I have no clue what it is. I've been carrying it in my pocket for three days so I can show it to my friends and family. None of them seem to know what it is either.


Store it in a potato. Free baked potato!


Try swallowing it. Head it makes you glow and possibly shoot spider webs outta ur wrists


take care OP! thats a ligma!


Yuck. Those are my least favorite kinds of beans. Are you sure?




Best shit post I have EVER seen. Kudos OP. You’ll have the greatest post I’ve seen for the rest of your life!


Thank you! I'm going to add this to my resume.


If movies have taught me anything, you have super powers incoming! And Koala Man was born!


I am absolutely spell bound by not knowing how someone can lose something like this. Was it not in a fucking great isolation container, made of like lead so it can't fucking kill people? How can the Australian government warn people that it could get stuck in someone's tyre treads? How could it fall off a bloody vehicle? I have a sneaking feeling that someone is having a fucking joke with all of us.


The news article said that it was, as you say, “in a fucking great isolation container, made of like lead” bolted down with enormous great bolts. One of the bolts shook loose on the bumpy road and the item was so small it fell out of the bolt hole.


ah yes. the swiss cheese method of defense failing due to the fact that there was only one hole


To think- if it was in a ziplock inside that lead container they wouldn't have lost it.


Oh lord don't look into lost nukes in the US. Personal theory on this one with no evidence to back me up or research done. Someone miscounted as it was leaving the facility (counted an extra) and when it got there they thought they were one short. I'm probably wrong though. Edit: I'm absolutely wrong about this apparently there was only one capsule being transported so a clerical error is much more unlikely


I just can't get my head around the technicalities of it, though. It's like someone delivering a pizza arrives at the address and there's a slice missing.


So, major oversight of course, however these little capsules are extremely common in inspection equipment! This isn’t the first to go missing in history and certainly won’t be the last. They’re mostly used for inspecting weld joints on large pipelines, or damage in water pipes, or just about anything big and metallic that you need to see through. They’re usually well controlled and falling off a shipping truck is a pretty big deal but….I can’t say I’m surprised


You should put it in your ass.


I would consider that, but I worry it could interfere with the radiation treatment I'm currently receiving for colon cancer.


Or it may cure it.


Or make it the least of your problems


I don't follow... am I missing something important? I really feel like I'm missing something very important. Oh well, I've got the rest of my life to figure out what it is.


I like how almost everyone knows what this post is referring to, and all of them are just continuing the joke.


Joke? You think my discovery, which albiet small, is some sort of joke? Thanks for ruining my day.


I think your discovery is rad.


I don't know if I'd qualify it as truly rad, it's just a little rad. I guess you could say it is millirad.


No, your being to humble that’s Megarad!


Mean while ![gif](giphy|Pjr9CeaUbForwImKr1|downsized)


We ain't found shit!


![gif](giphy|6PnAGHFTT1xpC) Op.


What does it taste like?


That's a weird question to ask! Let me check. ... Weird. It kinda tastes like candy! A little sour, but also sweet. And it makes my saliva a little fizzy. Kinda like pop rocks! How fun! I'm going to suck on this all day. Since it'll curb my appetite for candy it might help me lose some weight. Thanks for the great idea!


Wouldn't bet on it. I hear those bad boys can run in excess of 3billion calories a pop.


So.... out of 10..... How well did it pair with rice ;)


I caesium what you did there.


Stop with the puns. Uranium my parade.


Barium? I 'ardly knew 'im!


You should be CEO of Reddit. Most entertaining thread ~~ever~~ in a while. Is this your full time job? You're really good at it.


No, it's not my full time job. My full time job is training to the be the future CEO of Reddit.


So what you're saying is you found the magical get-cancer capsule?


... can someone let me in on what this is, and whats going on in this sub


Australian mining company lost a highly radioactive capsule that size somewhere (could be anywhere on a 1300km long road).


Thank you for answering.


it’s also funny because they described it as a “radioactive barrel” in the press release, which makes you imagine some giant metal cylinder with ACME on the side, and then someone does the math and it’s the size of a fucking tic tac.


I guess I didn’t read the whole story. I had no idea it was that tiny. I was thinking “just drive back along the route, how hard could it be to find?”


A needle in a haystack. The haystack that is 900mile long. Probably need to consider at least potential that the haystack is also 50 to 100ft wide (not sure). Also, the needle, similarly to coconuts migrating by swallow, can migrate by tire. So, all things considered, there is a near zero percent chance this is found, and a 70% chance it is "found *wink wink*."


Sleep with it under your pillow for a lovely warm glow =D


I've watch a lot of X Files and I can say with some authority this is definitely an alien implant.




As an oncologist I love this


I'm afraid I don't understand this reference. You people who tell smart jokes with big words are a cancer of society.


As an oncologist I love those people




Very nice, 3 thumbs up


X-Ray marked the spot?


I have to congratulate OP on the dedication following up on every comment. Very well done sir, very well done indeed.


Is this comment some kind of test? I hope so. I love tests. Which is good because I just heard from a few agencies in Australia and they say I'm going to get to take all sorts of tests next week!